Saturday 19 October 2013

What's your choice?

Whenever theres a situation  like Yin and Yang which goes together but are completely opposite to each other or something like Railway tracks which move together in parallels but never meet each other,  it can only result in less than average happiness in a relationship between two people. Whereas when situation is like the two Rivers..which after flowing through high terrains and obstacles,  meet each other at a confluence and then flow together into the ocean.. sharing the same purpose, it gives a sense of satisfaction and contentment with utmost tranquility in a relationship between two people! Or sometimes a situation can be like two Minds which are parallel poles whose frequency do not quite meet but still they have interconnections like the rungs of a ladder and balance out their separate individuality along with the other persons' ..with a good level of understanding and it surprisingly works! What's more important is to figure out whether your relationship falls into the first category or the second or the third.. The choice is always with us which option to practice!!!

Saturday 12 October 2013

Today's Muse...

Zircon too shines like a Diamond but it takes an eye to distinguish artificial glass from the real glory of a Diamond! 

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Today's Muse...

In the mathematics of life materialistic beings keep calculating in terms of addition  and subtraction but forget that multiplication of peace and spirituality divides the sorrows and sufferings of life !

Thursday 26 September 2013

Racchana Fadia's Query vis-a-vis Parthik Fadia's Theory of Life

Had an interesting chat with my younger brother today and got to know something new from him.. So meaningful and interesting! When I questioned him "so you mean to say Life is a Chess?"  he replied -

"Life is not exactly Chess but Life is like Chess with the only difference that the goal is not to kill but only to defend, survive and conquer without slaying!"

Salute his concept and theory of life! and I guess everyone does that subconsciously.
But the only doubts which kept ringing in my ears are... If thats the case then why did great men like Mahavir, Buddha, Chandragupta, Chanakya, Ashoka and many more took refuge in renunciation? Why they gave up playing The Chess of Life? Probably their motto in the Chess they had to play in their past life was also to Kill to survive!

But theres the catch.. whether we want success by hook or by crook OR we are searching Truth without bothering about disappearance in anonymity!

God throws boundless temptations at us but The Choice is ours!

Thursday 22 August 2013

Buddha Vaani

Jaati pi Dukkham, Vyaadhi pi Dukhham
Jara pi Dukhham, Maranam pi Dukhham

There is an element of misery in Birth, Illness, Ageing, Death 

Thursday 11 July 2013

Ae Wai....

Maarho maarho karto reh hai,
Poora jeevan jalto reh hai
Mann ........
Jin jinko apnaa kehto reh hai
O hi saare log Mann ko daste reh hai!!!
Khoob samjhe hai ye  unnki  fitrat
Kaun jaanne kyu, dil phhir bhi unse laaga reh hai ?
Maarhaa unse vaasta, 
Ye unnki  khushkismati  hai?
Ya maarhi kamjori ? 
Jo manne Bewafaa na honn de hai!!!

- Dr Racchana D Fadia

Saturday 6 July 2013

Baba ki Zubaani...

Yeh Duniya hai!

Yahan Dil ka lagaana sabko aata hai;

Hazaaron Sekdon pyaar karte hai....

Nibhaana kisko aata hai?

Jo Nibhaaye wohi sachha dost hai!

                                             - Parsi Baba


Tuesday 18 June 2013


Written by an old wise woman... so meaningful and worth imbibing

. Life isnt Fair, but its still good.

. When in doubt just take the next small step.

. Life is too short  Enjoy it.

. Your job wont take care of you when you are sick. Your loved ones will.

. Pay off your credit cards every month.

. You dont have to win every argument. Stay true to yourself.

. Cry with someone. Its more healing than crying alone.

. Its OK to get angrywith God. He can take it.

. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.

. Make peace with your past so it wont screw up your present.

. Its OK to let your children see you cry.

. Dont compare your lifewith others', You have no idea what their journey is all about.

. If a relationship has to be a secret,you shouldnt be in it.

. Everything can change inthe blink of an eye, but dont worry, God never blinks.

. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

. Get rid of anything that isnt useful. Clutter weighs you down in many ways.

. Whatever doesnt kill you really does make you stronger.

. Its never too late to be happy. Buts its all up to you and no one else.

. When it comes to going after what you love in life, dont take no for an answer.

. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Dont save it for a     special ocassion. Today is special.

. Over prepare, then go with the flow.

. Be eccentric now. Dont wait for old age to wear purplr.

. The most important sex organ is the brain.

. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

. Frame every socalled disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?'

. Always choose life.

. Forgive.

. What other people think of you is none of your business.

. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

. However good or bad a situation is, it WILL change.

. Dont take yourself so seriously.No one else does.

. Believe in miracles.

. God love you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didnt do.

. Dont audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

. Growing old beats the alternative of dying young.

. Your children get only one childhood.

. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

. Get outside everyday. Miracles are waiting everywhere.

. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.

. Envy is a waste of time. Accept what you already have, not what you need.

. The best may be waiting to come... but dont miss the better in that greed.

. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up.

. Yield.

. Life isnt tied with a bow, but its still a gift.

. The greatest blessing for humankind is the ability to forget.

. Time & Tide waits for none! Make the best of whatever time left before the last breath..

Thursday 30 May 2013

In Love with - The Great Gatsby

  I had no clue what this movie 'The Great Gatsby' was all about until I impulsively decided to watch it yesterday and am glad I did that before its withdrawn from theatres in the city! Surely one of the unmatched Classics of this century, it revolves around the riches, power, true love, friendship, and betrayal and yes also the well known open secret that history is not always written in its true factual sense.
      The character of Nick Carraway, in so many ways reverberates my thoughts... seeing things as  I have seen...thinking as I have thought....  pondering about the variety of lives on this planet, peoples’ fickle minded souls,   the changing times and changing faces and much more...and well ofcourse one more similarity between him and me; that is “Writing”-  to find solace. I could so entirely relate with him and the gist of this wonderfully portrayed story!
      Initiating with the scenes of mystery the movie slowly raises the curtain into the real story,beginning from the world of affluent people, digging into their dark secrets of life, moving to Gatsby’s unfulfilled dream of achieving his love, the insensitive Rich & Famous and the catastrophic end as a consequence of Gatsby’s belief in the Lady he loved.
I could see myself in Nick Carraways character, watching the lives of the influential people from a very close quarters, knowing a lot of inside things but keeping to himself the truth. His strong willpower and firm conscience which doesn’t get carried away instead of being in the company of “the bunch of rots” reminds me of my similar experiences in life. And yes, I did become vulnerable and shaky on occasion but thanks to the strength lent to me by Vipassana meditation, I thankfully realised in time and retreated to my pole of Vipassana knowing that the glitterati is not worth at all.
     Coming back to the movie, Mr Gatsby - a Man of immense potentials who could truly achieve the Sun if he wanted to, gave up all for just his imagination of ‘Love’...  for the Woman who would never care enough to turn back and appreciate the sacrifice he was willing to make for her, the woman who  ran away to save her skin without even kissing last goodbye ! It so truly speaks about people who are turned on by the power, status, riches, comforts and their greed for every sensual gratification loose out upon the genuine hearted loyal people who love and care for them to the extent of exchanging their lives and comfort for happiness of their beloved. Like Daisy, such fickle minded people will never even realise what a crystal clear hearted person like Gatsby they have lost  for a selfcentered and wickedminded pretentious Mr Buchanan who could trade anyone.... even Myrtle for their self interests!
     What is saddening is that Gatsby’s pure love goes unrecognized even by the Lady for whom he toiled so much to be with. It stresses once more that your true emotions or feelings of love for a person is not under obligation to be appreciated by that person and it may just die with you in your heart.. just like Gatsby’s !  Maybe Love is just a mirage in one’s own mind... and ofcourse on the other hand this Movie also highlights the beautiful relationship of genuine friendship devoid of expectations shared by Gatsby and Nick
     Makes me wonder if a real life Mr Gatsby exists in this age ? doesn’t matter if he is not a prince... need not be ...only what matters is unceasing true love,a genuine character and a will to be with the one he loves.
     Everything in the movie seems larger than life, a life of grandiosity one could ever dream of but also clears the air about the buried secrets in the hearts of Rich and the Famous, the  devastating power of  the emotional drag, the opportunistic lover, the short memory of common people and their ungratefulness to a benefactor like Gatsby and the very faint and fortunate chances of having true friends like Nick Carraway.  Truly the world today is no different from the Times gone by... ages after ages human needs, tendencies,aspirations, emotions and desires remain the same... Jo daur kal tha woh aajbhi hai aur kal bhi rahega..hamesha!
     Leonardo surely played his time-tested trick of becoming a martyr of love very well, very much similar to his role in Titanic and Toby Maguire also has enacted his role of an empathising honest friend similar to his role in Spiderman extremely well and both are best at it! The most striking feature of this movie is the point it makes about stark realities of the Big Bad World unlike make-believe fantasy happy endings of Bollywood movies. After ages a movie could move me into tears , the last time was after watching Titanic...another Leonardo Di Caprio’s masterpiece ; the only difference between these two is that Jack dying for Rose was well worth but Gatsby dying for Daisy isn’t ! No wonder I am in love with The Great Gatsby.... both the character and the movie…

Dr Racchana D Fadia

Sunday 19 May 2013

Bas Yunhi...

Zara Sambhalkar chal Ae Dil,
Ye Kaante bhari Duniya Bharose ke Kaabil nahi...
Jo Kadar Naa Jaane Imaan e Mohabbat ki,
Woh Tere Keemti Aansuon ke Kabil Nahi!

Bas Yunhi...

Rusvaa hai Dil Un Ummeedon se
Jo Kabhi Hamne Apnon se Ki...
Har Mod par Khudko Paaya Akela,
Ye Akelapan hi Pehchaan Hai Mere "Apnon" Ki !
- Dr Racchana D Fadia

With Love...

World consistently continues to amaze me
The mysterious creation of God  continues to teach me!
With a wish to expand the horizons of my mind
And shed the feelings which make a person blind
Awaiting  for the moment of truth... unmasked & revealed
Hoping... All the pain and hurt will get healed and past... sealed!
In the vastness of oceans I wish to dive deep,
For pearls of wisdom which lie beneath
Passing through phases of life, mind understands well
HE guides those who have unquestioned faith and  patience eternal   
May every soul be enlightened about Life and Time and Love,
Running the Race of life, may they not miss those who truly care and love...

- Dr Racchana D Fadia

Thursday 2 May 2013

All that Glitters is not Gold!

Mind sometimes encounters amusing experiences which sets the contemplation mode ON. Similar to what I experienced yesterday... three patients from an affluent background and suffering the same disease of minds... what is that?
I saw a son of filthy rich businessman in his early thirties, an upcoming Assistant Director and a daughter of a well known Bollywood celebrity... which mind disease was common in all of them? Apparently they all had flaws either in skin or body or looks which were quite natural to have usually... but all of them couldn’t accept a single shortcoming ...all of them wanted to look like the photoshopped models and celebrities  with six pack abs,  and flawless smooth milky white skin in magazines.  And Why? The reason was either because they grew up in such a looks conscious society or because their girlfriend or boyfriend pointed out small, common and natural imperfections and made them feel embarrassed, which made their minds restless.  The Assistant director was so hassled he didn’t mind going under the knife for getting rid of his problem!!!
At one point I thought of advising the Assistant Director on a personal note that if your girl loves you truly as a person she will accept you in totality, with all your imperfections because no matter how Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt looks she would know that even they are not perfect or beauty immortal....that if she calls out for help none of those handsomest hunks will come to her aid except the one who loves and truly cares for her....So whats the point in chasing fireflies and external charm which is ofcourse impermanent???  It will fade away in just a matter of few years... after all a human body goes through wear and tear as it ages.... It is gonna  become old, gonna smell and one day decay...  Being hygienic is most important but loosing selfworth because of minor imperfections is  eccentricism... But instead of advising him so,  I restricted myself to professionalism keeping my emotional mind at bay!
The matter of point here is that nowadays in the world of  media and globalisation, in the world of aesthetic procedures and surgeries, in the world of  photography and photoshopping, in the world of make up and glamour,  in the world of quick fixes and  and most importantly in the world of artificiality.... people have started having unrealistic expectations from their ownself or their partners’...  even pornography on internet has made people fantasize wrongly about what good sex means , having  unrealistic expectations of anatomical sizes and every act performed therein...Consequence? Either unhappy self or making their partners also burn in that fire of expectations lowering the self confidence and peace of mind because fantasies cannot be facts!
Is all  this trauma worth the energy of mind? Does only external appearance make the person superior  ? Its a different story that such people increase the probabilities of earning for Dermatologists and cosmetologists like me but having a quest to understand the purpose of life,   I was amazed to see all those patients on same day who were suffering mentally...  not happy about their individuality...  
I personally feel that you must shun the person who rates you for your minor outwardly features, because who knows that person will fall for another beautiful/handsome person when the time comes and leave you in the middle of nowhere? After all  temptations cant be controlled by weak minded souls! Overall,   Skin-deep Beauty will perish in time whereas a Beautiful mind will go on blooming and spreading fragrance of peace and happiness !!!

- Dr Racchana D Fadia

Saturday 30 March 2013

Bas Yunhi....

Ek wohi Baat karta hai dil,
Ek wohi chaahat dhoondhta hai dil;
Vaise to Kai mulaakaate hui unse...
Kambakhat Kuchh kehne se darta hai dil !

-Dr Racchana D Fadia

Thursday 21 March 2013

Bas Yunhi....

Sab kucchh poochhkar kehte hai Dost....''Bas yunhi..."
Daastaan-e-Zindagi  ka Sabab hum Ab bhi samjhe nahin!
Ek par ek Naye sawaal khade karti hai zindagi;
Aur hum hai ki chalte rehte hai..."Bas yunhi..."

- Dr Racchana D Fadia

Sunday 17 March 2013


Tujhe chahoon is kadar, is kadar tujhe chahoon;
Zarre zarre me dhhoondhti hoon teri parchhayiaan.
Teri chhahat ne is mukaam tak laakar rakh diya hai mujhe
Jahaan se khoobsoorat lagta hai... aane wala har woh pal,
Jo beetega Teri duniya mein, teri baahon mein, Tere khayaalon mein.
Sapnon ki us duniya mein Kahin door chal Pade hai kadam,
Jahaan se sab Kuch lagta hai suhaana, saral or sacchha.
Ek dar sa Laga rehta hai, kyon bechain karte rehta Hai?
Dil jo ek Baar toota hai,  woh phir se Kahin naa toote
Joh waade kiye hai,  Kahin woh iraade na ho joothe!
Mann sambhalna chaahta hai,  lekin dil mein hai toofaan uthte rehte;
Kinaare se door..Beech samandar Khoyi hai Kashti.... Manzil ki Talaash mein!!!

-Dr Racchana D Fadia