Tuesday 2 January 2024

The birth of a Poet in me and my Journey from the Zone of Excellence to finding my Zone of Genius!

I used to write letters to myself and to God as a child in whatever language I knew at the time, but never imagined myself as a Poet. Although, by a stroke of fate, my journey into poetry began unexpectedly amidst the clinical hustle of Medicine practicals somewhere in the year 2001-2002, where the sterile precision of hospital rounds collided with the chaotic heartbeat of creativity. In the absence of our esteemed Medicine Professor that day, as my colleagues indulged in casual banter outside the hallowed hospital wards, I found an unconventional canvas for expression. In that serendipitous moment, I seized my pen and, almost instinctively, etched the embryonic verses of what would evolve into my inaugural poem—NEVER GIVE UP! What started as spontaneous scribbling transformed, with deliberate refinement, into a testament to resilience and unyielding spirit

Dr Racchana D Fadia's Muse: Never Give Up!!!

After this poem was written in the second year of M.B;B.S at Medical College, over the course of time, I unearthed a latent talent within me — the ability to weave poetic verses and shayaris in Hindi, infused with Urdu elegance. It was an unexpected revelation, perhaps sparked by impromptu shayari sessions with colleagues in the Medical College hostel. To my astonishment, words previously unencountered in my personal readings effortlessly spilled onto the paper, forming verses that, upon cross-verification, turned out to be impeccably crafted.

Around 2009 I also came to accidentally stumble upon the Vipassana meditation and in the process, became an ardent follower of Lord Buddha instantaneously, as if my subconscious was already aligned with the Teachings of Lord Buddha.

The fondness for writing had become a vessel for my burgeoning self-expression, allowing me to articulate thoughts across a spectrum of subjects. Sharing my compositions became a ritual, with readings entrusted to my mentor, Director Prof. Dr. K.C. Mohanty. One pivotal day, he proposed the idea of transcending personal musings to the public domain through a blog. Thus, "Dr. Racchana D Fadia's Muse" was born at drracchanadfadia.blogspot.com — a humble genesis underscored by boundless gratitude to the guiding light of my mentor who not only nurtured the birth of my intellectual identity but also sculpted my psyche, as a continuation of the profound gift bestowed upon me by my loving parents in the form of my physical body.

In the subsequent chapter of my literary journey, fate led me to YourQuote. Engaging with their prompts not only exercised my mental faculties but also unearthed a profound love for writing. It became a cerebral exercise, an immersive state of flow where the words danced effortlessly. At times, revisiting my own compositions left me in introspective wonder, questioning, "Did I write this? Truly?" In this literary odyssey, the written words became not just an expression but a revelation of the soul's depth. The realization that writing is an inherent part of my being has been both a revelation and a source of unbridled joy.

One profound encounter stands out among my life's transformative experiences—following my participation in the Enlightened Warriors Power camp in 2019, a profound personal growth program. Tasked with embracing our roles as warriors for the greater good, we were guided to seek clarity through meditation. As I delved into this meditative journey, I posed a question to the vast Universe: reveal to me a glimpse of my purpose on Earth. What unfolded was an awe-inspiring vision—a white, winged horse with a majestic horn adorning its forehead, accompanied by a monk radiating an aura of enlightenment. Unfamiliar with Western mythological creatures, I initially associated this ethereal being with Pegasus, thus christening myself "Enlightening Pegasus."

It was only later, through diligent research, that I discovered the distinction between Pegasus and the mythical Unicorn. The creature I had envisioned, a convergence of both winged Horse and with a mystical horn, is known as an Alicorn. Despite this revelation, my heart remained steadfastly attached to the name Pegasus. Inquisitive, I sought to understand the significance of these vivid images revealed during the Enlightened Warrior Power Session. My query to the Universe— "Who Am I?" —took an unexpected turn as a poetic flow emerged within me. Lines gracefully formed on paper, weaving a narrative that resonated with my subconscious depths - sans the knowledge of how it would come to fruition!

Through meticulous proofreading, I refined these verses into a final composition, a testament to the alignment of my inner self with a higher calling. As the verses took shape, I surrendered to the guiding hand of the Universe, trusting it to illuminate the path toward my highest good. This journey, marked by mystical revelations and self-discovery, epitomizes my commitment to the name "Enlightening Pegasus" and the purpose it signifies

Dr Racchana D Fadia's Muse: WHO AM I ?

After this profound poem, my journey of self-development unfolded, guiding me toward the realization of my life's purpose revealed during meditation. Little did I anticipate the twist of fate that awaited me. My plans to relocate to Malaysia, aligning with Mindvalley and engaging in Dermatology department of a Malaysian University as a part-time teacher, were abruptly halted by the global onslaught of the Covid pandemic. Despite the detour and in the face of adversity, the knowledge imparted by my mentor, a respiratory physician, proved instrumental in alleviating Covid symptoms among acquaintances. This success catapulted me into being a frontline Covid warrior, offering my expertise and fearless willingness to join Covid wards (for conducting my protocols) at Kasturba Hospital in Mumbai, at a time when Respiratory physicians were themselves literally scared and unwilling to attend to the Covid patients due to the dreadfulness of this disease portrayed in the media by the world governments.

However, life took an unforeseen and tumultuous turn when my father's decade-long conflict with a builder erupted into a storm, thrusting and dragging me into an undesired battlefield. The severity of the situation reached a tragic climax when the builder's machinations played a role in my father's ill-treatment during hospitalization and subsequent demise. Powerless in the face of a personal tragedy, I witnessed my father's life slipping away from my hands, a stark contrast to the fulfilling successes I had in saving other Covid patients (who were more elderly and more critical than my own Father) from the fatal clutches of the Covid disease.

This darkest phase sought to break not just my spine but also my spirits, a warning to deter us from pursuing legal action against the builder. Losing my father mysteriously, coupled with the builder's audacious claims sent through police documents, left me in anguish, enveloped in darkness, and consumed by the flames of vengeance. Initially driven by the desire to destroy everything, I stumbled upon the healing words of Master Stephen (Pranic Healing) through the serendipity of YouTube's auto-suggestions.

Master Stephen's teachings, especially those centered around Lord Buddha, became my lifeline. In the midst of his lectures, I experienced profound realizations that redirected my path. Although I managed to shed the negative energies of revenge, the guilt of being unable to save my own father lingered, gnawing at me from within. Fortunately, Pranic Healing emerged as my guiding light, unveiling my Zone of Genius and aligning me with my true calling.

Today, fortified by the grace of God, the guidance of my Guru, and the support of celestial beings, I navigate my journey with unwavering faith in the Divine. I eagerly anticipate the manifestation of my life's vision and soul purpose, trusting that it will become a reality and for the highest good of all, as I offer myself to God as The Humble Servant of The Divine , forever and till Infinity!


- Dr Racchana D Fadia

- Meraki - The Enlightening Pegasus

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