Monday 23 September 2019

A bit more of going within !!!

23rd September 2019 will be always a cherished date for me to be grateful to the Creator Almighty or Universe Supreme or Eternal purified Source of Energy as I could delve a little more deeper in vertical dimension of my being today, like explained by Mr Eckhart Tolle..Pain pushes until the Vision pulls and this quote from Mr Michael Bernard Beckwith stands true to my experience.
The early part of todays morning started with disempowering thought patterns of restlessess and anxiety but a Kalyanmitta whom I call my Spiritual Friend gave me the invaluable guidance out of empathy and compassion and with that I followed up with more data on internet videos of Mr Eckhart Tolle and as I kept listening and following the information, all the knowledge accrued from past practice of Vipassana mindfulness meditation, Deepak Chopras group meditation courses on abundance, books on personal growth, manifestation etc...all that knowledge gathered in bits and pieces started getting connected by linking dots and I could keep myself more aware of my thoughts, emotions and feelings. Once wave of emotions died down... I could feel love and compassion for everyone and everything. ..Although I have felt such feeling of unlimited love towards everything animate and inanimate when one day I was starting to drive car to if I was one with the Universe ...felt for just few seconds I feel....even felt tears of joy in eyes then...
In becoming present and aware I felt so calm and stressfree wherein a creative title of a book on my experiences in life leading me to where I am today was conceived... will share that when book is ready with the grace of Universe.
Another beautiful coincidence is I happened to see 4:44 on my cell after I disconnected the regular call with my Father and I read about the Angel number 444 and found it so relieving to know where I am right now on my journey is perfectly where I should be and incredibly related exactly to the experiences I am going through. I was relieved I could let go of feelings of guilt and mistakes of past more easily and focus on my blessings instead!
This day is an important milestone on my journey of evolution... a little more deeper... a little more aware... a little more further towards the Ultimate.....Humble Gratitude and Abundant Thankyou and Love to Universe, God Almighty, all Angels and all  Teachers of wisdom for an unexpectedly beautiful day of Insight Revelations today!

Dr Racchana D Fadia

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