Thursday 29 August 2024

Detangle Yourself From The Energies That Are Not Yours , Simply By Being In A State Of FLOW!

Yes, can't agree more that THIS timely synchronistic message indeed found me for a Reason, as rightly concluded by the beautiful and lovely Tarot reader on YouTube channel "Channeling Angel by Anadasia Rose" - and one can't stop appreciating that She truly comes across as a beautiful Fairy Angel and the way she carries herself and expresses her sensuality is as, or rather, even more beautiful than 'A Rose' :)

Been receiving same messages from most Healers and Tarot readers of my beautiful soul family that exists through connections across various dimensions - 

"Release! Release! Release! What's not yours - just Release!"

With the state of affairs, I knew that something has been troubling inside of me, but I wasn't able to figure it out all by myself...was kind of knowing somethings' just not quite right within... but couldn't pin point to what it was! Because for me, I would think that since I do my meditations, while having a fair understanding of tools and techniques to practice forgiveness to self and heal the past pain and trauma, that it was enough and that nothing else was needed to be healed any more or any further... But guess I required to be course corrected on this stand - coz I knew something was still amiss within but couldnt pin point to exactly what it was - And this message exactly pointed that out to me with immediate clarity - It is "BETRAYAL" !  The one most hurtful act experienced  not only from strangers but even from those, whom I considered  most closest to me!

Today I got the explanation of deeper reasons and awareness of why and what it is, that is bothering me subconsciously , that I was'nt able to point it out for myself,  that what beliefs were kind of limiting me in my growth and why I need to do what I love, why this phase of transition is as  important for me as it is, to perform, that why I need to rest, to relax and to rejuvenate - so as to gather myself back to the energy of the Source.  About Higher Purpose and Why I went through all the worst phases in life  enduring all of that and still never allowing an iota of bitterness to enter inside my heart,  except for facing some moments of doubts, of anguish, of agony because of the BETRAYALS from the sleeping ignoramus mortals!


When lovely Anadasia chanelled this message, it spoke directly to my Being, deep within -

 "....even though you know how to forgive, you know how to practice understanding and acceptance,  you know all of those things, you connected to that, the divine feminine within...but there's this part of you that's been holding on to some toxic bonds....some choices that you've's like you wanna set yourself free, you don't wanna feel any of seeing an outlet.. an outlet is needed....something working with your hands...creating something, allowing that energy to flow through you! What has previously worked is no longer working for you..and that's okay..the whole point of this life experience is to CHANGE & GROW!.......

....No more taking it easy on other people, only to be hard on Yourself! NO! It's time to balance that out! Um..when someone disrespects you, you can send that energy back...I feel like you've done a lot of taking on and holding on and carrying energies that do not belong to you! And your true nature is honestly just receiving's's devouring even, is what's coming through! Enjoying pleasure, bliss, joy, the sweetness of life....

You have so much more to offer than what the world around you, tends put you in a box...that can be easily controlled...and what you actually have to offer, is not something that can be controlled...what you have to offer is NATURE's a constant's constant's constant ..Breath of's Healing's Inner's owning your Power...owning who you are!

I just feel like you're meant to walk through this world with such a strong presence....

...allow yourself to scream, to cry, to dance ....whatever it is...

You are not the FOOL in all of this! You are not the Fool for loving, For giving SECOND CHANCES, For Extending Yourself, For Giving Beyond Yourself...YOU ARE NOT THE FOOL!  

But, it would be foolish to think that it does not affect you and that there are not repercussions and that there is not healing now that needs to be done, Nurturing that needs to replace what has been lost...

Heaven sent you here for a Higher carry out A Will..the Will of Life..... the Will of True Power..... there's something about your power that is.... it's so present here in a way that nurtures and supports the natural's like cycle of life with the Earth, in a way that a lot of presences that are on this Earth do not! There's a lot of presences on this Earth that are being supported by energy that need to be removed...And it's not your job to remove them, but it is your job TO RISE UP AGAINST WHAT IS BEING DONE ...and not even against what is being done..TO RISE UP FOR WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE...And it's not your job to serve Karma....Let God do that, Let the Universe take care of that...IT IS YOUR JOB TO STAY IN YOUR ENERGY, TO STAY IN YOUR POWER AND TO CREATE A NEW WAY OF LIVING, OF BREATHING, OF EXISTING, because THAT'S WHAT THIS WORLD NEEDS!  It doesn't need someone to fight battles that were never yours to fight and I know that you've been dragged into some here and there, But what the World needs, What God needs from you right now is TO FOCUS ON YOUR PRESENCE, TO FOCUS ON YOUR PATH,  TO PUT FOCUS ON YOUR PURPOSE, so that you can create a way... for yourself and the world around you...Others will follow you, but you have to give them something to follow!

You are the example; you were the one that was sent here..okay! So the World doesn't need you to "fight", this World needs you to "Be" ..... To "BE" ... to be the new presence of what it is to be alive... of what it is to value life... of what it is to "Be Love"... of what it is to "Be Loved"...So you're being called to that right now...To Rest, To Integrate, To Recover, To Tune into your Wisdom within, To Heal your body...To use your discernment, TO RELEASE BETRAYAL...To Tune into your sexuality....your passion, desire...and to DETANGLE YOUSELF FROM THE ENERGIES THAT ARE NOT YOURS !


AND So....


This also reminds me of the Japanese term that caught my attention couple years back - "KINTSUGI" - also referred to as 'golden joinery' - which is the art of mending broken things with golden or silver lacquer, thus giving the broken parts a beautiful repair - which as a philosophy also gives importance to the golden repair of that which is broken. It broadens the horizon of thinking, to view and accept a painful or hurtful past or history, not as hindrances, not as impediments or "WHY ME GOD???" questions, but as the beautiful scars of the past - reminding of the milestones that propelled you on the journey to a next level of "Becoming" -  the NEW YOU that evolved after the pressures endured by the coal before becoming a Diamond!  

So beautiful explained by Sean Buraniharan who also mentiones a very deep meaningful quote - 

"Every Next Level of Your Life Will Demand A New You... And Sometimes, It Takes Being Broken In Order To Become That New Version Of Yourself!"


AND SO....

I AM WHAT I AM !                                                     

Thankyou Universe! Thankyou Divine Parents! Thankyou Spiritual Teachers & Entire Divine Providence!

Forever A Humble Seeker Of The Divine!


- Meraki Pegasus

Dr Racchana D Fadia

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