Monday 28 August 2023

The loving gifts of realisation from Paramhansa Shri Swami Vishwananda ji & Master Stephen Co

Realised the importance of these lines very recently......

"The more deeply you get lost, the more powerful the help we will send you... you might experience it at the time as a collapse of your personal world, a loss of everything important to you....later you will recognize the gift within...we will never abandon you...."

& so....Here I am....

I Am that I Am.....

So Hum.....

Aham Brahmasmi....

My  heart  can  truly  reckon what this means after going through many life shattering experiences that were compelling me to take extreme steps which would have not only destroyed the wrong doers to  my  parents  and  family  but even destroy all the things and achievements that I ever built through sacrifices of my parents for my education and  evolution  over the years! 

During that phase  of  emotional  hijack, if I didn't have some deeper realizations through the synchronistic YouTube suggestions of Master Stephen Co, I surely would not have had a change of heart to be able to channel my anger and frustration of injustice suffered by me and my family, in a constructive manner.

I Am forever and abundantly grateful to all the Spiritual Gurus and Divine beings of Light  to help and support me through my journey in the 3D Realm because, had it not been for this timely YouTube suggestion, I would have been completely consumed in the raging fire of revenge for all the deceit and injustice that  my parents  have faced over the years  and I would not have had a miraculous change of heart. The  irreversible  damage would  have  not only separated me  from my  higher  self  but  also  surely  strayed  me  from  my calling  in  spirituality  and unity consciousness  for  lifetimes  to come!

Abundant Gratitude to All the Beings of Light & Patriarchs of my knowledge and intuitive intelligence, to the Soul Tribe supporting me in numerous ways and very special mention of

His Holiness Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda  

Grand Master Choa Kok Sui

Master Stephen  Co

Ron Malhotra

Jai Gurudev ๐ŸŒท๐Ÿ•‰✝️☪️☮๐Ÿฆ„

Saturday 26 August 2023

Navigating Injustice: A Journey of Healing and Hope

In the midst of the second wave of Covid-19 in Mumbai, my role as a dedicated medical practitioner took on new meaning. Treating patients and saving lives brought both immense gratitude and personal emotional struggle. The tear-filled drives  back to my home after each day's work was due to a huge emotional toll of battling  in  my head with the unforgettable memories of  the first wave of pandemic  that resulted  in  the loss of my Father due to  utter mishandling by the corporate doctors in the hospital on one hand and whereas on the other hand being able to assist in navigating serious covid patients out  of dangerous zone, at their own homes, during the second wave.

The loss of my father to the deliberate negligence and oppression of corporate hospital doctors during the first wave shook me deeply. I had pleaded for giving my Father, an unconventional but well known treatment, but my requests fell on deaf ears. The very treatments denied to my father proved successful for other covid patients I treated during the second wave, and a stark reality that left me shattered in pieces, pushed me into depression and heavy feelings of guilt that burdened my heart.

The pain was compounded by the hospital's refusal to grant me access to my father during his ICU stay despite me being a Covid consultant and their lack of transparency. These experiences were inexplicable, but I later discovered that they were a result of my pursuit of justice against a fraudulent builder whose  threats and pressures failed to deter me  and my family from withdrawing criminal complaints against him.

In my quest for justice, I encountered the complexities of the judicial system, experiencing both its potential and its pitfalls. From doctors and police to lawyers and politicians, I witnessed the spectrum of humanity. The delay and corruption I encountered challenged my faith in the system, making me question my naivety prior to my father's passing.

A turning point came when I discovered Pranic Healing through Master Stephen Co and  it woke me up again from my sleep of overpowering emotions by reinforcing the principles of Lord Buddha's teachings added with practical solutions to worldly experiences and affairs. It provided the strength to face my pain and channel my anger constructively. I found hope through connecting with the great spiritual Masters and following their guidance in my healing journey.

However, the burden of guilt that depsite being a Covid physician, I failed to save my own Father but could save other Covid patients more complicated than my Father, would not let me be at peace and remained stuck in my heart. I became aloof and withdrawn, not wanting to be social. But, very recently, an unexpected video from a wonderful Medium Ms Suzanne Giesemann  has helped me to  heal a wounded part of me through acceptance. Hearing a story similar to mine, where a doctor-daughter felt guilt over her father's Covid-related death, resonated deeply. It made me reflect on my own feelings of guilt and helped me realize that my father's soul was offering reassurance. This is discussed at timestamp 38:10 in this amazing video

This video marked a turning point in my healing process, helping me shed a portion of my burden. Yet, memories of the past still weigh heavily. My commitment to seeking justice remains resolute, motivated by the injustice my family especially my parents have endured. I seek closure not just for myself, but for the legacy of my father who left this 3D world with a heavy heart of being cheated by the ones whom he trusted blindly over the years, in false hopes.

As I continue this journey, I recognize the importance of standing against wrongdoing and injustice. Forgiveness and spirituality don't equate to allowing sin to persist. Tolerating injustice, in its own form is  equally a wrongdoing. I strive to embody the essence of a warrior for truth, refusing to be silenced or complacent in the face of adversity.

While the pain and memories persist, I draw strength from my spiritual journey and the unity of those who have faced similar battles. Together, we stand against injustice, not just for ourselves, but for the betterment of society.

In sharing this story, I aim to shed light on the complexities of navigating the judicial system while emphasizing the importance of upholding justice in the face of adversity. My spiritual path has given me the strength to endure, and I hope my journey resonates with others who have faced similar challenges.

Embracing the understanding that all beings emanate from the same Source and ultimately unify in higher dimensions is a profound realization. However, recognizing the necessity for order in the 3D world is equally crucial to prevent imbalance and chaos. Striking this balance demands unwavering willpower and the courage to confront our own internal struggles.

The memory of my father's unshakeable faith in me, as we rushed him to the hospital in the ambulance, remains etched in my mind. His conviction that I would find a solution, regardless of the odds, propels me forward. It's like a constant beacon of hope and trust, reminding me of my capability to overcome obstacles.

Navigating the balance between my spiritual beliefs and practical responsibilities is a intricate journey. I'm learning how to stand up for what's right in the world while recognizing our interconnectedness. The unwavering faith my father had in me, along with my commitment, keeps me moving through the complexities of the 3D world. This fusion of determination and spirituality propels me to seek change and uphold justice.

Saturday 12 August 2023

Divine Oneness - Connecting hearts and connecting the dots !

During my meditation today I was suddenly reminded of  this Divine miracle that occured while I was already  in Dermatology. At that time, I remember that apart from being a Sai Bhakta, I was very much into Vipassana. 

During my schooling years as a kid, we used to have a house maid  and her name was Sita Bai. She was a very loving caring person of high integrity.  Her husband Mr AtmaRam, used to work in my Grand-Father's factory and after passing away of my Grand Father he used to work for my Father in the same factory as it was right across the road where he and his family used to live. Mom fondly remembers Sitabai even today for her impeccable loyalty by always telling us about this event that occurred while we were kids - Once Mom forgot  her keys on the cupboard and it invariably had quite a bit of cash and bling. Mom had left home in a hurry for some place, leaving the entire home to Sita Bai while she was working alone. Sita bai saw the bunch of keys hanging on the cupboard and without any second thought she locked the cupboard properly  with the same key and kept the bunch of keys safely at some place and informed Mom about it on that evening. Mom was petrified about this as my Father had assigned  some huge amount of cash to Mom to be used for some business work around the same time and Mom was worried if anything went missing she will be held responsible by everyone including in-laws. However when Mom saw everything in place after opening the cupboard, she was so relieved and grateful to  Sita Bai for her righteousness and loyalty. Mom still remembers her even today and this is precisely the effect of a genuinely caring heart and clean character person over another person - remembrance of that person for a lifetine irrespective of the status quo!

Mom always wanted to have Sita Bai as our housemaid, however as we shifted to another place that was quite distant for Sitabai to travel, she couldnt manage to continue working for our house chores. Time passed by and from school I graduated to college and from college I went for medical school and from medical school I went into postgraduation in Dermatology!. All these years we hadn't seen Sitabai at all or even heard from her except her random sweet memories. In these years I  had  also begun my journey of the spiritual  quest that started  with my Prayers to my first Spiritual Guru at Shirdi - Shri Sai Baba! I  would converse directly with Baba heart - to -heart; telling HIM all my thoughts of that time, asking questions to show me the way, praying for blessings et al... and then  I had reached the point where I was  also delving deeper  into Vipassana Meditation as taught by Shri Satya Narayan Goenka Guruji around the time when following event occured!

One of the days, I suddenly got this strong feeling  that, "I must connect with Sita Bai, I must connect with Sita Bai... she needs help!" and I just asked Mom if she knew anything about the where-abouts or contact details of Sitabai. My Mom gave the answer in negative , however Mom was equally and genuinely interested to find out about Sitabai and how she was doing and if she needed any help. So me and Mom, we decided to visit the place where Sitabai used to live. It was a slum area in Malad East, right across the area where my father used to have his factory. Luckily Sitabai was still staying there and we could locate their house by asking the people living in that area. When we reached her house she was so overjoyed to see us and could'nt believe her eyes that we had  visited her. She was very pleasantly surprised and asked what we were doing there to which Mom replied, "My daughter felt strongly to see you and hence we  came to meet you and also check how you are doing!"  Sitabai was smiling ear to ear and we could feel her genuine happiness to see us in front of her, more so after learning that I (who was born in front of her eyes) had become a doctor!

I scarcely remember as of now, that it was a thatched hut and there was a verandah outside the two rooms of her house - an outer room and an innner kitchen. While we were standing outside in verandah, she asked if she could get some cold drink / tea for us. We agreed to have tea and then she invited us inside her house to make us comfortable. While we sat down in the outer room I noticed that there was a young boy who was lying on a wooden cot (chaarpaai) and he was very very sick. His head was shaved and he was holding his head and making continuous low frequency groaning noises and his facial expressions revealed he was in extreme pain and he was actually literally crying of that intolerable pain. When Sitabai came out with tea we asked her about the boy. She told us that he was his younger son Krishna. She said he was experiencing immense headache and pain in the eyes with lot of vomittings continuously since past many days and they even visited the KEM Hospital (Municipal Government Hospital) for the treatment as they couldn't afford private hospital treatment. All tests were performed and  Krishna was advised to get admitted for a surgery after diagnosing his condition to be a Brain tumor along with fluid collection. However since the waiting list at KEM Hospital was too long they weren't  able to get the admission that was utmost necessary to get Krishna operated immediately.

I immediately asked her to show me the medical papers and reports of Krishna and next day showed it to my Mentor and known contacts and medical colleagues. After everyone's opinion, it was advised to get the surgery done at KEM Hospital only but the issue was a long waiting list over there. By God and Guru's grace and the contacts of my Mentor Dir. Prof. Dr. K.C. Mohanty Sir, we could immediately get Sitabai's son Krishna admitted at KEM Hospital for the surgery. Further after the surgery was over, there was some issue with intravenous line insertion. It was again a divine miracle that I was kind of nudged to visit KEM Hospital  on my own through some inner voice/ feeling exactly around that time,  to see how Krishna was doing after the surgery at the hospital.  Due to intravenous line disruption and inability to find another vein in Krishna's body, the medical resident wasn't able to administer the extremely necessary medicines and antibiotics to Krishna after  surgery, as it was really difficult to locate the vein in his body. Luckily, being skillful at the intravenous line insertion, I volunteered to do it and the medical resident could then administer the medicines as per the prescription of surgeon. 

After all this was over,  Krishna was discharged and he was relieved of his pain and he recovered well. Sitabai visited our home with both her sons - Raju (elder) and Krishna  with box of sweets to Thank us for helping them in a very challenging situation to relieve their Krishna from the immense unbearable pain that had disturbed their family life. And the most amazing part of this whole occurence was revealed to all of us at this time when Sitabai came with her two sons to our house to express gratitude. Sita Bai saw the photograph of Sai Baba at our home and it so came out during our conversations, that after all the efforts of getting Krishna admitted to KEM Hospital failed , his elder brother Raju prayed to Shri Sai Baba to help them for his younger brother Krishna and send some help at the earliest and right after that me and Mom had visited them. And they didnt even know I was a medical doctor until we visited them. 

I was like Oh My God! No wonder I had such a strong feeling that "I must connect with Sita Bai... I must connect with Sita Bai...she needs help" So I now realised that it was a Telepathic message relayed to me by Sai Baba -and I also connected the other dots - that the main person who was crucial in getting  Krishna's name pushed upwards in the long waiting list of surgeries at KEM Hospital to get him  operated on an immediate basis through his influential contacts - was none other than my Mentor Dir. prof Dr K.C. Mohanty Sir - and He was also an ardent devotee of Shri Sai Baba! Our joy knew no bounds when we realised HIS LEELA in connecting the hearts of devotees and later also connecting the dots... all this after Raju prayed with a sincere heart!

This not only reveals the power of  Faith in the Prayers but also the mysterious ways in which the Universe works to connect all of us - who are but miniscule specks of energy  - in the vast ocean of all-knowing supreme consciousness  and also connect the dots that reinforce our Faith in the Divine intelligence propelling us step - by - step on our journey from doing to being with the ultimate goal of becoming aware about the "I AM" consciousness!

I am so very grateful for all these experiences of Divine miracles in my life that have helped me reach here and to always stay grounded, leading me with Faith and Patience! 

I walk by Faith - more than sight!


Aum Amen Aameen Tathaastu


Meraki Pegasus

Wednesday 9 August 2023

The Lion's Gate Portal 2023 Chanelled message


Yesterday 08/08/2023 was supposedly the Lion's Gate Portal and I came across this message synchronistically  on my YouTube suggestions list... It  is a channelled  message  and it  so beautifully portrays  about  the teachings of Ron Malhotra  and his Lion spirits! 

I kept replaying at times to understand the deeper meanings of this  revelation  and want to share here for the benefit of many

A suggestion: Write down your dreams today on a piece of paper after invocation of the higher power that you believe in.

My deepest gratitude to Team Hazel & Alistair to portray the chanelled message so beautifully with so much deep work!

Stay Blessed!

Aum Amen Aameen Tathaastu


Meraki Pegasus

One of my One liners.... with YourQuote prompt

 YQ Prompt

The World will be a safer place when....

Meraki Pegasus : .... when  "I"  becomes  "WE"

Monday 7 August 2023

Learning to See & Feel , beyond the Veil of Life - The Afterlife World!


Abundant Gratitude Ms Suzanne Giesemann for being an iconic beacon of light showing the way  to  the world - 

How to Connect with parted loved ones ❤ 

Its healing to know that the  business between us and our departed loved ones is not yet unfinished and we are still very much together 

What if I cannot see my Father,  My Granny   my Dadda, with my physical eyes!

The heart feels the blessing hands and senses the love and care of loved ones who have departed!


After seeing Heart Gifts video, am blown away with the amazing evidentiary messages of the soul of Wolf and all the synchronicities. I totally believe in these, as I have myself experienced so many meaningful coincidences in my life as I progressed in the expansion of my consciousness through different meditations.

Love your work and Team,

God Bless you , your Team your loved ones abundantly with more energy and  more ways to continue the great work that helps awaken those who have forgotten the truth about existence and are living a robotic life with only one angled view about life as being just a mere biological offshoot from physical bodies of humans.

-Dr Racchana D Fadia

- Meraki Pegasus

Friday 4 August 2023

LOVE & MARRIAGE - A Promise , Not a Game!


Thankyou so much for coming out with this topic and I loved your analogy of tap water ๐Ÿ˜‚ ....Its indeed most important topic ๐Ÿ’ฏ in which many of us have so many altered perception because of REEL life shown in bollywood movies/peer pressure etc without truly knowing the REAL life challenges that come by not identifying the reasons and talking before getting seriously involved, and this can be cause for too much stress later. 

You gave so very important points to discuss before deciding to marry and I wish I could see this video much earlier in life, to have a shorter learning curve and higher bounce in this topic as well. 

Apart from this, I also feel that giving relationship some time before committing is best, coz like the saying goes - Distance is a test for speed and Time is a test for character, in as much to truly understand whether the person shares the same values compatible to ours, whether they truly do what they say and truly say what they mean -congruence in thoughts words actions!....

And back here in India, one most important question I would also consider is How the person takes his/her Family, how he/she respects his/her own as well as our parents, how is his mental construct around his parents/family wherein a healthy balance is truly imp, whether the family will have any say on all the topics you have so beautifully brought out and how much of it will be acceptable to let other family members/relatives have a say or decide on issues about topics in the married life of two... how does he /she handle conflicts when there are situations like "insecurity based actions" from any of family members? Does the person belive in having any Code of Honour for the family Etc.. 

And you very rightly mentioned about the losses, mental/physical/financial /kids....If things dont work out despite bilateral efforts... in that case are the two people liberal enough to consider doing a Prenuptial agreement as a last resort and safety valve as a Backup plan.... :)) 

After all, as  rightly  said  by  my  one of my mentors  -  

Let  Love  &  Marriage  be  a  promise  of  conviction, and  not  simply  a  game  of  convenience! 

Loving Light,

Meraki  Pegasus


My heartfelt tribute to my awe-inspiring mentor, The Indian Lion - @theronmalhotra , who inspires and leads with his tremendous energy, killer attitude,   empathetic equanimity, passionate originality and constancy of aim and   efforts! 

I want to Thank  all the amazing A.I. tools and YouTube artist that allowed me to use their expertise and music tunes to create this Rap Song right from its lyrics to an assembled  piece of final  creation! After all, A.I. aint that bad too ! Lol ;)

Special Thanks and gratitude to @BabakBeatz for allowing to use his music and beats freely to the youtube users like me!


Verse 1: 

Listen up y'all, I gotta story to tell 

'Bout a man so great, he makes others excel

Ron Malhotra is his name, he's the Indian Lion

From Australia, a man with power, poise, and no fear to fail

he'll inspire you to keep on tryin' until you learn to sail

He's a thought leader with ideas so original

A mentor and a guide, unconventional

With oratory skills, par excellence

Ron Malhotra, the Indian lion, no pretense

He's a self-made man, strong-willed to the core

With qualities that make him a true Lion roar


Power, poise, pragmatism, perfection and purity

These are the qualities that define his maturity

He's an embodiment of amazing traits

Willing to help his mentees, no matter what it takes

Verse 2: 

He's a self-made man, strong-willed to the core

He's a committed family man, and so much more

A businessman, an author, a wealth planning pro

An entrepreneur, an investor, he's got the flow

He's a psychologist, an educationist too

An influencer, always inspiring something new

He's determined and evolved, integrating honesty

And dignity with business skills to create true prosperity


Power, poise, pragmatism, perfection, and purity

Ron Malhotra embodies these qualities with surety

An inspiration to millions, a mentor to the brave

He'll awaken the Lion within you, unapologetically brave

Verse 3:

His life story's inspiring, relatable to us all

If he can do it, we too can stand tall

Perseverance and refusing to conform

Are key traits for success, and he's not the norm

His teachings aren't for the weak-hearted

But for the brave and courageous, his message imparted

He refuses to compromise with mediocrity

His spirit impeccable, raising vibes and energy


Power, poise, pragmatism, perfection and purity

These are the qualities that define his maturity

He's an embodiment of amazing traits

Willing to help his mentees, no matter what it takes

Verse 4:

His wisdom's not taught in educational institutions

But his thought-provoking facts cause inner revolutions

Questioning old belief systems, reflecting on past ways

Delving deeper within, to find answers in innate ways

Spiritual people are super achievers, it's true

And Ron Malhotra's an exemplary embodiment of that, woo!

So let his example inspire you to be brave

And awaken the Lion within, to pave the way


Power, poise, pragmatism, perfection, and purity

Ron Malhotra embodies these qualities with surety

An inspiration to millions, a mentor to the brave

He'll awaken the lion within you, unapologetically brave


So there you have it, My earnest tribute to Ron Malhotra in this rap song

His qualities shining bright, like the rising sun at a beautiful new dawn

He's truly my inspiration, my mentor, my guide

Helping me to unlock potential, and reach for the sky!!!


Loving Light to All,

Meraki Pegasus❤️

Thursday 3 August 2023

Salute to the Almighty Leader of the Divine Warriors - Shri GuruNanak ji ...

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