Tuesday 7 November 2017

Ae Wai.....

Ek wohi Baat karta hai dil
Ek wohi chaahat dhoondhta hai dil
Vaise to Kai mulaakaate hui unse
Kambakhat Kuchh kehne se darta hai dil  ;)

- Dr Racchana D Fadia

Sunday 22 October 2017

दुनियावालों की दुनियादारी ...

कोई किसीके बिना अधूरा नहीं रह जाता,
हर किसीका सपना पूरा नहीं हो जाता!
मंज़िलें खुदबखुद चलके सामने नहीं आती,
वरना ज़िन्दगी के सफर का तजुर्बा पूरा नहीं होता!
यूँ तो कई लोग करते है बड़े बड़े वादें ,
लेकिन उन्हें पूरा करने का इरादा सबका नहीं होता
गर इरादा हो भी पूरा करने का,
ज़रूरी नहीं वो हिम्मत  हो उस इरादे को अमल में लाने का !!!

                                                     - डॉ रचना फड़िआ 

Sunday 15 October 2017

From the Horses’ Mouth....

Just recently after the wellknown Hollywood female celebrities created havoc for Harvey Weinstein by speaking out openly with all their guts against his lecherous attempts to nail them down in their early stages of career, many a female actors/models in Bollywood are following the same suit.

Aamir Khan in Satyamev Jayate was so ruthless in exposing the so-called business practice of many a doctors and pharmaceutical industry , which ofcourse is like black sheep in every field, I wonder why he never exposed the open secret of his own field, the casting couch revelations in Bollywood ??? Oh common! we all know why, don’t we?

Well , from the horses’ mouth, I have personally experienced the bad side of both the above situations – directly and indirectly!

To begin with, let me start with the days in my College years when, by Gods’ Grace, having been blessed with a good photogenic face and an attractive persona, I was quite interested to join the glamour world to make a career in that field. Ofcourse I was innocent and totally oblivious to the big bad and ugly world that existed behind the seemingly beautiful Silver screen. I tried to attempt at this, because a close family friend , was quite active in Bollywood and knew personally the famous  Bollywood celebrities then. So childishly I expected that he will guide me safely into this career, he being my parents’s friend and wellwisher .  But ; to my greatest nightmare, on hearing my views to join Glamour world, he was the first to try his monkey tricks on  me (you know what) and when I completely rejected his  advances, he reasoned his act and tried to salvage the situation by saying he wanted to dissuade me from entering glam world and this was like teaching me a lesson! Woah! What a wonderful and genuine way of teaching lesson to your friends’ daughter!!!  I wonder whether he ever realised how badly his stupid lust would affect my psyche as a growing teenager, since he himself was a father of a young growing up daughter. Although I have forgiven him for that , the scar still remains, in some corner of my mind!

As if this was not enough, a builder and his bootlicker, whom my father trusted immensely with his money few years back, are acting weirdly by denying to honour their committment made to my father. They also tried their monkey tricks after setting their ugly lecherous eyes on me. Akin to exploiting our family just because we trusted in them. I wonder what kinds of people exist on this realm of Mother Earth. Only if they realise what karma are they creating by torturing the minds of women with their lusty dumb behaviours and wonder how they will feel and react if their daughters are treated like this by other men! May God give them the wisdom to grow their soul! So these were my direct experiences of ugly headed men....

Flashback from the first ugly experience- Moving ahead with dreamy eyes, I again childishly thought that one persons’ behaviour doesn’t define entire industry’s take on that matter and that my talent will get recognized by the right people some day. So I continued my journey on that path. But again, just came across many a nasty foxes and jackasses (sorry those memories still annoy) who view women as objects of meagre pleasure and fantasies! They just want to either satiate their unending hunger for pleasure or satisfy their egos of having laid down many a  number of beautiful women. But when they find a strong headed woman like me who  walks on her straightforward principles in life and wont give in to them, you know what happens right? – That’s precisely what happened in my case too!

To get a fair idea of my potentials, while training for one of the Prestigious National Beauty Pageants , one of my contemporaries , who went on to win the Femina Miss India award that very same year , she would keep glancing up at me repeatedly while our classes would be conducted together and when I asked my trainer about that she very clearly said  , “ Ofcourse anybody would want to know their tough competition.”   All the more because of so many feathers in my hat – I was educated, intelligent, very good looking, artistic and as my trainer commented during our ramp rehearsal session for the very first time , “ You don’t walk the ramp Racchana , you simply glide elegantly, even with those very high heels!” Well,  It was a big relief and breather for that contemporary  when she learnt that my age precluded me from taking part in that years’ Femina Miss India (Phheww) and ofcourse forever! (Oouchhh….)

Having gotten over the fever of Beauty pageants, I started giving auditions as an actor in my search of a brilliant career in Bollywood. This was precisely the time I could take the risk of giving time to something I was passionate about, especially if I was thinking of changing my career. I remember at one of the auditions, the director of a famous production house who took my audition for the role of female villain like that of Priyanka Chopra in Aitraaz, had applauded my performance which I gave only in 20 minutes of receiving the dialogue sheet; at one shot & live infront of the camera with the perfect pauses and expressions! He said none of the actors he had auditioned, gave such an outstanding performance…Yayyyyy! And I went home exhilarated and surely expecting a call from that production house…But then…. The deserving candidate will usually not get the call after auditions! Why??? because bagging meaty roles and  projects comes at a huge cost – either Cash or Kind.. & neither of those terms and conditions I would accede to …..

With Gods’ Grace, Destiny, and Good brains I changed my focus to studies, scored very well in Science and entered Medical school, graduated as a medical Doctor. At this point in time I completed my internship and then went on to do Dermatology as I always wanted to be associated with “Beauty”. After finishing my Postgraduate studies in Dermatology and Cosmetology, when I was working at a Skin clinic in South Mumbai, the following incidence happens - the great Actor Mr Aamir Khan, ‘the Great Thekedaar of Righteousness’ (Although I am a fan of his acting and perfection I have a love – hate equation for him in my mind as you will see why ). So he starts airing show called SATYAMEV JAYATE wherein he went on a spree of exposing all the scams occurring in various professions in India (Surprisingly he forgets to expose his own field or in that matter even the Indian politics because he knew what will his fate become if he ever tried to do that). He then goes on to EXPOSE the Doctors and their ways of doing medical practice. Well yes I do agree there are a few to many such Doctors but tell me which profession is totally free of Crocodiles???????? Show me any one profession which is full of only honest , genuine, truthful and good hearted people and then I shall say he definitely did the right thing. What he didn’t realize is that Media is such a powerful weapon, it can even create disasters if not handled with care. I am myself a person of integrity and give pro-bono services and free consultations to the poor and non-affording. I place myself in my patients’s shoes and then prescribe medicines / treat them. And there are so many of such genuinely good doctors  out there. But one wrong portrayal of the image of Doctors and every doctor was and is till date  viewed only from that angle by most of the people now. I am not surprised by the rising incidences of unreasonable and unprovoked cruel assaults on doctors in the unguarded hospitals and medical colleges after Aamir has created this monster in the minds of people with suboptimal IQ and  herd mentality!

So during those times, while working at a South Mumbai Clinic, I called up a stranger woman  for some work and I was talking to her very politely. She had never ever met me or even known me personally. During the conversation when I tell her I am a Doctor by profession, suddenly she becomes hostile for no rhyme or reason. When I confront her firmly for her unreasonable hostility and ask her to talk politely, she outbursts saying in hindi , “Pata hai tum sab doctors kya dhande karte ho?” (We know what nasty things you doctors are upto these days) I was totally flabbergasted and disgusted by this unacceptable behavior by an elderly and supposedly mature lady of high repute who was well known amongst the elite class. This incidence occurred after a couple of days of Aamirs’ episode of Satyamev Jayate on Doctors.  

Mr Aamir Khan, you could have genuinely deserved the admiration of Doctors like me if you had all the guts to open the can of worms in your own industry – the Bollywood or even in Indian Politics. I am surprised you never took note of so many actresses and models who end up being the puppets at the hands of their director/producers ... so many either end their lives in utter frustration or are killed by power yielding shenanigans at a gunshot if they dare deny their advances , all this while working in your very own industry… Women like Shikha Joshi, Kuldeep Randhawa, Jessica Lal just to name a few.

I am really fortunate I had a strong backbone of my medical career  to fallback on and completely empathise with those young girls and women who have no other skill to make them sail through the storms of this Industry or have gone too far to return back to safe shores. I am actually thankful to these experiences which pushed me to go further in search of the truth about existence and inclined me more towards spirituality. It was then that I did my first Vipassana course way back in 2009. It was like finding my holy grail and as if I knew these things at the back of my mind but didn’t have a methodical explanation and verbal expression to all that! I found all my answers and to my satisfaction, found my peace of mind there, and then onwards the journey has continued and helped me to evolve over the years into a strong and sensible person. Yes I still have many a shortcomings which I am still working on. After all we all are humans and keep learning every day every minute with all the experiences. Am trying to master my mind rather than letting the mind to become my Master ( which can be really a nasty one actually )!

                       -        Dr Racchana D Fadia

Wednesday 5 July 2017

On the Day I Die.... by John Pavlovitz

On The Day I Die

On the day I die a lot will happen.
A lot will change.
The world will be busy.On the day I die, all the important appointments I made will be left unattended.
The many plans I had yet to complete will remain forever undone.
The calendar that ruled so many of my days will now be irrelevant to me.
All the material things I so chased and guarded and treasured will be left in the hands of others to care for or to discard.
The words of my critics which so burdened me will cease to sting or capture anymore. They will be unable to touch me.
The arguments I believed I’d won here will not serve me or bring me any satisfaction or solace.
All my noisy incoming notifications and texts and calls will go unanswered. Their great urgency will be quieted.
My many nagging regrets will all be resigned to the past, where they should have always been anyway.
Every superficial worry about my body that I ever labored over; about my waistline or hairline or frown lines, will fade away.
My carefully crafted image, the one I worked so hard to shape for others here, will be left to them to complete anyway.
The sterling reputation I once struggled so greatly to maintain will be of little concern for me anymore.
All the small and large anxieties that stole sleep from me each night will be rendered powerless.
The deep and towering mysteries about life and death that so consumed my mind will finally be clarified in a way that they could never be before while I lived.
These things will certainly all be true on the day that I die.
Yet for as much as will happen on that day, one more thing that will happen.
On the day I die, the few people who really know and truly love me will grieve deeply.
They will feel a void.
They will feel cheated.
They will not feel ready.
They will feel as though a part of them has died as well.
And on that day, more than anything in the world they will want more time with me.
I know this from those I love and grieve over.
And so knowing this, while I am still alive I’ll try to remember that my time with them is finite and fleeting and so very precious—and I’ll do my best not to waste a second of it.
I’ll try not to squander a priceless moment worrying about all the other things that will happen on the day I die, because many of those things are either not my concern or beyond my control.
Friends, those other things have an insidious way of keeping you from living even as you live; vying for your attention, competing for your affections.
They rob you of the joy of this unrepeatable, uncontainable, ever-evaporating Now with those who love you and want only to share it with you.
Don’t miss the chance to dance with them while you can.
It’s easy to waste so much daylight in the days before you die.
Don’t let your life be stolen every day by all that you believe matters, because on the day you die, much of it simply won’t.
Yes, you and I will die one day.
But before that day comes: let us live..
~ John Pavlovitz

Wednesday 21 June 2017

The Biggest Gambler - Time !

People say  " Time is Money " ; I say  " Time is the Biggest Gambler". One never knows what surprises it might throw on one's face... Nevertheless, It is always willing to Teach if one is ever-ready to learn! Good or Bad, afterall Lessons learnt are precious if one remembers them and apply in their lives.  A very few actually realise the true importance of Time in context of self-realisation which is the most significant aspect of existence, lest most of us while away this precious human life being distracted by the apparent conditioning of this material world : the so-called-practical aspects of life.  Ofcourse practical aspects ARE important but Spiritual aspect no less. More so when the contagious stress and discontent has engulfed most of this planet causing immense emotional upheavals too!
In fact a successful Human life lived well would tantamount to striking a good balance between the Practical, Emotional and Spiritual aspects of oneself ! This is only possible if one realises the strength of Time and awakens from sleep and slumber. Even after waking up, one needs to persevere walking on the path with great determination ; every moment taking step towards maintaining awareness of present because "Time is a Gambler"... Very Uncertain Indeed! Very uncertain!

Sunday 18 June 2017

Eminent Sentiments for A Karmayogi and Dharmayogi Legend - Emeritus Director Professor Dr Kishor Chandra Mohanty

Bhaavpurna Shraddhanjali to my Foster Father - Emeritus Director Professor Dr K.C.Mohanty


Its a strange coincidence that this year Fathers' Day is on your official Birthday i.e. 18th June 2017 your 77th Birthday , the day I was looking forward to celebrate with You just a month back.... when I couldnt even imagine, I will actually be spending this day with only memories you have left behind !!!

A very very Happy Birthday & Happy Father's Day to Dr Kishor Chandra Mohanty Sir !
You are my Father by Karma & by Volition, although not by Body!

Miss you to the core;

Am walking on your footsteps, following your teachings and shall fulfill your dreams you had for me (with your guidance and blessings always with me) - as my tribute to your Magnanimous and Pristine Love


I pray you are my Real Father in my next Birth

Love , Highest Respects & Regards Forever,

Yours Obedient loving daughter,

                            AS WE SAW HIM.......

Talk of anything and Everything under the sun and he amazingly goes on talking about it... From Spirituality to Meditation , from Sports to Politics, Mythology and History to International Relations to National Defence to the evergrowing list of latest advances and futuristic reviews, Hollywood to Bollywood... Talk about construction of Buildings to construction of Railways, Administration to Management to Law & Order, Rankings of Government Officials to the very minute details of Farming of seasonal crops and fruits, Manufacturing of medicines to Assorting of Diamonds to analysing the breeds of Race course Horses, from Geophysics to Mechanophysics to Metaphysics and not forgetting even the market prices of fruits and vegetables or the Bus numbers of a particular route (Although he travels only by his chauffeur driven car) which most of us might not be knowing. He is an all-rounder in a true sense... an absolute workaholic , he is a staunch believer in Time Management and positive approach to life. He hails from the Treausured Land of magnificent monuments and wide ranging flora and fauna - Orissa. He came to Bombay with an M.B;B.S. Degree alone, without any assets or family support, alone fought a long way of hardships for his rights and Today stands with pride being honoured as the "Son of India" & "Father of Tuberculosis Control in India". It is our privilege to have him as our Respected Teacher and Reverred Professor
 - Emeritus Director Professor Dr K C Mohanty

Tough from outside, Tender and Soft within Heart,
Sometimes scold harshly and superficially to make us understand the difference between the Good and the Bad,
To choose between the Right and the Wrong,
To bring out the best in us;
Nurture our Souls with Love, Humanity and sculpt us from raw clay to perfect idols ,
I am fortunate to have been taken under your wings as your foster daughter and received your kind guidance and blessings in this journey of life!

Forever Indebted,












 i.e. At the Top of the Ladder, one becomes alone







Saturday 10 June 2017

A look into the life of “ A Visionary, A Legend - Emeritus Professor, Director-Professor Dr K. C. Mohanty

In 1968, He participated in the first Medical Camp or well known at that time as ‘Health Shibir’ as a Healthcare Provider.

His willingness to participate in the Public Healthcare and Welfare persuaded him to be a Chief Organiser of Medical Canps and Shibirs for Rural and Urban Healthcare all over India.

He conducted his First CME programme in 1980.

Over a period 1980 – 2006 more than 1000 CME programmes were organized by him all over India, many of which were multidisciplinary, covering a wide arena of Healthcare and Lifestyle Diseases.

In 1983, with his foresight regarding environmental exploitation, he established the ‘Environmental Association Of India’ with due intention to bring environment related issues into the light, creating awareness about Environmental protection and preservation of the natural resources.

In 1994 he was awarded ‘The Son Of India’ Award for his contribution in all-round healthcare.

He was the brainchild behind the Programme for  Tuberculosis Control in India for which he was awarded ‘Father Of Tuberculosis control in India’ Award.

He has been the Chief Organiser of 40 Medical Conferences of which 2 were International, 5 were State conferences and 14 of them focused on the environmental aspects also.

He organised ‘Hands-on Training Experience Workshop on Bronchoscopy’ for the First time for young Graduates.

He was a Daring Leader who was always on the front to take up new challenges for the welfare of people.

This was evident by his lead step in admitting  an HIV infected patient in a Non HIV/General ward for the first time in J.J. Hospital Mumbai

He was the Chief Advisor for the Documentary Film on TB in 1984 and made many such Documentary Films on Asthma, HIV, COPD, Allergy with a view to create awareness among general population.

He has also been a part of Mumbai Doordarshan Programmes for HIV/ TB/ Asthma.

He directed and arranged a number of Street Plays regarding the same to create Public Awareness.

He was a regular attendant of the Rakhi Festival for the CSWs in Mumbai started by our Union Sports Minister Late Shri Sunil Duttji  in an attempt to reduce their fears and create awareness among them about HIV, with a view to reducing the incidence of this fatal and dreaded disease.

His Organising Capability and Proficiency was evident from the success of delivering his message across the mass through his camps, shibirs, panels, television programmes, street plays and conferences and events.

He was providing Health Education material and Panels for TB/ HIV/ Asthma to various institutions providing information on the same.

His letter, ‘Is the life of an Indian less than Rupees Five Hundred?’ to our
Late Prime Minister Shrimati Indira Gandhiji provided an impetus for implementing the DOTS Programme in India.

This letter was followed by other suggestions for improvement in writing to our Late Prime Minister Shri Rajiv Gandhiji and the necessary Steps were implemented by Him as a Revised Programme.

His another concern regarding the harmful effects on the health and wellbeing of the people of the chemical insectides, pesticides and fertilizers used in harvesting the crops across the nation urged him to write another letter regarding this issue to our Respected President Shri Abdul Kalamji which resulted in a meeting between the both for the same issue at the Rashtrapati Bhavan at Delhi.

His letter about his concern for Pediatric and Geriatric Healthcare System and also Public Private Participation in the Primary Health Care was forwarded to the Centarl Health Ministry for implementation.

Other Issues taken up by him was about  inputs  on  the  measures for Indian  Army  for Defence improvements and Infrastructure  at   Border  Security  forces  to  strengthen  the  Indian  defence, 
reducing the Air Fares in the interest of Indian Citizens, Indian Economy, Affordable housings for everyone, International relations and diplomacy, Promoting Green Environment, Adoption of villages and many more.

His  Foresight, Futuristic Thoughts, Innovative mind and a Par Excellence Will To Do and Dare indeed created a difference in the life of a Common Indian Man.
All  Thanks to Emeritus Professor, Director-Professor Dr K. C. Mohanty.

Saturday 3 June 2017

A Man who walked His talk - Emeritus Dir. Prof. Dr K. C. Mohanty !

In Loving Memory of
Emeritus Dir. Prof. Dr. K. C. Mohanty
Inspiring life from 16th June 1940 - 1st June 2017

The Man who inspired,
The Man who forged ahead in life,
The Man who swam against the tide,
Is finally no more !
He kept only giving,
To all near and far !
Kept His sorrows to just himself,
Reason? - spread only happiness,
In this much harrowed world!
His knowledge of material and spiritual world,
Was deeper than oceans afar!
His ability to lead the masses was unmatchable!
His service to humanity was impeccable!
His only prayers to God,
Was to serve one and all ,
Till He breathed His last...
Indeed He was a Sainlty soul,
For He -
Gave without expectations...
Forgave without reservations...
Helped without hesitations...
Taught without limitations...
Loved without prejudices...
Lived like theres no tomorrow...
Laughed like He never had sorrows...
Blessed everyone impartially, Just like a Saint!
Guided people with best of His knowledge,
& to the best of their interests..
Helped everyone to the best of His capability!
Saved everyone from dangers,
While Himself standing in the storms!
Who never said no to anyone asking for help!
He was indeed rare of His kind,
A Man of His words,
Who would always walk His talk!!!
His life reflects many sacrifices He made,
To  lead an honest and righteous life!
A Man above all trivialites of the mundane - from religion and caste to hatred, ill-will, jealousy or animosity !
A Man who practiced what he preached,
And kept teaching all -
That :
Work is Worship, Work is Religion, Work is Relaxation !
Movement is Life , Stagnation is Death!
Now finally He remains in our hearts,
As a loving and cherished memory,
Of all that He was !!!
He was surely God's Beloved Child,
His pure Soul has finally departed,
From this Materialistic world,
To rest in peace,
In the lap of Selfless Almighty God !

Love and Very High Regards and Respect Eternal

-His Loving daughter
 Dr Racchana D Fadia