Friday 8 May 2020

The Roots of "Missing someone"


Wondered ever?
What "missing someone" really means
It is the addiction
Of the Feel-Good-Factor
Of the warm hugs and the sweet memories
Of the good times ; unending joy
Of the mischiefs ; unlimited fun
Of withstanding together all the bad times, with unanimous support
Of Loving & being loved Exclusively
Of the assumptions
That someone truly believes in you
That someone unflinchingly stands
By you & for you, no-matter-what !
It is that addiction
Which blinds your heart
As deeply entrenched in love
You forget to look
At your own self and your own needs
Of loving,  respecting and truly caring for yourself
You Forget to knowing the right balance
Between loving yourself and loving the other
Of letting go that which pulls you down
It is the addiction
That makes you hold on to the Ashes
Makes you Blame yourself
Blame the other &
Blame everything
To create more drama and pain
Until you realise
That, Addiction can only
Add unwanted friction in life
Gladly But,
Once you reach 
To the roots
Of this Friction,
Deep within the crevices
Of a broken heart
At that very moment of self-reflection
You find your real self
You see your face you've never seen
Feel your emotions you've never known
That ultimately leads to the sweet surrender
To the God in you, truly deserving
And You discover
All the whens, the whys, the hows
Of blindly investing unlimited emotions
In another human being
Took away your own power
From you within!
And That my dear Friend
Is the time,
You set your Soul truly Free
When you truly discover
The Roots of "Missing Someone" !!!

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