Tuesday 17 September 2024

Signs & Synchronicities - Ways of Communications from The Divine!

Yesterday was one of those days where nothing seemed to go as planned. The unexpected showed up, adding a sense of overwhelm, leaving me feeling as if I had missed the bus, unable to move forward. The weight of it all lingered, and I found myself wrapped in worry and distress.

But then, something magical happened after a stressful day— a beautiful serendipity surfaced yesterday night. I found myself watching a YouTube video, initially drawn to it by the stunning imagery of mythological beings like Angels, Unicorn, Fairies, Alicorn, Pegasus, Dragons, Phoenix —  who have graced my visions and fascinations! 



Yet, as I watched the video, an image of a pure white feather appeared in-between, and it took my breath away, because earlier in the morning yesterday, while cleaning home, I had stumbled upon an identical pure white feather that was lying in my drawer. The imagery of such an exact white feather seen on the YouTube Video that was posted online yesterday immediately after I had found a similar pure white feather coincidently while cleaning home, cannot be just a meagre coincidence, can it be?




Even more striking was the beautiful soft, rose-gold glow emanating from the center of the pure white feather shown in this video, a sight that mirrored my recent meditative experiences. During guided meditations led by my spiritual Teacher Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, when asked to envision a bright light above my head, I have been guided to a similar rose-gold light since recent times.  In that moment, I felt an overwhelming sense of joy-n-peace and knew this was no mere accident. This synchronicity of revelations in the video was a moment of deep, divine confirmation — a reminder that I am being guided by the Divine , that I am on the right path  and I am being watched over, protected just like my soul family!

I have always felt a blessing hand over me right from the school going age when I started becoming aware about life as such! Those who tried to harm me deliberately, would end up facing serious issues. The gist of the main message in this video also reaffirmed the same feeling and messages I have been provided through serendipitous observations, all along  that : "No weapon formed against you shall prosper, for you are under Divine protection."  It was as if the universe wanted to show me, again and again, how I am shielded from the negativity that tries to invade my life. As this truth resonated in my heart, I began to reflect on the serendipitous ways the universe has shown me that I am protected.

As this realization settled in, I recollected the serendipitous nature of events surrounding my life challenges. Those who sought to deliberately harm,  have faced their own downfall. The builder who caused chaos in my family’s life is now in financial ruin, with his office and residential properties seized for auction after his fraudulent schemes were uncovered in a multi-crore scam by the loan lending organization. Another individual, who harassed us in our society by abusing his mother’s position as Secretary, forced us to leave our permanent residence after ignoring our repeated requests to tighten security despite repeated intimations about criminal threats received from the Builder. This was especially concerning after the builder's associate illegally showed up right at our door at a time, while my elderly mother would be alone at home -  under the pretext of delivering criminal documents —a violation of the Hon'ble Bombay High Court's orders. This Secretary's son was recently booked in an FIR by another society member, and learning of this was a serendipitous revelation in itself, as there was little chance of us knowing this after we had moved out from that society, for ensuring our own safety. In yet another Society, that society's Secretary and his team, who conspired to strip us of our legal rights in the society, are now being confronted legally by one of their former allies, armed with solid evidences of their fraud and corruption. And I also learnt that the very first lawyer who betrayed me in Legal matters by helping the Builder receive Interim relief despite strong evidences in our favor, got arrested in some rape case. Learning this was also nothing short of serendipity as I had no way of knowing this in a vast metro like Mumbai and in fact I am so very grateful to him that because of his betrayal, I resolved to start studying Law myself to seek justice for my Father. Another high-ranking court official, who attempted to manipulate me for the builder’s gain, recently suffered a stroke and has been left paralyzed.

 Recently, a relative who has long harbored an inexplicable and relentless envy towards me was hospitalized with a life-threatening illness. Although I had always sensed her ill intentions and noticed the subtle ways she sought to undermine me, she often managed to hide her actions behind a façade of sweetness. However, I received a clear message that my hater was hospitalized, along with a synchronistic confirmation that not only validated my suspicions but also exposed her acts of  maligning me through mutual contacts. This person, all while pretending to be supportive, had been relentlessly plotting to sabotage my progress and bring me down in every area of my life.

As if that weren't enough, I’ve recently uncovered even more heartbreaking truths about her betrayal. The depth of ruthless scheming from a group of close people left me shaken, triggering panic attacks and sleepless nights in very recent past. It was devastating to realize that, while I remained unaware, I lost something truly precious, all because of the hidden conspiracies crafted behind my back.

I share these,  without any iota of  ego, pride, vengeance, or perverse joy. In fact, when I learned of these events, I felt completely indifferent, as if I were a neutral observer simply witnessing the unfolding of a larger divine plan — God’s way of ensuring justice for His children.  What truly struck me was how God / Source / Universe / Higher Powers allowed me to see these serendipitous revelations as if to remind me that He is always walking by my side and has my back, No Matter What the circumstances - affirming that we are always guided and protected even when it feels like we’re walking through a wilderness filled with adversaries, darkness and demons. 

And I share this for those who may be facing their own battles, to remind them that though challenges may come from people operating in low vibrations, there is no need to fear the unknown when walking the path of Truth and Light. We may not always see it right away, but divine protection is ever-present.  And so, I keep moving forward on this path of Truth regardless of whether anyone believes in me or not, knowing that I’m never alone! 

As is so rightly mentioned in Psalm Chapter 91,

1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;

6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.

9 Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;

10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.

13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.

14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.

15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.

16 With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation."

And as I continued watching the video further, I was struck by many of the concepts in this video that exactly mirrored the themes that have been central to my writing and inner journey since my very early days of self-discovery. The words that speak about “burning in fire to become strengthened and refined” in this video further reminded me of a Hindi poem "Vijaypath"  that I wrote during formative years of writing, this one I vividly remember writing on the backside of book cover of Obstetric & Gynaecology textbook right before my practical exams. 

VIJAYPATH "विजयपथ"

In this poem, I wrote, *“Remember, not to burn in the fire of hardships and become ashes to wither away, but to stay strong and put in this fire to emerge like refined pure gold.” and emerge stronger and invincible. 

That imagery now feels so closely tied to my journey so far - one that has been a cornerstone of my spiritual journey—transformation through trials.  However, I now release any subconscious patterns  or collective lightworkers'  imprints of learning through challenges and trials, and instead, make a conscious choice for self and for the collective, to grow through love, joy, bliss and abundance mindset!

There have been times when resentful relatives would be eager and quick to point out delays in my life and struggles , sarcastically attributing them to "some of my heinous past karmas" suggesting that I very well deserved these hardships. These were like cruel acts of sprinkling salt on my wounds that would further make me feel so lonely while fighting the battles for justice single handedly! Sometimes I brushed it off, but other times it plunged me into moments of deep introspection and self-doubts. I would really wonder, that in this life at least, I cant even fathom of killing even an ant crossing my path or a spider creeping on the wall! Then could I truly have committed any such nasty wrongs to any other soul in any of my past lives??????? so as  to deserve all the pain and  betrayals? Was my suffering a direct result of unknown karmic debts? During such days, the helplessness that followed was difficult to bear. In such darkest moments, those doubts engulfed me, filling me with despair. 

But divine guidance kept arriving soon after, to show me that the grand scheme of life is far more complex than a simple cause-and-effect chain of past karma. I was synchronistically guided to deliberate about the lives of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna—avatars of Lord Vishnu. Despite their divinity, they too faced immense trials. Lord Rama, born a prince, spent years in forests during the Exile. Lord Krishna, though an incarnation of the Divine, grew up as a humble cowherd, separated from his most beloved Radha. Their stories, written in mythology, speak not of karmic retributions but of soul contracts and divine missions, revealing that hardship often serves a greater purpose. Their earthly trials and struggles were not results or punishments of their past life karma but part of a larger cosmic play as pathways to fulfill their roles in transforming the world. Their Leelas (Doings) were meant to restore balance in the world.

This revelation brought profound peace to my heart. It lifted the unnecessary burden of guilt that was tried to be insinuated in my conscience by others with the "Holier than thou" or scheming mentality. This revelation also challenged the idea that all suffering must be only and only tied to past misdeeds. Instead, I came to understand that every soul walks its own unique path, and not everything can be weighed-n- measured through the simplistic lens of karma. Challenges are not always the result of past mistakes —they can also be the lessons, refining us for the journey destined ahead. Sometimes, they are the crucibles through which we become stronger, more refined, more resilient. They are part of our growth journey to becoming better versions of ourselves. 

We need to understand that as far as we are choosing to always be honest with ourselves and choose to be on the right path, our mistakes do not define who we are; they are just a part of the process of becoming. And even in those moments of uncertainty, we are evolving, guided by the unique, super-intelligent ways of The Divine. Every challenge, every experience of pain and joy is a part of a greater story — a story of resilience, growth, and transformation to become a different person, a better version of self - stepping stones on our journey of soul realisation. 

We don't need to carry even the slightest feelings of ill-will or a desire for revenge toward those who have wronged us. Instead, surrender to the Divine, trusting in a higher plan, and focus on doing what’s right for the soul—whether it's in the form of duty or love. Stay true to your path, no matter the challenges, and the Universe will take care of the rest. In the end, it’s not our bitterness but our resilience and integrity that pave the way for divine justice and healing.

And yet another new pop up video that so much resonates with my thoughts, my journey, my choices and actions to keep my Oath of Obedience towards the Divine



Signing off with a message of pure Love of Universe and Mother Nature, projected by Clouds in the sky




Forever A Humble Seeker, Forever Evolving, Serving the Divine with Heartfelt Devotion.

Loving  Light,  

Meraki Pegasus  

Dr  Racchana D Fadia

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