Saturday 25 March 2023

My journey from being a Medical Aesthetic Practitioner to becoming a Lawyer!

When it comes to the choice of career, we are often times asked by everyone, right from our childhood, “Beta, what will you become when you grow up?”. And, from that time onwards, it sets our thinking hat of the brain into action, which does keep hopping from one choice to another for taking a final call on a career that we will finally put our fingers on and definitely by the time we are graduating out from schools. It is indeed very rare to hear from children that they wish to become a ‘Lawyer’, except in cases where their parents or relatives belong to this profession and they have grown in the chambers of Lawyer families!.

In my case it was altogether a different story though. I clearly remember my family would always get me the Doctor play set as a child, to play with. I was so fascinated with the black stethoscope in my ears and I would be the one who would role-play as Doctor with my local play group friends and who would gladly play the role of patients. Hence whenever I was questioned as a child what I wanted to become, I would immediately chirp out in euphoria with a glow of enthusiasm, “I will become a Doctor!”. I consider myself truly blessed and fortunate that I could achieve my childhood dream by clearing medical studies in M.B;B.S. and thereafter I could also pursue specialisation in Dermatology. Once, one of our neighbourhood Aunty stopped me when she saw me in our society. She came over to me, patted my back and went on to recall my childhood days when she had asked me this very question, "what will you become when you grow up?". She praised me generously for living up to the answer given to her when I was only a child.

In fact, I never ever, even once thought, that I shall be ever studying subjects of Law in future because for me, most of the times I saw Lawyers only outside smaller courts seeking attention of passers-by asking for need of any services. Also my pigeon-hole focus on only my area of expertise as a Medical practitioner & Dermatologist led me to have poor interest in Law or Politics. Therefore, watching those people in black and white uniforms standing outside the smaller courts in Mumbai, inviting almost every stranger to offer their services at cheaper prices, somehow gave me a not-so-good image of lawyers in my head. Neither was I aware about the real art and glamour of world class advocacy skills practiced by famous Lawyers / Counsels/ Attorneys in the Nation, nor the fact of the most important benefit - the protection bestowed upon personal lives through the crucial knowledge of law of the land!

However, it seems that destiny had another plan as well, in store for me. While I was progressing really well in my field of Dermatology & Aesthetics, I was almost there and stepping onto the threshold of becoming an authority in my field along with having a rendezvous with my new-found interest in Energy medicine, an unfortunate storm erupted in my family which literally dragged me into the direction to pursue the studies of Law. So, Law for me, indeed started as a need of the hour and not-by-choice subject of study, but it has indeed made me realize that had I studied Law earlier, I would have been able to avoid the entire injustice and tragedy that occurred with our family! And the knowledge of Law has went on to become an important eye-opener for me to the world of human rights, the foundation of civilizations based on Law, Order and Judiciary, and the open secret that fate of any Country is decided by the Law of that Land.

It is indeed very thought-provoking and sad status of many educated professionals like me in our country, that despite being an educated Doctor neither was I aware about ABC of Law and nor did I ever think about the consequences of being ignoramus about law. Myself and my family paid a huge price for this legal naivity and we have been taken for a ride by crooks and criminals preying upon the naïve laymen of the country.  If a family having educated doctor and commercial pilots can be so treated by the crooks, what about the poor, uneducated and underprivileged sections of the society surviving only on hand-to-mouth circumstances. I wish I became a Lawyer much earlier, then my Father would have been alive today!

Only after beginning to study Law, I realised that knowledge of law is as important as survival in this country which is burdened by overflowing number of court cases and meagre number of Judges to solve so many heaps of piling files, leading to delays of years and years before being able to even think about getting justice or resolution for legal matters.

Today I look back and analyse, that my lack of knowledge has costed me my mental peace and harmony in life and that derailed all of the dreams and passions I held close to my heart. For instance, I never knew that it is my fundamental right as a citizen of this country to visit any Government Department and inspect any documents as that is a public document and this right has been also published by the General Administration Department of Maharashtra State Ministry. I never knew the true power that the Right To Information Act 2005 yields, in the hands of it’s informed citizenry.

Recently, after learning about Consumer Protection Act and utilising the knowledge in some personal matter, I could get out of some difficult situations on consumer issues where I was being tried to be taken for a ride. However, my knowledge of law came to my rescue and I could get the appropriate speedy resolution from the concerned consumer and services based company.

In a near-harmful incident I was tired to be injured and threatened owing to pursuing criminal proceedings against politically well-connected influential Land Mafiya Sharks and criminal frauds in Mumbai. Hence my existence has become a threat to their freedom and liberty under the law. However, I could immediately register a police complaint and I may have failed to insist the local police to register that complaint and safeguard myself in such scenario, was it not for the study of Law.

Thus, I realised it the very hard way that the best way to avoid the sufferings because of the lacunae, loopholes and the pitfalls in Judicial system, due to mounting list of cases per day in a country of almost 138 to 145 crore population, wherein almost 2 crores out of that live on the relatively small reclaimed island of Mumbai, it is a no-brainer to first become self-aware and know the Law of the Land that we inhabit. This will altogether prevent us from becoming victims of crimes or legal entanglements because of the ignorance about our rights and remedies in our nation! This also helps us to be of great help to our near and dear ones, friends, relatives, neighbours, society alike.

I had a very faint idea about the medicolegal services but after taking the interview of a well-established Medicolegal consultant during a College Project, I even realised that apart from the invaluable advantage of the great shield that Law offers to an individual, its knowledge can be integrated with one’s field of interest and passion.

For example, in my case, being a medical professional, I have a great opportunity to become a medicolegal consultant as there is a huge demand in this untapped field which needs real good interpreters of Medical sciences and Law, to bridge the gap of communications between the experts of these two Professions and to assist the Courts in administration of justice. Also, many institutions and health care units don’t mind to have on their board a Medicolegal consultant who can guide them on various aspects of safety, prevention and legalities of Medical practice.

Besides in the current age of digitalisation of finances, there are increasing number of cases of online frauds and criminal offences. Hence anyone passionate about technology and internet can diversify in the most upcoming and relatively new branch of Law called Cyber law. This is very challenging as Cyber law professionals have to deal mostly with Government officials who seek specialist services of Cyber law professionals in the many cases of online frauds and complaints they receive now-a-days.

One who may be interested in Land and property can integrate their knowledge of M.O.F.A., R.E.R.A, S.R.A., The Registration Act etc to excel in Real estate law

One who is interested in teaching may take up jobs as Lecturers and Professors in various law Colleges and groom the future generations for a better legal system in our country which is the foundation of democracy in our country

One who is good in their language, research, and communications can become skilled arbitrators, mediators, counsels, research workers

Apart from the above, I have personally realised that there are so many opportunities opened up for a Lawyer to serve our nation through their knowledge of Law. One can start various Public organisations to work for the betterment of downtrodden, N.G.O.s , file Public interest Litigation for the larger causes in the society such as environment pollution, harmful effect of radiations, safety measures in industries, education and awareness programmes for the weaker sections of the society, free legal services to the poor.

Overall, my experience and rendezvous with the Law as a career has been a wonderful journey.

I am currently not very sure what the future holds for me. However, I hope I can be of service to the nation in a larger cause some day, with all the knowledge I am gaining through study of Law. And maybe, if Almighty God and Divine realm so wishes, with their grace and my efforts, another daughter will not lose her Father due to lack of knowledge about Law!  

If I could, in any way, travel through time in past or convey the younger version of mine some precious advice, I would strongly tell my younger version to first & foremost become a Lawyer, so that the wolves and the dogs cannot touch us or our family and my Pappa would still be alive!

Dr Racchana Deepak Fadia

Meraki Pegasus        

Friday 24 March 2023

A letter to the Universe

Dear Universe,

Growing up in a concrete man-made jungle, I was so engrossed in getting good grades, carving out a career, emotional entanglements, taking life as a rat-race and so on. I don't know how I was enjoying the merry-go-round of a 3D world with a blind eye!

I was so damn unaware about your existence, your magnificence,  your grandeur! I sometimes still wonder that so many of those who are known to me, are still at the same spot I used to be!

Words fail to express my abundant gratitude to You Dear Universe, for revealing yourself and your magic to me in amazing ways! For always having my back and empowering me to realise my truth, my inherent powers and my connection to You that makes me come to life!

Thankyou for letting me know the many reasons that I am alive and to guide me step-by-step how to fulfill my purpose for which I was sent to Mother Earth!

-Meraki Pegasus

-Dr Racchana D Fadia

Saturday 18 March 2023

Simplified concept of Difference between Chemistry and Connection! BY STEPHAN

I was just blown away when I saw this amazing simplified concept about the difference between chemistry and connection by Stephan!

"Chemistry is in greater abundance than Connection" this line hit me the most hard!

Sharing it for those who may be confused about their chemistry with many people as to whether they have a true connection! ....... and yeah this ain't for the faint hearted... this is meant for those who are ready to accept the truth rather than avoiding or running away from it!

Would love to know what connection is as per Stephan!


New Update : 13.05.2023 
Alas found the video on Stephan Speaks about connection!

Another wonderful video for healing! Great detailings, fine points often overrlooked or ignored in a relationship and simplified approach to understanding and working to have a better connection in a relationship!