Thursday 29 March 2012

An Insight into Friendship

A thought crossed my mind as to why the relation shared by two friends is called ‘Friendship’?
Friendship - a relation embodying Faith, Honesty, Selflessness and Empathy!
Methinks its because this is a Ship which empowers us to cross the troubled waters on a stormy dark night and witness a calm morning twilight; friend’s moral support being the guiding star. In times of trials and tribulations this ship saves and redeems us from sinking to the bottom of gloomy loneliness by raising our spirits. It gives us the ray of hope to keep moving on and holds the promise of a better tomorrow by ironing out the stress factor. So life becomes a pleasant adventurous journey albeit, being a stark reality of hardships. The feeling of togetherness unfolds the mysteries of existence with much ease. As time gauges the depth of friendship, it strengthens the bond as well.
I wish to sail on this ship with friend, worthy to be....
Your guiding star
- Dr Racchana D Fadia

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