Saturday, 27 July 2024

Messages from The Most High!

Yesterday, while I was recovering from the trauma of disturbing revelations couple days back, I was again led to a few messages!

A YouTube channel I haven't subscribed ever, pops up this message. "GOD HID YOU SINCE A CHILD UP UNTIL THIS POINTπŸ‘‘ You were reincarnated for a Divine PURPOSE"

Although I was initially skeptical to watch this one, it's title attracted my attention, because I have manytimes asked God, the question about why I got to learn about the golden knowledge about healing and energy so much later in life? It would have been so nice to have learnt it earlier in life instead of expereincing certain patterns repeatedly in life!

As I started watching it, things started resonating with my experiences so far in my journey. It also occurred that some messages were repeated for me, such as: to let go of old and allow space for the new...and I knew this message was meant to reach me!  

  "GOD HID YOU SINCE A CHILD UP UNTIL THIS POINTπŸ‘‘ You were reincarnated for a Divine PURPOSE"                                         


I was amazed at the similarity of experiences shared by this young boy going by the name "Son of God" on his recently started endeavour through YouTube channel! And surprisingly, he has just 5.42k subscribers on his newly started YouTube channel but this video has already crossed a good 5.5k likes, which is way more than 100% of it's subscription. It definitely makes a huge point and tells it all! I personally feel that the boy is truly gifted and is a very mature old and wise soul, anointed and chosen to spread the messages of the Most High to the souls ready for receiving these divine messages and  guidance!                                 

Like he said in the video, I agree I was always scared to be seen and subconsciously hid myself from the self-imagined prying eyes which was nothing short of self-sabotage! For quite a long time, I don't know why I have felt scared to be seen or to be acknowledged!

Then he says, "I am at a point in my journey, that everybody start to wants redemption with me...because I am not what they thought....and its a little too late and there you gotta let them go through their karma, because if you don't chosen, I have learnt prior too, that the energetic karmic transparency would not play out naturally, if you try to overcompensate for someone else's karmic debt with you...honestly, that's their debt...when people go against a chosen one, whoever I am picking up on if you're like me, you have been back stabbed, you've been backstabbed! the f**k out off! But the thing is that backstabs them so much worse, you may have got stabbed by one knife in the back but then that's.... they're stabbing themselves  25 times in their back just by f**king with you..and its, its something you should rest assured knowing chosen, not the fact that they are hurting worst than you, but because you're gonna actually have the  chance to not only overcome this, but transcend it into something greater! God has something greater for you and I want you to know that!" - I am just so speechless with this, coz I did use to intervene in my prayers for even the ones who have hurt me or backstabbed me! But this message conveyed me the strong reason of transparency in karma, and that I must stop doing that! So I now get the message very clear and bold! Moreover, Universe has been not only letting me receive the revelations about back stabbings, but has also allowed me to know about the hardships that haters and treacherous people are facing because of their own doings and karma! Not that I felt any iota of happiness or relief in knowing that, coz I truly feel we all are one at spiritual truth in the 5D, But the purpose of the revelation is to just let me know that I am divinely super guarded and super protected and therefore need not take action against every Tom, Dick or Harry who tries to spoil my broth.

The Son of God pulled out the "Generational Wealth" card and I immediately remembered a WhatsApp forward sent to me by one of my old friends - it bore the message of being the Generational Curse Breaker! This message had somehow instantaneously connected with a deeper familiarity in my being and I was fascinated by its energy, as if my inner core had already reckoned with it's truth! 

Then he goes on to reinforce the message that I have been receiving quite often recently, like even yesterday, about  letting go of the old to make room for the new, quote, - "You feel the energetic initiations and upgrades...and what are they telling you, you know.... also to anybody going through a lot of Ascension symptoms, you know, a lot of these times can feel so buggy and so disastrous because we don't know what's ahead of this transition! But the Most High is guaranteeing us an upgrade ...and sometimes the upgrade takes letting go of something that you know, was serving us at one point but isn't any longer, let those things go chosen! Cry it out, you know whatever, detach from it however you need to! whatever is not serving you, give it forgiveness and release because there is a greater for you! nurture your inner child to create, to get the creativity to flow again!. ...And what I'm getting from nurture your inner child while you're going through these Ascension symptoms, these upgrades, is to nurture yourself and affirm to yourself that you are fine without whatever you're letting go off and give peace and release in Grace with so much love whatever did serve you before in the last chapter, coz that's what goes into this! You always gotta let something go, we always got to let something go and it doesn't have to be physical, it can be a mental process, a thought process, an unconscious process that we didn't even know we were doing, that we caught glimpse and awareness of!" - And so,  I know  I  am  receiving messages of being called upon to let go of all thoughts and subconscious beliefs that are  not  serving any purpose in the ongoing evolution anymore! 

Regarding nurturing the inner child and creativity within, I received almost similar message even yesterday through the White Horse in yesterday's video saying, "When the big thing feels out of control, focus on that which you love, right under your nose" The message cant get any more clearer than this now! 

Further guidance from the Son of God, "You are ascending, be easy on yourself!.....Your karmic debt is clear chosen vessel, you were underestimated and they all know what I'm getting from all this is - You're probably moving on from a lot of bullshit , from a lot of people, from a lot of fake friends, fake family members or people that just doubted you, maybe treated you like shit, maybe shitted on your dreams, maybe....whatever it is, you moved on and you still did it and you still did whatever you are doing and  you're still moving whatever you are doing, people respect that is what I'm picking up on, People see that, people acknowledge that you cannot be stopped......People regret for how they treated you chosen one!.... You're in alignment with all of your desires...Stay the Course is what I'm getting here, so with that being said there are many people that try to play with your top, you know, they try to play like you weren't going to get your desires, like you weren't worthy, or that you weren't gonna get it, or you weren't gonna stay the path! They couldn't be more wrong chosen, they couldn't be more wrong and keep f**king going, keep f**king going especially when it gets intense, keep f**king going on and especially when you know you are doing the right thing...and you causing controversy in people, I'm not talking about the destructive controversy chosen! I'm talking about the controversy that illuminates the mirror back to a group of people, many, that's... that's brilliant! and that's what we're here to do chosen ones! for inciting greater influence - as like a warning is what I'm getting - greater influence as a warning before what the Most High can do! We are warnings chosen ones! and when I say warnings, we're like divine intervention before the real intervention, the calm before the storm! that's exactly what we are! and so... understand that people going against you are tested, they are tested to go against you! Their obsession over you is a compliment chosen one, they are tested to go against you, they're meant to go against you because God is testing their commitment to even doing better or whatever they are promising for their life and that's got everything to do with them chosen ones! - This so very resonates with the consequences of my choices, choice to seek justice by doing what is right, by raising voice against an influential criminal mindset Builder when everyone around me was warning me against it! I have come so far now and yes many have seen all that! Its been a real testing phase for my soul to keep going and not break down while it was really dark there, its been a sort of intense lessons-imparting journey of my life, one that can never compare to any University degrees in this entire world,  that which has made me a totally different persona than I used to be up until September 2020! This was my Dark Night of the Soul phase in my Soul's journey!

"They are jealous of your shine and the way others view you!.....With people like these, these are people that are gonna make you money...let them, they are doing their job...Put them in their certain pocket of your inner have to hold a certain space for haters, hold a certain space of certain shameful people, because if you don't that's like your consciousness is denying the existence of which... and then that means that existence is gonna keep on kind of pushing down your throat.... as if you've never seen it before... because that's what you're connotating! give it it's space, and give it Grace and give it forgiveness, let it go chosen one!" - This is so very true in my case, felt these feelings intuitively that haters don't want to see me shine! As a direct evidence, someone has mischievously created a fake website to pull me and my achievements down by maligning and downgrading my credentials! I wonder who in this entire world would have enough time, energy and resources to create and host a fake website as an impostor to pull me down! And many other such experiences... and therefore it had even scarred me to an extent that I just wanted to make myself invisible, to keep a low profile and to not be seen by the eyes of such envious haters and schemers! It made me feel that if I can remain low key, I won't attract the jealousy and manipulations of such haters! 

I also learnt through one of the Lightworker's imprint workshop, that many lightworkers face these similar challenges of subconsciously wanting to remain unseen, because they were either punished with death sentences and/or their family members were killed ruthlessly, in the bygone eras, for speaking the Truth of the Most High, that was perceived to be a sin during periods of powerful monarchy! We all know how Lord Jesus was crucified for the Truth & Love spread by Him because it was shaking the very foundations of the orthodox religion that yielded power in few hands at the time! 

Maybe, I too grew up with such subconscious beliefs superimposed by my own fears that crept inside my mind stealthily. Now need to let go of such fears about being seen, being judged, being casted envious eyes from the haters and so on!

And I also realize how Universe showed me that the wise White Horse in yesterdays videos also  tells the Boy that He could fly but chose not to, just because it made other Horses feel jealous about him! Such a coincidence! and I know this is one limiting belief I had and now time to throw out of the window for good! 

Further message - "You have connections to ancient Egypt - tap in with your ancient ancestors!- Oh My God! I have always had this feeling and used to save pictures of Nefertiti, Sphynx etc on my computers since very young age, even pick up Photos and sculptures of ancient Egypt idols wherever I found them, which I had placed in my clinic as well! 



Fast forwarding from those days of fascination for Egyptian civilization to the period when I serendipitously got introduced to Pranic Healing through respected Master Stephen Co. During the phase of learning I came to also know that the Supreme teacher of Pranic Healing, Great Lord MahaGuruji Mei Ling was incarnated as The Chief High Priest Nefertem of Egypt. Now, feels like the dots are connecting themselves about my journey so far!

He goes on to say, "You're building a legacy never before seen, be patient with your journey and process chosen one! Truth & Transparency! and so that's the part about, taking the different journey, when you are going down an unconventional path, it's building a legacy! You know, ......its about the impact to be remembered by! that's the most important - IMPACT - and we're here to make a big impact....Do not let anybody make you sway you from being your f**king self! F**k them! you know what I'm saying! F**K THEM! They don't deserve you!..... The Most High knows who deserves you, and the Most High will accommodate you and I'm a living proof of that... I've family members that didn't deserve me, the Most High, my Angels - they provide who does, they send me along the path of the journey who does!"-So when I chose to reject marriage proposals from filthy rich guys, when I chose to wait for marriage until I find my divine counterpart, when I chose to ignore indecent proposals as a shortcut and easy access to the expressway of fame and wealth, when I chose to take a temporary break from a money-minting career and instead be on a sabbatical, when I chose to study law for seeking justice for my Father's illegal murder and injustice with him, many people/acquaintances around me (except my loved ones) have ridiculed me, have disregarded my endeavors as being far-fetched  and  impractical in this age of material world! I chose to disregard to all their negative narrative and simply followed my inner compass, with an inner knowing that what I was doing was right for my soul and for my parents!

And then I strangely received another message that speaks about, or rather warns, I must say, about someone obsessed and trying to harm through energy manipulations. Although I heard it with fast forward speed, I wasn't sure if I must allow these thoughts to enter my mind unchecked, as I didn't want unnecessary negative thoughts and beliefs creating home in my subconscious anymore! But I continued listening as she started mentioning the Angel numbers that I have been seeing quite often recently!

 The message I received  in English language was this one :  "SOMEONE IS OBSESSED WITH YOU & IS INTERFERING IN YOUR LOVE LIFE ON AN ENERGETIC LEVEL.. *SPECIFIC* "                                  

Later the day went by, but to my pleasant surprise, as if Universe wanted to hold my finger and ask me to really focus on that earlier message delivered by 'goddess energy', I received exactly similar message in Hindi, having so many exactly similar words and phrases. This second message was also recorded on same day by another Tarot reader in Hindi @ Divine24Hrs! The context of both these messages are unbelievably and exactly the same and both of these Tarot Card readers mention so many striking similarities.

Both the English & Hindi Tarot reader conveyed about someone who felt rejected by me, someone who is not only highly obsessive, but is also very controlling and keeping a close watch on me like a monitoring spirit so as to sabotage everything I do or have! That this person doesn't take a "NO" for an answer, is a very clingy person (Chipku in Hindi language) and is a very cold person preferring me to be unhappy, sad and alone, if I am not with that person. That the person is doing energy manipulations and spell works to break up my connections so as to cause confusions and arguments. Both Tarot readers mention this person to be a Narcissist with low vibrational energy (and habits)

The Second Video I received in Hindi language is this :🧿 KOI CHIPKU INSAAN AAPSE BADLAA LENA CHAHTA HAI. #divine #shivshakti                                                                 

Both Tarot readers mention just because of the difference in the energies I may have created a distance with this person but this person took it as a rejection that hurt their ego thereby wanting to take revenge! That this person has tried to block all the happiness and love I have ever experienced!

How clearer can the message get after watching above two readings! 

My Beloved Benevolent Universe told me that this message wasn't just a meagre coincidence but a divinely guided message sent across and meant for me to know! It is such a miraculous Divine confirmation from the Universe for my initially skeptical mind, so as to truly pay heed to the messages delivered by the earlier English Tarot reader @ goddess energy and Hindi Tarot reader @ Divine24Hrs. 

Isn't this truly a unbelievable and surely a divine synchronicity that, the Two lovely tarot Card readers, from entirely different cultural and religious backgrounds,  speaking different languages, who are like at a distance separated by the seven seas (so to speak), have provided exactly the same messages, exactly on the same day, only uploaded at different times, one after the other - Can it get any more specific! 

God is Truly Great! 

People many times ask me this question - "OMG! I am surprised that how can a beautiful girl/woman like you, be still unmarried?" OR  "I cant believe you are never married as yet!" and so on! Some people ask this question out of sheer curiosity and  many other orthodox kinds ask such nasty questions in public to make others look down upon me. Because they think it's a societal and cultural norm that, unless a woman hasn't taken spiritual Deeksha/initiation, they must get married, settle down, have kids, raise them etcetera etcetera....

Little do they know that I have always been unconventional in my outlook towards life, that I have chosen to always follow my heart, that I have been blessed with lovely parents who have treated me like a son and always allowed me to do what I felt was right!....and barring the earlier subconscious fears about marriage, I have always known what mattered for me in my marriage, has always been the conviction of two souls to each other and not the convenience of society and regulations - Maybe that's the reason I so much got enchanted by the story of Ye Hua and Bai Qian from "Eternal Love"! 

People may say that I have too much unrealistic expectations from a marriage partner and that it's too late to find a good man as all good men are taken! But thats their perpective that may work well for them! For me - It's as simple as this - Given a choice, I'd rather spend my whole life serving God and my purpose, instead of sharing my bed half-heartedly with some stranger that I don't wanna wake up to, every new morning!

And I have this deeper knowing and firm Faith, that no matter what, the people or things from whose life I am out, were just never meant to be and those really meant for me, shall never pass by!  

However, the period of Dark Night of the Soul phase ushered me into the chapter of my life seeking answers to all the tower moments happening all of a sudden and all at once in life and which finally led me to where      I AM today! So, looking back retrospectively from where I stand today, I acknowledge the journey I have walked until now, the process I am in, knowing well that there was a reason and a purpose behind all of that. 

Keeping God as my witness, I willingly forgive and let go all of the situations, of all those people and beings who have tried to harm me knowingly or unknowingly in any way - letting go all of that with Grace, as I wait for further Divine guidance and instructions from my Spiritual Teachers, my Spirit Team, my Ancestors and The Most High!

- Loving Light

- Dr Racchana D Fadia

Meraki Pegasus

A Humble Servant of The Divine, Forever


Thursday, 25 July 2024

Life is a Learning and Mine is Divinely Guided!

 Since last few days I have been going through some challenging and tumultuous emotions due to certain reasons...facing one situation after the other as if another one is waiting patiently in a row, just waiting for the previous one to get handled by me.... thereby causing delays at every step of my journey in my endeavors. This all is happening while I am simultaneously also experiencing the worst that humans can become under the illusion of ego and greed. The built up of resultant frustration was overpowering and got the better of me! And as if this wasn't enough over the past few days, I was again hit with a huge emotional blow yesterday evening through serendipitous unveiling of a very heart-breaking  truth  about few known faces! Was so overwhelmed, it shut down the fuse of my brain circuits and I didn't know how to deal with those emotions that were so very stormy and confusing. 

After a very long time since 2020, again I faced similar emotions - a sudden and enormous built up of molten lava of anger due to treachery, waiting to burst into a volcano ...and at the same time, I was also immediately being reminded of the virtues of The Great Lord Jesus who shed tears for the ones who crucified Him , I was reminded of other Great & Enlightened Ones like Lord Mahavira, who too shed tears out of compassion for the ones who hammered nails in His Ears & Lord Buddha who was compassionate to all those who wronged Him throughout His Life! 

It was almost like one half of my heart was experiencing the very low frequency vibrations but the other half of my heart quickly stepped in and started consoling the first half  with wisdom from the stories of the Great Enlightened Ones, nudging to choose the Higher Self  vibrations and stop identifying with a phase  experienced in  the  past! I also found that I, kind of, doubted myself for experiencing those low-frequency feelings and was being hard on myself by judging "ME", asking if it was appropriate to even entertain such low frequency feelings, despite being an Empath desirous of being a Healer! I was going berserk with these thoughts running amok in my head simultaneously!

However, as I am writing this now, I realized that there was a difference about this experience of feeling devastating emotions yesterday evening, experienced once again after 2020! The previous time, I mulled in the muck of such emotions for quite a few days when I had lost my mental balance out of the immense shock and trauma of loosing my Father due to the injustice faced at the time and which therefore  had highly narrowed down my receptivity for over a few days. Until one fine day I received a serendipitous autosuggestion from YouTube wherein  Master Stephen Co's was speaking about Lord Buddha and His teachings and I had all my ears to Master Stephen Co Thankfully!  It was that day when I got introduced to the concept of Internal and External Forgiveness, the concept of wrong doers as the ignoramus spiritual babies and this  truly was a timely redemption of my soul from the Divine! I am so grateful to all my Spiritual Teachers and The Divine Realms, that this Epiphany was just right in time before I could take any wrong step in my state of  mental hijack through depressing emotions that numbed and blinded me totally! 

This  event  was  so traumatic and unbearable  that I got my long hair chopped off, so  as  to be  able  to  survive the stormy devastating  feelings  of  guilt, irreplaceable loss, anger, agony and pain  of  injustice! it was difficult to stay alive with those toxic feelings  every  moment  that I was awake since 5th September 2020


Although what I experienced yesterday evening was so strong and similar to the same experiences of past, feeling extremely hurt as if stabbed in my back, uncontrollable anger, confusion, guilt, remorse, feeling loss through the deliberate mischiefs of people who are close, I was strangely being reminded from my deeper core, about the Great Ones and scenes of how THEY handled such situations when They walked  on Mother Earth! And So, surprisingly (in a good way), this time, unlike the previous expereince of 2020, I am out of the murkkkk pretty quickly and within just 24 hours by the Grace of Benevolent Loving Universe!

Yesterday evening, this tug of war was quite heavy for me and I wanted to shut down the brains but despite lying down on the bed, I wasnt able to sleep till late night around 2 a.m. or so! And having slept so late, I would usually wake up late next morning but surprisingly I woke up quite early, that too with a jerk and heaviness of head today morning, realizing that this was the result of the heavy blow on the mind and draining of emotions last evening! 

I strangely don't remember much about my childhood, I don't know why my childhood got quite-a-lot erased from my memories and I only have a very few scenes from that time! I don't know if that is because of a fall from heighted kitchen platform of our old house, when I was around 5 to 7 years old or maybe because of the traumatic experience around the same time making the brain not wanting to remember painful memories and forget the traumatic ones (akin to "mental screening" phenomenon in psychology) ; especially memories of incidences of ogling men close to family trying to take advantage on pretext of being well wishers of family and the most painful trauma of loosing my Father through mischief in 2020, had additional supplemental impact, due to serially superadded post-traumatic stresses! 

However, since the time that I can remember my earliest memories, I have, for sure, known deep inside , like some sort of longing of a world of kindness, purity and integrity. But, the experiences while growing up from school to college to medical school and going forward, defied that longing at every point and many times made me question myself seriously about such inner knowing and longing. I doubted myself whether that longing and faith in virtuous world was  real, whether I was right in believing in values of straightforwardness and upright conduct, whether I was being impractical in worldly affairs and whether I must choose to keep believing in emotions my heart reckoned with! The bitterness from self-centered people even made me feel and question my values, my existence, and whether I truly belonged to this age and times in the present world - I felt so much out of the place and home-sick; longing to go back to real Home! This longing was re-kindled during my first Vipassana meditation camp of 10 days at Igatpuri DhammaVatika Centre in April 2009 and at the end of the course I felt as if I found my Holy Grail that was embedded in my soul consciousness and subconscious mind but which fell short of verbal expressions at the time!

Currently going through a series of heavy emotions, while fighting multiple battles at the same time, facing the meanness from not only the outsiders but even those who once were close to heart, that too in times of crisis... navigating through all these with so many delays and divergences, for over a long period of time constantly, felt as if Sun suddenly stopped shining on life due to envious spells of haters and schemers -  It has been literally and indeed a very very draining and tiring journey! To a point that I have felt like giving up - But then I recollect my first poem- NEVER GIVE UP! and the same is also re-enforced repeatedly through Divine timely messages from the Universe!

And so again today, right after last evening's literally head-spinning experience, Thankfully I received the message from the Universe, and it just so much made my day! It literally made up for replacing the heaviness of heart with feelings of being divinely protected, guided and watched over by the Divine!   


And to my spiritual delight, I saw that this Earth Angel Erika, who has most of the times delivered synchronistic messages to me right in time, is unusually wearing a "Golden Infinity" pendant - which resembled the Infinity symbol made by Golden Dragon, that I was attracted to for choosing it as a screensaver for my new Laptop! 


This hooked me into listening her message further.....Surprisingly, she starts speaking of exactly the same dialogues I have had with myself, the same feelings I am experiencing since last few days and then even goes on to tell that she can feel that, quote" you might be in a different country or city from home or maybe something has happened that you are no longer in the home you could literally be that"   I am like OMG, YESSSS!!!! Me and my Mom are really NO MORE staying in the home that my parents lived in, for more than three decades.... We had to suddenly shift from our own home because of the dangerous threats to our life and reputation from the Builder that we are having ongoing criminal cases with! While the police and lower courts judiciary are keeping their eyes closed to such daring acts of the habitual scamster Builder! The mention about this event from Erika made me resonate with her message and this cannot be so made up after all! Erika is talking straight to me in my face and to my heart, and I knew this message is definitely for me ! 

Further, Erika speaks of my feelings of wanting to walk out from the game of separation, the game of dichotomy, duality and in reality I have grown to realize about the other worlds that co-exist with ours always having a deeper longing for going back home! In fact I had written similar desire in my letter talking to Mother Mary , Lord Jesus and Almighty Supreme many years back -  something to the tune of "that this place and everything (world) is just an illusion....the real home is Spiritual World - to our Supreme Creator who writes and directs the play on Earth and gives chance to everyone to improvise for the betterment of their soul, whosoever desires with true and pure heart! I desire, My Lord, to play the character You have chosen for me  for the betterment of humanity & deliverance of my soul - to rest in your lap with PEACE - FOREVER - NEVER TO BE BORN ON (THIS STAGE [of drama]) EARTH AGAIN  IN ANY FORM."                                                                                    

 And then Erika speaks of encouraging into "radical acceptance" - to accept where I am right now, radically accept the persona that I am, the character that I am playing...the identity, even the experiences that I have experienced in past and the ones that I am experiencing now - to accept them wholeheartedly and say "okay, this is part of my process and I'm not gonna push it away and I'm not going to resist it, because the resistance is causing the suffering! I'm going to accept this and I'm going to trust that there's medicine here for me...I'm going to trust that this is part of my process taking me, to where I'm meant to be - to help me in my process of healing, my process of evolution...I don't need to MISS home because home is where I AM - HOME IS WHERE I AM!, Wherever I AM, Home is with me, GOD IS WITH ME, Love is with me, its not outside of me, its not externalized, IT IS ME!!!...I AM THAT WHICH I AM SEEKING FOR! I AM THAT WHICH I AM LONGING FOR!"

And Lovely Erika, I not only resonated with this message, but It  gave me a wake up call to shun the earlier feelings of longing for  real Home and accept where I am in the present, to do my best to make it as much happier, bright and lively as I can! 

Thankyou again for awakening me from the temporary feelings of haziness and slumber! I'd definitely wish to meet you in person some day, IF GOD WILLS! Lotsa Love and warm Hugs for the messages in Divine perfect time dear, Stay Blessed Forever!

I don't know how the algorithm of YouTube videos autosuggestions work, but to ensure that I receive only the channeled messages meant truly to reach me without being biased or prejudiced, I don't subscribe to most channels I only watch those random videos in lesiure time, that pop up for me as YouTube auto-suggestions! 

Like even these videos popped up for me and I was touched, with their depth of meaning and striking resonance with the core of my being and present state, encouraging me and reinforcing Faith in tough times!


      This video touched me deeply as it starts with a little kid wanting to grow up to be "KIND" - similar feelings that I have always had, while I was growing amidst a difficult childhood! This video further reassures the part of my heart to be 'KIND' rather than being Right about yesterdays emotions!

And Yes, since  I have been facing the trials and tribulations all alone, betrayed most of the times while growing up, from even those I looked up on, those I respected and from those I loved and valued the most- it kind of, made me skeptical and hyper Independent,  as I lost Hope and consequently developed a subconscious feeling of fear that HELP is NOT something I must seek, as it has always leads to betrayal and being let down time and again! Treachery, experienced even from those who projected high values, and even those who promised integrity and transparency in their dealings! 

Hearing the dialogues in this video when boy asks "What is the bravest thing you've ever said?" and the wise Horse replies, "HELP -  Asking for Help isn't giving up - it's refusing to Give Up!!! Tears fall for a reason - and they're your strength, not weakness!" literally moved me to tears - showing me the mirror to my own subconscious, and gently nudging me reassess the status quo of not willing to seek or accept Help! As if it is guiding me with a ray of Hope in being open to ask for or maybe receive Help! Afterall, Blessings come through People and through Opportunities, but by remaining closed to the same, one may unconsciously block out those Blessings meant to reach them! 

And then again popped up another similar video from the Universe, that also resonated exactly with the state of my stormy mind and emotions , after a deeply painful revelation experienced yesterday evening. 

This time, the same boy, the mole, fox and the white Horse are walking together and suddenly see that the weather was becoming unfavourable. However, they choose to keep moving forward And when the situation gets out of control by becoming very stormy (just like stormy mind yesterday evening), the boy got scared. Just then the Wise White Horse not only provides loving shelter to all his teammates but also speaks encouraging and beautiful words of wisdom to them, quote  "When the big things feel out of control, focus on what you love, right under your nose!" 

And so this is how my Beloved Benevolent Universe guided me to start writing today's Blog through this video , that is - When the big things (state of mind) feel out of control, focus on what you love right under your nose (in my case, it is writing, as it helps me to express, to vent out emotions and feel lighter while also making me feel in the state of flow!) 

I even thought to my self how the Universe has amazingly supreme intelligence, by sending me the videos showing a White Horse speaking words of wisdom, as this White Horse is so very similar to the mythical Alicorn that I have visualized in one of my first meditations on my life and soul purpose a couple years back - subsequently christening myself with  the warrior name as a "Pegasus". This feels to me like my Higher Self speaking to me as I connect the dots!        


After a couple of hours, Universe also revealed to me that this White Horse in this video, also has wings and can also Fly - This Horse is so similar to the White horse with wings (and a horn on its forhead) in my vision during meditation! Not only that, the reason mentioned by this White Horse for hiding the wings also resonated with how I have somehow had this deep fear of remaining unseen and obscure! Have had similar feelings of prying eyes that feel jealous about me and my achievements! Through these beautiful synchronistic messages, am gathering more hints from the Universe, as I comtemplate that which needs to be changed within, while connecting the dots during this transition phase...           

The Flying Horse in my Vision and the Poem that came through depths of my mind regarding that vision of my life purpose is captured below in this picture




Lovely words of wisdom from The Mole -"One of the greatest freedom is, how we react to things!" Simply loved it!. Cant really wait to catch up with the full movie - The Boy, The Mole, the Fox and the Horse - as this movie appears to be all about the "Code of Honor" for Family and Soul tribe Friends that truly makes a Real Home. Family is one of my highest values along with Freedom, Truth and Love!

What a meaningful coincidence, as I wrote this blog, just saw Another Divine confirmation about "Messages of Hope" through Angels and Guides as mentioned by none other than Ms Suzanne Geissmann- my fav Evidentiary Medium channeling messages for those who lost hopes through loss of their loved ones :)

I remember reading one of the novel in my earlier days - "The Alchemist" written by Paulo Coelho - And although, at that time, I loved the idea and concept of this Novel highlighting about the signs from the Universe, I was'nt yet ready and willing to accept it consciously...and wondered if there was even any possibility that it can be a way of life? May be because being from a scientific background at that time, my cup was full from the influences of the society around me...Anyways, I now realize that everything has a reason and serves a purpose in our evolution - every experience, every lesson, every meeting, every opportunity, every failure, every treachery, every emotion, every wait, every sign has it's reason and with the conscious choices we make through our divine gift of "Free Will", the importance of each and every thing and every being gets revealed in the larger schema of things over a period of time! 

And so, now, at this point in time, I am fully in sync with this knowledge and wisdom that, “The universe is filled with infinite possibilities and potential, if we only trust in its power to guide us.” – Deepak Chopra.

And without any iota of doubt whatsoever, I am convinced that the Universe truly speaks to all those souls, in ways that those souls can connect with to understand the meaning, only if there's unflinching Faith in Universe and strong burning flames of desire for Truth, kept alive, against all odds! 

And so, Life is a process of Learning forever, and I am overjoyed that mine is Divinely guided!

A Humble Servant of the Divine, Forever!

- Loving Light

- Dr Racchana D Fadia

Meraki Pegasus


Monday, 22 July 2024

Ye Hua's Dragon Spell Compelling Contemplation About The Alluring Addiction Of 'Eternal Love'

As an adventure enthusiast with an insatiable curiosity for diverse cultures, I've always sought out the road less traveled. My journeys are often punctuated with savoring exotic vegetarian dishes and always desirous for travel at unusual bucket-list destinations. Yet, never in my wildest dreams did I anticipate developing a profound fascination for traditional Chinese attire and looks of ancient Chinese men. This unexpected love affair began with enchanting figures of Ye Hua and Mo Yuan from a captivating Chinese Drama Series  "Eternal Love aka Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms".

My heart was irrevocably stolen by Ye Hua from "Eternal Love" (Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms), portrayed by the mesmerizing Taiwanese Canadian actor Mark Chao, his real name being Zhao Yuting. The allure of his character has drawn me into the intricate world of Chinese imperial robes, the elegant Hanfu, and the refined aesthetics of ancient Chinese men with long hair, tying them up with beautiful accessories, elevated corners of their brows, their way of greeting each other, mannerisms, language and almost everything, except non-vegetarian food ;) The Chinese regal demeanor depicted in the series have captivated me to the point of obsession, compelling me to delve deeper into their cultural artistry.

Furthermore, Mark Chao's dual portrayal of the twins Ye Hua and Mo Yuan in "Eternal Love" is nothing short of spellbinding. The contrast between the two characters, despite their identical appearance of being Twin brothers, is executed with such finesse that it's as if Mo Yuan and Ye Hua are indeed different individuals. This masterful performance has left me revisiting the video clips and music from the series daily, a phenomenon which is unexplainable to myself, and never-before-experienced madness for any TV show or movie in my history as a movie and acting enthusiast.

As someone who watches films and loves music as a stress-buster tool, I cannot recollect such an intense, almost addictive, connection to any character or story till date, so much so as to make me revisit its scenes and music almost daily like a ritual. This newfound obsession has made me ponder about the reasons of such attachment despite being aware about the teachings of Zen Buddhism, which cautions the souls/consciousness against clinging to anything or anyone! While I recognize the spiritual implications, I can't help but immerse myself in the captivating world of Ye Hua and Mo Yuan. Yesterday came across one such particular video that has ensnared my attention and showcases the depth and duality of the Twin brother characters of Mo Yuan and Ye Hua in Eternal Love:                            

The nuanced distinction between Mo Yuan's stoic wisdom and Ye Hua's passionate love and resolve, both portrayed by Mark Chao, is a testament to his unparalleled acting prowess. It's not just the characters that intrigue me, but the real-life actor behind them. Researching upon the real life Actor Mark Chao aka Zhao Yuting, I discovered a humble, down-to-earth individual whose modern persona starkly contrasts with his imperial roles. His sweet demeanor and contemporary style highlight his versatile acting and the transformative power of his acting performances, making his portrayal of these ancient characters even more remarkable and nostalgic. Watching real life Mark Chao's interview, it made me even question, "OMG, how is it even possible! Is he the same Ye Hua and Mo Yuan shown in 'Eternal Love'? I wonder how he carried off those roles with so much detailed emotions and perfection!" and further confirms what a par excellent actor he is! in fact even Chinese Actress Yang Mi as Bai Qian is irreplaceable! It appears to be one of the most powerful on-screen couples with an amzing chemistry indeed!

My unexpected journey sparked by "Eternal Love," has been nothing short of profound nostalgia, sucking me into emotions and addictions I can't fully fathom as yet! Revisiting these moments depicted in the scenes and the music of "Eternal Love" daily, leaves me wondering why am I becoming addicted or clinging to something beyond my control, despite knowing well that these were just Actors and characters  in a story script! Despite my years of Vipassana meditation and my deep admiration and love for Lord Buddha's teachings, walking on the path, I question if I have truly grasped the essence of non-attachment. I strangely find myself wrestling with these feelings and tug-of-war about the reasons for "Why am I getting so addicted to this" and it was further fuelled by another revelation recently -

Interestingly, since the time I bought my new laptop, I finally have stayed stuck to two screensavers on it: one of a beautiful golden infinity sign made by a dragon rising from a mountain, this screensaver flashes on my screen before I log into my windows and another of a Mentor who always inspires me, his photo is the screensaver on the backdrop of my desktop files and projects!

Now, as I look back, I realised that the random YouTube clip featuring a captivating scene with the character of mortal Su Su (played by beautiful Actress Yang Mi) speaking to a snake lured me into watching the entire "Eternal Love" series. 

In  one of the marketplace scenes , the snake (who was Ye Hua after he was injured in a battle) transformed into the Dragon, so as to protect Su Su while she was being harassed by a notorius and nasty local Priest.

Surprisingly, it  was  only after watching the entire series and revisiting the scenes over a few days, quite a few times, did it occur to me one fine day that the Dragon in my screensaver mirrors the same Dragon that the Ye Hua as a snake transforms into! 

This unexpected alignment of symbols—culminating in the Dragon infinity symbol and Ye Hua turning into similar Dragon— and my addiction to the character of Ye Hua, has left me in awe and a bit unsettled. Adding to the mystery, I recently saw a man wearing a "Dragon Warrior" T-shirt, further intensifying my sense of serendipity. Couldnt take that pic, since I drove past by him very quickly, but this left me pondering if it can have any deeper significance or its just random coincidences!

These emotions of clinging and experience of coincidences have left me with unanswered questions and a yearning to understand why I feel such a strong connection to Ye Hua's character and the Dragon. 

While I have much to learn about the rich cultural tapestry of ancient China, beautifully embodied by Mark Chao's unforgettable characters, the fascination this experience has created in me, is both enigmatic and worrisome at the same time! 

However,  the obsession to keep revisiting the scenes and music from this movie is unexplainable. I wonder whether this obsession is spiritually beneficial or not - it remains a personal contemplation as yet, but it undeniably adds a layer of irresistible enchantment to my life while I am trying to figure out the reasons for such deep emotional attachment to  Ye Hua of "Eternal Love" 

- Loving Light

- Dr Racchana D Fadia

Meraki Pegasus

Saturday, 20 July 2024

"Whispers from the Universe & Gaia : Divine Messages on Life's Journey"

Feeling elated with divine messages from the Universe & Gaia through my Soul Tribe— souls who share similar experiences for a reason —
"Journeying and forging ahead
from darkness towards dawn, 
all beautiful souls of a tribe,
sing the very same song!"

I have been encountering  numerous Angel numbers regularly, appearing unexpectedly on number plates, signboards, mobile screen displays, and YouTube video likes. This phenomenon has persisted for years, but the frequency has recently increased.  Like just yesterday, on July 19th, I saw Angel numbers 444  on an autorickshaw number plate and 999 as well, for the pleasant surprise I received today! 







The angels of the Internet brought me this beautiful, synchronistic YouTube video message mentioning most of the angel  numbers I have been seeing quite frequently!


A Tarot reader mentioned seeing the exact numbers I have been seeing repeatedly! And then She shared many insights that resonated deeply with my experiences, as if these messages were meant for me.

She recited lyrics from Emeli SandΓ©'s song "Extraordinary Being," and mistakenly mentions the word 'China'. This struck me because I've recently been captivated by a Chinese drama series "Eternal Love", watching scenes and listening to its nostalgic music almost every single day like a ritual  

Then, the Tarot reader mentioned an eagle, which I've been seeing frequently. Sometimes, I seen them fly unusually low in a city like Mumbai while I'm driving, prompting me to wonder why?, unless there was prey nearby.

She also mentioned the Sun, which prominently appears in most of my readings and astrology charts. I have always felt a connection to belonging to the tribe of the rising Sun (even seen in my poems too) , akin to being from a Suryavanshi clan, and always have had a knowing of  blessing hand on me for as long as I can remember.

When she spoke of a golden crown with ruby diamonds, I was speechless. Coz just yesterday,  even I came across an image of a golden crown , although with a central golden bead, which I believe symbolizes the pineal gland or third eye activation, further confirming that these messages are meant for me


Moving forward,  a Gaia card was drawn, reflecting my deep connection to Mother Earth, and it resonated so profoundly. Each time I travel by car, and a friend or relative attempts to throw garbage out the window—a common practice in India—I remind them: Earth is not merely a planet. She is our Mother, a living being deserving of respect. Why dishonor her by throwing trash in her face? She already endures so much, providing us designated places for waste. Why add to her burden mindlessly? Mother Earth, or Gaia, tolerates so much from humanity; can we not lessen that and honor her instead? My friends and relatives may see my words as a lecture, but this is who I am—authentic, direct, calling a spade a spade.

The card on Isis and Magic took me back to my fascination with Egyptian, Mayan, and Atlantis, Japanese and other Mystic civilizations, most recent addition is China ;). This intrigue and life events have even led me into Pranic Healing, where I discovered that this art and science was pioneered by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui who was  directly taught by Lord Buddha Padmasambhava - an avatar of the revered Chief High Priest Nefertem from the Egyptian mystery school. Energy healing, magic, Egypt, sacred geometry, cymatics—all are interwoven with quantum physics—and are my real passions, I get to engage deeply through the Gaia Channel! Grateful to this channel, simply love it!

Another card featuring an enlightened Buddhist monk advises, "Take actions from the Heart."...And This has always been my way of doing things in reality, many calling me impractical, sometimes even foolish and self-sabotaging! But I bothered the very least with all such comments , believing on an inner compass... Remarkably, in my first meditation to understand my Earthly purpose, I envisioned a similar monk, radiant with enlightenment, accompanied by a white, horned flying horse. Such synchronicities capture my full attention.

Another card, from Commander Ashtar, speaks of Leadership activation and evolution. Its message stirred a known feeling that's been there for a while!

Another card about cutting cords struck a chord, as I had attended a webinar last night and an exercise revealed how past trauma was still affecting me, despite all my healing efforts ever since I had a breakup superimposed by the trauma of losing my father in a cruel mischief in 2020. Releasing old attachments to make room for new growth was another message bringing in a significant message for moving ahead in my journey!  Further, a card about letting go of the old to make space for the new resonated with my journey so far—using forgiveness prayers , tools and techniques from the masters to heal and to grow. A card about emotions suggested the importance of facing, acknowledging, and accepting emotions to heal from them."Feel it to Heal it," she said, perfectly encapsulating my approach.

A card on Miracles speaks directly to my experiences, dating back to my childhood days, when I first started speaking to God and felt my prayers being answered! Miracles have since become a part of my life, reinforcing my faith during moments of doubt and loneliness!

The card of "Vulnerability and Freedom" spoke of my highest values. Freedom has always been of highest value for me and most cherished alongside with family and love!

Receiving an Angel card in the reading reassured me that I am always guided and protected by my loving angels, spirit guides, and ancestors. Another card advising, "Trust yourself, trust your intuition, trust your guidance - we are always by your side" moved me to tears, reminding me that I am never alone and that everything happens for the best. This deep-seated belief, has truly sustained me through the thick and thin, through the ups and downs and even the damn unpredictable twist and turns in my journey!

When the Tarot reader mentioned, "Some people have had to go through hell and back," it resonated instantly and I reckon  well  that my soul tribe, has been on a similar  journey - having faced real  adversities, but chosen light over darkness,  forgiveness over vengeance, and compassion over cruelty..  It so feels like home!

Finally, reflecting on the past, the advice, "Don't punish who you are, for who once, you  have been....release  the  guilt...," urges peace with one’s past. Even as a follower of Zen Buddhism, life's stressors entangled my mind..... and  mindfulness suggested  as the masterblaster  remedy  for  all  that  was and all  that is!

Prayers to God for  blessing this lovely Tarot Cards reader @EmpathicEmpress888 on  Youtube, her loved ones, my soul tribe  and  all  the  connected  souls  on  the  journey!

I am profoundly grateful to the Universe for continually guiding my path and always supporting me through these synchronicities!

- Loving Light
- Dr Racchana D Fadia

Meraki Pegasus