Sunday 24 September 2023

Deciphering spirituo-scientific concepts through great synchronicities!

So this youtube suggestions pops up on my screen and out of numerous other YouTube video suggestions, something in my heart tells me to watch this one ... I start watching it and then there are many discussions that are kinda talking to  me  in relation to where I am  exactly at this stage of my life, what I am going through and suddenly I hear this amazing revelation from Alex explaining a concept on his YouTube channel  in his own words that so simple to understand...

After I heard his explanation, I immediately recollect this movie "Mirage" that I watched just a couple days back. This movie shows an unusual portal opening up abruptly due to a strange stormy weather conditions making  the lead actor  be able to communicate with a boy from past  who used to live in that same apartment where the lead actor just moved in. This abrupt connection happens over the old  electronic gadgets TV and camera of that boy that were lying in this apartement  that they moved in. Irony of the situation is that on the same exact day in past this boy got killed in an accident  and so the lead actor  communicates this to the boy and convinces  him to not go out and thus tries saving his life because she knew what happened to this boy on that same day in past.  However, by this act of hers she strangely and unknowingly wakes up to a complete different reality the very next morning after this storm... and the story kept unfolding in a very interesting and thrilling manner!

The energy of this concept and memory of wahtching this movie is so strong that I  am feeling the wave of energy on my body while am writing this... this movie left me contemplating about the concept,  about the free will  of  making  choices in life  and its effect on our possible other realities! And as much as I was contemplating,  I  also resonated with  it deep down.

This movie may appear fiction to most viewers,  but the concept that this movie has tried to portray / explain, is exactly the same concept that Alex has explained in this  youtube video (below) while having discussions with a Psychic medium/ Channel Anne Tucker. What an amazing synchronicity to first come across this movie portraying a sort of  spiritual concept which connects at a deeper level and in just few days, again the same concept  gets  reinforced and simplified by other seekers!!!

Have transcribed the part from YouTube video that hit me the most and just blew my mind away... 

" The idea of that, that idea of the...of everything happening all at once, you've mentioned it a few times now, when they say it...when angels are saying it...and also now....with this whole idea , which I haven't heard that one specifically but it makes all the sense in the world to me...because this idea....and I keep hearing this from channels, I keep hearing this from near-death experiencers that all of our lifetimes are happening at the exact same time, that we live parallel lifetimes and our... the way I explain it is , the needle on the record.. for all the old folks who knows what a needle on a record are, is right here where we are right now. But the records is deep and long on both ways. And when we shift something here in this life, where the needle ripples back and it ripples forward as well..."

Further.. I wanted to spend time with Mom and  wanted her to enjoy  her weekend so I just watched this movie "Radhe Shyam" with her last night and voila another beautiful concept it portrays is that "if there is a strong will, one can write their own destiny "  which again  reinforces  the "needle on the record" concept of Alex in his youtube video  as well as words of  the great spiritual Master Lord Buddha :

"attā hi attano nātho, attā hi attano gati"

One is indeed one's own lord ,  one is indeed one's own destiny

Being able to comprehend these concepts is like a treat for a spiritual seeker like me!

Thankyou Almighty God , Universe, all the Spiritual Teachers and Entire Divine Providence for your  loving guidance, light and immense blessings !

-Meraki Pegasus


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