Am witnessing Life unfolding as an extraordinary Gift from The Divine, with impeccable perfect Divine Timing. Amidst all the turmoil, betrayals, pain, chaos in the most rock-bottom phase of my life that tried to tear me apart from my Faith, I instead chose to completely surrender to the Divine Will without any questions! Am so glad I never gave up to the overwhelming situations and circumstances that tried to break my Godfidence & my God-Spine!
Yesterday was another day that felt like I am being appreciated and rewarded for my unbreakable Faith in Divine! My experiences left me in awe of the intricate synchronicities and divine signs orchestrated by the Almighty—reminders that when our hearts are full of faith, we are guided in the most miraculous ways.
Though I missed my usual morning dose of divine messages from "Meraki Musings" yesterday due to a busy schedule, the universe had other plans. During a break yesterday noon, I opened the video of divinely channeled messages uploaded the very same morning.
As I watched the video, the messages resonated with me entirely. Especially when the message conveyed that, "you do not have to complete any course to receive what you deserve or to get into alignment...." I realised how it always was playing up heavily at the back of my mind, that I was unable to complete all the personal growth programmes I have signed up for since 2018 onwards!
Since I first watched Donna Eden say that "Everything is Energy" I somehow knew deep within that this was true and felt like I was being reminded of something my Heart already reckoned with! No wonder I fell in love with Mindvalley after my first encounter with the Energy medicine through Donna Eden on that platform, somehwere in 2018! And to my delight, again the exact same words echoed in this message "Everything is Energy" and this felt Home!
Further, as I watched the video it said, "As a confirmation you will come across a Shiny pearl (real or picture), a dragon fly may cross your path, bird king eagle can be relevant, look out for 369, 144, 122, and lots of butterflies together, do not doubt it, you are among the 0.111% in the receiving end". While watching these confirmation signs mentioned in this video, an overwhelming sense of alignment swept over me.
Before seeing this video, I had already encountered powerful signs:
- Found a white pearl in Mom's purse while searching something just the night before,
- The number 3369 on a car plate when I left from home same day, having the number 369 in it.
- Eagles soaring majestically in the sky, a vision that has graced me nearly every day recently.
- A group of vibrant butterflies fluttering by, filling me with a childlike sense of wonder as well as the number 144, all of which I had seen in the recent video by Psychic Maji just couple days back!
As I watched the divinely chanelled message, what stood out most was the confirmation saying that, "Feel the God presence in your life, you are receiving His guidance in many forms, trust them, these are breadcrumbs God is leaving for you to your destined reality, to your success and victory" and I saw how God has been truly leaving clues for me almost everyday in some way or the other through beautiful serendipities and synchronicities that are completely out-of-the-world experiences!
Again, I was so much overjoyed when I saw the message, "Dear one, magnify God by giving thanks and true love of your heart, sing song of His glory, praise Him for all that you are, for all that you have, and for all that is coming your way. Everything is a plan of God, every breath of yours is in His plan." because just a couple days back I wrote exactly the same phrase "Sing Song of His Glory", in a blog about my ongoing experiences:
My Ongoing Journey of Becoming - Through God's Loving Hand !
To see the exact words appear in this video again, was like the Universe is again whispering directly to me: "I see you, I hear you, I reckon you."
My heart swelled with joy—what are the odds? It felt as though the Universe is reading my blogs or, better yet, my heart itself!
As the day unfolded, the gifts kept coming. Shortly after watching the video, within minutes, I saw a dragonfly near my car park area — a beautiful confirmation mentioned in the channeled message.
This felt as though God was orchestrating these moments to remind me of His presence and love.
In the later part of the day I felt I want to visit Mother Mary at Mount Mary Church in Bandra—a place of immense peace and spiritual connection.
While writing this, I also recalled that long back, how one day when I was sitting inside this Church, as soon I was done with my prayers in my mind, the Church Bells started ringing beautifully at exact perfect time - Divine Timing - as the divine confirmation of my prayers being heard! And later I was myself very surprised about how after closing my eyes, I had made prayers which were not of seeking something material, but the prayers of becoming the light that Mother Mary & Lord Jesus are from - ones that had flowed from my heart or the subconscious mind! I can feel the nostalgia about the journey of life I have had since then!
After prayers (in the premises of main Mount Mary Church under renovation), while I was crossing the street to approach the Holy Statue of Mother Mary right across the Church, I saw an autorickshaw bearing the number 1440, another confirmation sign from the video I saw couple hours back! I couldn’t help but smile at the perfection of it all!
And when I reached the beautiful glass cabin where Mother Mary’s statue is enshrined, I witnessed yet other breathtaking sights: flocks of eagles soaring on both the sides of the shrine of Mother Mary.
I vaguely knew that the statue of Mother Mary in this glass cabin has a miraculous history. On refreshing the memory, I recollected that this beautiful Statue of "Blessed Virgin Mary" was discovered by a local Kohli community fisherman who dreamt of finding the statue of Mother Mary floating in the sea—and the very next day, his dream came true. Truly blessed and fortunate man!
This experience also reminded me how it resonated deeply with my own experiences of divine timing with "Our Lady of Fatima" at Lisbon, that is now a cherished memory from 2018.
In September 2018, I had planned to visit Our Lady of Fatima in Lisbon on the 6th September or 7th September, but unforeseen circumstances somehow just prevented me from going there making me feel under-the-weather. But afterwards finally, I could take the journey only on the 8th of September, and while I was in the bus to the Holy Church, I discovered for the very first time in my life, that 8th September is actually celebrated as Mother Mary’s birthday! The timing couldn’t have been more perfect. From securing the best seat on the bus to arriving just in time for the beautiful mass prayers at the Church, every moment was so divinely orchestrated. The failed plans to visit Mother on the earlier days, suddenly made sense, filling me with immense gratitude and joy as I realised this — Mother Mary had called me to visit Her on Her special day!
Getting back to my experience yesterday, while I was on my way, I again witnessed another divine co-incidence or as I call them - "signs" from the Divine!
I saw two cars , with exactly same numbers that are registered as Two F.I.R. against the Builders, who wreaked havoc in our lives.
Yesterday’s blessings didn’t end there. Upon returning home, I received yet another surprise. A YouTube video was auto-suggested to me, and as I opened it, I saw the number 144 once more. When I liked the video, I was the 369th Like — both numbers that are significant confirmations from the divine messages I had received yesterday noon!
Every sign, every encounter, every perfectly timed event reaffirms my belief that the Divine is always at work in our lives, weaving a masterpiece far more beautiful than we could ever imagine.
All I can testify is to Trust in the Divine Perfect Timing of the Almighty. When your heart is full of faith and surrender, life unfolds with such grace and synchronicity that you cannot help but marvel at the perfection of His plan. The signs are always there—watch closely, believe deeply, and InshaAllah, you will see them too.
Forever A Humble Seeker of Truth
Forever In Service Of The Divine!