Thursday 4 August 2016

Lessons from Life!

Everyone is trying to find the missing spark in their lives. The missing spark could be love, warmth, sympathy, affection, friendship, romance, recognition, wealth, companionship etc etc. What creates this deficit? Is it the haste in taking decisions of life or missing out making the right ones; its either right ones at wrong time and wrong ones at any point of time. Or is it the false ego one constantly wants to satisfy, or the pursuasion of unending list of desires or the race to compete with peers or the vindiction with the estranged partner or rebel with the principles of dear ones ???  Human mind is the greatest mystery.. too diffucult to comprehend, untangle and very diversively unstable.
Equally strenuous is keeping Everyone around you happy all the time and on same page as you are! One point of an unpleasant truth and down you go the drain of their minds!
Experience has taught me few lessons in the bargain. Jotting down a few:
1. Be honest to yourself. Do not change yourself for making others happy because  that will only hurt you in long run
2. Learn to say NO. So that your self-respect in your own eyes never go down
3. Cut out the negativity in all its forms frm your life – it could be negative people, selfish people, harmful people, complaining and all time nagging people, dominating people, hypocrites.
4. Be grateful for every little thing God has gifted you. Gratitude multiplies the strength of prayers and healing comes naturally.
5. Never retort to ungrateful people because your understanding is with God not with the mortals
6. Keep yourself surrounded by best friends called Books  they never ditch, never cheat, never expect too much except that you handle them with care and mostly they only know how to give!
7. Believe you can and you will! This is the Guru mantra for success in all endeavours
8. Be focussed and stick to roots but also remember – “who moved my cheese”
9. Nobody is indispensable in this world, so keep innovating, keep moving on and never behave pricey! World can move on without you too!
10. Be humble. You neverr know the person you humiliated can someday be on the other side of the table and you can be on the receiving ends
11. Remember “Memento Mori ” so Keep a big heart , forgive, forget and move ahead. Most importantly first forgive yourself.
12. Never discuss personal issues with anyone except yourself. There can be no third person except you and yourself knowing them. People might give sympathy while hearing them but enjoy tequila shots with others while sharing and spreading them, sometimes even manipulating them
13. Trust slowly, judge none
14. Let the failures go only with you to your grave
15. Bad things happen and theres always a lesson to be learnt but remember to not repeat them again.
16. Meditate. Thats the only gate to the mysteries burried deep inside your conscious and subconscious!

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