Tuesday 30 June 2020


Written as was channeled in a flow, Audio-video Created with love and Recited from the heart -  A Heartfelt Tribute to A Moon - Star - Sushant Singh Rajput :

अपने साहस और हुनर की वजह से इंडियन फ़िल्म इंडस्ट्री में अति तीव्र गति से उभरता हुआ सितारा जिसने अपनी ख़ुशमिज़ाजी स्वभाव और  कला से  अनेकों का दिल बोहोत ही कम समय में अनायास ही  जीत लिया था. ऐसे मल्टी टैलेंटेड मल्टी फसेटेड एक्टर सुशांत सिंह राजपूत दुर्भाग्यवश हमारे बीच नहीं रहे . उनकीं आत्मा को सांत्वना देने के प्रयास में कुछ शब्द लिख रही हूँ...

Dearest सुशांत...
शायद अच्छा ही हुआ जो तुम चले गए...
तुम्हारा शेर जैसा जिग़र,
बाज़ जैसी नज़र,
अत्यंत तेज़ बुद्धि-चातुर्य-ज्ञान..
तुम्हारी आतंरिक ख़ूबसूरती को बयान करने वाली
वो तुम्हारी प्यारी सी मुस्कान...
इन सबकी तुलना में
वो सारे भूके लीचड़ बईमान भेड़ियों का रत्तीभर वजूद... न कभी था न कभी होगा !

शायद अच्छा ही हुआ जो तुम चले गए...
जब तुम्हारे मुक्त, स्वतन्त्र, भविष्यदृष्टा, निडर और मस्त मौला मन को
कुछ मुट्ठीभर लोग अपने काबू में नहीं कर पाए,
जब वह तुमसे अपनी नज़र
उनके सामने जबरन नहीं झुकवा पाए
तो दगेबाज़ी से ही सही,
उन ईर्षालु लोगों नेतुम्हे इस जीवन से
हमेशा के लिए मुक्त करवा दिया 

शायद अच्छा ही हुआ जो तुम चले गए...
जो लोग अपने हुनर या कला से
तुम्हे ना हरा पाए, तो दोस्त बनकर
तुम्हारे ही घर में तुम्हारी ही मौत का फरमान ले आये !
ऐसे झूठे, मक्कार, मतलबी, नालायक दोस्तों की रची हुई बार-बार  की ऐसी घटिया साज़िशों से
हमेशा के लिए तुम्हारा पीछा तो छूटा !
वैसे भी विषकन्या की प्रथा जन्मो जनम से चलती आ रही है... 
जो शायद तुमपर भी खूब आज़मायी गयी!
किसके अहंकार या क्रोध या ईर्ष्या के शिकार बन गए तुम सुशांत?
क्यों इतना भरोसा कर लिया अपने आस पास वालों पर तुमने सुशांत?
यूँही, क्यों बोल देते थे तुम??? -
" Its important to learn how not to be careful?"
काश ! काश! काश!
You learnt how to be careful, Whom not to trust!!!!

शायद अच्छा ही हुआ जो तुम चले गए सुशांत...
लाखो करोडो भारतीय  युवा युवती
जो तुम्हारी ही तरह अपनों का  साथ  छोड़कर 
इस शहर की बदनाम गलियों में
अपने सपनों को ढूँढते हुए आते  है, 
उन्हें चका चौंध कर देने वाली
इस काली, खोकली  और ज़ालिम
सुनहरे परदे वाली दुनिया का पर्दाफाश तो हुआ,
आखिरकार उसका सच्चा और असली चेहरा सामने तो आया!

शायद अच्छा ही हुआ जो तुम चले गए...
तुम्हारी अंतिम तस्वीर को देखकर
गली का जच्चा बच्चा भी साफ़ देख सकता है
की तुम्हारे साथ आखिर में क्या ज़ोर ज़बरदस्ती हुई होगी
और एक भारतीय नागरिक होते हुए
मुझे ये कहते बेहद शर्म और अफ़सोस महसूस होता है की 
इस देश में न्याय और कानून के ठेकेदार
इतनी प्रत्यक्ष दिखने वाली इस संशयस्पद घटना को
गर आत्महत्या घोषित कर देंगे
और तुम्हारे कातिलों को बा-इज़्ज़त बरी कर देंगे  
तो अपनी नपुंसकता और बिकाऊपन का इससे बड़ा कोई सबूत नहीं दे पाएंगे
उनके हाथ तुम्हारे ख़ून से उतने ही रंगे होंगे जितने कि तुम्हारे निर्दयी हत्यारों के !

गर ऐसी नाइंसाफी आदमी की अदालत में हो भी जाए...
तो दुआ है रब से हमारी...
उन सब गुनहगारों पर कुदरत का ऐसा केहर बरसाए,
उन्हें रोते हुए भीक मांगने पर भी मौत ना आये !

शायद अच्छा ही हुआ जो तुम चले गए...
तुम्हारे जैसे नामचीन और जानी मानी हस्ती की दर्दनाक हत्या को आत्महत्या का रूप दिए जाने पर
हमें ये ज़रूर समझ में आ गया है की
हमारे जीवन की सुरक्षा के लिए हमें ही आत्मनिर्भर बनना पड़ेगा
ताकि फिर कभी कोई मौकापरस्त बुज़दिल कातिल
हमपर या हमारे प्रियजनों पर आत्महत्या का 
गलत बेबुनियाद प्रयोग और उपयोग दोनों ही न कर सके

शायद अच्छा ही हुआ जो तुम चले गए...
ऐसे साइको, कायर, नामर्द, निर्दयी, बेरहम, स्वार्थी लोगों
के चुंगुल से निकलकर
आखिर में तुम्हे अपनी प्यारी माँ की ममता भरी गोद
और उनके निःस्वार्थ प्रेम का आँचल तो नसीब हुआ!

तुम्हारी दुखभरी अंतिम घडी को महसूस करते हुए
कुछ पंक्तियाँ याद आती है...

"हमें तो अपनों ने लूट लिया गैरों में कहाँ दम था?
हमारी कश्ती वही डूबी जहां पानी कम था !!!"

RIP #SushantSinghRajput ...With your Talent, carefree and risk taking attitude, your down-to-earth nature, your brilliant inquisitive versatile brains, your shooting the Bollywood skies in such a short span of time...You have definitely left your mark in the hearts of millions which nobody ......nobody whomsoever will be able to ever erase, inspite of their failed attempts to erase your achievements or your existence on Earth !!!
Few Memories while watching "Kedarnath"  Movie of SSR! 
Unforgettable, Unbelievably Surreal & Unrealistically Real!
Dedicating them to SSR!

Dr Racchana D Fadia
Meraki Pegasus 

Thursday 25 June 2020

One of my one-liners

BEING HAPPY is a HABIT that needs to be created, instilled and repeated infinite times till it becomes a way of life... a natural way of Being !!!

Saturday 20 June 2020


Sushant Singh Rajput and Shahrukh Khan .... Both have such similar stories... both being outsiders... without any Celebrity parent or connections or Godfather in the industry. .. both came to Mumbai without a penny and struggled out to be projected on the Silver Screen space... both entered Bollywood from TV serials... both  became known for their onscreen presence and chemistry in a very short span of time ...both loved to live life Kingsize and hence he was the only star who purchased land on Moon...yes the real Moon...bought the costliest car of his dream...all this dream becoming a reality for him could make any successful Actor or Star kid be really envious of their jetspeed climbs on the Ladder of success... He could have become the next King of Bollywood like Shahrukh.... if and only if... like Shahrukh Khan , he remained with one woman who loved him truly and completely.... the one who stood by his side when he was absolutely nothing... who never questioned his income, his education, his family background, his choices...but supported him with so much love and care for such a long time.... I wish , instead of getting carried away by peer pressure of the fake company he came in touch with after joining high end Bollywood movies, fake glamour and fake glitz who must have consciously or unconsciously affected or pressurised his mentality to instead look for a girlfriend who will suit his new bollywood avatar, rockstar status and personality with a sexy sensuous high maintenance WOMAN like a starkid or an arm candy which he kept dating and hopping from one to another ...he failed miserably as obvious from his confession to his psychiatrist that he made a mistake of breaking up with the first one...as he could never find that pristine selfless unconditional love and support he experienced from her..  Sadly, in the process of getting fame and name in this Dikhawe ki Duniya... he left the one who was there for him always... in the false hopes of having an arm candy who would only want his name or fame or money or status or contacts but not his heart or else why would the last one leave him just when he was in huge depression knowing he had lost all his Projects to nepotism in the industry....
Only if, like Shahrukhs conviction to Gauri Khan, he would have made a choice that was more saner and conscience based, his personal world would have been strong and unshakable and with a strong love by his side he could have overcome this temporary storm of nepotism.... maybe because of his poor choice He lost his true and genuine light of love!
Truly sad!
You value something only after it is lost!!!!!

Thursday 4 June 2020

Does it even matter????????

What is taught in schools and colleges today, doesnt even matter
Sadly, what truly matters to live a better life, understanding the principles for the beautiful Art of living, is just not taught at all !!!!

Friday 8 May 2020

The Roots of "Missing someone"


Wondered ever?
What "missing someone" really means
It is the addiction
Of the Feel-Good-Factor
Of the warm hugs and the sweet memories
Of the good times ; unending joy
Of the mischiefs ; unlimited fun
Of withstanding together all the bad times, with unanimous support
Of Loving & being loved Exclusively
Of the assumptions
That someone truly believes in you
That someone unflinchingly stands
By you & for you, no-matter-what !
It is that addiction
Which blinds your heart
As deeply entrenched in love
You forget to look
At your own self and your own needs
Of loving,  respecting and truly caring for yourself
You Forget to knowing the right balance
Between loving yourself and loving the other
Of letting go that which pulls you down
It is the addiction
That makes you hold on to the Ashes
Makes you Blame yourself
Blame the other &
Blame everything
To create more drama and pain
Until you realise
That, Addiction can only
Add unwanted friction in life
Gladly But,
Once you reach 
To the roots
Of this Friction,
Deep within the crevices
Of a broken heart
At that very moment of self-reflection
You find your real self
You see your face you've never seen
Feel your emotions you've never known
That ultimately leads to the sweet surrender
To the God in you, truly deserving
And You discover
All the whens, the whys, the hows
Of blindly investing unlimited emotions
In another human being
Took away your own power
From you within!
And That my dear Friend
Is the time,
You set your Soul truly Free
When you truly discover
The Roots of "Missing Someone" !!!

Thursday 30 April 2020


Every new Beginning starts
With the End of the old
And so does everything and everyone
Today I Declare
The End
Of old habits
That dont serve my life purpose
Of old beliefs
That hold back my creativity
Of old energies
That hamper my progress to positivity
Of old emotions
That make me loose my balance
Of old painful memories
That play demons in my head
Of anything and everything
That's just meant to DISINTEGRATE
For a Beautiful Destruction
Of Old Me
For allowing the New
To enter, to create, to rebuild
A New path towards
A meaningful and fulfilled life
To transcend into the Greatest version
My innerbeing wants me to Be !

Dr Racchana D Fadia

Friday 10 April 2020


A Guest tip-toed in this World
From the backdoors of December 2019
With waves of Terror
And Eyes filled with blood of Revenge
Insidious at outset
Racing at jetspeed later
In every country it sets up its disastrous foot!
Right on the faces of
Thoughtless and selfcentered Mortals
It spits innumerable Lil Monsters
Weaving Strings of Asphyxiation
In Air sacks of those frail and weak and naiive
Donating death sentences in hordes and plenties
Spreading from one to many at just a snap of fingers
Like the Australian Wildfire
It means business this time
Compelling all Earthlings
To stop, To notice, To think, To look Inside
Of all that WAS
Of all that HAS NOW become
And all the WHYs and WHY NOTS
It spares No Rich No Poor
It Spares No Black No White
It Spares No Religion No Language
It Spares No Gender No Boundaries
As it wrecks havoc across the Globe
This Guest has declaringly come
To Teach lessons long forgotten
To remind Mutual Obligations
Ignored proudly and conveniently
In the name of "Advancing Civilization"
To halt totally the Rat Race
That affected negatively
The Values, The Ethics,
The Genuineness, The Faith
In Families, Friendships and Business relationships !
To restore Rest, Relaxation,  Contemplation and Self- introspection...
This pain that is felt
Rippling across the Globe
Is akin to Labour pains of a Pregnant Mother before the birth of a newborn child
And so are we going through similar pains???
For the birth of a newborn Collective Consciousness!
Above all it offers one of the best Gifts in the history of Mankind - Unity against A Common Foe ,
Fighting this seemingly monstrous GUEST
The Guest -
That turns out ultimately to be a Universal Blessing in Disguise

Dr Racchana D Fadia

Saturday 21 March 2020


A Zoom meeting helped connect the dots...

Got the following revelation :

CORONA virus inflicting pain and suffering to humanbeings for helping them to get Insight about developing their

that of Humanity as a Collective Consciousness
CORONA OF EARTH (Atmosphere/ Biosphere)!!!

Both Long Forgotten in the fast pace of Industrialised Materialistic world of today

To Reorganise the World order
From Love for Power
The Power of Love

Amazing positive outlook !


Saturday 1 February 2020

Pearl's of wisdom from Wise Ones about Life Precious !

"Do not love half lovers
Do not entertain half friends
Do not indulge in works of the half talented
Do not live half a life
and do not die a half death
If you choose silence, then be silent
When you speak, do so until you are finished
Do not silence yourself to say something
And do not speak to be silent
If you accept, then express it bluntly
Do not mask it
If you refuse then be clear about it
for an ambiguous refusal is but a weak acceptance
Do not accept half a solution
Do not believe half truths
Do not dream half a dream
Do not fantasize about half hopes
Half a drink will not quench your thirst
Half a meal will not satiate your hunger
Half the way will get you no where
Half an idea will bear you no results
Your other half is not the one you love
It is you in another time yet in the same space
It is you when you are not
Half a life is a life you didn't live,
A word you have not said
A smile you postponed
A love you have not had
A friendship you did not know
To reach and not arrive
Work and not work
Attend only to be absent
What makes you a stranger to them closest to you
and they strangers to you
The half is a mere moment of inability
but you are able for you are not half a being
You are a whole that exists to live a life
not half a life"
courtesy - Gibran Khalil Gibran