Sunday 15 May 2022

A Realisation from SadGuru GMCKS teachings on Forgiveness !

Forgiveness is the key to neutralize bad karma, as taught by Sadguru Grand Master Choa Kok Sui and all the great Ones, Holy Gurus, Holy Master and Saints of All traditions.

While doing the experiment on energies while practicing Forgiveness technique, the following thought dawned upon me.

It's quite easy to forgive strangers for their misdeeds, even if they are serious and grave.

Somehow, it's really difficult (although not impossib) to forgive those, whom you consider close to your heart and hurt you.

These are the ones who are mostly connected closely to heart, either by choice as we grow or by blood relation, and hence there's a sense of blind confidence in them by virtue of the relationship shared. You fight the world for their honor. However, but, when real testing times arrive and knock on your door, their apathy and disinterest in standing by you, scars the confidence you invested in them.

It becomes difficult to trust or believe again as old scars reminds to be vary and careful about not getting wounded again.

Forgiving the ones close to heart is difficult because somewhere there's an expectation of selfless support from them, atleast only them in this ever-changing world. The Expectation , that they will never do anything that will be hurting, atleast to you.

This is the root cause of suffering - "Expectations"

This "expectation" was never there from strangers and hence forgiving them is so much more easy.

Once this "expectation" from others ceases, it will be more easy to never expect anything from anyone and just keep moving ahead, undeterred, unstoppable by any actions of anyone.

Thankyou GMCKS...

Learnings continue....


Work in progress :)

Meraki Pegasus