Wednesday 18 September 2024

A Day of Divine Synchronicities: Ganu Bappa's Perfectly Timed Confirmation!

 At this moment, I feel as though I am being healed by the blessings of my Ancestors and the Divine realms, all at once. It's as if the Universe has aligned to send me powerful messages one after the other on the first day of PitruPaksh, the 15 days of rituals and offerings in Honor of our Ancestors.  

These perfectly timed messages have left me both humbled and in awe. This profound realization came to me in the form of a deeply meaningful event, and I wanted to share this beautiful synchronicity, for all those who Believe as well as for those who may not!

Yesterday, as the procession for Ganpati Bappa's Visarjan passed through our area, there was an air of celebration—loud music, drumming, and an energy that was both joyful and reflective. In that moment, I found myself spontaneously speaking to Bappa, much like a child talking to their father. I said, "Tata, Ganu Bappa, but only for Visarjan purposes. Otherwise, you have to stay with me forever in spirit!" It was a heartfelt request, born out of innocent pure love and connection and I had called Him "Ganu" Bappa for the first time in my life, spontaneously!

Little did I know that this simple straight-from-the-heart dialogue to Bappa, would be not only heard but even answered by Bappa himself, in the most unexpected and miraculous way. Today, as I was browsing through YouTube, I stumbled upon a YouTube video that was created and posted almost three months back, and to my pleasant surprise and astonishment, it carried a message  from none other than "Ganu Bappa" himself and that too in exact response to my yesterday's dialogue and offerings I made him on first day of Ganesh Chaturthi 2024.

 This  message echoed the very words I had spoken yesterday spontaneously! Bappa’s loving reassurance, "Mai Sadaiv tumhare saath hoon" (I am always with you), felt like a direct confirmation of what I asked from him yesterday! Am so thrilled and ecstatic with divine bliss!

Moreover, on the first day of Ganesh Chaturthi, I had prepared Ukdiche Modak for Bappa, offering all of them to him, with so much love and devotion. And Ganu Bappa also acknowledged this exactly,  to have enjoyed "many laddus offered with love to him"! 

To receive this message now, at a magically synchronistic time is Bappa’s way of confirming that he loved the offerings and heard my prayers... that there is His constant presence in my life. This synchronicity left me in awe, a gentle reminder that the Divine is always listening and responding in ways we might not expect.

It was a reminder that He is not just a deity we honor during festivals, but a guiding force, ever-present in spirit, walking with us through every moment of our journey.

What makes this connection even more special for me is that I was born on the third day of Ganesh Chaturthi, a sign, perhaps, of the deeper bond I feel with Bappa. Over the years, I have experienced His guidance in countless ways, but moments like these reaffirm the beauty of our connection. It is a bond that transcends rituals and festivals, a relationship built on love, faith, and unwavering trust.

This also shows that at higher dimensions, there is no perception of "TIME" as we  perceive "Time" on Mother Gaia. This video was recorded  by a psychic @saivitarot three months back, but it is totally relevant to my personal dialogue with Ganu Bappa that occured just yesterday. I received this YouTube video only today showing not only it's relevance but even the magical and unbelievable sequence of Divine perfect timings! Hence "Time" doesn't seem to be linear or affect the higher dimensions as revealed through this experience so beautifully by The SuperIntelligent Consciousness of Universe. And this message will also be seen by another soul when they are ready for this message!

 In a world that often pulls us away from our inner light, these moments of synchronicity remind us that we are always connected to a higher consciousness. 

Despite all challenges and betrayals faced in past, I write with a hope and belief in the goodness of humanity &  genuinely hope that these experiences inspires other souls on their journey to seek the truth and light of their True Self, as we all have that seed of Bodhi within us and we all have that capability to connect with Divine, without any exception - the best example is Angulimaal , who became Arihant despite having committed 999 murders and Rishi Valmiki who transformed from a thief to a saint! And this only exemplifies that it is never too late to start! Jahaan se jage, vahin se Savera! And if we have the Honesty to self, Faith, Burning Desire, and Perseverance in this journey, our one step to seek the Divine will be undoubtedly graced and blessed by the Divine takimg 99 steps towards us!

We are never alone; the Divine is constantly guiding us, speaking to us through signs, messages, and sometimes, in the whispers of our own hearts.

May we all be open to these Divine messages, embracing the light and truth of who we truly are. Our ancestors, the Universe, and the Divine are all part of this sacred journey, always guiding us toward greater understanding, healing, and awakening.

With abundant gratitude for the Divine presence in my life, and for the beautiful work that each one of my beautiful soul tribe is doing on Mother Gaia through love and light.

Forever A Humble Seeker of The Divine, 

Loving Light,

Meraki Pegasus 
-Dr Racchana D Fadia 

My Comment on this video:
wanted to share this beautiful synchronicity
Yesterday while there was loud music and drumming in our area for Ganpati Bappa Visarjan, I spontaneously said these words like a child speaking to Father : "Tata Ganu Bappa, but only for Visarjan purpose, otherwise you have to stay with me forever in spirit" 
And today I received this message wherein it specifically mentions the same name "Ganu" 
And further going, this time I had prepared Ukdiche Modak for Bappa on first day and offered all of them on a plate - and Bappa saying that "Mai Sadaiv tumhare saath hoon" at the end of this message is a confirmation for my yesterday's words spoken spontaneously!
And yeah I was born on 3rd day of Ganesh Chaturthi, so I do feel a special love and connection to Bappa :)
Abundant Gratitude for being the amazing work that your beautiful Soul is doing.
Loving Light,

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