Just when I expressed my thoughts yesterday on my blog , that "The World is One Family" and thus communicate with the amazingly super-intelligent Universe about how I have believed Mother Gaia, and all sentient beings on her are connected, I was somehow led to a serendipitous YouTube video that speaks about the brief synopsis of "The Law of One".
My curiosity peaked when I learnt that "the Law of One" is a series of conversations that supposedly occurred in sessions between 1981 to 1984 between A Sixth Dimension highly evolved being - "Ra" with a professor of physics and UFO investigator named Don Elkins and was channeled by a lady under trance , her name being Carla Rueckert.
Listening to this synopsis was very fascinating as it led to have a glimpse of the higher dimension beings, it's history, the possibilities of parallel universes, multiverses, Atlantis, Lemuria, Star Seeds and what not!
My spiritual Teacher Grand Master Choa Kok Sui does speak about the "Logos" of planets including the Sun, the Earth and other planets - that they are Beings with consciousness and the conversations between The Ra and Don Elkins reveal the same aspects about Logos and everything else!
Further, it is mentioned by Ra , that the mind-body-spirit complexes are incarnated in various Density worlds across this Universe, apart from Earth. That Sixth Density is the unity consciousness where polarities are united through love and wisdom and the Seventh density is the gateway Density, the last Density before mind-body-spirit complex merge back into the creator. That the Eighth Density is the beginning of the next Octave.
This made me recollect that Lord Buddha having attained enlightenment - i.e., becoming one with the Universe meant that HE crossed the Seventh Density gate! And I have also read that Lord Buddha is still on a further journey and comes very close to Earth only once a year on Vesak Festival New Moon, from far away just to bless the Earth while HE is still on a forward journey! I used to wonder about this forward journey and the mention of "the next octave" in this video helped me get some clarity on this!
Ra further mentioned that the Earth is going through the process of upgradation called as "Harvest" and many souls from higher dimensions have incarnated on the Earth for facilitating this process! And this reminded me of a YouTube video "A Gathering of the Tribe" a short Film by Charles Eisenstein w/ Jon Hopkins & Aubrey Marcus, sent to me by a "Self-realized" Saint.
The moment I saw this video, I instantaneously connected with it and it took me into the flashback of how my personal life events had unfolded in quite a similar fashion, of the fact that I always had this belief in "Conscience Supremacy" ever since I became conscious about my individuality, and the fact about how people around me would mock at my discussions about the "Divine" and "Miracles" and brand me to be boring while I was a teenager ...and yes I kinda found my Holy Grail after attending the first Vipassana Meditation in 2009 which I call it, as my "Rebirth"!
Ra further mentions that the mind-body-spirit complexes after being formed in Third density progress upwards through the densities as they evolve spiritually until they become one with the Creator at the end of the Seventh Density. This evolution is accomplished through incarnation into a body and many times until the soul has completed the lessons relevant to each density. Incarnation only occurs within First, Second, Third and Fourth density. That a physical body is no longer necessary beyond the end of Fourth Density. From the Fifth Density and beyond, the Body is purely energetic in nature. In order to progress from the Third to Fourth Density, individuals must make a choice between two polarities of Service i.e., Service to Others or Service to Self which in simple language means making a choice between Altruism & Selfishness. That the purpose of third density is to make this choice. The purpose of experiencing sometimes harsh environment of Third Density, at any location in the Universe including other planets, is for each soul to make this choice of service and thus progress. As entities evolve, they progressively balance and unblock their energy centres which directly corresponds to Chakras! This made me recollect the picture from one of the books written by Buddhist Monk, taken from Lord Buddha scriptures - Tipitakas. This information so much matches to what Ra has mentioned in the channeled messages. The Buddhist scriptures state that the different realms have enormously lengthy lifespans sometimes running in almost thousands and crores of human life years!
And so when I saw this picture, it immediately made me contemplate that how this concept applies even on Mother Earth itself, just like the average lifespan of a human adult is almost 80 years at present, which is 80 x 12 x 4 = 3840 weeks , as against the average lifespan of a butterfly or a housefly which is hardly 2 to 4 weeks only! meaning we as humans can witness somewhere between 960 to 1920 generations of a single butterfly/housefly in our single lifetime - interesting , isn't it?
No wonder , this explains how come so many successive generations of a human being prays to the same Celestial Deity, supposedly having such a lengthy life span, when compared to humans :)
And now, while writing this, I am also realising WHY I have been sooooooo fascinated by the Chinese Drama "Eternal Love"... Maybe because it kinda stirred up this knowing of different realms that was dormant within me since a long time apart from my inborn belief in the concept of "A Divine counterpart"!
For me, one of the most fascinating story told by Ra is of the Martian Elder namely Hanuman who is a highly virtuous shapeshifter from ancient Maldek and my mind just wandered into thinking if there was any relation of this Hanuman to our Lord Hanuman [or may be not!]. Even the characters of Ramayana such as Sugreev, Baali, Jaambvan, Angad, Nal, Nil, Jatayu, Sampaati and others resemble so quite like the characters of the ancient civilizations mentioned in this video!
Further Ra said that they are a Sixth-Density social memory complex that formed on Venus about 2.6 billion years ago and that they are “humble messengers of the Law of One” , that they previously tried to spread this message in Egypt with mixed results. And again, mention of Egypt made my eyebrows rise and corners of my lips widen with a sweet joy & feeling of familiarity! Hahaha.. On another note, Ra mentioned Egypt in these chanelled sessions while The Sun God in ancient Egypt was also called "Ra" ! Beautiful co-incidence, isnt it!
I became quiet after watching this video, being immersed into the curiosity to know the truth, trying to analyze and assimilate the matter! Personally I have an intense desire to find out more about all this and it's kinda drawing me towards it more and more...this is surely one of my favorite topics of study, going forward!
In fact I have had certain vivid dream of which I couldn't make sense but after listening to these stories, about characters of the ancient civilizations many million years back, it kinda helped me connect some dots and make some sense of a weird dream I have had in past and of an unbelievable experience I have had while being awake, at a time when I was doing Vipassana meditation regularly every morning, many years back!
All in all, I feel that this serendipitous incident is indeed a timely sweet nudge from the Universe to help and guide me to enable broadening the horizons of my consciousness and telling me to think of the entire Universe or rather all other Multiverses as a collective consciousness of "ONE" - arising out of the same Supreme All-pervading & Super-Intelligent Consciousness!
Thus Universe course corrected my thoughts when I expressed just one level of the Truth !
As is rightly said by my spiritual Teacher Grand Master Choa Kok Sui that "TRUTH IS DYNAMIC" as Truth has many levels... like the cross section of any body or object will be shaped differently at different levels, when viewed from the top, but the whole Body is the actual Truth, and that cross section is just a part of the entire Body - the entire Truth - as beautifully explained by my another beloved and revered Teacher - Master Stephen Co.
The more one begins on the journey, to seek the Truth with an open-mind, the more levels of Truth one starts unearthing, knowing that the earlier known truth was just a part of the larger Truth!
Just like this beautiful video showing the comparison of everything in Universe and the Cosmic space -
Like The Mountain in the shape of this Beautiful "Sleeping (Lady) Beauty" located 33 miles Northwest of Anchorage, Alaska
Worth pondering, how all these unbelievable wonders exist today in our world but are absolutely beyond our comprehension and knowledge about their enigma of existence!
And thus my journey of evolving keeps continuing with beautiful pleasant communications To & From the Loving Caring Beloved Universe!
Thankyou so much Universe! Love you Universe!
Forever a Humble Seeker of Almighty God & Divine Providence!
-Meraki Pegasus
Dr Racchana D Fadia
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