Sunday 29 September 2024

Birds of a Feather in Divine Oneness, Flock Together in The Highs & The Lows of Life - On Mother Earth!

Have you ever felt like the universe was speaking directly to you? Lately, I’ve been experiencing this profound sense of connection, particularly through something as simple as YouTube recommendations. Yes, I know YouTube relies on algorithms and keywords, but there’s something almost miraculous about how these videos land in front of me at just the right moment. It’s as if these suggestions are delivering the exact messages I need to hear, perfectly mirroring my inner thoughts, emotions, and life situations.

As I worked through long hours at my computer, I took a brief break to reset. Almost as if it were perfectly timed, YouTube offered up yet another serendipitous video of a beautiful psychic from Uganda — and she  seemed to speak directly to my soul. And there's something I connect deeply with her energy - free spirited, contented, sensible, down to Earth, authentic, depth, loving, nurturing but at the same time fun, elegant and majestic! 

This video came to me just as I was navigating complex emotions, having recently learned about "Alexithymia," a condition where it’s difficult for someone to connect with or identify their own emotions. Since losing my father and being thrust into legal battles, I’ve often heard comments from relatives and well-wishers like, "Why can’t you feel this way or that way?" or "Why aren’t you behaving as expected?" These remarks made me question my emotional responses, especially in social situations. Discovering Alexithymia had me wondering if this might apply to me—if I, as an empath, could somehow struggle to feel my emotions as deeply as I thought. Was it possible to be both an empath and Alexithymic? The doubt weighed heavily on me until, once again, the Universe responded with perfect timing through this video, giving me the clarity and reassurance I needed.

Yes, what she said is absolutely true. Over the years, my mind has been beautifully programmed with the mantra, "This too shall pass." This profound gift is the result of my deep connection with Vipassana meditation and unwavering devotion to Lord Buddha since 2009. I proudly embrace being a "Buddhaholic," as the wonderful psychic Cheryl Lee Harnish so perfectly put it the other day. I am immensely grateful for how these spiritual experiences have strengthened my resilience, deeply rooting it within my spirit. After all, Inspiration truly means being In + spirit

And Yet Another YouTube video opened up right back after, delivering similar messages that I have been getting very often for quite a few days now!

Every word, every emotion expressed in these videos are a reflection of my past and present experiences and observations. I couldn’t help but be awestruck by the synchronicity of it all. This wasn’t just a one-off moment either; for several days now, I’ve been receiving similar messages, almost as if the universe is determined to remind me of one powerful truth:

          "We    are   all    One"

Regardless of whether our minds fully grasp this concept, the truth of Divine Oneness is undeniable. So many souls are currently walking a path that mirrors my own experiences. We are connected, not just spiritually, but in the very essence of our being. This is the power of what some call the “soul tribe”—those who resonate with your energy, your journey, your quest for higher truths. As they say, “Birds of a feather flock together.” and speaking of my experiences with my soul tribe I'd say, 

"Birds of a Feather in Divine Oneness, Flock Together in The Highs & The Lows of Life - On Mother Earth!"

Each of these moments of synchronicity fills me with immense gratitude. They serve as gentle reminders from the divine that we are never truly alone. We are always supported, always connected, and always guided—sometimes through the most unexpected avenues, like a YouTube video popping up just when you need it most.

So, I humbly continue on this journey, a seeker of truth, always open to the messages the universe sends my way. I am endlessly grateful for the serendipitous moments that align me with my on-going journey and my soul tribe.

Remember, the Universe has its way of speaking to us in mysterious ways. Stay open, stay present, and trust the journey—you never know when the next message might appear!

With Abundant Gratitude to the Divine,

A Humble Seeker of Truth Forever,

Meraki Pegasus

Dr. Racchana D. Fadia

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