Thursday 13 June 2019

Relationships in Life...

Whenever theres a situation is like Yin and Yang which goes together but are completely opposite to each other or something like Railway tracks, moving together in parallels but never meeting each other, it can only result in less than average happiness in relationship between two people. Whereas when situation is like two rivers..who after flowing through high terrains and obstacles, meet each other at a confluence and then flow together into the ocean sharing same purpose it gives a sense of satisfaction and contentment with utmost tranquility in a relationship between two people! Or sometimes a situation can be like two parallel poles whose frequency do not meet but still they have interconnections like the rungs of a ladder and balance out their separate individuality along with the other persons' ..with a good level of understanding and it surprisingly works! What's more important is to figure out whether your relationship falls into the first category or the second or the third.. The choices we make decides our future!

- Dr Racchana D Fadia

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