Saturday 27 July 2024

Messages from The Most High!

Yesterday, while I was recovering from the trauma of disturbing revelations couple days back, I was again led to a few messages!

A YouTube channel I haven't subscribed ever, pops up this message. "GOD HID YOU SINCE A CHILD UP UNTIL THIS POINTπŸ‘‘ You were reincarnated for a Divine PURPOSE"

Although I was initially skeptical to watch this one, it's title attracted my attention, because I have manytimes asked God, the question about why I got to learn about the golden knowledge about healing and energy so much later in life? It would have been so nice to have learnt it earlier in life instead of expereincing certain patterns repeatedly in life!

As I started watching it, things started resonating with my experiences so far in my journey. It also occurred that some messages were repeated for me, such as: to let go of old and allow space for the new...and I knew this message was meant to reach me!  

  "GOD HID YOU SINCE A CHILD UP UNTIL THIS POINTπŸ‘‘ You were reincarnated for a Divine PURPOSE"                                         


I was amazed at the similarity of experiences shared by this young boy going by the name "Son of God" on his recently started endeavour through YouTube channel! And surprisingly, he has just 5.42k subscribers on his newly started YouTube channel but this video has already crossed a good 5.5k likes, which is way more than 100% of it's subscription. It definitely makes a huge point and tells it all! I personally feel that the boy is truly gifted and is a very mature old and wise soul, anointed and chosen to spread the messages of the Most High to the souls ready for receiving these divine messages and  guidance!                                 

Like he said in the video, I agree I was always scared to be seen and subconsciously hid myself from the self-imagined prying eyes which was nothing short of self-sabotage! For quite a long time, I don't know why I have felt scared to be seen or to be acknowledged!

Then he says, "I am at a point in my journey, that everybody start to wants redemption with me...because I am not what they thought....and its a little too late and there you gotta let them go through their karma, because if you don't chosen, I have learnt prior too, that the energetic karmic transparency would not play out naturally, if you try to overcompensate for someone else's karmic debt with you...honestly, that's their debt...when people go against a chosen one, whoever I am picking up on if you're like me, you have been back stabbed, you've been backstabbed! the f**k out off! But the thing is that backstabs them so much worse, you may have got stabbed by one knife in the back but then that's.... they're stabbing themselves  25 times in their back just by f**king with you..and its, its something you should rest assured knowing chosen, not the fact that they are hurting worst than you, but because you're gonna actually have the  chance to not only overcome this, but transcend it into something greater! God has something greater for you and I want you to know that!" - I am just so speechless with this, coz I did use to intervene in my prayers for even the ones who have hurt me or backstabbed me! But this message conveyed me the strong reason of transparency in karma, and that I must stop doing that! So I now get the message very clear and bold! Moreover, Universe has been not only letting me receive the revelations about back stabbings, but has also allowed me to know about the hardships that haters and treacherous people are facing because of their own doings and karma! Not that I felt any iota of happiness or relief in knowing that, coz I truly feel we all are one at spiritual truth in the 5D, But the purpose of the revelation is to just let me know that I am divinely super guarded and super protected and therefore need not take action against every Tom, Dick or Harry who tries to spoil my broth.

The Son of God pulled out the "Generational Wealth" card and I immediately remembered a WhatsApp forward sent to me by one of my old friends - it bore the message of being the Generational Curse Breaker! This message had somehow instantaneously connected with a deeper familiarity in my being and I was fascinated by its energy, as if my inner core had already reckoned with it's truth! 

Then he goes on to reinforce the message that I have been receiving quite often recently, like even yesterday, about  letting go of the old to make room for the new, quote, - "You feel the energetic initiations and upgrades...and what are they telling you, you know.... also to anybody going through a lot of Ascension symptoms, you know, a lot of these times can feel so buggy and so disastrous because we don't know what's ahead of this transition! But the Most High is guaranteeing us an upgrade ...and sometimes the upgrade takes letting go of something that you know, was serving us at one point but isn't any longer, let those things go chosen! Cry it out, you know whatever, detach from it however you need to! whatever is not serving you, give it forgiveness and release because there is a greater for you! nurture your inner child to create, to get the creativity to flow again!. ...And what I'm getting from nurture your inner child while you're going through these Ascension symptoms, these upgrades, is to nurture yourself and affirm to yourself that you are fine without whatever you're letting go off and give peace and release in Grace with so much love whatever did serve you before in the last chapter, coz that's what goes into this! You always gotta let something go, we always got to let something go and it doesn't have to be physical, it can be a mental process, a thought process, an unconscious process that we didn't even know we were doing, that we caught glimpse and awareness of!" - And so,  I know  I  am  receiving messages of being called upon to let go of all thoughts and subconscious beliefs that are  not  serving any purpose in the ongoing evolution anymore! 

Regarding nurturing the inner child and creativity within, I received almost similar message even yesterday through the White Horse in yesterday's video saying, "When the big thing feels out of control, focus on that which you love, right under your nose" The message cant get any more clearer than this now! 

Further guidance from the Son of God, "You are ascending, be easy on yourself!.....Your karmic debt is clear chosen vessel, you were underestimated and they all know what I'm getting from all this is - You're probably moving on from a lot of bullshit , from a lot of people, from a lot of fake friends, fake family members or people that just doubted you, maybe treated you like shit, maybe shitted on your dreams, maybe....whatever it is, you moved on and you still did it and you still did whatever you are doing and  you're still moving whatever you are doing, people respect that is what I'm picking up on, People see that, people acknowledge that you cannot be stopped......People regret for how they treated you chosen one!.... You're in alignment with all of your desires...Stay the Course is what I'm getting here, so with that being said there are many people that try to play with your top, you know, they try to play like you weren't going to get your desires, like you weren't worthy, or that you weren't gonna get it, or you weren't gonna stay the path! They couldn't be more wrong chosen, they couldn't be more wrong and keep f**king going, keep f**king going especially when it gets intense, keep f**king going on and especially when you know you are doing the right thing...and you causing controversy in people, I'm not talking about the destructive controversy chosen! I'm talking about the controversy that illuminates the mirror back to a group of people, many, that's... that's brilliant! and that's what we're here to do chosen ones! for inciting greater influence - as like a warning is what I'm getting - greater influence as a warning before what the Most High can do! We are warnings chosen ones! and when I say warnings, we're like divine intervention before the real intervention, the calm before the storm! that's exactly what we are! and so... understand that people going against you are tested, they are tested to go against you! Their obsession over you is a compliment chosen one, they are tested to go against you, they're meant to go against you because God is testing their commitment to even doing better or whatever they are promising for their life and that's got everything to do with them chosen ones! - This so very resonates with the consequences of my choices, choice to seek justice by doing what is right, by raising voice against an influential criminal mindset Builder when everyone around me was warning me against it! I have come so far now and yes many have seen all that! Its been a real testing phase for my soul to keep going and not break down while it was really dark there, its been a sort of intense lessons-imparting journey of my life, one that can never compare to any University degrees in this entire world,  that which has made me a totally different persona than I used to be up until September 2020! This was my Dark Night of the Soul phase in my Soul's journey!

"They are jealous of your shine and the way others view you!.....With people like these, these are people that are gonna make you money...let them, they are doing their job...Put them in their certain pocket of your inner have to hold a certain space for haters, hold a certain space of certain shameful people, because if you don't that's like your consciousness is denying the existence of which... and then that means that existence is gonna keep on kind of pushing down your throat.... as if you've never seen it before... because that's what you're connotating! give it it's space, and give it Grace and give it forgiveness, let it go chosen one!" - This is so very true in my case, felt these feelings intuitively that haters don't want to see me shine! As a direct evidence, someone has mischievously created a fake website to pull me and my achievements down by maligning and downgrading my credentials! I wonder who in this entire world would have enough time, energy and resources to create and host a fake website as an impostor to pull me down! And many other such experiences... and therefore it had even scarred me to an extent that I just wanted to make myself invisible, to keep a low profile and to not be seen by the eyes of such envious haters and schemers! It made me feel that if I can remain low key, I won't attract the jealousy and manipulations of such haters! 

I also learnt through one of the Lightworker's imprint workshop, that many lightworkers face these similar challenges of subconsciously wanting to remain unseen, because they were either punished with death sentences and/or their family members were killed ruthlessly, in the bygone eras, for speaking the Truth of the Most High, that was perceived to be a sin during periods of powerful monarchy! We all know how Lord Jesus was crucified for the Truth & Love spread by Him because it was shaking the very foundations of the orthodox religion that yielded power in few hands at the time! 

Maybe, I too grew up with such subconscious beliefs superimposed by my own fears that crept inside my mind stealthily. Now need to let go of such fears about being seen, being judged, being casted envious eyes from the haters and so on!

And I also realize how Universe showed me that the wise White Horse in yesterdays videos also  tells the Boy that He could fly but chose not to, just because it made other Horses feel jealous about him! Such a coincidence! and I know this is one limiting belief I had and now time to throw out of the window for good! 

Further message - "You have connections to ancient Egypt - tap in with your ancient ancestors!- Oh My God! I have always had this feeling and used to save pictures of Nefertiti, Sphynx etc on my computers since very young age, even pick up Photos and sculptures of ancient Egypt idols wherever I found them, which I had placed in my clinic as well! 



Fast forwarding from those days of fascination for Egyptian civilization to the period when I serendipitously got introduced to Pranic Healing through respected Master Stephen Co. During the phase of learning I came to also know that the Supreme teacher of Pranic Healing, Great Lord MahaGuruji Mei Ling was incarnated as The Chief High Priest Nefertem of Egypt. Now, feels like the dots are connecting themselves about my journey so far!

He goes on to say, "You're building a legacy never before seen, be patient with your journey and process chosen one! Truth & Transparency! and so that's the part about, taking the different journey, when you are going down an unconventional path, it's building a legacy! You know, ......its about the impact to be remembered by! that's the most important - IMPACT - and we're here to make a big impact....Do not let anybody make you sway you from being your f**king self! F**k them! you know what I'm saying! F**K THEM! They don't deserve you!..... The Most High knows who deserves you, and the Most High will accommodate you and I'm a living proof of that... I've family members that didn't deserve me, the Most High, my Angels - they provide who does, they send me along the path of the journey who does!"-So when I chose to reject marriage proposals from filthy rich guys, when I chose to wait for marriage until I find my divine counterpart, when I chose to ignore indecent proposals as a shortcut and easy access to the expressway of fame and wealth, when I chose to take a temporary break from a money-minting career and instead be on a sabbatical, when I chose to study law for seeking justice for my Father's illegal murder and injustice with him, many people/acquaintances around me (except my loved ones) have ridiculed me, have disregarded my endeavors as being far-fetched  and  impractical in this age of material world! I chose to disregard to all their negative narrative and simply followed my inner compass, with an inner knowing that what I was doing was right for my soul and for my parents!

And then I strangely received another message that speaks about, or rather warns, I must say, about someone obsessed and trying to harm through energy manipulations. Although I heard it with fast forward speed, I wasn't sure if I must allow these thoughts to enter my mind unchecked, as I didn't want unnecessary negative thoughts and beliefs creating home in my subconscious anymore! But I continued listening as she started mentioning the Angel numbers that I have been seeing quite often recently!

 The message I received  in English language was this one :  "SOMEONE IS OBSESSED WITH YOU & IS INTERFERING IN YOUR LOVE LIFE ON AN ENERGETIC LEVEL.. *SPECIFIC* "                                  

Later the day went by, but to my pleasant surprise, as if Universe wanted to hold my finger and ask me to really focus on that earlier message delivered by 'goddess energy', I received exactly similar message in Hindi, having so many exactly similar words and phrases. This second message was also recorded on same day by another Tarot reader in Hindi @ Divine24Hrs! The context of both these messages are unbelievably and exactly the same and both of these Tarot Card readers mention so many striking similarities.

Both the English & Hindi Tarot reader conveyed about someone who felt rejected by me, someone who is not only highly obsessive, but is also very controlling and keeping a close watch on me like a monitoring spirit so as to sabotage everything I do or have! That this person doesn't take a "NO" for an answer, is a very clingy person (Chipku in Hindi language) and is a very cold person preferring me to be unhappy, sad and alone, if I am not with that person. That the person is doing energy manipulations and spell works to break up my connections so as to cause confusions and arguments. Both Tarot readers mention this person to be a Narcissist with low vibrational energy (and habits)

The Second Video I received in Hindi language is this :🧿 KOI CHIPKU INSAAN AAPSE BADLAA LENA CHAHTA HAI. #divine #shivshakti                                                                 

Both Tarot readers mention just because of the difference in the energies I may have created a distance with this person but this person took it as a rejection that hurt their ego thereby wanting to take revenge! That this person has tried to block all the happiness and love I have ever experienced!

How clearer can the message get after watching above two readings! 

My Beloved Benevolent Universe told me that this message wasn't just a meagre coincidence but a divinely guided message sent across and meant for me to know! It is such a miraculous Divine confirmation from the Universe for my initially skeptical mind, so as to truly pay heed to the messages delivered by the earlier English Tarot reader @ goddess energy and Hindi Tarot reader @ Divine24Hrs. 

Isn't this truly a unbelievable and surely a divine synchronicity that, the Two lovely tarot Card readers, from entirely different cultural and religious backgrounds,  speaking different languages, who are like at a distance separated by the seven seas (so to speak), have provided exactly the same messages, exactly on the same day, only uploaded at different times, one after the other - Can it get any more specific! 

God is Truly Great! 

People many times ask me this question - "OMG! I am surprised that how can a beautiful girl/woman like you, be still unmarried?" OR  "I cant believe you are never married as yet!" and so on! Some people ask this question out of sheer curiosity and  many other orthodox kinds ask such nasty questions in public to make others look down upon me. Because they think it's a societal and cultural norm that, unless a woman hasn't taken spiritual Deeksha/initiation, they must get married, settle down, have kids, raise them etcetera etcetera....

Little do they know that I have always been unconventional in my outlook towards life, that I have chosen to always follow my heart, that I have been blessed with lovely parents who have treated me like a son and always allowed me to do what I felt was right!....and barring the earlier subconscious fears about marriage, I have always known what mattered for me in my marriage, has always been the conviction of two souls to each other and not the convenience of society and regulations - Maybe that's the reason I so much got enchanted by the story of Ye Hua and Bai Qian from "Eternal Love"! 

People may say that I have too much unrealistic expectations from a marriage partner and that it's too late to find a good man as all good men are taken! But thats their perpective that may work well for them! For me - It's as simple as this - Given a choice, I'd rather spend my whole life serving God and my purpose, instead of sharing my bed half-heartedly with some stranger that I don't wanna wake up to, every new morning!

And I have this deeper knowing and firm Faith, that no matter what, the people or things from whose life I am out, were just never meant to be and those really meant for me, shall never pass by!  

However, the period of Dark Night of the Soul phase ushered me into the chapter of my life seeking answers to all the tower moments happening all of a sudden and all at once in life and which finally led me to where      I AM today! So, looking back retrospectively from where I stand today, I acknowledge the journey I have walked until now, the process I am in, knowing well that there was a reason and a purpose behind all of that. 

Keeping God as my witness, I willingly forgive and let go all of the situations, of all those people and beings who have tried to harm me knowingly or unknowingly in any way - letting go all of that with Grace, as I wait for further Divine guidance and instructions from my Spiritual Teachers, my Spirit Team, my Ancestors and The Most High!

- Loving Light

- Dr Racchana D Fadia

Meraki Pegasus

A Humble Servant of The Divine, Forever


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