Friday 10 December 2021

My ongoing tryst with spirituality- blessingly graced by The Enlightened Guru: Paramhansa Shri Vishwananda Swami!

From the very first cry to breathe oxygen after coming out from the pool of Amniotic fluid in Mother's womb within few hours of the Jain ritual of Saamayik (Kshamapana) on last day of Eight days observance of Paryushan in Jain tradition which coincided with third day of Lord Ganesha Chaturthi festival, to growing up while listening to religious sermons, watching photographs that depict life stories of the Enlightened Tirthankaras and hearing them repeatedly from my beloved Grandma and Mom, then becoming a SadGuru Shri Sai Baba Bhakta during my teenage, then fast forward into worshipping all Hindu God’s, Deities realizing my love for learning and reciting Sanskrit shlokas-verses with great fondness , to visiting historical places of great Saints from various traditions, to being a loving daughter of Mother Mary- my Confidante to broken and heavy heart many a times in this lifetime, to learning Vipassana, to fleeting thoughts of renouncing the world, to intense aspiration to leave for Himalayas in search of SadGuru Shri Mahavtar Babaji, to experiencing energy and aura in Pranic Healing….its been a long continuous journey of seeking answers to my insatiable quest from a very early age…the quest for Truth about Existence !

My beloved SadGuru Shri Sai Baba whom I call Sai Maa , is my First Spiritual Teacher to whom I prayed as soon as I could understand a little about Divinity, prayed to HIM for divine guidance for helping me stay on correct path and bless me to find answers to my quest, and He has always kept HIS Blessing Hands on my head throughout my Life till today and am sure Forever....He then guided me into Vipassana meditation for quite a few years, which propagates the importance of working towards liberation.

The best part of Vipassana meditation is that it helped me to become very  conscious and aware about subtle sensations on the body. This worked like a catalyst in helping me experience truth about Energy and Aura around body, as taught in Pranic healing propagated by the Great Bodhisattva MahaGuruji Mei Ling and revived in modern day world by revered SadGuru Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. In fact, Pranic healing as explained by Master Stephen Co(my humble gratitude), a direct disciple of SadGuru Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, actually revived my interest in accepting the fact that Hindu verses, shlokas and chanting of OM have real strong cleansing energy vibrations ( Earlier I would ignore the chanting part as it wasn’t given much importance in Jain or Vipassana tradition). This renewed interest led me to attend a beautiful OM Chanting session organized by Bhaktimarga Devotees in Mumbai and indeed it was very powerful, especially as it conducts the powerful energies from The Great Ones such as Sadguru Mahavatar Babaji and HIS Direct Disciple Gurudev Paramhansa Vishwananda Swami himself. I had such a wonderful experience then, that I decided to take Online Darshan of Gurudev which is conducted regularly from His Ashram in Germany. 

Magically, after the online Darshan of Gurudev, my Mother could sleep peacefully and soundly like a baby....without any troubling thoughts of worry (as per her own testimony the very next morning when she woke up). This was after a long period of continuous mental stress of more than a year, due to some personal reasons that devastated peace and happiness of our family) It was this miracle experienced by my Mom that made me strongly desire for personal Darshan of Gurudev after that…and Boom, my wish was kindly granted by the Mysterious and Kind Universe.. Soon I learnt through BhaktiMarga Devotees that Gurudev was visiting Vrindavan in Mid November. I really wished to visit Vrindavan for the same, but because of some unavoidable circumstances I couldn’t plan it. Hence reached out to a friend who introduced me to this Tradition and he informed that Gurudev will be visiting Maharashtra after Vrindavan but He won’t be meeting anyone there. My heart just lit up and I made up my mind that I will visit with Mom wherever Gurudev visits in Maharashtra so we can be fortunate to receive His Darshan face to face. I connected with a Bhaktimarga Sevak, asking about possibility to have His Darshan during visit to Maharashtra. And fortunately received a positive reply. We would want to consider ourselves fortunate for getting the permission to have His Gracious Darshan at Pandharpur. 

Till the very afternoon of the day we were taking a Train to Pandharpur,  I had no idea about how my trip to Pandharpur will pan out. All I had was just a one way train reservation for ourselves to Pandharpur as I was very very keen on having the Darshan of Gurudev Paramhansa Shri Vishwananda Swami during his ultra short stay in India.

In fact I wouldn’t have known Pandharpur so well in life, was it not for HIS Darshan. Luckily because of the kindness of a recently known Family (who is now like an extended Family to us) through my Foster Father (am blessed to have known him after unfortunate passing away of my Papa), we were extremely well taken care of during our stay in Pandharpur. It was like another home, away from home… They made all arrangements for us and even arranged a vehicle to visit Akkalkot Shri Swami Samartha Baba. While on our way to Akkalkot, we received God sent message that Gangapur Guru Dattatreya and Aai Shri Tudjapur Bhavani Maa were at close distance.. so we had fantastic Darshan of all these Divine Gurus and Shaktipeeth and everything just fell into place, on its own..After our return we had great Darshan of Gurudev Paramhansa Shri Vishwananda Swami. We reached the venue where He was staying, a little late, and just at the time when He was about to leave for some place. My heart skipped a beat thinking whether we will be able to have His kind Darshan because we came all the way from Mumbai for that. He was so full of kindness, affection and love, He changed His plans and gave us satisfying time and special Darshan there and then. His all-embracing loving kindness and affection for his Disciples is to be experienced to be believed..He patiently addressed to our queries bothering us and foretold the answers with His Focussed Time-Piercing All-knowing Knowledge  that made us feel calm and reassured about the trials we are facing at the time. I am so happy I made that decision and no wonder, now, I realise how it all was divinely planned.. 

After this we had the lovely Darshan of Lord Panduranga and His beloved Rakhumaai Mata at the famous Lord Panduranga Temple… and luckily could meet the heir of Saint Namdeoji whose life stories are of awe inspiring love and devotion for Lord Panduranga.. In fact I learnt about the secret underground tunnels connecting all the local houses in Pandharpur to the great Temple..and how they have been sealed by the Government now…it was an amazing experience of my life…

In Fact I have now became a Devotee of Lord Panduranga who is an avatar of Lord Krishna… All Thanks to Gurudev Paramhansa Shri Vishwananda Swami and this divinely arranged beyond-my-wildest-imagination trip that panned out beautifully on an amazing autopilot.

The mysteries of Universe and The Divine unfolds everyday in my Life mysteriously... bringing Abundance in my Being through such events, that keep re-inforcing my Faith & Patience on the journey of Life.

Jai Gurudev _/\_

Dr Racchana D Fadia

Meraki Pegasus 

Wednesday 10 November 2021

Story of Puchku & Jungli Billi

When they met, world ceased to exist around them.. both had eyes, ears, arms, jokes, embraces, kisses only for each other... 

It was an immediate connect from the very first time... like they knew each other since ages... this pull couldn't let them stay away from each other against all odds ... against all the cliches and norms of society.. they tried best to avoid getting too far than friendship and knowing... but the strange unseen force kept pulling them towards each other like magnets..

Like many love stories this one had its ups and downs.. its periods of misunderstandings and patch ups.. its shares of "love you - miss you" to "dont wanna talk or see you"... but one thing that was very uncommon was the types and multitudes of coincidences that ceaselessly kept pouring between the two lovebirds whenever they met... not once not twice.. everytime they met there had to be some miraculous coincidence occur between the two...they were living and breathing those coincidences which Jungli Billi would always refer to as Divine Miracles...

There were a continuum and series of such miracles which went on connecting their hearts bit by bit from the very first day and they just did not realise when they got trapped in the feelings of Love... 

One evening before they were committed to each other, while driving around, they were discussing about the issues around their relationship if they were to commit and be more than just friends. The environment became little intense.. Jungli Billi switched on the radio to deviate the topic and lighten up the mood.. An RJ LoveGuru started speaking up as he was solving the problem of a listener who wrote to him...the question put up by listener was exactly the situation Puchku &  Jungli Billi were discussing.. as if these both just called up this RJ personally to ask what they must do....RJ advised the listener that both need to carefully consider if they can convince their parents at home or not. If they can, then move ahead. If not, Will they be able to go against their parents' wishes and emotional blackmails?...If they think they can.. then move ahead..  if cannot, then better stop right there or else it will be too difficult to part ways once they are too much attached to each other! And one more option, if they feel thet can convince their parents after sometime maybe in years, wait for that period and then take it forward if they loved each other so much...

Both Puchku &  Jungli Billi kept staring in awe at each other and couldn't stop wondering what just happened.. for Jungli Billi it was Angels speaking.. she looked at Puchku's reaction .. Puchku was lost in thoughts... To Be or Not To Be ! be continued....