Tuesday 8 October 2024

Most Beautiful Gift From Divine Mother Received During Navratri

From an early age, I have felt a deep, unwavering connection to the Divine, in all its manifestations. Whether as the Divine Father or the Divine Mother in her countless forms, they are all unique expressions of the same Supreme Consciousness. This Consciousness, in its boundless unity, separates into the Divine Father and Divine Mother, much like Lord Shiva is inseparable from Shakti. This eternal truth is symbolized in the form of Ardhanarishwara, where Lord Shiva and Maa Adishakti merge as one—two halves of the same whole. In the same way, our physical body, crafted from the five elements, is lifeless without Shakti, the Prana, or Life Force, that infuses it with consciousness and vitality. Just as Shiva is incomplete without Shakti, matter is incomplete without the sacred force of life that breathes purpose and spirit into existence.
Whether the Divine Mother appeared to me as Maa Adishakti, Maa MahaKaali, Maa Navdurga, or Mother Mary, I have always been drawn to the sacred feminine that encompasses love, power, compassion, and wisdom. This connection has guided me through life, and it is through this bond that I find both strength and purpose.
The Divine Mother manifests in countless ways, known to us by different names across cultures, religions, and time. Each form embodies qualities that teach us about life and the journey of the soul. To honor her is to honor the highest aspects of Divine Feminine energies that resides in each one of us and the universe. My hope is that by sharing my experiences, others will be inspired to connect deeply with the Divine Mother and recognize her presence in their own lives—whether through Maa Adishakti, Mother Mary, or any other form of the sacred feminine.
A few days ago, I came across a beautiful video that highlighted the various roles of the Divine Mother as Navdurga, and it touched my soul in ways that are hard to describe. The video described how Maa Adishakti manifests in nine distinct forms, each representing an important stage of life. These nine forms are not just mythological figures; they represent profound life lessons and universal experiences that we can all relate to.

Navratri First Day - Maa Shailputri : the daughter, represents the beginning of life's journey, a phase of purity and innocence.
Navratri Second Day - Maa Brahmacharini : the student, teaches us about the importance of self-discipline and spiritual learning.
Navratri Third Day - Maa Chandraghanta : the wife, is a symbol of balance, inner strength, and harmony.
Navratri Fourth Day - Maa Kushmanda : the pregnant mother, signifies creation and the nurturing energy of life.
Navratri Fifth Day - Maa Skandamata : the mother of a child, represents the unconditional love and protection that a mother provides.
Navratri Sixth Day - Maa Katyayani : the warrior, shows us how to fight both internal and external battles and emerge victorious.
Navratri Seventh Day - Maa Kaalratri : the free spirit, breaks away from societal norms, teaching us to embrace our individuality without fear.
Navratri Eighth Day - Maa Mahagauri : the purifying goddess, symbolizes inner transformation and the removal of obstacles.
Navratri Ninth Day - Maa Siddhidaatri : the bestower of boons, reminds us of the blessings that come from Divine Grace when we align ourselves with the will of the universe.
This video is such an eye-opener! It isn’t just a portrayal of divine forms—it is a roadmap of the spiritual and emotional growth that a woman connected with the divine, undergoes in life. The timing of this video felt like a direct message from the Divine Mother herself, reaffirming my faith and my journey under her guidance.
The Divine Mother's presence in my life has always felt like a stream of serendipities, each one reaffirming that I am never alone on this path. I experience her presence not just in sacred moments but in everyday life, often when I least expect it. 
One such instance occurred yesterday , which was a challenging day in court standing up for my rights in a criminal court, in a system that favors the accused and victims are sidelined because courts tend to give proper hearing to the police and public prosecutors and less importance to original victims representing themselves in person. However challenging time I had yesterday in the court , today alchemized into this beautiful serendipitous experience which is truly rewarding because today Maa has reinforced exactly what  I spontaneously spoke about HER (Devi Maa) Presence with me, during the court arguments yesterday!
Yesterday, I faced fierce opposition from three seasoned advocates, all of whom were trying to sway the Judge in a matter where I had filed for rectification of court records. Their energy was tense, materialistic, and combative, and I could feel the pressure mounting. In a moment of clarity and spontaneous flow, words began to pour out of my mouth as I invoked the power of the Divine Mother and I said, "Even if your Anticipatory Bail Applications get disposed today, I still have remedies because once offence of Perjury is committed, it is always an offence and I have sufficient evidences to show that! Infact after disposal of these ABA applications, all the concerned officers of the court including all the advocates of accused Builder will be implicated for abetting Perjury (for ignoring such a serious crime and giving clean chit to Perjurers) and I will continue fighting till the last drop of my blood for justice for my Father because I am a daughter first,  just like Maa Shailputri! (the first form of Navdurga - is the Divine Daughter). Devi Maa is with me!"
The words felt like they came from somewhere beyond myself, and I knew in that moment that I was a conduit for the Divine Will. Even though not all points of my Pursis were resolved in the court  yeaterday, few were hesitatingly carried out, after a long time of never being heard despite many Applications and I left feeling victorious in spirit. I knew the Divine Mother was guiding me through this battle, as she does in all battles, both internal and external.
And just now, today, I received this beautiful chanelled message from Maa Adishakti - the Divine Mother in the form of a YouTube video that I stumbled upon—

Through this message, Maa has spoken to me in the  context of what happened exactly in the court yesterday and words that flowed spontaneously from me during argumnets in the court by reassuring me that though the criminal al builder and his advocates may be influential and well-connected, they doesn't know that Your Maa is with you and has got your back... the channelled message from Devi Maa encourages me , " You are a warrior and you are not alone in this journey,  Me by your side is enough for you... those people who think they can destroy you, they might have forgotten that  I AM your Mother...Just remember one thing - Never Give Up! VIJAYIBHAVA! ( BLESSINGS OF VICTORY TO YOU)
The timing could not have been more perfect. It felt as though the Divine Mother herself had arranged for me to see this message just after my experience in court, as if to say, "You are not alone, I am guiding you."
And so, through all these experiences and recalls of psychic amnesia, I now see how beautifully  Maa has made me realize, in a way, about the Big Big "WHY" for the Title that graced my very first Poem I wrote during medical school days, that  kickstarted my soul's creative journey on Mother Gaia in this life,  the Title of my very first Poem being the EXACT message of Maa in this very synchronistically timed Divine Message 


I feel incredibly blessed to be receiving these messages from the Divine Mother, especially during the sacred time of Navratri, when her energy is most potent. This is the most beautiful serendipitous gift from the universe, always reaffirming - Move By Faith, Not By Sight! 
As if that weren’t enough, I had yet another revelation today while reflecting on the many forms of the Divine Mother. In a quiet moment, I had a vision of Mother Mary holding the infant Jesus, a powerful image from Mount Mary Church in Bandra. The tenderness and love in that vision reminded me so deeply of Maa Skandamata, who also cradles a child in her arms. The connection between these two forms of the Divine Mother—one from Christianity, the other from Hinduism—hit me with profound clarity. 
This is the universal nature of the Divine Mother—she transcends boundaries, names, and religions. Whether she is holding Lord Jesus or Lord Skanda, the essence is the same. She is the nurturer, the protector, the warrior who is all about fighting for what is right, defending righteousness and justice, destroyer of evil and the bestower of blessings, and the ultimate source of unconditional love. 
These aspects of Divine Mother are so beautifully explained in this amazing video about  another form of the same Divine Mother - My most Beloved Maa Kaali                                 

Inspiring Truths from this video:
"MahaKaali might seem like a Legend from a faraway past, a figure shrouded in  myth and ancient stories. But Her story is as relevant today as it was thousands of years ago, resonating deeply with our modern struggles and triumphs. SHE represents the power within each of us, to overcome challenges, to rise above  adversity with unwavering strength, she teaches us to be brave,  to stand tall in the face of fear, to fight for whats right, to unite in solidarity for justice, to embrace our true selves shedding all pretences... So remember MahaKaali - HER story is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, hope and strength can prevail, lighting our path forward. We all have a little bit of Kaali's fire in us, a spark waiting to ignite. We just need to find it, nurture it and let it shine brightly for the world to see..."
I realize now that my role is not just to seek her guidance but to be a conduit for Her will in this world. Whether through spontaneous moments of wisdom or through visions and messages, I am here to carry out the Divine Will in whatever form it takes. 
The Divine Mother’s grace flows through us all if we open ourselves to her. By honoring her, whether as Maa Adishakti, Navdurga, or Mother Mary, we align ourselves with her energy of fearlessness, love, compassion, and using power and resources for justice and righteousness. 
My hope is that everyone who reads this will be inspired to deepen their connection to the Divine Mother in whatever form she appears to them and identify their own Shakti that resides within their hearts. The way to attain Maa is by facing the very Fears and Demons that hunt on the shadows of each one of us! Fear not, coz Maa is always with us, guiding, protecting, and blessing us in ways we may not even realize.
In every trial, every joy, and every moment of serendipity, MAA is there, reminding us of the sacred feminine power that flows through us all.
Forever A Humble Seeker of The Divine!
- Loving Light

Meraki Pegasus
-Dr Racchana D Fadia

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