Saturday 25 March 2023

From Dreams to Disruption: My Unexpected Journey Fron An Aesthetic Medical Dermatologist To Becoming A Lawyer!

When it comes to the choice of career, we are often times asked by everyone, right from our childhood, “Beta, what will you become when you grow up?”. And, from that time onwards, it sets our thinking hat of the brain into action, which does keep hopping from one choice to another for taking a final call on a career that we will finally put our fingers on and definitely by the time we are graduating out from schools. It is indeed very rare to hear from children that they wish to become a ‘Lawyer’, except in cases where their parents or relatives belong to this profession and they have grown in the chambers of Lawyer families!.

In my case it was altogether a different story though. I clearly remember my family would always get me the Doctor play set as a child, to play with. I was so fascinated with the black stethoscope in my ears and I would be the one who would role-play as Doctor with my local play group friends and who would gladly play the role of patients. Hence whenever I was questioned as a child what I wanted to become, I would immediately chirp out in euphoria with a glow of enthusiasm, “I will become a Doctor!”. I consider myself truly blessed and fortunate that I could achieve my childhood dream by clearing medical studies in M.B;B.S. and thereafter I could also pursue specialization in Dermatology & then in Aesthetic Dermatology thus beautifying people's Skin & Looks!  I got onto the journey of Personal Growth  through MindValley Masterclasses and I remember I was so fascinated by Energy Medicine taught by Donna Eden at that time! Thereafter got interested in Cymatics after understanding the terminology from SSR Diaries! These varied interests and the realisation that I have got just this life, made me deliberate on what I really wanted to do and finally I had the courage to take a bold step at the end of 2019! I planned to shift to Malaysia and pursue joining Mindvalley Headquarters along with a part time teaching post in a Malaysian Dermatology Department!. And with these dreams , I visited Malaysia in Nov-December 2019 to explore the opportunities and was quite on track and working it out until....MARCH 2020 - when Nation-wide lockdown was announced in India on 28th March 2020!                        



Back then, in December 2019, when the COVID virus was just beginning its stealthy journey of spread from Wuhan, I was at an event in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Smiling and full of hope, I envisioned a future where I would migrate to the Malaysian capital to pursue my dreams. I aimed to join MindValley, one of the premier personal growth organizations headquartered there, while also taking up a part-time teaching job in a dermatology department at a Malaysian university.

Looking back at photos from personal growth events in India and Malaysia in 2019, I am struck by how carefree and unaware I was of the impending storm. Little did I know that the virus, which had just begun its journey in China, was about to bring about the most nightmarish days of my life in 2020. This period, which I once saw as preparation for realizing my dreams, turned out to be a harsh wake-up call that would alter my entire path forever.

I recall a moment from my past when a neighborhood aunt stopped me in our society. With a warm pat on my back, she reminisced about my childhood and asked, “What will you become when you grow up?” She praised me for living up to the ambitions I had shared with her as a child.

At that time, I never imagined studying law. My focus was solely on my career as a medical practitioner and dermatologist. Lawyers, to me, were those outside smaller courts, often seeking attention from passersby, which gave me a rather unflattering view of the profession. I was unaware of the nuanced and sophisticated world of advocacy and the vital role that legal knowledge plays in safeguarding personal lives.

But destiny had different plans. Despite thriving in my career in dermatology and aesthetics, and standing on the brink of becoming an authority in aesthetic dermatology, life had other lessons for me. By 2019, I had begun exploring personal growth and developed an interest in energy and sound medicine. Yet, the unforeseen challenges of 2020 would soon steer me in a direction I had never anticipated, forcing me to confront a new reality and redefine my path.



But an unfortunate storm erupted in my family which literally dragged me into the direction to pursue the studies of Law. So, Law for me, indeed started as a need of the hour and not-by-choice subject of study, but it has indeed made me realize that had I studied Law earlier, I would have been able to avoid the entire injustice and tragedy that occurred with our family! And the knowledge of Law has went on to become an important eye-opener for me to the world of human rights, the foundation of civilizations based on Law, Order and Judiciary, and the open secret that fate of any Country is decided by the Law of that Land.

It is indeed very thought-provoking and sad status of many educated professionals like me in our country, that despite being an educated Doctor neither was I aware about ABC of Law and nor did I ever think about the consequences of being ignoramus about law. Myself and my family paid a huge price for this legal naivety and we have been taken for a ride by crooks and criminals preying upon the naïve laymen of the country.  If a family having educated doctor and commercial pilots can be so treated by the crooks, what about the poor, uneducated and underprivileged sections of the society surviving only on hand-to-mouth circumstances. I wish I became a Lawyer much earlier, then my Father would have been alive today!

Only after beginning to study Law, I realized that knowledge of law is as important as survival in this country which is burdened by overflowing number of court cases and meagre number of Judges to solve so many heaps of piling files, leading to delays of years and years before being able to even think about getting justice or resolution for legal matters.

Looking back today, I realize that my lack of knowledge has cost me dearly—not only in terms of my mental peace, personal growth, and harmony in life, but also in delaying and derailing my dreams and passions for both self-improvement and contributing to society. This ignorance also inflicted deep wounds on my elderly mother and me, especially after we were manhandled by a local thug posing as a builder. This individual crossed all limits, allegedly orchestrating my father's death under the guise of COVID protocols, following through on the threats he made when I filed an FIR against him and his company on 27 June 2020.

My father, constantly threatened since the day the FIR was filed, was deeply worried, yet I refused to give in to their intimidation. Tragically, as COVID ravaged Mumbai and hospital beds became scarce, my father was hospitalized at the end of August. The builder's son-in-law maintained contact with my father until the very last day, when my father was forcibly placed on a ventilator. They seized this opportunity to ensure he never returned home. My father, a key witness to their fraudulent activities, was eliminated to break my resolve and crush my spirit, as they wanted me to feel utterly helpless, despite being a COVID frontline worker.

Their aim was to shatter my confidence, demoralize me, and instill fear for the safety of myself and my family by taking my father's life. They hoped to pressure me into withdrawing the criminal complaint filed against them, using their wealth and muscle to force me into submission.

They ensured that my father was effectively left to die, orchestrating his legal murder by bribing the doctors at the hospital. These doctors deliberately allowed his viral infection to progress unchecked, neglecting to follow up on crucial test reports and provide the urgent treatment he desperately needed in a notorious COVID facility. Blood, urine, sputum, and cerebrospinal fluid samples were taken from my father on 1st September 2020, yet the reports were never traced until after he passed away on the evening of September 5. The reports surfaced only on the morning of September 6, long after it was too late. This occurred in a well-known, tertiary care ICU facility in Central Mumbai, where such reports could have easily been prepared within 24 hours.

This gross negligence, despite the clear implications for delaying diagnosis and critical treatment, shows a deliberate act of malice from the treating doctors. Time was of the essence in saving my elderly, vulnerable father from COVID, yet they intentionally let him suffer without proper care. The cruelty didn’t end there—on my birthday, 4th September 2020, I was barred from even seeing or touching my father’s feet while he lay unconscious on ventilator support in the COVID ICU. They claimed it was against hospital protocols, despite the fact that I was a COVID frontline warrior myself. It’s clear they feared I would uncover their negligence in failing to trace the crucial reports from September 1.

The truth, however, has a way of revealing itself. Fifteen days after my father's passing, a relative of another COVID patient who was admitted to the same ICU shared a disturbing revelation with me. Unlike me, they were never restricted from seeing their father, despite the same set of doctors overseeing his care. In fact, this relative's sister was granted immediate access to the ICU after midnight, within ten minutes of requesting to see her father following a bad dream. She was allowed to sit by his bedside for three hours, in the very same ICU where my father was being treated, exposing the blatant double standard and the cruel deceit I was subjected to.

Imagine my shock when I discovered that a layman family was freely allowed to visit their father in the same COVID ICU where my own father was admitted—while I, a senior consulting medical doctor and a COVID frontline warrior, was denied the same basic right. The cruel, inhumane game played by these doctors became all too clear.

After they forcibly put my father on ventilator support, I was barred from visiting him in the ICU or even reviewing his daily treatment plan and reports. The excuse? The hospital's HR head claimed they had no way of knowing if I was a real doctor. This, despite my credentials as a COVID consultant! They also refused to keep us informed about my father's condition and ignored all my treatment suggestions, including something as simple as administering an enema to clear his bowels. Unfortunately, these doctors won their game, exploiting the desperate situation we were in—there were no other COVID beds available in Mumbai at the time, leaving us with no choice but to use the only bed in this notorious hospital.

I deeply regret transferring my father from the local hospital, which was unclean but atleast allowed me to check up and meet my Father, to this posh yet treacherous facility in August 2020. The cruelty of these doctors, who belong to the same profession I've dedicated 21 years of my life to mastering, has left me with unbearable trauma and guilt. For a long time, I hated myself, feeling that my medical degree was useless because I couldn't save my own father, despite being recognized as a COVID frontline warrior. I had even met with the Hon'ble Health Minister of Maharashtra, Shri Rajesh Tope, soon after the nationwide lockdown, and received high praise for my research and efforts in the fight against COVID.

But none of that mattered when corrupt doctors were bribed to put my father on ventilator support unnecessarily. They emotionally blackmailed me and my brothers, claiming that their "research" showed the need to ventilate patients early, even if they were stable on a BiPAP machine, to prevent worsening. They warned that without our consent, they wouldn't guarantee my father's survival. I later learned from my Fathers' digital data from his android that the son-in-law of the Builder who had threatened us was in constant contact with my father until the last day when he was transferred to the tertiary care hospital, and he had enquired and known about our decision to transfer him to a particular hospital on 29 August 2020. My father never regained consciousness after being ventilated and passed away shortly after, leaving me immensely devastated.

This experience has exposed the dark side of a profession I once held in the highest regard, revealing the heartless decisions made by those who should have been our greatest allies in the fight for my father's life.


Above photo and video of my father, were taken by me on the afternoon of  29 August 2020. He was fully conscious and well-oriented, even asking me to request some laxatives from the doctor due to constipation and bloating. This was just hours before we moved him to the hospital, where he was immediately and forcibly put on ventilator support, despite there being no necessity.

I shot that video just before we transferred him, capturing what turned out to be the last moments of his autonomy. That evening, a corrupt and cruel doctor emotionally blackmailed us, preying on our vulnerability and the severe scarcity of hospital beds in Mumbai at the peak of COVID. We were coerced into giving our consent, even though it went against our wishes, and my father was placed on ventilator support without medical justification.

I remember, with unbearable pain, the moment the doctor called me to convince my father to agree to the procedure. My father, sensing the wrongness of it all, resisted with all his strength, refusing to be sedated. It was as if his soul knew what was coming. Yet there I was, in tears, begging him to comply, believing it would help him recover and come back home. Writing this now, the guilt and immeasurable agony flood back, knowing I went against the instincts of my father's heart. I still struggle to forgive myself for convincing him, in my vulnerable state of mind, to submit to the doctors who ultimately took his life as part of a larger, manipulative scheme.

Even his chest X-ray showed a significant amount of viable lung tissue, indicating that ventilator support was not necessary. But in our most vulnerable moment, we were pushed into a decision that I will regret for the rest of my life.

     I tried reasoning with the treating doctor, but he was relentless in his insistence that we consent to putting my father on ventilator support. With no other hospital beds available in Mumbai, we were cornered and left with no choice but to give in to his coercion. It was the most heartbreaking decision of my life, one that will always weigh heavily on my heart.

This experience shook me to my core and has driven me to put my thriving Aesthetic Dermatology practice on hold and take a complete sabbatical. My sole focus now is to pursue justice against the main culprit responsible for my father's untimely and wrongful death. I'm determined to bring them to account and do whatever it takes to bring peace to my Father's restless and wounded soul.                                     
Before I began studying law, I had little understanding of even my most basic fundamental rights. In a world driven by capitalism, where rote learning and the pressure to succeed in an economic rat race dominate, I was entirely focused on advancing my career as an Aesthetic Dermatologist. My sole aim was to build a name for myself in the medical community and create a small, happy life for my family. Unfortunately, this focus came at the expense of learning about something far more critical—the importance of Constitutional Law and the fundamental rights and duties of every Indian citizen.

Despite holding an M.D. in Dermatology, a specialization that followed years of study after earning my M.B.B.S., I was completely illiterate when it came to the law—the very foundation that ensures a peaceful, safe, and secure life. I didn't even know that as a citizen of this country, I had the fundamental right to visit any government department and inspect public documents. This right is clearly outlined by the General Administration Department of the Maharashtra State Ministry, yet I was unaware of it.

Moreover, I never realized the immense power the Right to Information Act of 2005 grants to an informed citizenry. Had I known earlier, I could have wielded this power to protect my rights and those of my family. Instead, my lack of legal knowledge left me vulnerable, and I’ve since come to understand just how crucial it is for every citizen to be educated about their legal rights and responsibilities.

Recently, I had the opportunity to put my knowledge of the Consumer Protection Act to the test in a personal matter. By applying what I had learned, I was able to navigate some tricky situations where companies were trying to take advantage of me. Thanks to my understanding of the law, I managed to secure a swift and fair resolution from the concerned service providers.

In another, more dangerous incident, I found myself targeted by the same Builder and his men after pursuing criminal proceedings against them who are politically very well connected land mafias and scamsters in Mumbai. My actions of unearthing multiple evidences of their habitual offender status from various Government Department, made me a threat to their freedom, putting my safety at risk. Fortunately, I was able to immediately file a police complaint, something I might not have successfully done without my legal knowledge.

These experiences have taught me, albeit the hard way, the critical importance of understanding the law of the land we live in. In a country with a population nearing 145 crores, where the judicial system is burdened with an overwhelming number of cases, knowing the law is essential. In Mumbai alone, a city that hosts nearly 2 crores on its small reclaimed island, it's crucial to be legally aware to avoid falling victim to crimes or legal traps simply due to ignorance.

Becoming well-versed in the law not only protects us but also enables us to assist our loved ones, friends, neighbors, and the wider community. It's a no-brainer: the more we know about our rights and remedies, the better equipped we are to navigate the challenges that come our way.

This is me now, while I study Law, with a new-found purpose!                             

I had only a vague understanding of medicolegal services until I interviewed a seasoned medicolegal consultant for a college project. That experience was eye-opening. I realized that not only does the law provide invaluable protection, but its principles can also be integrated with one's passions and expertise.

For instance, as a medical professional, I saw a significant opportunity to become a medicolegal consultant. This field is in high demand for skilled interpreters who can bridge the gap between medical science and the legal system, helping courts administer justice more effectively. Many institutions and healthcare organizations also value having a medicolegal consultant on board to advise on safety, prevention, and legal matters related to medical practice.

In today’s digital age, with the rise of online fraud and cybercrimes, there’s a growing need for expertise in Cyber Law. For those passionate about technology and the internet, this emerging field offers a challenging and rewarding career path. Cyber law professionals often collaborate with government officials to address online fraud and other cyber-related issues.

If real estate piques your interest, you can leverage your knowledge of laws like M.O.F.A., R.E.R.A., S.R.A., and the Registration Act to excel in real estate law. Similarly, those interested in academia can become lecturers or professors, shaping the future of legal education and contributing to a stronger legal system.

For those with skills in language, research, and communication, careers as arbitrators, mediators, and legal researchers are excellent options. These roles require precision and expertise in resolving disputes and advancing legal knowledge.

On a personal note, my journey with the law has been filled with unexpected turns and profound lessons. Reflecting on my experiences, I wish I could advise my younger self to study the Law of the Land more thoroughly. Understanding legal principles could have protected my family from the predatory practices of those in positions of power and might have saved my father’s life.

I hope to use the knowledge I'm gaining to serve society and contribute to the greater good. My goal is to ensure that others can benefit from the legal insights I’ve learned, helping prevent future tragedies caused by ignorance of the law. With determination and divine grace, I aspire to make a meaningful impact and ensure that no other family endures the suffering my own has experienced.

And maybe, if Almighty God and Divine realm so wishes, with their grace and my efforts, another daughter or wife or family will not lose their loved ones due to lack of knowledge about Law!  

Dr Racchana Deepak Fadia

Meraki Pegasus

Friday 24 March 2023

A letter to the Universe

Dear Universe,

Growing up in a concrete man-made jungle, I was so engrossed in getting good grades, carving out a career, emotional entanglements, taking life as a rat-race and so on. I don't know how I was enjoying the merry-go-round of a 3D world with a blind eye!

I was so damn unaware about your existence, your magnificence,  your grandeur! I sometimes still wonder that so many of those who are known to me, are still at the same spot I used to be!

Words fail to express my abundant gratitude to You Dear Universe, for revealing yourself and your magic to me in amazing ways! For always having my back and empowering me to realise my truth, my inherent powers and my connection to You that makes me come to life!

Thankyou for letting me know the many reasons that I am alive and to guide me step-by-step how to fulfill my purpose for which I was sent to Mother Earth!

-Meraki Pegasus

-Dr Racchana D Fadia

Saturday 18 March 2023

Simplified concept of Difference between Chemistry and Connection! BY STEPHAN

I was just blown away when I saw this amazing simplified concept about the difference between chemistry and connection by Stephan!

"Chemistry is in greater abundance than Connection" this line hit me the most hard!

Sharing it for those who may be confused about their chemistry with many people as to whether they have a true connection! ....... and yeah this ain't for the faint hearted... this is meant for those who are ready to accept the truth rather than avoiding or running away from it!

Would love to know what connection is as per Stephan!


New Update : 13.05.2023 
Alas found the video on Stephan Speaks about connection!

Another wonderful video for healing! Great detailings, fine points often overrlooked or ignored in a relationship and simplified approach to understanding and working to have a better connection in a relationship!