Monday 19 May 2014

From my long-lost Diary...

1.      Allow time to slip by, and the opportunity will slip away too.

2.      Different Fields, different Grasshoppers   ;   Different Seas, different Fish

3.      He who hunts two rats catches none.

4.      Distracted by whats far away, one does not see one’s own nose.

5.      The Bridge is generally repaired only after someone falls in water.

6.      Bend if the roof is low.

7.      A Fish cannot be fried with its own oil.

8.      Only the cure you believe in, cures.

9.      When the right hand washes the left and the left hand washes the right, both hands become clean.

10.   It is better to strike a matchstick than to moan about the darkness.

11.   It is easy to defeat people who do not kindle fires for themselves.

12.   Don’t plant a seed in the Sea.

13.   When there is a fire in a house, it may singe the neighbours.