Sunday 16 June 2024

"Life's Lesson: From Imaginary Poem to Self-Proclaimed Prophecy – A Cautionary Note for Imaginative Thinkers and Creators!"

When I first penned this poem and recited it , imagining the tender heart of a girl experiencing love and betrayal  because  of  her  innocence, I never dreamed it would become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Back then, it was just a creative exercise, a rush of words and feelings brought to life by a vivid imagination.

I was unaware that even a poem, birthed in the flow of inspiration and pure creative energy, could manifest into reality. There's this fascinating concept I’ve come to understand—something akin to a "switch" that, if not flipped, can lead those creative thoughts to materialize into real-life experiences.

Had I known then what I understand now about the interplay of thoughts and energy, I might have been more cautious. Our thoughts and imaginings, released into the universe, can create "energy bubbles," influencing our reality in unexpected ways. These bubbles, crafted from the substance of our imaginations, don't just fade into the ether; they resonate, they ripple, they shape our lives in ways I hadn’t anticipated.

However, there's a silver lining in this revelation. By sharing my journey, I hope to raise awareness about the potency of our thoughts and imaginations. It’s crucial for us, as creators, to understand this power, not to stifle our creativity, but to wield it responsibly.

This realization doesn’t mean we should abandon fiction or imaginative writing. Rather, we need to master the art of creating with intention and then consciously dissipate the energies we’ve stirred up. Imagine crafting a masterpiece, reveling in its beauty, and then gently whispering it away so it doesn’t ripple into our reality unintentionally.

So, let’s be mindful of what we think and say. After we close the creative chapter, it’s vital to affirm, “Cancel all imagined negatives,” ensuring that we switch off that creative switch consciously.

These are the lessons life has nudged me to recognize, and I share them with you so we can all navigate the realms of imagination with wisdom and care.

- Loving Light

- Dr  Racchana  D  Fadia 

Meraki  Pegasus

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