Tuesday 8 October 2024

Journey Through Storms Guided By Unshakable Faith and Divine Connection!

There is a sacred strength that comes from having an unshakable faith in the Divine—a strength that allows you to sail through the storms of life with grace and resilience. 

My own journey has been one of trials and challenges, but through it all, I have held onto my connection with the Divine, and it has been this faith that has made me stronger with every passing storm, like this song goes, "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger"

I share this story not just to reflect on my experiences but in the hope that it will inspire others to connect with the Divine within themselves. No matter what darkness or negative energy may surround you, there is a power within you that cannot be broken. It is the light of the Divine, and when you trust in it with unflinching Faith, you will not only survive the storm but emerge from it transformed and stronger.

Just a few days ago, I received multiple messages that affirmed what I already knew deep within me—that negative energies had tried to destroy me, but instead of breaking me, they only made me stronger, because those battles were fought with unquestioned Faith in The Divine, The Dhamma, The Forces that created the Universe!                           

Deeply resonate with everything this psychic speaks about in the video. I’ve experienced how I have been tried to be sabotaged at important milestones of my successes, and how the final blow was almost fatal wherein I almost lost everything!

Yet, I made the decision to keep moving forward, even if it meant walking through the storms alone. I’ve endured such intense sufferings, to the point where I questioned why I was ever born. The pain and anguish were so overwhelming that I once couldn't fathom birthing another soul into this world to endure the same. Despite my deep love for children, I never felt the desire to become a mother, as a part of me subconsciously equated being born on Earth to be filled with inevitable suffering. However, everything is beginning to change now. Change, after all, is the only constant. Through the guidance I’ve been receiving, I’m learning so much about myself—my origins, the reasons behind my trials. The clarity is profound, and the messages I now receive resonate deeply, aligning perfectly with what I’ve lived through. It is as if the Universe is confirming, word for word, all that I have endured, helping me understand the larger purpose behind my journey.

The Psychic mentions, "The Promised Land" while concluding her channelled message and right after this message next morning I was sent this message that also speaks about  "The Promised Land"! 

Whatta miraculous synchronicity,  coz I am sure there was no tagging of "The Promised Land" in the previous Psychic's video!

These messages came as reminders that I am under the constant guidance and protection of the Divine. While the negative or low frequency energies may have tried to drag me down, they could never succeed because I am anchored in a higher power. 

Recently, I started receiving guidance to step back and let people be—to stop intervening and allow Karma to take its course as per God's plan. It’s a message I’ve received in the past, but this time, it was repeated with greater frequency and urgency. 

I felt compelled to share this earlier, but a string of court hearings since the 4th of October delayed my ability to put my thoughts into words. It seems fitting, though, that now is the perfect time to share, as recent events have deepened my understanding of these messages and their significance.




  And yet another synchronicity is about this same message compared the soul to a Sunflower, and there I got my strong confirmation! 

Why confirmation? Reason : Just last month, I explored Mandala art therapy for my personal healing. Coincidentally, the very first mandala I created manifested as a sunflower. As I began to color it from the inside out, the image of a beautiful sunflower emerged vividly in my mind. For those unfamiliar with Mandala art, it serves as a powerful tool for healing the subconscious through the practice of mindful artistry. It is fascinating that this channeled message also describes the soul as a "Sunflower." And this message is received at such a divine timing!                      

As for me, it’s always been a part of my identity to view myself as a “Suryavanshi,” connecting deeply with the Tribe of the Rising Sun. This connection resonates profoundly within me, as The Sun reminds of the Infinite Light , Immense Power and Warm Benevolence of nurturing life on Mother Gaia!

At first, I didn’t fully understand why this message "Dont interfere in the work of Karma and God's plan" was coming through so persistently. I pondered and asked the Universe for clarity.

And so, after the communications pouring in about not interfering with Karma's work, within just a few days, I received news that someone who had been playing games in my matters was injured unexpectedly and hospitalized. This was someone who had aligned themselves with the criminal builder I have been fighting, using their influence to try and derail justice. 

I want to make it clear that I did not feel any sense of joy or vengeance upon hearing this. My nature is one of healing, and when I know someone is suffering, my instinct is to offer help and healing energy. Hence, in the past, when this person was having some physical ailment I had healed it on spot by the Grace of Almighty and Divine.

However, this time, I paused. The repeated messages I had received from the Universe—messages urging me to let Karma do its work—immediately clicked into place. I realized that this was exactly why the Universe had been so persistent. I was being told to step back, to not intercede, because this person needed to face the consequences of their actions.

In the past, my first reaction would have been to offer healing, even to those who have wronged me. But the Divine had already instructed me not to intervene. I had to respect the guidance I had been given, trusting that Karma was at work in ways I couldn’t fully understand.

To be honest, I had been deeply troubled by the dirty politics being played by this person and others connected to the criminal builder. Their influence, money, and connections in various government departments were being used to manipulate the system, and I could feel the heavy, oppressive energy surrounding me. I felt the weight of their actions—an almost palpable heaviness that left me feeling sad, worked up, and drained.

It was clear that this person was working in alignment with forces that were not aligned with the Divine. And yet, even in the midst of all this negativity, I knew that my connection with the Divine was stronger. No matter what they tried to do, no matter how much they attempted to obstruct justice, I was protected.

Once again, after receiving the news of this person's injury, I received another message from a soul tribe Psychic about her own experience of being put up against the wall again and again by low frequency people for no fault of hers , despite forgiving them, doing healing and being a good gal so to speak...and now having realised that spiritual people are not supposed to only heal and forgive but even stand up for themselves and their purpose, she now warns such low frequency people to stay away from the souls who are connected to the Universe, coz Karma gets back multiplied , to those who try and poke their nose in the path of connected souls, reaffirming the same guidance: let Karma do its work. The video is titled as : Karma coming for them


This was no coincidence. The case I'm fighting in the human courts revolves around advocates of a habitual offender—an unscrupulous builder—who are deceiving the authorities by concealing key facts and evidence already reported in the latest police reports. This amounts to the serious crime of perjury and is punishable with seven years imprisonment for lying to courts. And so, In this amazing synchronicity, I am so amazed that this psychic in the video I watched has exactly echoed the very same sentiments and expereinces that I am going through in courts, when she says, "Lying to authorities is a crime."  Meaning that even if this builder is currently manipulating human courts to his advantage, it doesn't work in spiritual courts. And I have unshakable faith that while he may be maneuvering the human legal system for now, there is no way he can manipulate the higher realms—the Astral Courts and Spiritual Courts. Just as the psychic powerfully addresses these low-frequency beings, I trust that divine justice will prevail where human systems may sometimes falter with unreasonable delays and harassment to victims of such a powerful lobby manipulation the system through the law and policy makers of the country!

And so, my beloved Universe  speaks to me in ways beyond my expectations with such pleasant surprises - messages that resonate with what I have gone through , felt, experienced, observed, heard and thus providing powerful reminders that the Divine always got mybbacj and has It's own way of balancing things, and sometimes, the best thing to do is to just step aside, wait, relax and let the natural order and justice of the Universe to unfold in It's unquestionable Majesty!         

I have now come to a deep realization. While we are all interconnected in higher dimensions, in the realm of the 5D, there are still many who, in the 3D world, deliberately close their eyes to the divinity within them. These individuals need to learn their lessons in a way that resonates with their level of understanding. If I were to step in and heal them every time they suffered, they might never learn the lessons they need to grow. They would continue on their path of causing harm, never opening their eyes to the consequences of their actions.

Karma works in a language that everyone understands. For some, that language is love, for others, it may be pain or loss. Whatever form it takes, Karma serves to teach and to bring balance. By stepping back and allowing it to work, I am not abandoning my compassion—I am simply allowing the Divine to guide their journey in the way that is best for them.

This experience has taught me the power of faith and surrender. Sometimes, the hardest thing to do is nothing at all. But by stepping back and trusting in the Divine, I have seen how the Universe works in mysterious yet perfect ways. The negative energies that tried to destroy me only made me stronger because I was protected by Divine guidance. And those who sought to harm me are now facing the consequences of their own actions.

This is the beauty of Karma and the Divine's protection. When we remain connected to the God within us, no matter what storms we face, we can trust that we are always protected. The negative energies around us may swirl and rage, but they cannot break us. Instead, they serve to strengthen our connection to the Divine, making us more resilient, more aware, and more aligned with the truth of who we are.

I share this not just as a reflection of my own journey, but as an invitation to others. The Divine exists within each of us. When we connect with that inner divinity, we find a strength that cannot be shaken, no matter how fierce the storm. 

In one of my earlier posts, I wrote about how the weight of sadness and pain had once been too overwhelming for me to bear. In those moments, I made a conscious choice to hold back my tears of sorrow, vowing that I would only release them when they transformed into tears of joy. Today, I find myself experiencing that very joy—my tears now flow not from suffering, but from the deep gratitude and relief that comes with witnessing the justice delivered by the Divine. Truly, the Divine's timing is perfect, and those long-held tears have become a symbol of triumph and Divine Grace. 

Trust in the process. Trust in the Divine. And most importantly, trust in yourself. You are stronger than you know, and you are always protected, even when it feels like the world is against you. Negative energies cannot destroy you—they can only make you stronger when you stand in your Truth, guided by the Divine Light within.

Let Karma do its work. Let the Universe guide you. And watch as even the most difficult challenges transform into opportunities for growth, healing, and deeper connection with the Divine.

May All Souls Find Their Truth, Their Path & Their Purpose Under Divine Guidance Of The Universe! 




- Dr Racchana D Fadia

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