Saturday 3 June 2017

A Man who walked His talk - Emeritus Dir. Prof. Dr K. C. Mohanty !

In Loving Memory of
Emeritus Dir. Prof. Dr. K. C. Mohanty
Inspiring life from 16th June 1940 - 1st June 2017

The Man who inspired,
The Man who forged ahead in life,
The Man who swam against the tide,
Is finally no more !
He kept only giving,
To all near and far !
Kept His sorrows to just himself,
Reason? - spread only happiness,
In this much harrowed world!
His knowledge of material and spiritual world,
Was deeper than oceans afar!
His ability to lead the masses was unmatchable!
His service to humanity was impeccable!
His only prayers to God,
Was to serve one and all ,
Till He breathed His last...
Indeed He was a Sainlty soul,
For He -
Gave without expectations...
Forgave without reservations...
Helped without hesitations...
Taught without limitations...
Loved without prejudices...
Lived like theres no tomorrow...
Laughed like He never had sorrows...
Blessed everyone impartially, Just like a Saint!
Guided people with best of His knowledge,
& to the best of their interests..
Helped everyone to the best of His capability!
Saved everyone from dangers,
While Himself standing in the storms!
Who never said no to anyone asking for help!
He was indeed rare of His kind,
A Man of His words,
Who would always walk His talk!!!
His life reflects many sacrifices He made,
To  lead an honest and righteous life!
A Man above all trivialites of the mundane - from religion and caste to hatred, ill-will, jealousy or animosity !
A Man who practiced what he preached,
And kept teaching all -
That :
Work is Worship, Work is Religion, Work is Relaxation !
Movement is Life , Stagnation is Death!
Now finally He remains in our hearts,
As a loving and cherished memory,
Of all that He was !!!
He was surely God's Beloved Child,
His pure Soul has finally departed,
From this Materialistic world,
To rest in peace,
In the lap of Selfless Almighty God !

Love and Very High Regards and Respect Eternal

-His Loving daughter
 Dr Racchana D Fadia


  1. Rachna in short you have described an individual par excellence. It is really difficult to put in words, the great life of Dr Mohanty. He was truly a special child of the almighty. Everyone has to depart this world and that is the ultimate truth of life, but very few leave the world with lasting impressions and thousands, who love and cherish him for years to come. Love you sir from the depths of my heart. Stay blessed in the world, which is beyond the human form and yet so near to us.

  2. I am in shock to hear, huge loss, may God give him eternal rest & may his soul rest in peace. Accept our condolences & be strong.
