Saturday 3 August 2024

Dao De Jing (The Tao Te Ching) - my deepening love and reverence for the ancient China & philosophies!


While revisiting few favorite scenes from "Eternal Love" came across the term "Taoism" and it sparked my interest to dig deeper into the origins and beliefs of Taoism.

I recollect that I was lovingly gifted a very rare book from Lao Tzu by one of the Vipassana Acharya just before Covid lockdown, but I could'nt open and read it as yet! 

May be I was to get to know  Lao Tzu and Tao (Dao) philosophies better through the Chinese Drama Series "Eternal Love". 

Just when I was researching about "Taoism" I came across this creation of Mr Wayne Dyer - THE  TAO TE CHING - pronounced as "Dao De Jing" that is a compilation of  metaphysical metaphors explaining the deeper universal truths for those who seek!

Thankyou   @stairway11  and Mr Wayne Dyer, for this great endeavor of making available ancient wisdom of timeless and universal Truths to the world at the tip of fingertips! Stay blessed abundantly, Infinite gratitude from souls like me - Seekers of Truth with Faith in Divine!

Just the first 9 minutes of this video and such deep pearls of wisdom.....Loved these lines so much!

Can you love your people and govern your domain without self importance?

Giving  Birth and Nourishing...

Having, yet not possessing...

Working, yet not taking credit...

Leading, without controlling or dominating...

One who heeds this Power, brings the Dao to this very Earth - This is the primal virtue!

Thirty spokes converge upon a single hub...

It is on the HOLE in the centre that the use of the cart hinges !

Shape clay into a vessel, it is the SPACE within that makes it useful!

Carved fine doors and windows, but the room is useful in it's EMPTINESS!

The usefulness of what IS.... depends on what is Not!

(This very much speaks about "NOTHINGNESS",  The Observer Effect in Quantum Physics  -  The "SHIVA")

The Five colours blind the eye

The Five tones deafen the ear

The Five flavors dull the taste

The chase and the hunt craze people's mind

Wasting energy to obtain rare objects, only impedes one's growth!

The Master observes the world, but trusts His inner vision,

He allows things to come & go,

He prefers what is within, to what is without!

Man's trueself is eternal, yet he thinks, "I am this body and will soon die"

If we don't have bodies, what  calamities can one have?

One who sees himself as everything, is fit to be Guardian of the World!

One who loves himself as everyone, is fit to be Teacher of this World

Discovering how things have always been, brings one into harmony with 'The Way' (Dao)

To be continued.....

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