Wednesday 21 January 2015

One of my old collections - Miracle of Love... I believe too

                                         BY CYRUS MERCHANT

Sorry for the oil marks on the cut out - must have spilled accidentally while doing some work!

Monday 12 January 2015

One of my one liners...

Life is all about learning... learning that nothing lasts forever! Neither the Storms, nor the Rains...  Neither the Pains, nor the Gains!

Sunday 11 January 2015


Devlok, Swarg, Heaven, Paradise, Jannat, Wonderland, Magicland, …… Wait a minute!

What do these fascinating words remind us of ? It gives us a panoramic view of the abode of Devtas with immortal & luxurious life, beautiful voluptuous nymphettes, those mesmerizing dancers to entertain them or the breathholding beauty of surrounding ambience with no evidence of poverty, hunger, calamities or droughts!

Sounds like an airy-fairy dream, isn't it ? These words are carved in our minds as meagre imaginations which we can just think of and visualize in dreams. This evolution process has already started taking the shape of reality, we will witness a 'Devlok on Prithvi by Year 3000'

How? Lets see -

With the ever progressing technology, Scientists are rapidly bridging the gap between Imagination and Reality. They are vying with stupendous efforts in every field to bring a new Age Revolution. From an amazing list of fantastic future scenarios, some of them are already reality while some others are on the drawing boards of different Researchers.

Devlok refers to Devtas who lead a healthy immortal life. With modern aids and diagnostic methods the detection and treatment of diseases is becoming easier. Eradication of diseases has become possible as in case of Small pox and this has in turn increased the life span of human beings. Research in the field of medicines like Target Medicine Delivery system, disposable mini-digital camera pill, ampli-chip for medication response in the host, nanotechnology etc are shifting the curve of disease towards that of health and longevity.
With advances in Stem cell therapy, replacing the old, exhausted, diseased organs with new ones will be a routine, thus enhancing lives of people and pushing them from the fence of death back to the kingdom of disease free life. So unlimited life expectancy will be a dream come true!

With technological advances we have now developed hybrid qualities of seeds whose yield is far superior and is also unaffected by pests and insects and possessing better nutritional content. This has boosted the agricultural output which can feed the whole planet. Better still, It may be possible in near future to serve food in a capsulated form.

With Genetic engineering advances, it will be possible in near future to curb the disease at its root by removing those weak or disease-marking genes from the embryo’s DNA and enabling birth of disease resistant superchild with longer and healthy life. Maybe soon we may be able to make ‘designer babies’ such as one with Einsteins’ brains, Marilyn Monroes beauty, Charlie Chaplins potentials, Leonardo Da Vincis art skills, Birbal’s  wit and much more.

Devtas have splendid personalities and remain young forever with all the comforts and luxury at their will. With current cosmetic surgeries and aesthetic treatments available it is possible to change any Tom, Dick or Harry to a celestial personality. We are gearing up for a world cluttered with beautiful lasses and handsome hunks all over the globe! Today we guage a persons experiences and expertise in his field by the wrinkles and crowfeets on his face but those days are not far when we will have young looking dynamic Seniors who have established themselves in their fields by investing in many a years of diligent work. This will be another possibility with combined efforts of Stem cell therapy and Cosmetic surgery just like a serpent who casts off old skin scales to acquire a new toned up and radiant shiny skin.

Devtas have the gifted power of immediate communication and instant journey at their will. We have already succeeded in communication and options of teleporting (immediate transfer of human body to desired destination like as in famous TV showStar trek )  is being researched intensely. It may also be possible to fly individually in air like Super Man with the help of anti-gravity propeller device wore on the back or in our boots.

The speedy progress & Information age of Internet has escorted us into an Era of Globalization. With advances like Internet, Social Media, Mails, Fax, Webcam, Super computers, Video conferencing, Satellite Mapping of Earth, Global Positioning System(GPS)  and most latest Whatsapp, we can access any corner of the World, which is just at a distance of mouse click. No wonder why the most auspicious, knowledgeable and tactful Lord Ganesha possessing huge Body chose such a small tiny mouse as his Vaahan ;)

Devlok with marvelous regal constructions, magnificent architecture and luxurious palaces with no dearth of entertainment for pleasure of Devtas has always been our muse.
Todays architectural designing on the Planet have such state-of-the-art constructions which are like celestial abodes. For all this we have already invented Robots for our services. Cranes and Man operated Huge machines can do work equaling thousands of Egyptian slaves who worked continuously for building Pyramids of their Pharaohs! Tall skyscrapers with green technology have already been built in US wherein temperature can be adjusted according to individual’s requirements. Another such place is Dubai, the infrastructure and constructions there are truly  paradise on earth!

History has proved that men have mocked at their own imaginations which have become absolute realities in near future with technical prowess and intelligence. For example, People used to mock at the meager thoughts of flying in air, but with the advent of Airplane by Right Brothers, it has now become a way of life.
According to Predictions made by some scholars in past, Space flights will become available for public wherein even Artificial Intelligence reaches humans. Clarke wrote about Space elevators and today Space Agencies such as ISRO and NASA  have claimed that soon building a ribbon (made of carbon nanotube composites) upto the sky is not something impossible. These climbers can enable travelers reach the 240 miles height of International Space Station in less than 3 hrs in such a space climber. We may even have hybrid cars in near future like that of James Bond which can run on ground, fly like helicopters, swim like submarines and turn into Star Trek spaceships in space. Who knows even Space tours and travels might open up avenues and interchanging citizenships of different planets may become possible… just like Men In Black!   ;) With the progress of nanotechnology impossible may become possible.

Now a lot about Devtas, lets see some Rakshasas(Devils) too! The modern age Devils!

Cosmetic surgery may enable criminals to escape from Law and Order by taking advantage of science and creating their own dummies or clones. Deforestation to accommodate ever-growing population may lead to El-nino phenomenon and increased levels of pollution, as we are already feeling the heat of green House Effect and Ozone layer depletion.

The invention of Nuclear weapons has threatened World’s  peace and security. Nuclear war can destroy entire planet and lead to the extinction of human species. Even the advanced Robot  technology which in near future may produce Cyborgs (Hybrid humans with implanted computer parts and technology) and which is being pursued without any restrictions and regulations can become a huge threat to our survival as they will be more evolved than us in intelligence, physical power and technical precisions. It can spell a doom for us if not kept under check.

Nature has always endorsed valiant victory of God over Evil, Truth over Falsehood and Good over Bad!

We human beings have always been victorious in overcoming adversities with intelligence and systematic planning skills. So we hope that even if scientific advances bring in a gamut of problems, we will face them in a prise manner or prevent them with well planned review systems and approach roads having futuristic views in place. I am sure if not all, even if we achieve 75% of possibilities mentioned above by the year 3000, we will be living a life no less than Devtas and will surely be blessed with Devlok on Earth by 3000!

                                                                                                       - Dr Racchana D Fadia