Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Musings About The Many Faces & Forms of Love!

Growing up, I was blessed with a cocoon of selfless love from my parents. Their unwavering care shielded me from the harsher truths of the world, allowing me to experience love in its purest, most unconditional form. Within this protective bubble, the world seemed kind, gentle, and full of possibilities.

Like many kids of my generation, I grew up watching films like Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge, dreaming of a pink-rose world of love and romance. The ideals of love seemed magical, where affection was grand and everlasting. But as I moved forward in my journey, life began to teach me lessons about the varied faces of love—lessons that shaped my understanding and, ultimately, my discernment.

In my early years of achievement, I was greeted with admiration and awe. Whether it was excelling in my studies or transforming from an “ugly duckling” to a confident “beautiful swan,” love and compliments seemed to follow me everywhere.

People would greet me with warm smiles, congratulatory words, and admiration. It felt natural to be the center of attention, the person whose presence lit up a room. As I progressed further under the tutelage of a great Mentor, I experienced another dimension of love, praise and admiration. The privileges enjoyed—free consultations, guidance, professional connections, and even monetary help—attracted a wide circle of friends, relatives, patients, and admirers.

It was intoxicating to feel loved, respected, and needed. But in hindsight, I see that much of this love was conditional.

As life took me through the journey of The “Dark Night of the Soul,” the faces that once surrounded me began to fade away, one by one. With dormancy of resources, influence, and privileges to offer, the conditional nature of love became painfully clear.

I began to see the patterns:

  • A friend loves you if you have time and resources.
  • A client loves you if you add value to their life.
  • A relative loves you if you’re beneficial in some way.
  • A sibling loves you if you willingly give up your rights and offer them your share of the inheritance.
  • Sometimes even parents love you more if you align with their expectations.
  • A spouse loves you as long as you fulfill their emotional or material needs.
  • Children love you when their demands and tantrums are met.

It became clear that much of the love we encounter is quite transactional, tied to conditions and expectations.

For a long time, I took people at face value. Giving was my primary love language—sharing time, resources, and energy without reservation. But I lacked discernment. My giving nature was often exploited, not out of malice but because I didn’t know how to balance self-love with selflessness.

Today, I’m grateful for the lessons life has taught me. Now I invite lessons only through love , with grace and under ease ! 

While my capacity for love never diminished, I now approach relationships with discernment. I’ve learned to balance my giving nature with boundaries and to prioritize self-love without guilt.

As I reflect on the patterns of conditional love, one question keeps surfacing in my heart:

Why can’t we simply love any being without any reason or condition? Why can’t we accept a being , simply for who they are?

Imagine a world where:

  • A friend loves you for the joy of your company, not your resources.
  • A client respects you for your authenticity, not just your utility.
  • A relative cherishes you for your presence, not your benefits.
  • A spouse treasures you for your soul, not your services.
  • Parents and children embrace each other without expectations or demands.
Unconditional love is rare, but it is the truest form of love. It is the love that sees beyond roles, responsibilities, or what someone can “offer.” It is love that simply is—unwavering, unshaken by circumstances, and pure in its intent.

The Choice is Ours

We live in a world where conditional love is the norm. But we have the power to choose differently. We can choose to:

  • Love without expecting something in return.
  • Accept people as they are, flaws and all.
  • Be kind and giving, without attaching strings to our generosity.
  • Be Watchful About Whom We Allow In Our Closest Energy Circle

The beauty of unconditional love is that it not only heals others but also liberates us. It frees us from the chains of expectations and allows us to experience the fullness of human connection.

As I move forward, I strive to embody this kind of love. It’s not always easy, and I still have moments of struggle. But the awareness of this truth keeps me grounded:

Love is not about what someone can give to you or do for you; It’s about the unfaltering trust between souls, It's about what one can share without expectations !

 Aspiring  to create my world where love transcends conditions — a world where love is not because of what someone has or does, but simply because they 'are'!

Forever - A Seeker of Truth !

Meraki Pegasus!

Dr Racchana D Fadia

Thursday, 26 December 2024

From Guilt to Grace: Experiencing the Connection Between Co-existing Worlds, beyond the normal Human Vision!

There’s a certain beauty in writing—it allows emotions to flow freely, to release the energy within and let it find expression in words. Writing has always been my way of venting, of ensuring the energy doesn’t stagnate and build into a storm inside. Day before yesterday was one of those days when emotions brimmed over—a day of sadness, old memories, and a deep ache that surfaced unexpectedly.

It began with nostalgia. As I watched my favorite Gujarati songs from a cherished playlist, I stumbled upon "Teri Laadki Mai....", a poignant song that echoes a dialogue between a daughter and her father. The melody touched a raw nerve, and before I knew it, I was crying like a child.


The beautiful song ends with a lovely line - Unconditional Love is Happiness!

Who can love as unconditionally as our own Parents!

Its RARE to come across souls apart from Parents who will love us UNCONDITIONALLY!

As the song played, vivid images of my father in his final days filled my mind. I was transported back to moments that were extremely painful and felt helpless. My guilt resurfaced like a tidal wave—guilt for not being able to figure out the shrewdness and deceit from medical doctors in such a fast paced situation during Covid pandemic and save him despite myself being a COVID warrior. The helplessness I felt during his last days weighed heavily on me. I questioned my abilities, reliving the anguish of feeling powerless in the face of his suffering - The man who made me a doctor against the will of his  orthodox friends and relatives, was snatched away from me through deliberate deceit right infront of my own eyes!

The pain was simply unbearable. It wasn’t just grief—it was a sharp self-reproach that cut through my heart.

But Universe has its way of bringing solace when we least expect it. That same evening, still weighed down by the heaviness of the day, I was led—almost as if by unseen hands—to a live relay by an evidentiary medium I have very high regards for, Ms Suzanne Giesemann - Her authenticity is what connects me to her Soul!. She was sharing a miraculous story of someone’s real life experience with Archangel Michael - seeing HIM in Human form of flesh and blood, a story that radiated Divine love, Divine healing, and Divine intervention.

As I listened, I felt the first stirrings of peace and hope. It was as though the love shared in that story reached across time and space to soothe my own wounds. 

Once again Ms Suzanne Geismann came to my quick help , just like she did earlier in 2023 too, when I was divinely guided into watching on eof her interviews where she shares a story that exactly mimics my situation - about a daughter being a doctor loosing her Father during Covid pandemic and daughter feeling extremly guilty of that - This video came across me while I was trapped in the same heavy guilt of loosing my Father to the deliberate deception! 

Thankyou Ms Suzanne! Lots of Gratitude!

However, Yesterday brought a moment that felt nothing short of miraculous. I stumbled upon a video by a psychic pulling cards and delivering messages from the loved ones who have departed from this world. As she spoke, I felt an unshakable sense that her words were meant for me. She shared a message from a departed loved one in Hindi, the cards showed  the messages that meant this:

“It’s not your fault, so do not feel guilty. I am guiding you in the right direction. NOW I have no pain.”


My heart immediately knew these words of soothing and grace came from none other than my Papa, the memories that made me cry just a day before! It was as if my Papa was directly speaking, reassuring me, comforting me after witnessing my tears the night before. I felt his presence so deeply in that moment, as though his soul reached across realms to tell me what I needed to hear.

While I heard this message, tears welled up in eyes, but these weren’t tears of sorrow, but of joy, of knowing that Papa is not in pain anymore and it brought a profound sense of relief. The guilt that had shackled me loosened its grip, replaced by a warm assurance that his soul was always around and close, watching over me with love, care, guidance and understanding.

This experience reaffirmed what I have been gathering through my spiritual journey, that began in real sense after loosing Papa — the realization that the visible world is not the only one. There are other realms, other dimensions, where the souls of our loved ones , the spirits, the Beings of other Realms dwell and co-exist with ours. They may not be visible to us, but they are no less real and we share the space with them, no matter if one believes it or not!

What began as painful memories day before yesterday, transformed into a beautiful feeling and inner knowing, as if the residual darkness of guilt inside had to be stirred and brought outside my energy field to be transmuted into the light! It was truly an alchemy of sorts—a shift from guilt and sorrow to a deeper understanding of the Divine Oneness that connects all souls.

I now see these moments not as coincidences but as synchronicities, orchestrated by Divine love to remind us of the invisible threads that bind us together. My Father’s Soul is not gone; it is merely in another realm, guiding and comforting me when I need it the most.

Telepathy exists between souls across all realms - Love transcends the barriers of life and death. Those we hold dear can still communicate with us in miraculous ways. That Guilt is unnecessary impediment in growth of a soul  - Our loved ones don’t blame us; they only wish for us to find peace. Other worlds coexist with ours - The spiritual realm is as real as the physical, and it is always there to guide and support us.

Reflecting on these events fills me with gratitude—for the psychic Anjali’s message, for Ms Suzanne Giesemann’s live relay, for the synchronicity of stumbling upon the Gujarati song to help me vomit out the residue of any guilt that was still lingering in my energies, and for the unwavering presence of my Father’s spirit, reaching across realms!  I look forward to day when I have developed the ability to directly connect with Souls just like the amazing Evidentiary Medium - Ms Suzanna Geismann - my Ideal, through God's Grace!

The Divine works in mysterious ways, bringing comfort, healing, and reminders of love when we need them most. Every day, I’m learning to embrace this connection, to trust in the guidance of the unseen, and to find peace in the knowledge that love is eternal.

Our loved ones are never truly gone—they live on in realms unseen, their love bridging the gap between worlds. Faith & Trust in the infinite wisdom of the Divine is the Guiding Light!

Love You Papa!

Thankyou So Much For Making Me Feel Your Love, Your Presence & that Your Blessing Hands are on me always!

Abundant Gratitude!

Forever A Humble Seeker Of The Divine!

Meraki Pegasus

Dr Racchana D Fadia

Saturday, 14 December 2024

A Divine Love Story: Shiva and Shakti

 Growing up, I couldn’t help but notice how the world around me approached marriage and life partnerships. The process seemed to follow a rigid template, one that revolved around checklists and surface-level compatibility. Families would ask questions like:

  • What does the prospective person do?
  • What is their financial status?
  • What is their education level and earning potential?
  • What are their family background and values?
  • Can the boy provide a comfortable life for the girl?

Meanwhile, amongst peers, the criteria looked a little different but still carried the same undertone of conditionality:

  • Does the person like to travel?
  • Do they enjoy movies or adventurous activities?
  • Are they fun to be with?

Despite these varied concerns, something about both approaches felt incomplete to me. Deep within, I knew that choosing a life partner could not and should not hinge on these shallow or conditional parameters. For me, the idea of union went far beyond practical arrangements or fleeting infatuations.

The term "settling down" has always struck me as odd. It implies compromise, staying within predefined boundaries, and adhering to societal expectations. 

But for me, true union—one rooted in love—has never been about settling down. It’s about rising higher, transcending societal norms and conditional love to embrace a connection that is pure, unconditional, and divine.

Marriage, I believe, is not about ticking off checkmarks or ensuring material comfort. It’s about a soulful alignment, a deeper purpose, and a shared vision that reflects the beauty and power of Divine Union. As one of my mentors often said:

Marriage must be done with conviction, not for convenience.

This idea resonated deeply with me, reinforcing my belief that love and union are sacred acts, far removed from the transactional nature that society so often imposes on them.

Recently, I stumbled upon a YouTube video that beautifully articulated what I’ve always felt about love and union. It narrated the love story of Shiva and Shakti, a tale that truly  epitomizes Divine Union.

This video beautifully portrays that Shiva and Shakti’s love was not rooted in societal approval or material compatibility. It was a union of souls, where their individual strengths and divine energies merged to create something far greater than themselves. Together, they symbolized balance, purpose, and the infinite possibilities of unconditional love.

This story reaffirmed what I’ve always believed: that love is not about meeting a checklist of conditions but about merging energies to fulfill a higher purpose.

Divine Union is not about convenience or societal expectations—it is about reflecting the unconditional love of the Divine itself. Such a union calls us to rise above the ego, to shed fears and doubts, and to embrace the infinite potential of love that knows no bounds.

  • It is a partnership that uplifts both individuals, allowing them to grow spiritually and emotionally.
  • It is a bond that inspires others, serving as a beacon of hope and possibility.
  • It is a reflection of God’s love, reminding us of the eternal and sacred nature of true connection.

Anytime if caught in the web of societal expectations or limiting checklists when seeking a partner, it's always urged to pause and reflect. 

True love cannot be confined to questions about finances, hobbies, or family status. It goes beyond the material and speaks to the eternal.

I always kept myself free from the confines of tradition and conditional love as I sought to embody a relationship that inspire, elevate, and reflect the Divine Union.

And each one of us is capable of experiencing this abundance in Pure Love, provided they are free from the clutches of fears and judgements!

I am deeply grateful to have found the story of Shiva and Shakti, as it verbalized everything I’ve always felt in my soul. It is my hope that sharing this perspective will ignite a spark of hope and belief in Divine Love for those who read it.

To all those who feel confined by societal checkmarks in their search for love, I say this: Trust your soul. Seek a love that elevates you, challenges you to grow, and reflects the divine light within you. After all,

Marriage is not about settling down

—it is about 

Divine Rising of Two Souls


Instead of Falling in Love ,

 Seek to Rising higher in Love!

II Om Namah Shakti Shivaay II


Meraki Pegasus

Dr Racchana D Fadia

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

IF God be FOR us, who can ever stand against us? - My continuing Journey of Faith and Divine Synchronicities!

 Been through stages of Life , where it felt like a tapestry woven with threads of chaos, doubt, and fleeting triumphs. Yet, hidden amidst the turbulence was a profound Truth, eternally present and waiting to be discovered—the presence of God, the Supreme Being, orchestrating events in ways far beyond our comprehension. My journey in the present phase of life has been one of revelation, miracles, and synchronicities, all converging to declare a singular, resounding truth: "God is for US."

Recently, while scrolling through YouTube, an unsought video by a psychic appeared in my recommendations. It wasn't mere happenstance. This Psychic, whom I had never subscribed to, wore a T-shirt emblazoned with the years 1981-1982—my birth year. Coincidence? Absolutely not. As I listened, every word she spoke mirrored the messages I had been receiving from the Divine:

  • "IF God be for you, Who can be against you?" - earlier received message from other Psychics - "If God has hired you, who the hell can fire you?"
  • "God is preparing a table in front of your enemies." - earlier messages from other Psychics - "God is creating a way through the oceans for you to walk on foot and reach the Promised Land"
  • "You were being tested by God through the Dry Season." -ealier message received - "God wanted you to become strong for the forthcoming missions in your life"

Her words resonated deeply with the trials I’ve faced since 2017—a prolonged season of challenges, doubts, and an arid emotional landscape.

The Dry Season: A Test of Faith

In these years, life felt like an endless desert, bereft of visible hope. My choices, always guided by the voice of my heart, often appeared impractical or even foolish to those around me. 

Accusations and skepticism became my constant companions. Yet, amidst the storm, I held on to the belief that every trial was a test orchestrated by God.

There were moments of temptation when the devil of "Tit for Tat" "stone-heart" "ego" whispered in my ears. But even then, Divine intervention through the wisdom of Ascended Masters like Lord Buddha and Mother Teresa strengthened my resolve. Their teachings reminded me that forgiveness and unwavering faith in goodness are the greatest shields against darkness and what we do for others is onky between us and God!

Choosing Light Over Darkness

Even when treated unjustly by my professional community at the time of my Father's mischievious legal murder at a hospital, after a short period of extreme anger, maddening enough to avenge the murder of my Father from all those responsible for the same and become a murderer, through Divine Intervention my eyes were opened and I was luckily guided into chosing kindness over bitterness, forgiveness over revenge. Guided by the principles taught by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui and Master Stephen Co, I embraced a dual path :

Internal forgiveness: Letting go of resentment to preserve my inner peace & External action: Standing for justice without succumbing to negativity.

This approach, though challenging, reaffirmed my belief that after every dark night, there comes a dawn.

And now being grounded in Divine Oneness through all spiritual teachings in Life, while listening to the psychic, I realized that this wasn’t just my story. It is the story of countless souls, the “soul tribe” chosen to undergo similar trials. These experiences are not random; they are preparatory. That We are being shaped to become Warriors of Light, called to awaken sleeping souls and guide them toward the Divine truth, as beautifully portrayed in this blog I wrote earlier, am extremely grateful for the video received from  "Self-Realised" Saint!


I do not know how or when this mission will unfold fully. But I am confident I am on the right path. Each vision, each synchronicity, and every moment of faith affirms this truth.

Through this journey, I have come to understand the importance of sharing these divine experiences. They are not just personal milestones but testimonies to inspire others. The miracles of the Supreme Being—whether through a serendipitous video, a guiding vision, or an inexplicable inner strength—are meant to kindle faith in those who are struggling.

My message for souls who may be tempted to believe in the shortsightedness of EGO:

  • Believe in the Divine’s plan, even when the road seems impossible.
  • Trust that every trial has a purpose.
  • Know that you are not alone in your journey.


SATYAMEV JAYATE -  The Eternal Truth Amidst Illusion

The world may be an illusion, filled with distractions and false assurances, but the truth of God’s presence is ever-existent. In every challenge, there is a hidden blessing. In every storm, there is a promise of peace. And in every moment of despair, there is an opportunity to rise as a beacon of light.

To my fellow travelers on this path, let us continue to strengthen our faith, uphold our resolve, and shine the light of truth in a world yearning for awakening.

For if God BE FOR us, who can ever stand against us?

Saturday, 7 December 2024

The Divine Symphony: No Coincidences, Only Divine Order!

There is a certain magic in life that reveals itself when we tune in to the higher frequencies of the universe—the Divine Order. 

Call it the Supreme Being, the Divine Mother, the Divine Father, the Holy Spirit, the Parambrahman, or simply the One Consciousness — whatever name resonates with your soul, it is all part of the same eternal essence. Today, I again witnessed one of those miracles that continue reaffirming my belief: there are NO coincidences!

As my journey continues, I find myself immersed in moments that can only be described as divinely orchestrated. Each incident, each sign, each synchronicity feels like a page out of a cosmic script written with infinite love and wisdom. The Divine timings of these synchronicities sometimes make me feel so amazed!

I often reflect on how, in the days of our grandparents, they would carefully adjust the knobs of their radios, trying to tune into the perfect frequency to catch the desired broadcast. And that precusely is the same as our connection to the Divine! The clarity of the messages we receive depends on the purity of mind as well as how finely we tune our inner frequency to align with the Supreme Consciousness.

Today was no different, as the Divine spoke in a way that left me in awe of its unparalleled perfection and beauty!

The day began with a court hearing. I had to submit an application requesting the court’s permission to make my submissions after I recover from an illness. As I handed over the application, the Sheristedaar (court officer) suggested the 20th of December as the next date for hearing and asked for permission from the Hon’ble Presiding Officer, who, initially approved this suggestion. But in an instant, His Lordship paused, reconsidered, and corrected by, saying, “No, make it the 21st of December.”

Though the change seemed minor, it lingered in my thoughts as my mother and I made our way home. Little did I know that the significance of this date was about to reveal itself in the most unexpected way through a Message from Maa Kaali - The Divine Mother

Once home, I reached for my phone to check something. As I unlocked the screen, a video suggestion appeared—a message from Maa Kaali. For the past few days, I had been feeling an unexplainable pull toward Her energy, receiving signs and subtle communications that I couldn’t ignore. Intrigued by the synchronicity of the video appearing just then, I clicked on it, curious to hear what the Divine Mother Maa Kaali wanted me to know!

This sweet Tarot card reader in the video began channeling messages from the Divine Mother Maa Kaali. My heart skipped a beat when she pulled out a card with the number 21 on it. The same number as the date for my next court hearing!

I sat there, stunned yet overwhelmed with gratitude. What were the odds that a random card pulled at some random time by some Tarot card reader I didn’t even know,  would carry the same number that had been set as my next hearing date, just moments earlier in the courtroom? And then even land up on the screen of my mobile for me to watch , out if millions of videos and millions of subscribers!

Can this be brushed aside as mere chance? To me, the answer is clear: Absolutely Not!

This is not coincidence—it IS Divine Order.

The Divine’s Whisper in Every Moment like these remind me of how intricately we are connected to the Supreme. The Divine speaks to us in ways that are both subtle and profound, leaving us in awe of its omnipresence. Sometimes it’s through numbers, sometimes through people, and sometimes through the quiet whispers of intuition. All we need to do is trust, surrender, and stay attuned to the frequency of the Divine, with Faith & Patience aka Shraddha & Saburi as put simply by Sai Baba - my first Spiritual Teacher in this lifetime - and Baba is also the proponent of : Sabka Maalik Ek - which is same as the principle of "Divine Oneness"

This synchronicity wasn’t just a coincidence; it was a gentle nudge from the Universe reminding me that Universe has my back, That I am held, guided, and protected. The change in the hearing date wasn’t random—it was orchestrated by a higher power to align with the message that The Divine Mother Maa Kaali wanted me to receive.

And Now I can tell from my own experiences that


In moments like these, how can one not praise the infinite wisdom and love of the Divine? The Divine Mother nurtures us with boundless compassion. The Divine Father strengthens us with unwavering support. The Holy Spirit fills our lives with light and grace. Together, they guide us through every storm, ensuring that each step we take is in perfect harmony with the grander plan of collective consciousness!

At the end of this day , my heart is filled with gratitude for lighting up my days and glowing me up with inextinguishable FAITH!

The more I experience these synchronicities, the more I realize that life is not a random series of events. It is a beautifully orchestrated symphony, and everything is interconnected, albeit expressing itself individually, in different forms through the hands of the Divine Orchestrator.

To anyone reading this, I invite you to pause and reflect. Look around you. Listen closely. The Divine is speaking to you too. The signs are there—you only need to tune your inner frequency to hear them.

Praise be to the Divine Mother, the Divine Father, the Holy Spirit, and the One Consciousness!

Forever a seeker of The Divine!


Dr Racchana D Fadia

Random Realisations....

Read this in divine chanelled message affirmations today

 I AM  the Source of My Happiness

And Mind added more to this :

I AM  responsible for my happiness

I AM the guardian of my happiness

I AM the Channel of Light & Love

 Spreasing this Happiness to everyone

 around and Mother Gaia!

Aum Amen Aameen Tathaastu 🕉