Saturday 29 June 2024

Divine Beauty!

External beauty shines with a fleeting spark,

Created in moments, it glimmers like a mark.

Inner beauty, a treasure deep inside,

Is crafted with care, with patience as its guide.

Ephemeral is the glamour that the eye perceives,

Swiftly crafted, like the dew on dawn's gentle leaves.

But Inner grace, deep as a wellspring, blooms,

Nurtured by toil, where perseverance resumes.

External beauty, fragile and swift to fade,

Like a petal withered by a passing shade.

But Inner beauty, steadfast and true,

Endures the storms, a light that’s ever new.

Fleeting is the charm that can shatter with ease,

Yet the soul's true radiance, time cannot seize.

External beauty, a currency that’s brief,

Buys attention but leaves hearts with grief.

Yet Inner beauty, timeless and rare,

Captivates souls, beyond compare.

Though surface allure may swiftly entice,

Its fleeting spell fades, a mere sacrifice.

True beauty resides where the heart’s love sows,

Seeds of  kindness and compassion, its essence forever grows.

What glitters can be traded, a mere passing whim,

But the spirit's allure, no price can dim

External beauty may dazzle and be sought,

But Inner beauty, priceless , cannot be bought.

In a fleeting world where facades fade away,

True beauty lies deep within, Pure and Eternal, forever to stay!

And When internal beauty of the heart glowingly aligns with  the  external charm,

It  is  the  'Grace' - a  perfect  Blessing  Divine!

- Loving Light

- Dr Racchana D Fadia 

Meraki Pegasus

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