A few days ago, I received a channeled message that resonated deeply within me, as if it was sent to heal the very core of my being. An uneasy feeling of restlessness was bothering me but I couldn't exactly point it out to myself as to what was bothering me. And this chanelled message not only threw the spotlight right on the reason of my unease, but also spoke right on the face of the wounds I had carried for so long — the pain of betrayals - some from strangers, and others from those once dear to me. While some of these people may still be a part of my life, they no longer occupy the same space in my heart as when I blindly trusted them. The message, though simple, was profound. Link:
Detangle Yourself From The Energies That Are Not Yours , Simply By Being In A State Of FLOW!
These words echoed in my soul, inviting me to release the emotional burdens I had been carrying—burdens that were never mine to hold. It was a reminder that, by allowing myself to flow with life, I could unbind myself from the negative energies that weighed me down.
As I began to embrace this message, the Universe had more to reveal. While cleaning out some old papers, I came across a letter I had written to my father after his sudden passing. His departure from the 3D was not only unexpected, but it came under incredibly painful and heartbreaking circumstances of betrayal from my own faculty doctors!
Reading this letter again rekindled old feelings of guilt—guilt for being helpless in the face of betrayals, guilt for the times I didn’t heed my Father's many advices , for taking his presence for granted as I never thought that time itself could betray me and take him away suddenly, while I could not even share with him even one more moment, one more conversation or one more hug or even a final loving embrace!
The emotions surged—guilt, pain, sadness, regret—but the Universe wasn’t finished. It had a higher plan to help me release these feelings, to pull me out of the muck and guide me towards freedom.
Soon after, divine messages poured in, offering clarity and guidance with such precision and relevance, that I knew they were meant for me.
The, two synchronistic messages from the Universe confirmed about a "generational curse breaker." These souls are chosen to break the chains of suffering passed down through their lineage. They are the ones who challenge the toxic patterns that have persisted for generations, refusing to conform or remain shackled by the expectations of their families and who go through these hardships as per the voluntary soul contracts they signed before arriving on Mother Gaia.
And I immediately recollected that a while ago, a friend had shared the concept of a "generational curse breaker" with me through a WhatsApp message. The term instantly struck a chord. Though I hadn’t yet researched it, I felt a deep, innate connection to the idea.
And then I reflect, another phrase that has stayed with me : "I Move by Faith, Not by Sight." This line became my tagline in all my emails and my guiding principle, reminding me that even when things are unclear, I am being guided by forces far greater than I can comprehend and that whatever happens, happens for good! And I loved this concept when I loved what Tony Robbins has to say - "Life doesn't happen to us, Life happens for us!"
This path isn’t always easy with the ups and downs, but the divine guidance I receive reassures me that every challenge, every betrayal, and every hardship in past, was but a stepping stone on my journey toward becoming aware, becoming awakened and one with my higher self - a learning to trust the flow of life, to let go of burdens that aren’t mine, and to walk the path of my true self—free from the weight and burdens of the past.
I wish more and more souls can feel this Divine presence, and know that The Divine is always with us, guiding us, waiting for us to take just one step and Divine shall take the rest 999 steps towards us! That Divine shall help us to release what no longer serves our highest good if only we can surrender and trust in the journey, embrace the synchronicities, live every moment and most importantly, forgive. Forgive others, forgive ourself, and step into the beautiful, whole, and free version of ourself that is patiently waiting to emerge, with a heart full of Gratitude for all that we have and for how far we made it, with the help and guidance of Divine Grace!
With Deep Gratitude to the Divine and unwavering faith in the process,
Forever A Humble Seeker of The Divine!
Move By Faith, Not By Sight!
Meraki Pegasus
- Dr Racchana D Fadia
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