Tuesday 20 August 2024

Answers Through Telepathic Communications From My Beautiful Soul Family!

Presently in my day-to-day life, I was having some brain fog regarding a certain situation and sought clarity from the Universe to intervene and help me regarding this situation!

To my pleasant surprise, I get this YouTube suggestion of a video that turns out to not only confirm the Angel numbers I have been seeing quite often , but in the later part, this divine soul of You-tuber going by the name "Line of light" re-enforces a tool that was taught to me by my Vipassana Acharya Shri Savla Guruji after I lost my Mentor in 2017 , And  I had somehow just forgotten this over a period of time due to multiple factors...This video helped me recollect that invaluable tool to tackle the situation I have been facing and for which  I sought help and divine guidance from the Universe, recently!


I was so moved by this timely message to me that I wrote this lengthy heart-filled comment for her :

"Hey you did such a great noble thing of giving a hug to someone at the most low! That must have saved her of some drastic step, if at all she stayed in that darkness...the positive energy cultivated by you through regular meditations , flowed from you into her low-frequency vibrating soul (at that moment) and helped to raise her spirits! You were a truly God sent Angel for her! And This is such a beautiful message and divinely synchronized messages!
Yes me too seeing lots of 144 almost every day! We all are connected , regardless of our conscious brain being able to register the fact that "WE ARE ONE", as taught by my Spiritual Teacher Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, and yes I have also heard from the clairvoyants that they see the film of something like a woven mesh , that connects all sentient beings on Earth ! It's all confirmation! I believe you! We are all together in this whether we meet in person or not, we are all together in quantum field and assisting each other by raising the vibrations of the collective!
Your message has truly come to me when I needed to hear this and understand few equations between me and my loved ones too! Although my Vipassana Teacher had taught me to use telepathy way back somewhere around 2017, for connecting with souls through telepathy during meditation, I had kinda almost forgotten his teachings!...But thanks to you I recollected this tool, ...Abundant gratitude for being my guiding light here! A Huge Warm Hug, Loving Light - Meraki Pegasus!

I totally agree with her concluding statement - Yes we all are abundantly loved  and  supported  and  Miracles  keep  showering  in  our  lives  to  cheer  us  up,  to  help  us,  to  guide  us  and  to  protect  us  while  we  walk  this  journey  of  Duality!
It is as if my Soul had always known this Truth about Oneness, that was somewhere deep down buried within me and I could only identify it with some clarity and immediately during my first 10 days Vipassana Course attended at Igatpuri in Nashik somewhere in April - May 2009!

With similar frequency thoughts and beliefs I had written these lines for a "434 Poem" prompt from YourQuote , that re-enforces the age old scriptures of Maha-Upanishads in Indian culture : "VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKKAM" 

meaning " The World Is One Family"


I am thrilled and ecstatic that Universe has my back...Life has become so lively, it feels so beautiful to be a part of a huge loving Soul family and now its a subconscious part of me to believe that we all are connected in the quantum field ! 
Yes, we are guiding and supporting each other through our vibrations and pure intentions for each other! 

How clear can this get???? - A synchronistic video delivering me the exact message of solution that I need the most, at the present moment for something very important!!! Its one of the greatest confirmation of this invisible love and support from "Divine Oneness", for those who seek and for those who choose to explore with an open-mind with firm Faith, rather than conform to self-limiting beliefs with insinuated doubts from self and those around self!

Yes we all are a huge "Global Family" vibrating on similar frequencies, going through our individual journeys but towards the same goal - towards "Truth" and "Light" - that also reinforces my firm faith and belief that we are a part of a huge global family - as written in my formative years of my soul-searching while the Dark Night of the Soul was in its nascent stages! 

Forging ahead together, In Faith, In Love and In Light, with My beautiful Soul Family,

As per the Divine Guidance from Higher Self and Higher Realms!

Once again would love to re-iterate the message in one of my earlier blogs :

Feeling elated with divine messages from the Universe & Gaia through my Soul Tribe— souls who share similar experiences for a reason —

"Journeying and forging ahead

from darkness towards dawn, 

all beautiful souls of a tribe,

sing the very same song!"

Whispers from the Universe & Gaia : Divine Messages on Life's Journey

And here's another timely synchronistic message I miraculously came across regarding the situation I sought guidance from Universe! This one is made by my favorite Empath Erika, whose channel I have not yet subscribed (Sorry Erika, but I do send you my loving energyof gratitude) just so as to prevent the bias of receiving suggestions from subscribed channel! She records a message and it turns out there's also a confirmation- a butterfly that popped out in my Tarot reading today - Yes this message was a software update and backup for my Consciousness about the issue I sought help and guidance for.                 

Ever so grateful and humbled by these experiences wherein Universe keeps sending support after support until the issue gets resolved in the best interest of all involved :)

Forever a Humble Seeker of The Almighty God & The Divine Providence

Meraki Pegasus


Dr Racchana D Fadia

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