Thursday 11 January 2018

Are You Detached OR Attached ???

If you have ever taken some interest either in spiritual talks or delved deeply into it, you would have definitely confronted these two words sometime or the other --> "Detached or Atttached" ....Ever wondered about the difference between these two Antonyms in the realm of Spirituality?

While pondering on some personal matters, after some interrogation and analysis, I could simplify this for myself -

While fulfilling one's duties if a person X is attached to the other person Y, then its but natural for X to have a sense of expectation from Y may be an expectation of
1) Appreciation or
2) Obedience or
3) Acknowledgement or maybe even
3) Reciprocation.
But in the process, due to whatever  circumstances, if these expectations are not met from Y then X either gets too hurt, becomes bitter or sceptical or self centered or lose faith in that relationship altogether.

On the other hand when Mr Z carries out his duty while being detached he will not expect any emotion or favour from any other person in return. The duty  is carried out with the feeling of self-satistaction. It is irrespective of the positive or negative response from the other person, hence any kind of reaction from others will be unable to affect Mr Z who is a freebird -- free from the prison of attachment and expectations. Consequently, Z gets rewarded with peace and tranquility forever. Such a person is self-motivated, unstoppable, innovative, independent, persistent and determined in the efforts.

Detachment teaches one to be independent, whereas Attachment makes one dependent and vulnerable!

Detachment makes it easier to say "Goodbye" to both the Pleasant and Unpleasant memories/ things/ people/ experiences. It makes one more understanding, forgiving, accomodating, accepting, and adjusting. Whereas Attachment makes you do exactly the opposite of that - it makes one cling on to the above and may lead to fear, anger, irritability, hatred, jealousy, illwill, animosity, unhealthhy competition and such negative mindsets.

Detached people are immune to hurt whereas Attached people are more prone to pain, despair and depression. Detached people can bounce back very easily and quickly from the adversities in life whereas Attached people get easily depressed and stuck into their life's lows and uncertainties or live in the fear of the future

Detached people are non-judgemental of people and situations around them; they refrain from playing the blame game.. but Attachment makes one judge others around them for various reasons and blaming comes easily to them!

Detachment makes one stress free as they always hope for the best but are prepared for the worst whereas Attachment can lead to psychological stress and prejudices because of their inability to let-go.

Between 'Attached' to 'Detached' lies a wide spectrum which has combination of varying degrees. A person may be attached to one thing and detached to another. Similarly it may even be circumstantial or keep oscillating... until strong will power overtakes the wavering and feeble mind!

All-in-all, I strongly feel,
Performing Duty with Detachment is the only ultimate pathway to self - realisation and evolution of the psyche to get liberated from the entangling bonds of the world !

                                                                                   - Dr Racchana D Fadia

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