Sunday 29 October 2023


This is the sad story of continuing INJUSTICE with The TWO WOMEN from MUMBAI in India out of whom the mother is a 68 year old senior citizen (my mother) and the daughter is an educated MD Dermatologist who is now studying law (myself). 

The immense oppression and injustice faced by  us  is not only from the dirty acts of a habitual criminal Builder Mr Ramji Harakhchand Shah, Mr Mansukh Harakhchand Shah, Mr Dipesh Dhanji Shah, Mr Umesh Damji Dedhia, Mr Pankaj Nanji Gada, Mr Gaurav Padamshi Khirani, Mr Hiren Premji Savla from Ms Shah & Jain Constructions  /  Shah Housecon Private Limited, Malad East Mumbai but very shockingly we are facing  oppression  also  from the various Officers of the Law, Order and Judiciary  responsible  for  doing justice with the victims! 

Hence we TWO WOMEN ARE SHAVING OUR HEADS  CLEAN BALD  just few days before Diwali 2023  with an extremely heavy heart as we find no other way  to  deal  with the immense pain, mental agony and anguish  for  repeated  incidents of irreparable injury to our fundamental rights as  victims  and  fundamental  rights  in  a  democracy  such  as  India, as  promised  by  the  Constitution  of  India  to  its  every  citizen to live a life of dignity,  peace, harmony,  health and well-being! This injury to our fundamental  rights  is  done  openly  by  the  Lower Court  Judges  repeatedly  since  2020  despite  being  informed  that  the  habitual offender  Builder has  not  only  defrauded  us , defrauded  the Police as  well  as other  third  parties  including government  bodies  but  also  playing fraud  upon the courts by filing false affidavits  before  the  Courts which are  Temples  of  Justice! We cannot  tolerate  this  anymore  hence  this  grave  step !

Brief facts of fraud : My parents purchased Two Flats from this Builder through mediation of family friend Mr Umesh Damji Dedhia in 2006. It was smooth deal and all verbal agreements were  fulfilled  along with  a  waiver of small amount of interest that accrued on few last instalments of payments.  Hence in 2011, the mediator Mr Umesh Damji Dedhia again gets the second proposal on behalf of Shah Housecon Pvt Ltd to my parents to sell off the two old flats to new buyers brought by the Builder  at a profitably higher price  and  in lieu of  depositing  that  entire  amount (received from the sale of the two old flats that were in our peaceful possession at that time) with  Builder, they offered  us  three Flats  at  a profitably lower  price at 20th and above floor in  a  posh  high rise  tower with  luxurious  amenities and two car parkings each flat. This was a honey trap to induce my parents (who were continuously reminded about smooth first deal and the waiver of meagre interest on some late instalments regarding first deal of 2006 to emotionally blackmail parents about gentleman image of builder) into selling our two old flats and the mediator Mr Umesh Damji Dedhia  being family  friend  took complete guarantee of the Builder's  offer. Hence my parents agreed to sell off  our two old flats in our peaceful possession  to  the  buyers brought  by the Builder  and  deposited  a  good  1.57 crores rupees  with  the Builder  for  being  allotted  three Flats  in  their  project  Shah  Presidency  in  2011.  However, despite collecting more than 40% amount as earnest money, the Builders never executed registered Agreement as per the mandatory section 4 of the then applicable MOFA Act. And this project  never  even started till 2013, however the Builder has not paid any interest to  our  family  as per the applicable MPID Act. Later  the Builder did joint venture with Kanakia Builder in September  2012, and the entire layout and architecture of Shah Presidency was changed by Kanakia Builders  and  the  erstwhile project  Shah Presidency was renamed as LEVELS (now Kanakia Levels). Thereafter, out of the erstwhile allotted  Three  Flats in the project Shah Presidency in 2011,  the  Builder only allotted Two Flats to our family at  renamed project LEVELS (now Kanakia Levels)  giving  frivolous excuses  and  disregarding  the  Deal  made (to  defraud  us  and  collect  huge  amounts  of  money  to the tune of  1.57 crores Rupees in cash and cheque in 2011)  with my parents. They kept sending us illogical and confusing Demand letters on a few ocassions and whenever we would visit their office for understanding  accounts  they  would  refuse to meet us  on  some or other pretext  thus  killing  time  and  also  never provided us any ledger statement of accounts since 2011. My father was also threatened diplomatically since 2016 about lives of women and children in family while they travel to schools/markets and hence Father couldnt gather courage to seek legal help and wanted to solve the matter amicably with them!

Shockingly, out of the two flats that  were alotted  to  us  in  LEVELS, the  scamster Builder fraudulently sold off  one flat to another  third party in August 2015 and even after selling off this  flat  to  third  party  the Builder has kept sending us the Demand letters and Notices of the same sold-off Flat to  our  family  till 2016 - 2018, to keep us in  the  dark  and  keep  extorting  money  from  my Father who has again paid an amount of 8 lakh Rupees in 2017 and again another amount of 35 lakh Rupees to Builders in 2018-2019 under the promises made by them to register the Flats in our family name as per the Deal of 2011! 

We  learnt  about this fraud  of our one flat sold -off to third party behind our back, only in Mid- June 2020 and  this  was  when my mother decided that  she has to personally seek clarification of accounts from the  Builder  Mr  Ramji  Harakhchand  Shah because  the Builders had  made  my  Father  submissive  by  repeated  threats  of  life. Hence me and my mother visited Office of Builder  on  25/06/2020  as  per  appointment  given  by  Builder Ramji Shah  on 24//06/2020 to my mother on phone. However, the Builder again refused to meet us on 25/06/2020  as usual and instead  called us back  at  his  office  on 27/06/2020. 

We later learnt that, on  25/06/2020, after we left his office, the same Builder called up my Father over a phone call and threatened my Father  that if me and my mother seek any accounts of money from him on 27/06/2020, he will show us his  crooked  ways  and  that he can  even get me and my mother silenced in  just  two  minutes  as  he  knows all the BHAIs(Dons) of Mumbai. (This Call recording is with Police but Builder is not cooperating investigation). And on 27/06/2020, Builder refused to acknowledge any cash money of our family and then  orchestrated  the  shameless incident  of  causing brutal injuries and outraging our modesty himself along with his staff/goondas  at  his  office  exactly as per the threat given to my Father on 25/06/2020.

All the strong irrefutable evidences of  these  offences  committed by Accused  Builder with us  and  our family  by  humiliating, abusing, threatening, then causing  brutal  injuries  of  fracture  foot  to my senior  citizen mother, bleeding  three dimensional  cut  inside  my oral cavity  and   bruises on  my  body, pulling my hair, touching me inappropriately in the preplanned event, unreasonably  imputing  unchastity  to  my  mother , outraging  our  modesty  on  27/06/2020  (registered as first FIR) to  cover  up  their  preceding  offences  of  criminal breach of trust, cheating, fraud, conspiracy, MOFA Act violations, MPID Act violations  etc in  the  flat  sold  off  to  third  party  in  2015 (registered as second FIR) are in possession of the Police and now mentioned in the latest Police reports of these two FIRs, after herculean efforts.

The Police had filed first Bail cancellation Application against Builder in the first FIR (for outraging modesty /causing grievous injuries to us), when I brought to their notice that Builder had  procured Anticipatory Bail on 07/07/2020 in the first FIR on totally false grounds of "no criminal antecedents" that was mentioned in Order dated 07/07/2020 passed by the Ld. 9th Dindoshi Sessions Court (passed in my manipulated absence) whereas there were many FIRs registered against him.   Interestingly, the Ld. 9th Dindoshi Sessions Court Judge had heard the entire case of first FIR and passed an Order dated 07/08/2021 in  first Bail Cancellation Application in first FIR, by allowing the Builder to continue Anticipatory Bail subject to certain fresh terms and conditions. However, the Builder  did not comply these  terms and conditions in its entirety and therefore a second Bail Cancellation Application was re-opened  in  first  FIR  by Police again as per the Order dated  07/08/2021  passed  by  the  Judge of  Ld. 9th Dindoshi Sessions Court. 

This second Bail Cancellation Application was kept on board of the same Judge of Ld. 9th Dindoshi Sessions Court on 02/09/2021 when another matter for Anticipatory Bail Application, filed by  same  Builder apprehending arrest in the preliminary investigation of police for the complaint letter submitted  for fraud in the sold-off flat (FIR was yet to be registered) was also kept for first hearing on same date before same Judge. Despite having heard the entire facts of first FIR in first week of August 2021, despite perusing extensive criminal records of many frauds done by same Builder during legal proceedings in first Bail Cancellation Application of first FIR, despite the fact that second Bail Cancellation was reopened against same Builder only because of the willful contempt of Court Order dated 07/08/2021 passed by the same Judge in first FIR which was also kept for hearing on same date as this Anticipatory Bail Application, SHOCKINGLY, a Non-speaking Order of Interim relief  was smoothly  granted  by  the  same Ld. 9th Dindoshi Sessions  Court  Judge in this second Anticipatory Bail Application filed by Builder (w.r.t complaint letter of fraud in the sold-off flat).

And such non-speaking Interim relief Order was passed by Ld. 9th Dindoshi Sessions Court in contravention to the precedents laid down by The Hon'ble Supreme Court of India clearly stating that powers of interfering in investigation by granting reliefs to Accused in Anticipatory Bail Applications must be used with great caution and sparingly, and that the Interim reliefs granted to Accused  ought be detailed with reasons as to why there was any need for interfering in the investigation procedure and protecting the Accused from arrest in non-bailable offences being investigated by the investigation agencies! 

The Non-Speaking Order of Interim relief  to  Accused  Builder was granted while me and my brother who are the original  victims,  and who were present in court premises since 12 noon on 02/09/2021, were  also   prevented  to enter the court Building, despite making multiple requests to the Public prosecutor and Police Officers  to  be allowed to be heard  by the  Judge  of Court Room No. 9 before  passing Interim relief  (we were stopped by security staff at the gate of Court building  saying that it was done as per the orders of the Public prosecutor of Court Room No. 9). We, the  Original  complainants  were  not  allowed  to  enter  the  court  building  to  be  heard  by  the  Court despite  Circulars from Higher courts such as The Ld. Greater Bombay Sessions Court and The Hon'ble High Court of Bombay to allow all the party-in-persons having their matters kept on board, to enter the court buildings across all courts of Mumbai  since 03/08/2021 (revised mandate for lifting  off  the  Covid restrictions) and  this  was  in  total  gross  and  shameful  violation  of  the democracy that India claims to be along with violation of  fundamental  rights  and  violation  of  natural  principles  of  justice! And instead of initiating suo-motu  proceedings against same Accused  Builder  for committing the criminal contempt of a recent Court order dated 07/08/2021 passed by the same Judge at 9th Court, a  non-speaking Order of Interim relief was granted to the same habitual offender scamster landgrabber Builder in second Anticipatory Bail Application by the same Judge of 9th Court keeping us stranded  outside the court building and not hearing us despite multiple requests sent to the Public Prosecutor of the court, the Police and officers of court through urgent despatches, emails, text messages, whatsapp messages!

Investigation has not   even  started  since registration of  both  the FIR  complaints, first FIR  registered  on 27/06/2020 and second FIR  for Fraud registered  on 16/11/2021 , because the Builder  was  smoothly  granted  Anticipatory Bail in first FIR  on 07/07/2020 in my  manipulated absence (I am the original  Victim in first FIR for outraging modesty /grievious hurt) and again a Non-speaking Order for Interim relief  was granted  without  hearing  us  on 02/09/2021  in second matter of fraud, these Orders were passed  liniently  by the same Judge at Ld. 9th Dindoshi Sessions Court and thereafter the Builders have not been co-operating in the investigation.

And  the Builder has not only committed  fraud in the flat that was sold off to third party in August 2015, but also committed  more  fraud  in  the  single Flat  that is registered by the Builder (out of total three as per Deal in 2011) in my Mom's name. The Builders  have done conspicuous fraud and forgery,  documentary evidences of which have been  perused  and  confirmed by The Additional Commissioner of Police North Region as obvious  case of fraud and forgery seen on records and hence,  we were also assured by The Addl CP North Region on 21 February 2023 that Police will take cognizance of  this  complaint  (filed  by  my  senior citizen mother  in  December  2022)   within 7 days and now it has been end of October 2023, we are still waiting for urgent necessary action from Police and justice from Courts!

The  strong evidences of serious criminal offences committed  by  same  Builders  in  many  other  cases and Orders passed by various Courts and Tribunals including Arrest Warrants and processes  issued  from Magistrate Courts  against  this  Builder, later  released on Bond and Bail Bond  from  such  courts, repeated cheque bouncing  criminal  cases under Negotiable Instruments Act, fraud with Government bodies  like  Slum  rehabilitation  Authority  Mumbai, Orders that show that the Builder is a willful  defaulter in  paying rents  for  alternate  accomodation to the poor  slum  dwellers whose homes  have been demolished by Builder  since more than 10 years, Orders that show that the Builders are willful  defaulters  of  local  municipal corporation bodies such as P-North Ward at Brihan Mumbai Mahanagarpalika denying to pay  Taxes  running  in  crores of  rupees, Orders that show that Builders have illegally sold off non-saleable SRA scheme  Flats to ineligible / Apaatra individuals (third party candidates who dont belong to the slum societies that are developed by Builder under Slum Rehabilitation Scheme), Orders referring the criminal complaints against the same Builder to the Anticorruption Bureau of Mumbai for regsitering F.I.R. to investigate the offences of criminal conspiracy and landgrabbing with hand-in-gloves involvement of the unholy nexus in government departments , Orders showing that the Builder is involved in Multicrores Rupees scam committed  with  Financial  organisations by  mortgaging  properties  with  Banks  for loans of  multicrores  rupees and simultaneoulsy selling  off such  mortgaged properties  to  third party individuals/Flat buyers without necessary permissions and thereafter  not  paying  up  the  multicrores  rupees  loan to the financial organisations, all these were unearthed by me  in various State Departments  since 2021 and have  been  provided to the police. Hence I was tried to be attacked and threatened to stop unearthing evidences against the Builder from various Departments.

That the car of Builder attacked me on 16/11/2022  outside Ld. Dindoshi Sessions Court because of our continued legal actions against him and this incident  was captured in the CCTV Footage of government surveillance cameras, that clearly shows that Builder's car tried to run over me outside court premises while taking reverse turn when there was no reason to take reverse turn. Still, an FIR was not being registered by Police against the Builder and they have never been issued Arrest warrants for the repeated acts of trying to harms us despite having strong evidence against them. This is in complete contrast to the case of Actor Uorfi Javed who was simply sent life and rape threats on her whatsapp number in December 2022 by some stranger and the stranger was not only traced by Goregaon Police Station from his whatsapp message, but an FIR was also registered immediately and the stranger was even arrested. We have seen, felt  and  experienced SO much disparity and inequality in law  that we are immensely  agonised  and  suffering extreme mental  anguish !!!!!!

Initially these threats were indirect and thereafter they became bolder to direct attacks done on us in broad daylight outside the premises of Sessions Court to show us  and make us realise that we will not be heard by police / courts ever! 

And despite the Police reports  mentioning  that  the  Builder  has  been misusing the liberty granted  to  them by Ld. 9th Dindoshi  Sessions Court  since  2020, through Anticipatory Bail in first FIR and the Interim-relief in second FIR , that the  Builder  has  boldly used  that  freedom  to  threaten and attack  me and my mother to stop us from participating in legal proceedings, however  the Ld. 9th Dindoshi Sessions Court has never revoked their Anticipatory Bails and Interim relief  - which are subject to only good conduct of Accused in criminal matters. And on bringing these incidences to the light of Ld. 9th Dindoshi Sessions Court in December 2022, instead of hearing my grievances, the Judge at Court Room No. 9 Dindoshi Sessions Court asked me in December 2022 "Why should I listen to you? You are not even the Original complainant in second FIR(fraud)! What is the relation between attack on you and the Anticipatory Bail Applications of  Accused (Builder)?" 

Hence I knew I am not getting justice there and immediately sought urgent hearing before Ld. Principal  Judge HHJ Shri A. Subramaniam at Greater Bombay Sessions Court on 20/12/2022 for redressal of grievances and requested to  stay the final hearings of these matters kept by Ld. 9th Dindoshi Sessions Court on 21/12/2022  so that  my  reasons for filing for the Transfer Applications of these matters from Ld. Dindoshi Sessions Court could be heard on merits and finally disposed off in the best interest of justice.  Strangely, even the Ld. Principal Judge at Greater Bombay Sessions Court Shri A. Subramaniam arbitraily dismissed my Transfer Applications saying that there is no urgency in my matters, and neglected that why was the Ld. 9th Dindoshi Sessions Court in a great hurry to pass final judgment on 21/12/2022 without taking evidences on records while the Builder was already on Interim relief  and their rights were not prejudiced at all!

The life-threatening attacks on us have only recently stopped,  after I sought Police protection from The Commissioner of Police Mumbai  and  an  undercover  CBI  investigation  was  started  to  enquire  about  the  need  to  provide  Police  protection  to  our  family! But we know that these are temporary abstinence of Buillder only until they have successfully purchased Bail Orders from the Courts!

Since the old Police Station (that was the den of this Builder and his political connections) was hesitant  to  reporting these evidences of fraud , repeated attacks on us, and past history of criminal cases of Builder on Police reports submitted before the Ld. 9th Dindoshi Sessions Court till January 2023, I went through so much hardships to  get  all our criminal complaints  transferred to another Police Station for                      RE-Investigation. This fact was informed to the Judge of Ld. 9th Dindoshi Sessions Court  in  February 2023 and the same has been taken on records in Roznama (daily proceedings records) and Judicial Order passed on 20/03/2023 that the new Investigation Officer was to file a Police report (Police say) to the main Anticipatory Bail Application, i.e., to say that older police reports are invalid in the light of re-investigation. However, strangely the same Judge has subsequently noted on judicial records that the new Police Officer wants to  file "Additional Say" to the main Anticipatory Bail application , thus unjustly legalising the earlier Police reports  which  were absolutely  improper  and  biased  in  favour  of  saving / shielding the  habitual criminal Builder!

However, despite misleading the Dindoshi Sessions Court since July 2020, these criminal Builders are out on Bail and are daringly not willing to co-operate the POLICE in the investigation. In fact, one of them i.e., Mr Dipesh Dhanji Shah has absconded to USA without informing police / Court in a non-bailable offence u/s 354 of IPC and now, he is not even traceable by Police for the investigation. 

However, the Dindoshi Sessions Court Judge has clearly refused to hear "Applications for Passport Seizure" filed by me on 09/06/2023 in all four matters and thus the habitual criminal Builder and their relatives have been silently allowed to abscond/ flee away  from the country

On 19/10/2023, the  Ld. 9th Dindoshi Sessions Judge refused to accept the Perjury Application  tendered by me in open court before any Arguments were even started; this occurred  despite myself Dr Racchana D Fadia mentioning the citation of Hon'ble High Court of Bombay ( which are binding on all courts of Mumbai) in the matter of The Union of India v/s Mr Harsh Milani that has set the precedent for lower courts that the Perjury Application  must be heard and disposed off  before hearing the main Application because anything that is buttressed on the foundation of falsehood,  is anyways bound to decay and The Hon'ble Supreme Court has gone one step further in stating that such litigants who take the majesty of Courts for granted must be dealt with very strictly by initiating Criminal Contempt of Court proceedings against such litigants and advocates!

And the strange thing is that the Prosecution (that ensures that justice is delivered to victims in Indian courts) is not placing the facts of the case before the Judge that the Builder has filed false Affidavits in  their Anticipatory Bail Applications, in which they have not only concealed their super-lengthy criminal history but also  suppressed the very crucial and relevant material facts and evidences that have a complete bearing on the adjudication of justice in these matters! 

This mental harassment and oppression causing loss of faith in the Courts and  Public prosecutor is in addition to the shocking and blatant denial of the Judge to hear the Victim on 19/10/2023 - that the Accused Builder have procured the Bail Orders in all the matters by misleading the court and playing fraud upon court especially by filing False Affidavits (which is offence of Perjury u/s 191, 193 of Indian Penal Court with a heavy punishment for seven years if the false Affidavit is filed in judicial proceedings).

The Hon'ble Supreme Court of India has repeatedly emphasized in so many matters, such as  the  precedent  laid  down  in  the matter of  Smriti Madan Kansagra v. Perry Kansagra, 2021 SCC OnLine SC 909 - that states that, fraud is an act of deliberate deception with the design of securing something by taking unfair advantage of another. In fraud one gains at the loss and cost of another. Even the most solemn proceedings stand vitiated if they are actuated by fraud. Fraud is thus an extrinsic collateral act which vitiates all judicial acts, whether in rem or in personam.” Secondly, the Court noted that “fraudulent misrepresentation is called deceit and consists in leading a man into damage by willfully or recklessly causing him to believe and act on falsehood. It is a fraud in law if a party makes representations which he knows to be false, and injury ensues therefrom.” Thirdly, The Court cited that “fraud indeed, in the sense of a Court of Equity, properly includes all acts, omissions, and concealments which involve a breach of legal or equitable duty, trust, or confidence, justly reposed, and are injurious to another, or by which an undue and unconscientious advantage is taken of another.” The Court opined that “suppression of a material document would also amount to a fraud on the court. It was further noted that “the expression ‘fraud’ involves two elements, deceit and injury to the person deceived. It is a cheating intended to get an advantage. And lastly, the Court stated that “fraud and justice never dwell together, and it is a pristine maxim which has never lost its temper over all these centuries.”  The Hon’ble Supreme Court further stressed that  “since fraud affects the solemnity, regularity and orderliness of the proceedings of the court and also amounts to an abuse of the process of court, the courts have been held to have inherent power to set aside an order obtained by fraud practiced upon that court. Similarly,  where the court is misled by a party or the court itself commits a mistake which prejudices a party, the court has the inherent power to recall its order.”  That the  Hon’ble  Apex  Court  also noted that “no judgment of a court, no order of a Minister, can be allowed to stand if it has been obtained by fraud. Fraud unravels everything.” 

However, instead of accepting and hearing this Perjury Application annexed with documentary evidences of Perjury, the Judge asked the Accused Builder's lawyer to start the arguments for their Anticipatory Bail Application. During the story-telling of the Builder's lawyer when he emphasized on a baseless allegation against my  family (victims),  the Judge passed a sarcastic remark on us without hearing us or our already mentioned Perjury Applications and the whole court burst into sarcastic laughter, causing immense mental agony and pain to me and my senior citizen mother Ms Surekha Fadia, who was also present in the court. At this point, at initial stage of story telling of Builder's Lawyer, myself immediately declared that I wish to  avail  the  legal  remedy  to Transfer the matters to another court, (as I could obviously see that the Judge is not following the procedures laid down by superior courts and instead of going through the latest Police Reports and evidences against a habitual criminal Builder, instead of hearing  our  previously  filed Applications for Passport Seizure, instead of hearing Perjury Applications against Builder, he seemed to be in a strange hurry to pass Final Judgement without allowing the Original Victim to be heard!), the Judge did not stop the proceedings in the matters but continued  listening to the STORY of Builder's lawyer! 


On 19/10/2023, after the story telling of Builder's lawyer was over, when I mentioned to the court to hear my Perjury Application and that I wanted to lead my arguments with evidence annexed in the Perjury Application against the Accused Builder, the Judge straightaway REFUSED TO HEAR me , SAYING THAT HE WILL NOT HEAR me BECAUSE I DONT HAVE FAITH IN COURT BY MENTIONING TRANSFER AT INITIAL STAGE OF ARGUMENT AND THEREAFTER JUDGE GAVE ME AN UNREASONABLE ULTIMATUM THAT IF I DONT GET TRANSFER ORDERS FOR ALL FOUR MATTERS TILL 31/10/2023, HE WILL PROCEED TO PASS APPROPRIATE ORDERS

This ultimatum is 

1. in the light of not deciding the previously filed Applications for Seizure of Passports (strangely  missing from judicial records) of the Accused Builder  despite one of the co-accused absconding to USA and not joining the investigation of the FIR registered with Non-Bailable Offences

2. in the light of not willing to hear the Perjury Application tendered on 19/10/2023 in open court before any final arguments were started as per the Hon'ble Bombay High Court stating in the matter of The Union of India V/s Mr Harsh Milani and 

3. in the light of not giving the Original Victim, any chance to be heard despite The Hon'ble Supreme Court of India stating in its landmark judgement  in  the  matter  of  Jagjeet  Singh  vs.  Ashish Mishra  [202 SCC Online SC 453] – wherein  it  is  clearly  mentioned  that  the  victim  in  a  criminal  matter  has unbridled  participatory  rights  from  the  stage  of investigation  till  the  culmination  of  the  proceedings  in  an  Appeal  or  revision.

4. in the light of knowing well the Ld. Principal Judge at Greater Bombay Sessions Court  already dismissed my Applications for Transfer of matters , once in July  2022 and  again  in December 2022, without giving me a fair hearing and opportunity to be heard! 

However, all the rules and procedures laid down by The higher courts such as The Hon'ble High Court of Bombay and The Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, which are binding upon the lower courts (including Ld. Dindoshi Sessions Court) of Mumbai, are openly and unabashedly trampled during the legal proceedings conducted in these Lower courts by taking for granted me and my family, who are representing our matters in-person as original victims, while Builder's lawyer who is a Counsel from the chambers of another Senior Counsel practicing in The Hon'ble Bombay High Court since earlier generations, has the dominance of being heard in the various courts of Law!

Hence, justice seems far-fetched to us, our spirits being repeated stabbed by the officers of Courts and therefore immensely harrowed since the legal murder of the Patriarchal head of our family in 2020; apart from being badly bruised in spirits by the Builder who caused brutal injuries on our physical bodies, assassinated our characters for no reasons and outrageously violated  our  dignity on 27th June 2020 in a well-planned premeditated incident to cover up his frauds with us since 2011!

There's more history of this Builder and his agent/partner trying to exploit me since 2010-2011, which feels awkward and disgusting to even mention here as it would amount to washing dirty linen in public! Police and Courts have been informed through statements and in writing.

And so this is our plight, The Two Women; and maybe many others Women in this country like us who are never heard and instead facing injustice 

NOT ONLY from habitual criminal Builders

BUT ALSO from 


Who are supposed to be upholding values of - 


But  our  personal experiences  since 2020 

Have made us  literally cry tears of blood persistently





that the REAL fact is VERY DIFFERENT




With Full Faith in the Revered Constitution of India,

Jai Hind!

-Dr Racchana D Fadia


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