Sunday 30 June 2019

Decipher Learnings - Discern Life !

Sometime back, I visited Mount Mary Mother at Bandra. SHE is my retreat whenever I’m under the weather for any reason beyond my control;  SHE is my confidante, my witness and my pillar to all my life events.

After praying to her I went to Bandstand and standing opposite the waves of Ocean thrashing against the giant rocks there, called up a loved one in the hope. After an unexpected let down, I kept gazing far across the ocean waves at a blank point…unaware of any surroundings. I went and sat inside the car, quiet and still, confused amongst all the Whys and Hows, all the Ifs and Buts etc; trying to figure out answers to my questions in a hotchpotch of mixed emotions of pain, anger,  guilt, fear, sadness…all running amok in head.

Suddenly out of nowhere, in the middle of that mind madness, a little boy of around 9 to 10 years wearing school uniform, carrying a school bag on his shoulders knocked on the left sided window of my car right across my driving seat. I reached out my wallet and removed a ten rupee note to give him (out of habit) with a wishful thinking that he vanishes quickly and leaves me alone with my mental mess. But Universe had something else in mind.

As I rolled down the left side window and stretched my hand offering  him that ten rupee note he denied taking that. Instead he went on to ask me for buying him a cake as it was his younger sister’s birthday, he didn’t have money to buy the cake and he wanted to celebrate it at 12 midnight. It was somewhere around 9pm that time.

For once I was taken aback for such a demand which I never ever got from anyone on roads asking for help. The little voice in my head (Now I call the skeptical mind as ‘The Little Voice’ -courtesy Blair Singer) did the negative talking – “what if this boy is a liar and he just wants a bigger chunk of money in the name of cake” I said to my little voice – “Thank You for sharing (TYFS)” (Courtesy- T. Harv Eker)  and then thought to myself – “ You also ask God / Mother Mary / Angels / Universe for bigger chunks in life..they never judge you though. Then why should you judge anyone else’s situation? Give him a fair try and benefit of doubt”

So I asked him about the shop. He directed me to a nearby CCD CafĂ© right opposite Bandra Bandstand. I asked the staff of CCD for the menu and told this boy to indicate which cake he wanted. To this he opened the menu and pointed at the Pineapple flavored cake that was costing good amount of money... far many times the 10 Rupee note. Again my Little Voice chattered, “ what if this boy has a commission arrangement with the staff on a regular basis?” Again I said “TYFS” and thought to myself “your duty is to Give from your Give account after you make sure that it’s a genuine case. So find out the truth and just do the needful”

I told the staff to get me that cake with the message “Happy Birthday Saniya { after asking his sister’s name} written on top of cake with the cream. The staff said that the menu price had changed and now it will cost me 50% more than the amount  printed on menu card and also that they didn’t have enough cream to write that message on the cake.

I called up on their Store Manager and took him to task for the same and told I won’t buy the cake without the message. Both issues got sorted and then after taking the cake and making a payment I told  the boy to sit in the car and drove him up the hill to Mount Mary Mother. Upon reaching there, I told him to get down the car with the cake box, open its lid, hold it towards Mother Mary with both hands and Thank HER and LORD JESUS from the heart for the cake. To that instruction his eyes immediately lit up with sparkle and he chirped – “ I prayed to Mother Mary while walking at Bandstand to help me get a cake for my sister just before I found your car and knocked on your window.”  I felt a wave of energy run through my body and realized how the Universe works in its mysterious ways. Thereafter I asked him where was his home. He said it was right opposite Salman Khans home in Galaxy Apartment at Bandra. I told him to take me there. 

On the way I had a little chat with him asking what he does and about his family to which he replied both his parents were working  one as a cleaner and other as a maid. He was studying in an English medium government school nearby and was doing part time job to fulfill his financial needs. To test his English proficiency I asked him few questions in English and he gave impressive answers to them. I told him to keep up his Faith in Mother Mary and the  Universe will do the rest just like it did today. In the meanwhile we reached his place, so I asked him to get his sister to the car. He vanished in the garden fence and after a delay of 15 to 20 minutes returned with a little cute girl around 3 years age in his hands. I blessed the little baby girl, placed the cake in her little hands and left from there.

Indeed this incidence had to occur for reasons I could comprehend retrospectively:

Firstly to pull me out of the mental muck and mess at the very exact time

Secondly to test my intentions at large and to test my capability to master that Little Voice and take decisions in times of emotional dilemma

Thirdly to instill Faith in me and its resultant Courage that All is Well… and even in  the little kid  to inspire his journey at the same time

I am humbled by these meaningful events shaping my Life and Thoughts every day.
I thank God and Almighty, Angels & Universe, to make me receptive to their frequencies and channel various ideas, thoughts and creative abilities through me for the benefit of THEIR Creation. It is my heartfelt desire to become an Instrument for effecting a positive change in the lives of countless across the world who seek truth and purpose in life!!!

Dr Racchana D Fadia

Saturday 29 June 2019

Tribute to The Teachers in my Life - 2nd Edition

An Indian Saint known popularly in India as Sant Kabir said:

Guru ko kije bandagi, koti koti paranam;
kit na jane bhring ko, guru karle aap saman.

Offer salutations and obeisances to the Guru millions of times. Just as a wasp takes a worm into its nest and another wasp emerges, just so Guru makes the ordinary disciple as himself.

One has to offer obeisances to the Guru who takes the disciple on the path to God, and helps him in every way even though the disciple does not know it. The Guru imparts wisdom to him and makes him as knowledgeable as himself.
(- courtesy Google)

Its So True and Meaningful!
Am truly blessed I have been gifted with timely guidance from Gurus of wisdom in different phases and aspects of Life who taught me many invaluable principles and made me who I am today. 
I clearly remember asking my first Spiritual Guru Sai Baba to always guide me on the right path, help me realise my purpose for existence ( which he did in his own splendid ways) and in case I stray by mistake, bring me back on the correct path... and as is said "Ask & it is Given" ... "Seek and Ye shall Find" these ancient words of wisdom have been true to all experiences in my Life ....I have always asked for meaningful directions in my life and the Universe or Almighty God or the Source of Creation( as you may like to call ) has always sent guidance in time to impart to me knowledge which graduated me to the next level or chapter of my Becoming.

Am sure everyone has a roller coaster life at some point or other, and not even wealthiest or strongest are spared..having their own share of ups and downs..and I feel it is necessary to go through those trials and tribulations to learn lessons and realise many things at the spiritual level since at conscious level of intelligence one may understand bookish knowledge but only real life experinces can effect a real change at a Soul level

Being raised in Jain family, I was aware of principles of Karma and Liberation since childhood days. I got introduced to spirituality by "Laws of the Spirit world" written by Khorshed Bhavnagari during my Medical school days...later on became a fan of Dr Brian Weiss with "Message from the Masters" , "Only Love is Real" and all his other books which introduced to me the principle of his Past Life Regression Therapy and Subconscious mind... then came in touch with Lord Buddha's teachings, principles and Vipassana Mindfulness meditation since 2009 which kept getting reinforced by learnings from many Spiritual and Transformational leaders. Its interesting that all these leaders have the same gist of message at the core of their teachings. Being a Medical Board certified Dermatologist I studied many psychosomatic skin diseases which made me understand Mind connection with Body. With background knowledge of Subconscious mind through Dr Brian Weiss  and practising  mindfulness meditation since 2009 I firmly believed in mind purification for evolution of the soul. I kept on going deeper and deeper in the subject of Mind and Matter which am passionate about and is very close to my heart. Have experienced innumerable miraculous coincidences with places, people and things that have now become like a part of my daily life. Spiritual people will connect with what am saying. Aum.Ameen.Amen

I like to believe I am Gods beloved child, as we all are...Almighty has always sent timely help whenever I hit my rock bottom and through those phases taught me lessons I needed to learn and get promoted to higher levels of Karma.
Recently I've been through another such phase wherein I was losing hopes as I was going through a lot emotionally as well as financially and still worst, having lost my Mentor two years back who was a rock to me, I was clueless about the mess I was in. I am truly blessed with my Friend philosopher and guide Dolly who by profession is a superb Psychologist...a great support to me through all this and kept me hang in there. I found a new ray of light in my life when I had a breakthrough realisation of Mind connection with Life...that our mind is a creator of our own Life and attracts all the experiences we have had or will have. The actual meaning of Lord Buddha's words "We become what we think" became crystal clear to me... Although I have been reading them since last ten years, they touched my soul NOW! Courtesy - Millionaire Mind Intensive Programme of  a great philanthropist Transformational Leader whom I admire a lot...the Great Mr T. Harv Eker and no words can express the amount of Gratitude towards Him and his Wonderful Team members all of whom I have met till now and going to meet more on my journey ahead. Mr Harv Eker is full with honest willingess to add value to peoples lives. His picture standing in black clothes with folded hands has a profound connect.

I also had instant connect with the personal past experience of Mind Reading Master - Mr Blair Singer who can actually see through a person's eyes into their hearts and get to the roots in just few seconds. I was fortunate to get a one to one coaching from him on a personal issue...Highly grateful to the Highly Evolved Soul that He truly is...Teaching is his passion and he never consults time while coaching people on life and personal growth..which shows his commitment to effecting change in souls of people. Will never forget how he experienced some emotion at the concluding ceremony and felt a very stong and mysterious flow of energy which moved me to tears as I could connect with his emotions and my soul knew exactly what he was actually talking about... After a few minutes he could come out of that emotion and shared it with entire room filled with some 450 odd numbers.. Blair said that he felt as if we all in the room were connected and that we have been travelling together since Eons... learning our life lessons and coming together everytime we come back to Earth.. work on ourselves and then share the lessons with the world and humanity ! We will keep travelling together and supporting each other for a long time as we work towards our common purpose and goals. So also proved by many Universe coincidences I personally experienced there.

Special Thanks and Gratitude to the High Energy Master and as humble as a Monk - Mr Thadeuss Lawrence.. I could see in him "The Real Monk" with virtues of compassionate love, humility, truthfulness, discipline. We were fortunate to receive his high energy teachings and guidance on stage and myself in real life too!  His empowering words have stirred up a strength and energy in me and his kindness has touched me deeply. Again no amount words can express my gratitude towards him. His words, "The only way you can be grateful is by getting the love and light in your soul and let that reflect in your smile.. I want to see you on stage with that great energy the next time"...He is a Guiding Star for people who have lost  directions...

Nonetheless equally grateful to Mr J. Suren as we know him lovingly , the CEO of Success Gyan who made it possible to bring these excellent Teachers of wisdom to India and has begun taking phenomenal Indian Gurus to the stage of world. He is truly doing the humongous job of making this all happen. I am sure that his vision and actions will one day make India " Sone ki Chidiya" again, as it was called in days of goneby era...

These are the Exemplary TEACHERS who keep adding to my Becoming... All my heart with sincerely High Respects and Regards to their knowledge and willingness to share and guide. I pray my Life becomes a real Tribute to these Gurus of my Wisdom as I share their teachings with those in search ...those in transit and those who seek. Following is the first edition of Tribute to The Teachers in my life.. this one being second.

Now I have reached a level where every moment I am awake/ thinking / interacting / speaking or doing any activity I am getting to learn and comprehend from every experience; work on them if need be at deepest mind level and rectify myself as and when as one may oscillate between the Old and New patterns.

I am but a speck of  Energy in this vast sea of Pure Light...gathering experiential knowledge and learnings through real life experiences... continuously comprehending and purifying bit by bit....moving towards the goal of unifying with the Ultimate Source of Energy !!!

Pure Love, Humble Gratitude, and Almightys Blessings to all the Gurus in my Life

- Dr Racchana Fadia

Sunday 16 June 2019

An Ode to my Foster Father !

Dearest Dr K.C. Mohanty Sir, My loving foster Father, its a special day today.... 16th June... your real Birthday, which not many knew while you walked this Earth. I cherish the wonderful times when you nurtured my mind with positive teachings, taught me many a things in life...made me who I am ...raised my consciousness and gave me the wings to fly... and  its a pleasant co-incidence to have Fathers' Day being celebrated today... the very essence of the pure and beautiful relationship we shared.

The day you suddenly departed forever, I was totally broken and didnt know what will I do without times of pain or despair and times of dilemmas or difficulties or decision-making.. I now know you actually pushed me in the ocean of life because you knew I was scared to swim alone... you wanted me to learn the lessons on my own and become independent... although you never left me alone... because you made sure you introduced some precious souls in my life who will continue to be my guiding stars and souls to reach out in times of Earthly difficulties in your abscence..and I still feel your if you warmly put your Blessing hand on my head and bless me... continue to guide and support me and my growth ...guiding on my journey... sending supportive people and messages in different ways...from a different realm altogether, just like you used to say while being present in physical form, "Beti I will be able to help you much more and in far better ways from above than I can do for you right now" in your Oriya accent and heavy tone of voice...and my eyes would, at that very moment, fill with tears just at the mere thought of not being able to see you in physical form someday!

I am trying best to gather and implement all you taught and values you tried to instill in me..some of which I took up instantly... some of which I  could accept and apply slowly...some of which I couldnt understand but now am able to comprehend better...some to which I was a rebel and NOW  am getting to learn the relevance of all you used to advise me to push me in direction of growth..

Your kindness, integrity, discipline and magnanimity is unmatched!

Know that I wish you peace, bliss, joy and love wherever you are and I pray for your souls' ultimate Liberation.

Happy Birthday & Happy Fathers Day!
From your loving Foster Daughter...



In Loving Memory of
Emeritus Dir. Prof. Dr. K. C. Mohanty
Inspiring life from 16th June 1940 - 1st June 2017

The Man who inspired,
The Man who forged ahead in life,
The Man who swam against the tide,
Is finally no more !
He kept only giving,
To all near and far !
Kept His sorrows to just himself,
Reason? - spread only happiness,
In this much harrowed world!
His knowledge of material and spiritual world,
Was deeper than oceans afar!
His ability to lead the masses was unmatchable!
His service to humanity was impeccable!
His only prayers to God,
Was to serve one and all ,
Till He breathed His last...
Indeed He was a Sainlty soul,
For He -
Gave without expectations...
Forgave without reservations...
Helped without hesitations...
Taught without limitations...
Loved without prejudices...
Lived like theres no tomorrow...
Laughed like He never had sorrows...
Blessed everyone impartially, Just like a Saint!
Guided people with best of His knowledge,
& to the best of their interests..
Helped everyone to the best of His capability!
Saved everyone from dangers,
While Himself standing in the storms!
Who never said no to anyone asking for help!
He was indeed rare of His kind,
A Man of His words,
Who would always walk His talk!!!
His life reflects many sacrifices He made,
To  lead an honest and righteous life!
A Man above all trivialites of the mundane - from religion and caste to hatred, ill-will, jealousy or animosity !
A Man who practiced what he preached,
And kept teaching all -
That :
Work is Worship, Work is Religion, Work is Relaxation !
Movement is Life , Stagnation is Death!
Now finally He remains in our hearts,
As a loving and cherished memory,
Of all that He was !!!
He was surely God's Beloved Child,
His pure Soul has finally departed,
From this Materialistic world,
To rest in peace,
In the lap of Selfless Almighty God !

Love and Very High Regards and Respect Eternal

-His Loving daughter
 Dr Racchana D Fadia

My Musings...

Abandonment, in any form, can actually be converted into the power ... to break free from bondages of  emotional entanglements... which sets the trajectory to let out the soul... free, liberated... and thus become a Blessing in disguise!

-Dr Racchana D Fadia

Thursday 13 June 2019

Revelation Realised...Forgive, Bless, Be Grateful: to Be!

In real sense from genuine depths of Heart (not just for sake of saying)
( First To Myself & Then Everyone else who have hurt consciously or unconsciously)
Everyone and Everything Truly
For All Blessings in life
Are the  ONLY KEYS
to open the Lock on the Doors
Leading to a Fulfilled and Enriched Life !!!

- Racchana Fadia
- Meraki Pegasus

Relationships in Life...

Whenever theres a situation is like Yin and Yang which goes together but are completely opposite to each other or something like Railway tracks, moving together in parallels but never meeting each other, it can only result in less than average happiness in relationship between two people. Whereas when situation is like two rivers..who after flowing through high terrains and obstacles, meet each other at a confluence and then flow together into the ocean sharing same purpose it gives a sense of satisfaction and contentment with utmost tranquility in a relationship between two people! Or sometimes a situation can be like two parallel poles whose frequency do not meet but still they have interconnections like the rungs of a ladder and balance out their separate individuality along with the other persons' ..with a good level of understanding and it surprisingly works! What's more important is to figure out whether your relationship falls into the first category or the second or the third.. The choices we make decides our future!

- Dr Racchana D Fadia

The Eternal Flames of BECOMING....

You dream so high..
Too high,
For me to follow
You try ..
Try to reach up the skies
Those skies,
Ohh so hollow!
I wish you could see...
See, through the eyes of your mind
What lies beyond the glitterati
Of this illusory material world!
A thought crosses my mind
Why we All..
Aren't of a kind ?
What dictates the differences
Of taste and perception?
In a world with so many types
With deliberation...
It occurs to me slowly..
The seed sown in mind
At every life's beginning..
Grow into a tree
Bearing flowers with seeds
Of exactly similar types..
Continuously nurtured with desires
In every successive birth,
The Roots of this tree
Keep strengthening , multiplying and accruing
Same quality seeds over so many lives..
Conditioning the Subconscious such..
Which keeps getting shaped further
By more new experiences of current Life..
Creating layers on older layers of Mind!
And the journey of becoming goes on and on
Till awakened from the Sleep and Slumber
By a Significant event
That rages a burning desire to set the Soul free
From these Eternal Flames of Becoming...!!!

- Dr Racchana D Fadia

Saturday 8 June 2019

Musings of an X-Woman !

Sometimes you want to believe of people as something they are not and when you realise what they really are, its too late !!!

Courtesy - Raven from X-Men

Sunday 2 June 2019

My lesson for the day...

You have a Choice you can make in life with a little thoughtfulness,  open heart, open mind, courage and willingnes to move towards Light
( or  Darkness ).... A choice whether you want to be a ROSE that grows in beautiful gardens ; whose fragrance people smell to their hearts' content and then throw it away once the Rose withers with time OR you want to be the LOTUS that has its roots in dirty mud but has the will and courage to rise above the muck and grow towards the Pure and Peaceful blue Skies always remaining above those dirty waters !!!