Thursday 2 May 2013

All that Glitters is not Gold!

Mind sometimes encounters amusing experiences which sets the contemplation mode ON. Similar to what I experienced yesterday... three patients from an affluent background and suffering the same disease of minds... what is that?
I saw a son of filthy rich businessman in his early thirties, an upcoming Assistant Director and a daughter of a well known Bollywood celebrity... which mind disease was common in all of them? Apparently they all had flaws either in skin or body or looks which were quite natural to have usually... but all of them couldn’t accept a single shortcoming ...all of them wanted to look like the photoshopped models and celebrities  with six pack abs,  and flawless smooth milky white skin in magazines.  And Why? The reason was either because they grew up in such a looks conscious society or because their girlfriend or boyfriend pointed out small, common and natural imperfections and made them feel embarrassed, which made their minds restless.  The Assistant director was so hassled he didn’t mind going under the knife for getting rid of his problem!!!
At one point I thought of advising the Assistant Director on a personal note that if your girl loves you truly as a person she will accept you in totality, with all your imperfections because no matter how Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt looks she would know that even they are not perfect or beauty immortal....that if she calls out for help none of those handsomest hunks will come to her aid except the one who loves and truly cares for her....So whats the point in chasing fireflies and external charm which is ofcourse impermanent???  It will fade away in just a matter of few years... after all a human body goes through wear and tear as it ages.... It is gonna  become old, gonna smell and one day decay...  Being hygienic is most important but loosing selfworth because of minor imperfections is  eccentricism... But instead of advising him so,  I restricted myself to professionalism keeping my emotional mind at bay!
The matter of point here is that nowadays in the world of  media and globalisation, in the world of aesthetic procedures and surgeries, in the world of  photography and photoshopping, in the world of make up and glamour,  in the world of quick fixes and  and most importantly in the world of artificiality.... people have started having unrealistic expectations from their ownself or their partners’...  even pornography on internet has made people fantasize wrongly about what good sex means , having  unrealistic expectations of anatomical sizes and every act performed therein...Consequence? Either unhappy self or making their partners also burn in that fire of expectations lowering the self confidence and peace of mind because fantasies cannot be facts!
Is all  this trauma worth the energy of mind? Does only external appearance make the person superior  ? Its a different story that such people increase the probabilities of earning for Dermatologists and cosmetologists like me but having a quest to understand the purpose of life,   I was amazed to see all those patients on same day who were suffering mentally...  not happy about their individuality...  
I personally feel that you must shun the person who rates you for your minor outwardly features, because who knows that person will fall for another beautiful/handsome person when the time comes and leave you in the middle of nowhere? After all  temptations cant be controlled by weak minded souls! Overall,   Skin-deep Beauty will perish in time whereas a Beautiful mind will go on blooming and spreading fragrance of peace and happiness !!!

- Dr Racchana D Fadia


  1. I disagree to this at times reasons of treatment are different. ...
    all might not be same always
    i have a habit of looking myself in mirror before leaving and also at times once i am back from work ..
    once i found a small spot on my face i tried to heal it myself using cream but unfortunately it spreaded more and became bigger rather than treating it myself i thought shall visit a doctor to take expert advise .....
    at times we reallly want to look good for ourself not for others to look at us or gain attention. ...
    there is white bedsheet on ur bed which is purely white u use it daily once you found a black spot on it what would u do you would try to clean it and wash it if still not cured you give it for some wash outside the reason is you has seen bedsheet was white when you bought but black spot was spoiling the looks so u gave your best to remove it ....
    same goes with body when we see certain skin changing due to some reasons we visit exprets to get it treated assuming that we could look like before as no one would like to carry spots with them when they know it cud be removed .....

    1. Agreed... but theres a huge difference between Curing the problem with sanity and being Obsessed of achieving looks that others have! Here I speak of the ones OBSESSED

    2. As a matter of fact, to be honest, I myself was obsessed at a point in time during my teen years.. call it peer pressure or the influence of media or the desire to win a beauty pageant I participated in... have been there, felt that... and now when I look at that point from where I stand now.. it all seems so unnecessary of being obsessed and willing to take huge risks!
