"Do not love half loversDo not entertain half friendsDo not indulge in works of the half talentedDo not live half a lifeand do not die a half deathIf you choose silence, then be silentWhen you speak, do so until you are finishedDo not silence yourself to say somethingAnd do not speak to be silentIf you accept, then express it bluntlyDo not mask itIf you refuse then be clear about itfor an ambiguous refusal is but a weak acceptanceDo not accept half a solutionDo not believe half truthsDo not dream half a dreamDo not fantasize about half hopesHalf a drink will not quench your thirstHalf a meal will not satiate your hungerHalf the way will get you no whereHalf an idea will bear you no resultsYour other half is not the one you loveIt is you in another time yet in the same spaceIt is you when you are notHalf a life is a life you didn't live,A word you have not saidA smile you postponedA love you have not hadA friendship you did not knowTo reach and not arriveWork and not workAttend only to be absentWhat makes you a stranger to them closest to youand they strangers to youThe half is a mere moment of inabilitybut you are able for you are not half a beingYou are a whole that exists to live a lifenot half a life"
courtesy - Gibran Khalil Gibran