Friday 10 April 2020


A Guest tip-toed in this World
From the backdoors of December 2019
With waves of Terror
And Eyes filled with blood of Revenge
Insidious at outset
Racing at jetspeed later
In every country it sets up its disastrous foot!
Right on the faces of
Thoughtless and selfcentered Mortals
It spits innumerable Lil Monsters
Weaving Strings of Asphyxiation
In Air sacks of those frail and weak and naiive
Donating death sentences in hordes and plenties
Spreading from one to many at just a snap of fingers
Like the Australian Wildfire
It means business this time
Compelling all Earthlings
To stop, To notice, To think, To look Inside
Of all that WAS
Of all that HAS NOW become
And all the WHYs and WHY NOTS
It spares No Rich No Poor
It Spares No Black No White
It Spares No Religion No Language
It Spares No Gender No Boundaries
As it wrecks havoc across the Globe
This Guest has declaringly come
To Teach lessons long forgotten
To remind Mutual Obligations
Ignored proudly and conveniently
In the name of "Advancing Civilization"
To halt totally the Rat Race
That affected negatively
The Values, The Ethics,
The Genuineness, The Faith
In Families, Friendships and Business relationships !
To restore Rest, Relaxation,  Contemplation and Self- introspection...
This pain that is felt
Rippling across the Globe
Is akin to Labour pains of a Pregnant Mother before the birth of a newborn child
And so are we going through similar pains???
For the birth of a newborn Collective Consciousness!
Above all it offers one of the best Gifts in the history of Mankind - Unity against A Common Foe ,
Fighting this seemingly monstrous GUEST
The Guest -
That turns out ultimately to be a Universal Blessing in Disguise

Dr Racchana D Fadia

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