Tuesday, 11 June 2024

Faith against all Odds!

 "And now, God is going to pay you double for all the injustices that you ever experienced, for never loosing the faith, for never turning your heart to stone no matter how much you've been betrayed how much you've been hurt how much you've been deceived!  You're still an open heart, so full of love, so full of light and God sees you and He is gonna reward you for your faith, for your goodness, for your purity, for your compassion..."

Amazed at the meaningful coincidences that show up in my life ! Never subscribed to this channel and this video pops up.

Angel Number 1111 that shows up in this video, I have been seeing it on quite often on car plate numbers, clocks, sign boards almost every other day :)

Yes I have always felt an invisible and  blessing protective presence in my life - the reason I kept moving ahead against all odds, even if it meant walking alone!

Yes, it's true that I made a choice never to make my heart bitter because of bad experiences from others, I chose to keep the heart alive and filled with forgiveness, hope, and light always, no matter what ! Because, I chose these teachings of Saint Mother Teresa that touched my heart the moment I read it!

Thankyou Almighty God for the divine messages and priceless Blessings

Love You Universe!
Love you Divine Realm!

-Your Humble Servant Forever 

Aum Amen Aameen Tathaastu
Dr Racchana D Fadia 
Meraki Pegasus 

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