Saturday 3 March 2018

Is only one kind of I.Q. enough for a Fulfilled Human Life ?

As school kids we heard from a very young age, that we need to have very high I.Q. to excel in our studies, get good grades, get into good colleges and courses to become great professionals, be it doctors or engineers or any other profession. But never taught about the other important Intelligence Quotients which makes one rich and wealthy ; financially independent and ultimately also powerful??? While reading an interesting book, I could link the dots and that made the following analysis flash into my mind which am about to share. Lets look at each of the important Quotients in a sequence which supports the next level of upgrading self, for meeting that goal of becoming Rich & Famous & Powerful!

1) Intelligence Quotient

The first is Intelligence Quotient itself because this is an inborn talent which cannot be cultivated or acquired. If it is excellent one is able to learn with an open mind, absorb, upgrade oneself. You can implement and do whatever it takes, to change and  become a better version of yourself. You will know your strengths and weaknesses and exactly do whatever you need to do, to move on to the second most important quotient necessary to reach your dream destination of becoming rich and wealthy

2)  Knowledge I.Q.

Knowledge is  a skill that is acquired if one has good I.Q. It can be acquired with efforts and practice along with experiences gathered by trial and error methods. Knowledge is power because "if you are ignorant, its easy to be bullied. If you know what you're talking about you have a fighting chance." ( courtesy- Robert Kiyosaki - Rich Dad, Poor Dad) This one assists to develop the next one in the order for moving up the ladder of wealth and fortune.

3)Emotion Quotient

With knowledge as the base, an intelligent person knows how to reckon the aptitude of the people and harness it smartly for using their talents to dig continuous income-generating assets over a period of time. This quotient works in tandem with next one as we shall see.

3) Social I.Q.

Human being is a social animal and we need each others' assitance to function both personally and financially To be able to develop our assets , its important to learn how to manage the human resource very well be it for recreation, relaxation or business. Recreation and relaxation is as important as business  as we all know "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy ". So making strong and positive social relations helps making our axes sharper to cut more trees ( refering to children story of two woodcutters)
On business front, the best of Enterpreneurs have a wide reaching network and more than half their work gets done because of the contacts they have. In fact the retired Babus from Government are hired by corporates at handsome packages less because of their experience but mostly for their contacts in the various government departments and the various opportunities they open up for these corporates! With this quotient one can tap into various money-making business plans and march to next level.

4) Financial I.Q.

With all above quotients utilised at the right time and in a right way one can generate good money and attain Financial Freedom. But if one does not manage their finances well, they will always be  having more expenditures and more losses hence lesser profits instead of earning well or may even become a broke. Balancing the balance sheet  is indeed a skill that can be mastered by understanding the ecology of cash-flow as demonstrated by Robert Kiyosakis Board Game. T. Harv Eker teaches beautifully the art of Money management through his Six Jar System. This I.Q. helps in generating wealth and automatically brings along with a bonus called Power.

5) Power I.Q.

When  a person becomes super wealthy because of his Super Intelligence Quotient, Super Emotion I.Q. , Super Social I.Q. and Super Financial I.Q. money flows with ease and theres a surplus for many luxuries. The power of money can  make most impossible things possible in this materialistic and corruption-infected world. It ushers in him, the confidence next to only God and in the burning desire of achieving more and more Godliness, they want to keep generating more wealth and power. They can even effect change at the level of Government and Administrators of the Country to turn the tables in their favour w.r.t. Government policies and regulations and thus make more and more profits!

This is the sequence of  climbing the rungs of a ladder from Financial Independence to becoming Rich and Famous to becoming the Powerhouse of  Political clout!

Easier said than done, I am sure Mr Dhirubhai Ambani was one such great enterpreneur who was programmed since birth or childhood days with all these quotients and used them really well to his advantage. Hence he didnt require degrees or certificates or formal education to build an empire worth millions and billions although he was born in a hardworking labour class family. What Robert Kiyosaki said makes real sense : The Rich and Famous do not work for money, the money works for them!

Along with developing all the above Quotients, if one develops the last and most important one, they will not only reap the benefits in this world but even beyond this one, after departing from this  material world.

6) Spiritual I.Q.

With acquiring both money and power its like walking on the edge of a sword. One wrong step and you can tip the balance to get hurt in return. If one falls in bad company with extra luxuries at your beck and call, one's negativities can get amplified and cause only misery.
I have heartfelt admiration and love for Japanese culture and learnt that they acknowledge these three Powers as important for all-round growth of a human being:

Sword, Jewel and Mirror. 

Sword is akin to the Power which we already discussed. My mentor  Emeritus Dir. Prof. Dr. K. C. Mohanty  Sir always used to say that "Power grows in the barrel of the Gun". No wonder so many countries like U.S., Russia, China, North Korea and many others are persistently trying to develop their miltary strength to have a strong stand and dictate terms in International Politics.

Jewel meaning He who has Gold makes the rules  because with gold comes the purchasing power and  hence everyone is in a rat race to make some gold all their lives.

Mirror means Self-knowledge which is actually the most treasured  by Japanese culture out of all the three Powers. By developing spiritual I.Q. one knows oneself very well and understands deeply that any amount of wealth amassed in this world is going to be left behind just like Alexander, the Great had to. So while you become Rich & Famous & Powerful, one must keep reminding themselves -"Memento Mori" and live life in a way that they can do good for and serve as many as they can and give back to the weaklings and underprivileged in the society.  This ensures an overall balance in the cycle of  existence  and helps a human being attain the four  proper goals of a human life i.e. Dharma, Arth, Kama, Moksha.

All the teachings in ancient Gurukuls of India where Rishi - Munis used to train the many princes of various kingdoms during their boarding stay , would focus on development of all the above Quotients to reach the four proper goals mentioned & that is real holistic teaching. The real art of living life is by Streamlining and uniting the Mind, Body, Energy and Emotions to realise the purpose of existence and focus on achieving those Goals !

- Dr Racchana Fadia