Thursday 29 September 2022

A passing thought!

The more wisdom a person gains,  the more humility is felt in interactions with them... they are present and aware of what the infinite Universe is offering every moment, which many take for granted.

The more ignorant a person chooses to remain, the more self-centered ego reflects in their conduct and attitudes.... these people feel they run the show of their lives and everything is in their control... 

And then, there's a healthy positive ego that is good and is called self-respect, because that defines who you are ! what your boundaries are and who you choose to be known as or whom you choose to be associated with, interact with and whom not...

Self-respect and ego are two extremes of an equation, First one is much necessary to maintain healthy boundaries in any relation, whereas the latter creates walls of  blinding beliefs beyond which it is difficult to see the truth - As is....

Wednesday 14 September 2022

Ron Malhotra - The Indian Lion from Australia


Power, Poise, Pragmatism, Perfection and Purity - these are the qualities that literally show up and speak to you in person, at your innermost core, when Mr. Ron Malhotra - The Indian Lion from Australia, dons the Coaching Mentoring Hat for his mentees while walking to and fro , in a large conference room, ensuring that none of his mentees feel lack of his personal attention. The majority growing up years spent away from India at a faraway distance, surely doesn't seem to have doused the flame of love and affection for the ancestral land. 

 An unbelievable embodiment of the amazing qualities that ooze out from every cell of his persona, his life story reveals his many roles he plays with unbelievable ease; as a committed Family man, a Businessman, an Author, a Wealth planning expert, an Entrepreneur, an Investor, a Psychologist, an Educationist, an Influencer.... mainly, he is a determined evolved Soul integrating values of honesty, honor and dignity with Business skills to create true wealth in real sense. The wealth that definitely includes money and riches but most importantly includes the invaluable network of like-minded progressive souls. What wakes him up every morning while most are sleeping, is his dream of his empire with a clear vision to enable others and awaken the qualities of Lion within, unapologetically! 

Sharing his own humble life event, makes him so relatable and inspires others that if He can do it, we too can... OfCourse if one is willing to do what he did: Persevere and Refuse to give into conformity. His disclaimer – My teachings are not for the weak hearted! They are exclusively meant only for those who are inherently brave, bold and courageous at heart. Those willing to walk the extra mile. What sets him apart is his impeccable spirit that raise the vibrations of ambience in no time and his refusal to compromise with mediocrity. Keeping a large audience mesmerized with his eloquence, congruence, extempore response and sophisticated social skills comes naturally to him. 

His thought-provoking sensible facts of life along with diamonds of wisdom that aren’t taught in educational institutions, compels one to question their old belief systems, reflect upon self-patterns and behaviors of past, delve deeper within, to get answers from their own innate wisdom. After all, rightly told by my Spiritual Mentor, Master Stephen: Spiritual people are super achievers ... and Mr Ron Malhotra lives and breathes this truth by being an exemplary embodiment of the same!

Through these great Teachers, Universe is revealing the wisdom in the making of A New MeRaKi...A Spiritual Super Achiever ... now its time to start implementing them and evolve. Prayers to Almighty God for divine blessings and for empowering to be more, do more and have more... on a journey to my highest best version! 

Prayers and blessings for the entire Ron Malhotra International Team with Almighty's Divine energies of Love and Light; Humble gratitude for showing the path ...for nurturing the Lions and Lionesses in our own Hearts. 

Aum, Amen, Aameen, Tathastu ! ॐ✝☮🌜

-Meraki Pegasus

A Rap Song created with love and light for my Mentor Ron Malhotra

Thursday 21 July 2022

Journalled thoughts from a lost diary of 2019: A letter meant for Mindvalley!

Myself Dr Racchana D Fadia; Racchana means Creation in Hindi and I love to call myself Meraki Pegasus; Meraki: which means soulful creativity and I love words… ……..I love to write that which comes from the depths of my mind and soul. Am a seeker…ever evolving with soulful creativity! & Pegasus: at the speed of a Pegasus...actually the figure I visualised during my meditation was an Alicorn i.e. a White horse with beautiful wings and a corn like a Unicorn... 

I strongly believe in this quote by Sir Eckhart Tolle “You are here to enable the divine purpose of the Universe to unfold. That is how important You are !!” Having experienced amazing incredible coincidences which I call Miracles from a very early age, I was pulled towards exploring the realm beyond Mind and Matter. I started my journey of Mindfulness meditation in 2009 owing to a painful event. Pain pushes till the vision pulls and it was true for me. The pressing circumstances and situations in life pushed me to begin to look for answers to many unresolved questions and seek my purpose for existence... thereafter the journey just continued!

I am on a journey of unfolding of my consciousness of emerging as my highest best self and along this journey I wish to touch the lives of as many as I can. Being a secular global citizen along with my personal growth I want to be a medium to bring about collective growth in the world’s consciousness at large that has a positive and constructive outcome on human colossus. I deeply feel for the injustice and partial treatment meted out to the weak, poor, innocent, less fortunate or uneducated people which made me spontaneously vent out personal views on my FB wall w.r.t. sociopolitical concerns and got heated debates from known friends and followers of respective political parties. A close friend asked me a blunt question and am truly grateful to her that I got into thinking mode because of her question. She said “Racchana, do you think your viewpoints are going to make any difference by venting the frustration on your FB wall with just a few thousand friends and followers?” That question made me deliberate and I realized I need to stop being in victim mode, stop complaining, embrace the truth of the present as it is. If it's affecting so much, I must be sincerely willing to step up and do something that truly makes a difference in this world.

The unconscious mind patterns have created unimaginable sufferings on a vast scale from Genocides to Atomic explosions and creation of monstrous nuclear weapons. All because of the 'maya' of ego and insecurities that delude and soil the minds with emotions of lower frequency vibrations. For world to become a safer and better place for our future generations, the change needs to be internal rather than external. Human Beings need to be made aware of their consciousness and their potentials to connect with their higher self. When this happens in at least more than half the world population, the scales will tilt in favor of peace and harmony : courtesy - The hundredth monkey experiment.

As my warrior name i.e. “Enlightening Pegaus” suggests I want to be a channel through which the infinite Source enlightens the conscious awareness of beings across the globe that too at the speed of this beautiful divine Greek mythological horse “Pegasus / Alicorn"

Being a Dermatologist by profession I have been beautifying people from the outside and now am on a soul mission to beautify them from the inside as well, at a deeper soul level. Extremely passionate about Self Directed Biological Transformation I commit myself to contribute to creation of a more harmonious and peaceful world with genuine willingness to do good for ALL. I want to create, influence, aspire, inspire …keep evolving till I am my highest best self! 

I’d love to get onboard with all you awesome high energy positive and progressive souls as I truly believe that my life purpose is in sync with such values and vision for this world. 
Signing off, with prayers, let this work if it is genuinely for the highest good and in the best interests, of all involved! 


Meraki Pegasus

Sunday 15 May 2022

A Realisation from SadGuru GMCKS teachings on Forgiveness !

Forgiveness is the key to neutralize bad karma, as taught by Sadguru Grand Master Choa Kok Sui and all the great Ones, Holy Gurus, Holy Master and Saints of All traditions.

While doing the experiment on energies while practicing Forgiveness technique, the following thought dawned upon me.

It's quite easy to forgive strangers for their misdeeds, even if they are serious and grave.

Somehow, it's really difficult (although not impossib) to forgive those, whom you consider close to your heart and hurt you.

These are the ones who are mostly connected closely to heart, either by choice as we grow or by blood relation, and hence there's a sense of blind confidence in them by virtue of the relationship shared. You fight the world for their honor. However, but, when real testing times arrive and knock on your door, their apathy and disinterest in standing by you, scars the confidence you invested in them.

It becomes difficult to trust or believe again as old scars reminds to be vary and careful about not getting wounded again.

Forgiving the ones close to heart is difficult because somewhere there's an expectation of selfless support from them, atleast only them in this ever-changing world. The Expectation , that they will never do anything that will be hurting, atleast to you.

This is the root cause of suffering - "Expectations"

This "expectation" was never there from strangers and hence forgiving them is so much more easy.

Once this "expectation" from others ceases, it will be more easy to never expect anything from anyone and just keep moving ahead, undeterred, unstoppable by any actions of anyone.

Thankyou GMCKS...

Learnings continue....


Work in progress :)

Meraki Pegasus