Monday 8 July 2024

From Resentment to Reverence: An Unexpected Journey Of Transformation Through “Eternal Love”

As a student fascinated by the great civilizations and honorable warriors of history, my heart has always been captivated by magical mysteries of the ancient civilizations Egyptian civilization, Mayan civilization, Greek mythology,  Atlantis, Lemuria, Star-seed families like Lyrans, Arcturus, Sirius, even the Gurunanak Sahibji, the Japanese Samurai, the revered Shaolin monks who are Divine Warriors in true essence, and even the mythical creatures such as Mermaids, Sphynx, Mummies, Elves and so on..Their portrayal in films and dramas has long fascinated me, embodying timeless virtues such as joy, compassion, truth, love, honor, courage, integrity, and justice. These  characters have consistently resonated with me  deeply, their stories etching a permanent place in my soul!

However, my perception of China, one of history's great civilizations, was marred by the shadows of historical conflict with India. The Indo-China war, particularly the betrayals during that time, tainted my view. I felt a profound sense of betrayal from the Chinese troops, who, while chanting "Hindi-Chini Bhai Bhai" (a slogan meaning "Indians and Chinese are brothers"), launched attacks against Indian soldiers. This perceived treachery left me with a bitter resentment towards China, branding the nation and its people as backstabbers in my mind. Consequently, this aversion clouded my appreciation for Chinese culture, language, traditions, and even products. My heart hardened against a country I deemed untrustworthy and deceitful.

Yet, life has a mysterious way of unraveling our deepest biases and misunderstandings. Despite my ingrained prejudices, I had failed to realize that my spiritual teachers, Respected Master Stephen Co and Revered GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui, who have profoundly guided my soul through significant challenges in my life, are themselves of Chinese origin. Their teachings have been instrumental in my personal growth, demonstrating that wisdom and compassion transcend cultural and national boundaries. This realization should have softened my perspective, yet I held onto my resentment until a surprising encounter forced me to confront and reassess my views.

A casual leisure time on YouTube turned away the tide of my perception. It began with an innocuous auto suggested youtube video—a mesmerizing clip depicting a scene featuring a beautiful girl conversing with a snake. My curiosity was piqued despite my initial reluctance. This captivating clip turned out to be from a 2017 Chinese drama television series titled “Eternal Love”.

What followed was an unexpected plunge into the enchanting world of this Mandarin-language drama, facilitated by English subtitles. To my utter astonishment, what began as casual viewing soon transformed into an intense engagement with a deeply rich narrative. The series bewitched me with its spellbinding direction, masterful storytelling, and mesmerizing characters and their impeccable  par excellent acting. I found myself entranced by the intricately woven plot of romance, emotions, suspense. Within three days, I devoured all 58 episodes, each lasting about 45 minutes, barely pausing for sleep. By the end, I was sleep-deprived, with dark circles and swollen eyes, but profoundly moved by the series.

Eternal Love, I discovered, was based on the novel  Three  Worlds Three Lives - Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms by Tang Qi Gong Zi. Despite being a work of fiction rather than a direct adaptation of Chinese mythology, the series transported me into a mystical realm akin to the reverence we hold for the stories in the Ramayana and Mahabharata. It introduced me to the poignant tales of Bai Qian  &  Ye  Hua and Lord Dong Hua Dijun & Bai Feng Jui — stories of true love, honor, sacrifice, and destiny that traverses incarnations of three lives and three worlds.

The saga begins with  The Jade Purity  Fan  of  Kunlun—a magical artifact— that  was recovered  after  millenium  of  years  by Mo Yuan - the  son  of  Heavenly  Father  and  the  High  God  of  War  at Mount Kunlun. He  released  this  artefact  that  flung  out  in  air  into  the  Nine  Heavens  and  came  back  to  Mount  Kunlun, but surprisingly  it  was not  attainable  by any of the senior diciples of Mo Yuan  at  Kunlun  Mountain. In  the  meanwhile,  Bai Qian, the youngest daughter of the Fox King and the future Queen of Qian Qian, was brought to Kunlun Mountain by Zhe Yan , a foster  brother  of  Mo Yuan, so that Bai Qian could be trained by one of the greatest warriors of the time. Since Kunlun Mountain did not accept female disciples, upon their arrival at Mount Kunlun, Bai Qian was disguised by a revered High God Zhe Yan as a young male named Su Yin. Strangely this  immensely  powerful  magical  artefact  of  Jade  Purity  Fan  of  Kunlun  allowed  only  Bai Qian (Su Yin) to  hold  itself  with  great  ease. The magical  artifact's act  of  choosing  its owner to  be Bai Qian  (Su Yin)  compelled  Mo Yuan to make an exception and accept  her  as his disciple, despite the deception  of  disguise  as  a  male  because  Mo  Yuan  rather  not  risk  allowing  the  immensely  powerful  magical  artefact  to  remain  with  an  untrained  non-disciple.

Over  period  of  time,  Mo Yuan, totally aware of her true identity, allowed Bai Qian to remain disguised, recognizing her sincerity and the purity of her intentions. His silent affection for Bai Qian grew as he observed her character, marked by a clean conscience, straightforward nature, and playful spirit. However, he chose not to reveal his feelings, understanding the complications it might entail, including the potential punishment for her disguise.

In addition to her duties, Bai Qian was entrusted with caring for the Golden Lotus, a mystical artifact holding the suspense  that   is  revealed  in  the  concluding  episodes  only. This lotus was given  to  Mo  Yuan  by his  Father - The Heavenly Father -  to  look  after  and  keep  it  safe , making it a sacred responsibility  for  Mo  Yuan. Bai  Qian  as  Su  Yin  would  diligently care  for  and  nurture this  Golden Lotus  in  the  Lotus  Pond  of  Mount  Kunlun, unaware about  the  profound connection  it  held  to  her  Master  Mo  Yuan  and  the  connection  that  was developing with  her  soul  that  would  reveal  at a later stage  of  her  life  thousands  of  years  later.

Bai Qian's fleeting romance with Second Prince of Ghost tribe Li Jing, the Second Prince of the Ghost Realm, was her  daring leap of faith against the  rules of  the celestial and fox-clan tribes without thinking about consequence of such grave steps. Despite the divide between the Fox-clan and Celestial Tribe with Li Jing's Ghost Tribe, the brave-hearted and resolute Bai Qian entrusted her heart to Li Jing, was  willing to face the music of rebelling  against her people by choosing  Li Jing of Ghost Tribe over her own tribe and family, only because she placed her trust in Li Jing. However, their relationship faltered under the schemes of Bai Qian's opportunistic friend, Xuan Nu, who manipulated Li Jing with deceit, igniting jealousy and suspicion about Bai Qian’s bond with Mo Yuan to further her own desire to marry Li Jing. These manipulations exposed the frailty of Li Jing’s commitment, leaving Bai Qian heartbroken and resolute to abandon the relationship, never to return.

As the story progressed, a looming war forced Mo Yuan to sacrifice his existence to seal the Demon Lord Qing Chan of Ghost Tribe who was also Prince Li Jing's Father, leaving Bai Qian with a deep sense of loss. Bai Qian, unaware of Mo Yuan's unspoken love and affection for her, deeply  entrenched  in  gratitude   towards  benevolence  from  her  Master  Mo  Yuan,  held onto his  final  words : "Wait for me." and  decided  to  honor her  Master's  last  words  by preserving his body, believing  that  Master  Mo  Yuan  will  surely  return.  She  kept  the  body  preserved  by  feeding  Mo  Yuan's  body  with  her Nine-tailed Fox  clan's  blood  gouged  from  her  own  heart.  Concurrently, the Golden Lotus withered, and its spirit reincarnated as Ye Hua, the Crown Prince of the Nine Heavens.

Bai  Qian  gathers  immense  courage  to  ask  her  Ex-Lover  Li  Jing  for  the  magical  artefact  "Soul  Jade Stone"  in  his  possession , with  the  hopes  he  would  do  give  it to her  atleast  for the sake of their  shared  friendship in past  and  that this Soul  Jade  Stone would help her preserve her Master Mo Yuan's body. But Le Jings refusal to part with the Soul Jade Stone to help Bai Qian preserve the body of her Master Mo Yuan, driven by his baseless jealousy, highlighted his own insecurity and fickle heart - traits that cannot sustain true love. True lovers do not allow petty insecurities to damage their precious relationship or resort to manipulation; instead they support, protect and uplift each other through transparency, honesty and mutual love and respect for the greater good of their divine bond. They remain steadfast through lifetimes, cherishing the peace, joy, happiness and free spitrits of their lover, honoring their vows of loyalty and togetherness. This pure, unwavering love, free from jealousy, insecurity, lust, possessiveness or the  need  to  control  is epitomized by Crown Prince Ye Hua's devotion to Bai Qian  and that of Lord  Dong Hua Dijun's  secret  love  for  Bai  Feng  Jiu  in  future  episodes.

Li Jing, the Crown Prince of Ghost realm, who was fortunate to have earned Bai Qian's trust and love at one point in his life, ruined the once blooming love and later spent his entire life in unrequited longing, haunted by the loss of the only woman he  could never replace - Bai Qian. Thousands of years later, he discovered that he was the only man that Bai Qian indeed loved wholeheartedly. However, his frail mind  and  insecure  heart that was scared of making  a  choice between Love  & Self-limiting thoughts, led him to choose another woman over Bai Qian, and was unable to safeguard, nurture and sustain this pure love of Bai Quian. The easy swaying and easily tempted-into-lust character of Li Jing is perfectly shown to not deserve the pure love of  resolute and faithful Bai Qian. 

The trauma from Li Jing's infidelity and fickle-hearted, jealous possessiveness for Bai Qian was so profound that Bai Qian remained stonehearted and untouched by love for next 70,000 years. This underscores a timeless truth : Love is not for the faint of heart, it must withstand the tests and challenges against all odds even those posed by scheming, manipulative individuals around this love, so as to ensure it never suffocates and dies. Words may speak of love's grandeur and charm, but it is through enduring and genuine actions that true love proves it's mettle and resilience

Seventy thousand years later, Bai Qian, stripped of her divine powers and memories, was cast into the mortal realm while trying to seal the Demon King. There, on Mount Junji, her solitude was interrupted by the arrival of Ye Hua, who bore a striking resemblance to Mo Yuan. Unaware of each other's true identities and of their celestial engagement, Bai Qian and Ye Hua's fated encounter ignited a love that transcended age, time, space, and realms, intertwining their hearts in a poignant narrative. In stark contrast to the  love of Li Jing, Ye Hua comes across as a sensible, patient, non-possessive, passionate, determined, responsibly caring and faithful heart, who willingly disregards even  the throne of Nine Heavens for which he trained rigorously since childhood, only to be with his mortal lover  Su Su. The ups and downs in this relationship of getting separated from this mortal lover and reuniting again with the immortal Bai Qian with sprinkles of thrills and surprises, charming innocent encounters of reunion between the lovers, a chemistry that every viewer deems unmatchably perfect, the  passionate love scenes, all this leads the viewers on a roller coaster of emotions that keeps one spellbound throughout! 

Bai Qian epitomises the self-restraining woman who controls herself despite feeling romance for the men she met - both Li Jing and Ye Hua - showcasing the profound inner strength and grace of a woman. She embodies a composed and disciplined demeanor, maintaining her poise and self-control even when her heart is stirred by emotions by a man. Her ability to balance her feelings with reason and to uphold her values and sense of responsibilities reflects a deep sense of  integrity, maturity and resilience

Another parallel-running captivating story within the series is the seemingly impossible love between Dong Hua Dijun, the seniormost and celestial tribe's retired  Emperor of  Three  Realms, and Bai Qian's very young niece, Bai Feng Jiu. This narrative beautifully illustrates how fate and destiny can soften even the hardest of hearts. Dong Hua Dijun, whose origins trace back to Sacred Rock, is widely known as an insensitive and heartless High God. In his quest to remain invulnerable and effectively care for the welfare of all realms, he even removed his name from the Rock of  Three  Incarnations  on which relationships made in Heaven  are  etched, thus  choosing  to  permanently  forsake personal connections, attachments and feelings of emotions.

Despite his self-imposed emotional distance, Dong Hua Dijun finds himself irresistibly drawn to lively and naughty Bai Feng Jiu. Their love story defies the barriers of age and destiny, with the powerful Dijun falling for the playful spirited, innocent, pure and kind-hearted Bai Feng Jiu. Though he initially holds back his feelings, believing they are not fated to be together, the twists and turns in their relationship beautifully depict how true love can transcend predetermined paths.

Feng Jiu’s unwavering affection and dedication to Dong Hua Dijun eventually penetrate his stoic exterior, revealing the depths of his capacity for love. This romance underscores the theme that love is not bound by age or destiny and that the heart’s desires can overcome even the most formidable obstacles. Through their trials and tribulations, Dong Hua Dijun and Feng Jiu’s story poignantly portrays the transformative power of love, proving that even those who seem impervious to emotion can be touched by its profound and enduring grace.

The expressions and emotions portrayed by the hopeless romantic Ye Hua (Mark Chao) and  the emotionally disciplined  Bai Quian (Yang Mi) taking her time to understand her emotions, the reserved deep  thinker hiding his romantic feelings - Dong Hua Dijun (Gao Weiguang)  and  care-free bubbly spirited Bai Feng Jui (Dilraba Dilmurat)  are utterly captivating, so perfect and so evocative that it is impossible to imagine their performances being performed by any other actors or done in any other way! 

Apart from love stories, the scenes between Ye Hua's mother - Consort Le Xu, and Ye Hua's mortal lover - Su Su, poignantly portray the strong disapproval of Ye Hua's mother for his mortal wife  Su  Su. Despite this  disapproval, Consort Le Xu seeks to save Su Su from the Heavenly Lord's death sentence, solely because Su Su is carrying Ye Hua's child, while Ye Hua's fate remains uncertain after his soul was gravely injured in the battle with the mermaid clan. Consort Le Xu, the Empress of Nine Heavens, whose orders should have been indisputable within the palace, could have discreetly ensured mortal wife of Ye Hua - Su Su’s genuine well-being without alerting the Heavenly Emperor, Ye Hua's grandfather, who despised the mortal Su Su. One wonders why Consort Le Xu would be so unkind to her only son's love. Perhaps she too harbored the Heavenly Emperor’s dislike for the mortal lover  of  Ye  Hua  -  Su Su. If I were in Consort Le Xu's position, I would protect the ones and  the  things  my loved ones cared for, against  all  odds, even if it defied societal rules and norms and  were  regarded  impractical  by  majority  around  me!

As mortal Su Su  endured harsh and  cold  treatment from the palace maids and guards, being  treated like dirt even  though  she  was  carrying  Crown Prince's Ye Hua’s  child  while she was under the supposed protection of Ye Hua's mother. The trauma of such unexplained hatred, oppression and insensitive humiliations inflicted upon soul of mortal Su Su by celestial palace elders was so heartbreaking, that it remained deeply engrained in her subconscious so much so that even after forgetting each and every memory related to Su Su's life, in later scenes as immortal Bai Qian, she is always shown to willingly avoid visiting or meeting any of celestial palace elders to meet and greet, during her sneaky visits with Ye Hua until one fine day Consort Le Xu herself visits chamber of Ye Hua to check upon things.

Even in these later scenes showing interactions of Ye Hua's mother with his fiancée as the immortal High Goddess - Bai Qian,  although  Ye Hua and Bai Qian were officially engaged  to be married together by Heavenly Lord, Consort Le Xu, as the mother of Ye Hua held a subtle air of arrogance and disapproval towards this immortal Bai Qian. Though Ye Hua's mother is overprotective about her only son she is also shown to be gullible and easily falls prey  to  manipulations of envious Su Jin who fuelled Le Xu that Ye Hua's attraction to Bai Qian was because she impeccably  resembled the mortal wife of Ye Hua - Su Su.  This underscores a mother’s possessive and overprotective heart, unwilling to let her only son fall for just any woman, and it didnt make any difference whether  the woman was chosen  by  her son Ye  Hua himself or  chosen by the elders of family such as King Heavenly didnt make any difference whether love of Ye Hua's heart was found in a fated encounter of Ye Hua with a lower realm mortal Su Su or  whether love of Ye Hua's heart found its happiness even in the mutually consented and arranged marriage agreement with immortal Bai Qian by the elders of both their family having an equal status of being immortal... As an insecure mother, the strong disapproval of Ye Hua's love and satisfaction in Bai Qian remained constant till the very end! This unease was so much so that even after the clear revelations to Consort Le Xu about the scheming  Su Jin (who was brought up in Celestial Palace by  Consort Le Xu and had always desired to be the wife of Ye Hua) about her manipulatng nature of always trying to plot against mortal Su Su,  and even against Consort Le Xu's own son and grandson - i.e., the Second Prince Sang Ji and his son Yuan Zhe, somehow, Consort Le Xu still despised the immortal Bai Qian and it did not clear the slate of disapprovals for Bai Qian in mind of Ye Hua's mother Consort Le Xu. She rather continued holding Bai Qian somehow responsible for downfall of Ye Hua as is seen from the scene of herself venting out her absolute arrogance, resentment and frustration on Bai Qian, blaming Bai Qian for the death of Ye Hua and disregarding to appreciate the depth of the love between Ye Hua and Bai Qian!  

Su Jin's manipulations in Celestial Palace were finally caught red-handed and they initially earned her the rewards of eviction from Celestial Palace as punishment for her mischiefs. All those manipulations from Su Jin were plotted to get closer and closer to Ye Hua in the name of her so-called Love for Ye Hua! But, it is to be seen in the scene of fight between Ye Hua and Demon King Qing Cang, how Su Jin runs away like a coward, instead of taking any solid action to help/defend  Ye Hua when he was fighting the Demon King (how funny that same Su Jin always regarded her feelings for Ye Hua as love!) In fact, even when she knew how much  the mortal Su Su meant for Ye Hua after she was brought to Celestial palace, Su Jin tried to break up  Ye Hua from Su Su for her selfish desires of achieving authority over Ye Hua! It is to be seen how can someone stoop so low and how can Su Jin fool herself by justifying her  acts of manipulations to be righteous for her love of Ye Hua???, which were nothing but her feelings of insecurities, jealousy, possessiveness, delusions of self-grandeur feeling entitled to obtain the best prize on the cards in the form of Ye Hua! And It simply means she was never honest with herself!

True love will always want the other person to be happy, even if it means that the other person is happy with someone else! 

It all shows how Su Jin's love for Ye Hua was only for her own convenience and not conviction and that intelligent brains of a woman are surely important but without a pure heart and clean intentions, a woman can be a very dangerous and poisonous for the entire family! 

If Su Jin  truly loved Ye Hua, when Su Jin was in authority and had the privilege of being the Consort in Celestial Palace, she would have surely ensured that  mortal Su Su pregnant with Ye Hua's child is taken care of really well with kindness and compassion, while Ye Hua couldn't openly express his deep love and affection for the mortal  Su Su before his grandfather Heavenly King. True Love is seeing the loved one at peace and tranquility, supporting that person in whatever ways one can possibly do, while maintaining honor and self-respect in the relationship and maintaining healthy boundaries.

However, it is also so beautifully shown how Ye Hua faces his mother's disapprovals for the woman he loves, with his quick wits, sharp observation skills and astute mind with  extemely responsible demeanor towards everyone he loves. Ye Hua quickly grasps the reasoning of his mother’s emotions when she inquires from  him  about his connection with Bai Qian. At such enquiry from his mother, Ye Hua  smoothly balances  the scale of his mother's overprotective emotions  very cautiously and pretends to regard Bai Qian as only the woman who was chosen by the Heavenly Lord, concealing his deep love and affection for Bai Qian. This response is a strategic move to pacify his mother’s unnecessary waves of overprotective feelings and subtle envy, safeguarding Ye Hua and Bai Qian love from further embarassments, nagging suspicion, jealousy, or hatred from  his  mother,  whom  Ye Hua loved  and  cared  for,  equally  if  not  more  than  Bai  Qian, as seen from the scene wherein as a young child, Ye Hua accepts the condition put forward by Heavenly Lord and tolerates the heavenly ascension trial to be given a chance to meet his mother Consort Le Xu, whom he had never seen after his birth!

These love stories  of  Bai  Qian - Ye Hua & Dong Hua Dijun - Bai Feng Jui, marked by its  own  sets  of  trials and tribulations,  woven on a tapestry of destiny with the cyclical nature of life and the relentless pursuit of love, leaves a remarkable  impression,  reinforcing  the power of love to cross over formidable barriers, including age, distance, cultural backgrounds, and even the boundaries of existence and reincarnations. The story’s plots beautifully portray the  Code  of  Honor for Duty, Sacrifice, Self-respect, Love of Self, love for Family, Friends, Community, Teachers, Friends and Relatives and importance of maintaining personal boundaries  while  giving space to every relation. It beautifully highlights the Master-Disciple  relationship, the various  shades  of  emotions, the  consequences of  holding  onto  clinging,  inflated ego , treachery, dishonesty, vengeance and refusal of forgiveness,   destiny of eternal bond, true  love and affection. Most remarkably heart-capturing  scenes  are  where  the  characters  of  Mo  Yuan,  Ye  Hua, Sang  Ji, Dong  Hua  Dijun  exhibit  sensibility,  discernment, responsible  attitude,  tough personality  and  take  a  complete  stand  for  their  woman  to  be with  her and protect  her against  all  odds.

The  Actors  who  have  enacted  characters  of  Zhe  Yan,  Bai  Qian,  Ye Hua / Mo Yuan,  Disciples  of  Kunlun  mountain, Li Jing, Dong Hua Dijun, Bai Feng Jui, Star Lord Si Ming, Quing Cang, Xuan Nu, Su Jin, Consort Le Xu, Heavenly Lord, Bai Quian's family, the child as A-Li, Mi gu and  all  other  supporting  casts  have  given  speechless  performances. In  fact each  and  every  character  appears  to  have  been  handpicked  so  well  that  it  feels Real even though its  just Reel ! It's  music  is  so  moving  and  transports  one  in  an  out  of  the  world   realm ...The background score in every scene makes it lively, emotionally appealing and simply perfect! The  entire  Team -  both  frontline  as  well  as  background - have  created  a  truly  magical  marvel !

This TV Series serves the best example of  grand super-success despite showcasing the  purity of virtues and emotions... It challenges the prevalent and widespread perceived notions of modern day media world that profits can mostly be made by faster selling films loaded with hard core violence or sex or both - thus unconsciously creating misperceptions of younger lot to easily and willingly consider those as examples to follow and imbibing self-destructive paths so as to be accepted under peer pressure in materialistic world of cut-throat competition! Such distorted media is harming the collective consciousness of Mother Earth by misguiding  the future generations to believe into vices and giving easily into low frequency emotions and casual impulsive acts - as the shortcut path to success.  

Eternal Love enchanted me so much that it prompted a quest for knowledge about its origins. I found myself yearning to understand more about the rich traditions and culture of China. It was bewildering to reconcile the values depicted in this beautiful folklore with the historical animosities I had held against China. The sagas of Bai Qian - Ye Hua & Dong Hua Dijun - Bai Feng Jui  with their depth of emotions and timeless messages, challenged my biases and opened my heart to the profound beauty of Chinese traditions and culture.

In the end, 'Eternal Love' not only captivated my heart but illuminated the shared values that bind us all, transcending past conflicts and differences. It  became more than just a television series—it alchemized my mistrust to enchantment, enriched my understanding of one of the world's most diverse and beautiful cultures. Reflecting on this journey, I realize that the human experience is vast and multifaceted. The tales of  Honor, Respect, Truth, Love, Romance, Courage, Integrity, Loyalty, Faithfulness, Sacrifice, Discernment, Forgiveness and such virtues, whether from my heritage or from those I once misunderstood, resonate universally.

Upon deeper reflection, I've come to realize that every event and situation holds its own mix of positives and negatives. Focusing solely on the negatives can obscure valuable lessons and opportunities for growth. What truly matters is where we choose to direct our attention. I have chosen to embrace the positives, transforming my heart from one of prejudice to one filled with enchantment for China—a country and land of ancient civilization that embodies the roots of my benevolent spiritual mentors, Respected Master Stephen Co and Revered GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui. Their profound teachings, alongside the captivating narratives of Eternal Love, have reshaped my understanding of Chinese culture. Their influence, combined with the beauty depicted in Eternal Love, reveals a culture of extraordinary depth and grace beyond historical animosities between the two nations.

"Eternal Love" has touched my heart like no other movie or TV series I've ever watched, with only The Great Gatsby and Titanic coming close. The level of enchantment "Eternal Love" offers is evident in how the Chinese language of the series could not deter me from watching it non-stop. Despite the language barrier, that I don't understand a single word of Chinese, I found myself unable to stop watching, making every effort to follow the English subtitles to grasp its profound beauty and emotion. Abundant Gratitude to Croton Media for fantastic translation of Mandarin language to English so others can experience emotions of such an enigmatic TV Series !

'Eternal Love'  has  become  a part  of  my  daily  life,  drawing  me  back  to  its  world  and  music  almost  every day,  as  I  long  to  lose  myself  in  its  haunting  nostalgia  and  mesmerising magic. Reading  the  comments  from  other  viewers  on  various  YouTube  videos  made  about  various  actors, other compilations, and other aspects of Eternal  Love  apart  from  58 episodes of the TV  Series  itself,  I  see  that  the  viewers  from  across  the  world  share  exactly  the  same  depth  of  profound  feelings,  making me  wonder  if  some  immortal  High  God  truly  casted  a  bewitching  spell  on  this series  to  be  able  to  move  so  many  hearts so profoundly and  simultaneously!!!  LOL ;) Oops, that just reminded me of the effect the free soul-spirit of Sushant Singh Rajput had on moving the masses across the world for him for a long time, showed how much power his soul wielded after crossing over life on earth realm. Quite similar to moving power of this TV series!

All Episodes @

Sigh!  And so... this enigmatic series struck an unexplainable chord so deep within that my  heart  holding  Mistrust  &  Prejudice  for  China  is  now  A  Heart  filled  with  Enchantment, Gratitude  &  Reverence for  the  same  Country  of  an  ancient  civilization  that  nurtured  the genes  of   my  benevolent  Spiritual  Masters through  their  ancestors  over  many  past  lives  and  past  generations!

- Loving Light

- Dr Racchana D Fadia

Meraki Pegasus                          

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