Thursday, 29 August 2024

Detangle Yourself From The Energies That Are Not Yours , Simply By Being In A State Of FLOW!

Yes, can't agree more that THIS timely synchronistic message indeed found me for a Reason, as rightly concluded by the beautiful and lovely Tarot reader on YouTube channel "Channeling Angel by Anadasia Rose" - and one can't stop appreciating that She truly comes across as a beautiful Fairy Angel and the way she carries herself and expresses her sensuality is as, or rather, even more beautiful than 'A Rose' :)

Been receiving same messages from most Healers and Tarot readers of my beautiful soul family that exists through connections across various dimensions - 

"Release! Release! Release! What's not yours - just Release!"

With the state of affairs, I knew that something has been troubling inside of me, but I wasn't able to figure it out all by myself...was kind of knowing somethings' just not quite right within... but couldn't pin point to what it was! Because for me, I would think that since I do my meditations, while having a fair understanding of tools and techniques to practice forgiveness to self and heal the past pain and trauma, that it was enough and that nothing else was needed to be healed any more or any further... But guess I required to be course corrected on this stand - coz I knew something was still amiss within but couldnt pin point to exactly what it was - And this message exactly pointed that out to me with immediate clarity - It is "BETRAYAL" !  The one most hurtful act experienced  not only from strangers but even from those, whom I considered  most closest to me!

Today I got the explanation of deeper reasons and awareness of why and what it is, that is bothering me subconsciously , that I was'nt able to point it out for myself,  that what beliefs were kind of limiting me in my growth and why I need to do what I love, why this phase of transition is as  important for me as it is, to perform, that why I need to rest, to relax and to rejuvenate - so as to gather myself back to the energy of the Source.  About Higher Purpose and Why I went through all the worst phases in life  enduring all of that and still never allowing an iota of bitterness to enter inside my heart,  except for facing some moments of doubts, of anguish, of agony because of the BETRAYALS from the sleeping ignoramus mortals!


When lovely Anadasia chanelled this message, it spoke directly to my Being, deep within -

 "....even though you know how to forgive, you know how to practice understanding and acceptance,  you know all of those things, you connected to that, the divine feminine within...but there's this part of you that's been holding on to some toxic bonds....some choices that you've's like you wanna set yourself free, you don't wanna feel any of seeing an outlet.. an outlet is needed....something working with your hands...creating something, allowing that energy to flow through you! What has previously worked is no longer working for you..and that's okay..the whole point of this life experience is to CHANGE & GROW!.......

....No more taking it easy on other people, only to be hard on Yourself! NO! It's time to balance that out! Um..when someone disrespects you, you can send that energy back...I feel like you've done a lot of taking on and holding on and carrying energies that do not belong to you! And your true nature is honestly just receiving's's devouring even, is what's coming through! Enjoying pleasure, bliss, joy, the sweetness of life....

You have so much more to offer than what the world around you, tends put you in a box...that can be easily controlled...and what you actually have to offer, is not something that can be controlled...what you have to offer is NATURE's a constant's constant's constant ..Breath of's Healing's Inner's owning your Power...owning who you are!

I just feel like you're meant to walk through this world with such a strong presence....

...allow yourself to scream, to cry, to dance ....whatever it is...

You are not the FOOL in all of this! You are not the Fool for loving, For giving SECOND CHANCES, For Extending Yourself, For Giving Beyond Yourself...YOU ARE NOT THE FOOL!  

But, it would be foolish to think that it does not affect you and that there are not repercussions and that there is not healing now that needs to be done, Nurturing that needs to replace what has been lost...

Heaven sent you here for a Higher carry out A Will..the Will of Life..... the Will of True Power..... there's something about your power that is.... it's so present here in a way that nurtures and supports the natural's like cycle of life with the Earth, in a way that a lot of presences that are on this Earth do not! There's a lot of presences on this Earth that are being supported by energy that need to be removed...And it's not your job to remove them, but it is your job TO RISE UP AGAINST WHAT IS BEING DONE ...and not even against what is being done..TO RISE UP FOR WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE...And it's not your job to serve Karma....Let God do that, Let the Universe take care of that...IT IS YOUR JOB TO STAY IN YOUR ENERGY, TO STAY IN YOUR POWER AND TO CREATE A NEW WAY OF LIVING, OF BREATHING, OF EXISTING, because THAT'S WHAT THIS WORLD NEEDS!  It doesn't need someone to fight battles that were never yours to fight and I know that you've been dragged into some here and there, But what the World needs, What God needs from you right now is TO FOCUS ON YOUR PRESENCE, TO FOCUS ON YOUR PATH,  TO PUT FOCUS ON YOUR PURPOSE, so that you can create a way... for yourself and the world around you...Others will follow you, but you have to give them something to follow!

You are the example; you were the one that was sent here..okay! So the World doesn't need you to "fight", this World needs you to "Be" ..... To "BE" ... to be the new presence of what it is to be alive... of what it is to value life... of what it is to "Be Love"... of what it is to "Be Loved"...So you're being called to that right now...To Rest, To Integrate, To Recover, To Tune into your Wisdom within, To Heal your body...To use your discernment, TO RELEASE BETRAYAL...To Tune into your sexuality....your passion, desire...and to DETANGLE YOUSELF FROM THE ENERGIES THAT ARE NOT YOURS !


AND So....


This also reminds me of the Japanese term that caught my attention couple years back - "KINTSUGI" - also referred to as 'golden joinery' - which is the art of mending broken things with golden or silver lacquer, thus giving the broken parts a beautiful repair - which as a philosophy also gives importance to the golden repair of that which is broken. It broadens the horizon of thinking, to view and accept a painful or hurtful past or history, not as hindrances, not as impediments or "WHY ME GOD???" questions, but as the beautiful scars of the past - reminding of the milestones that propelled you on the journey to a next level of "Becoming" -  the NEW YOU that evolved after the pressures endured by the coal before becoming a Diamond!  

So beautiful explained by Sean Buraniharan who also mentiones a very deep meaningful quote - 

"Every Next Level of Your Life Will Demand A New You... And Sometimes, It Takes Being Broken In Order To Become That New Version Of Yourself!"


AND SO....

I AM WHAT I AM !                                                     

Thankyou Universe! Thankyou Divine Parents! Thankyou Spiritual Teachers & Entire Divine Providence!

Forever A Humble Seeker Of The Divine!


- Meraki Pegasus

Dr Racchana D Fadia

Saturday, 24 August 2024

Meraki's Musing!


I  Could  Never  Doubt  The  Existence  Of  The  Divine

For,  The  Enigma  Of  It's  Creation

Of  All  That  Was,  Is  &  Is  Yet  To  Come 

Is  Revealed  as  Gifts  Of  Appreciation 

That  Continue  To  Be  Unwrapped  

In  Divine  Perfect  Time

With  Such  Grace  &  Boundless  Love

That  Reveals  The  Magic  &  Abundance  

Of  It's  Infinite , Timeless  &  Limitless  Shine!

- Meraki  Pegasus

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

A Loving Nudge From The Universe, Broadening The Horizons Of My Consciousness!

Just when I expressed my thoughts yesterday on my blog , that "The World is One Family" and thus communicate with the amazingly super-intelligent Universe about how I have believed Mother Gaia, and all sentient beings  on  her are connected,  I was somehow led to a serendipitous YouTube video that speaks about the brief synopsis of "The Law of One". 

My curiosity peaked when I learnt that "the Law of One" is a series of conversations that supposedly occurred in sessions between 1981 to 1984 between A Sixth Dimension highly evolved being  - "Ra" with a professor of physics and UFO investigator  named Don Elkins and was channeled by a lady under trance , her name being Carla Rueckert. 


Listening to this synopsis was very fascinating as it led to have a glimpse of the higher dimension beings, it's history, the possibilities of parallel universes, multiverses, Atlantis, Lemuria, Star Seeds and what not! 

My spiritual Teacher Grand Master Choa Kok Sui does speak about the "Logos" of planets including the Sun, the Earth and other planets - that they are Beings with consciousness and the conversations between The Ra and Don Elkins reveal the same aspects about Logos and everything else! 

Further, it is mentioned by Ra , that the mind-body-spirit complexes are incarnated in various Density worlds across this Universe, apart from Earth. That Sixth Density is the unity consciousness where polarities are united through love and wisdom and the Seventh density is the gateway Density, the last Density before mind-body-spirit complex merge back into the creator. That the Eighth Density is the  beginning of the next Octave. 

This made me recollect that Lord Buddha having attained enlightenment  - i.e., becoming one with the Universe meant that HE crossed the Seventh Density gate! And I have also read that Lord Buddha is still on a further journey and comes very close to Earth only once a year on Vesak Festival New Moon, from far away just to bless the Earth while HE is still on a forward journey! I used to wonder about this forward journey and the mention of "the next octave" in this video helped me get some clarity on this! 

Ra further mentioned that the Earth is going through the process of upgradation called as "Harvest" and many souls from higher dimensions have incarnated on the Earth for facilitating this process! And this reminded me of a YouTube video "A Gathering of the Tribe" a short Film by Charles Eisenstein w/ Jon Hopkins & Aubrey Marcus, sent to me by a "Self-realized" Saint. 

The moment I saw this video, I instantaneously connected with it and it took me into the flashback of how my personal life events had unfolded in quite a similar fashion, of the fact that I always had this belief in "Conscience Supremacy" ever since I became conscious about my individuality, and the fact about how people around me would mock at my discussions about the "Divine" and "Miracles" and brand me to be boring while I was a teenager ...and yes I kinda found my Holy Grail after attending the first Vipassana Meditation in  2009 which I call it, as my "Rebirth"!


Ra further mentions that the mind-body-spirit complexes after being formed in Third density progress upwards through the densities as they evolve spiritually until they become one with the Creator at the end of the Seventh Density. This evolution is accomplished through incarnation into a body and many times until the soul has completed the lessons relevant to each density. Incarnation only occurs within First, Second, Third and Fourth density. That a physical body is no longer necessary beyond the end of Fourth Density. From the Fifth Density and beyond, the Body is purely energetic in nature. In order to progress from the Third to Fourth Density, individuals must make a choice between two polarities of Service i.e., Service to Others or Service to Self which in simple language means making a choice between Altruism & Selfishness. That the purpose of third density is to make this choice. The purpose of  experiencing sometimes harsh environment of Third Density, at any location in the Universe including other planets, is for each soul to make this choice of service and thus progress. As entities evolve, they  progressively balance and unblock their energy centres which directly corresponds to Chakras! This made me recollect the picture from one of the books written by Buddhist Monk, taken from Lord Buddha scriptures - Tipitakas. This information so much matches to what Ra has mentioned in the channeled messages. The Buddhist scriptures state that the different realms have enormously lengthy lifespans sometimes running in almost thousands and crores of human life years! 


Since resolution of this image may not be clear, uploading the same image in parts starting from lower realms, progressing to higher realms of existence 




And so when I saw this picture, it immediately made me contemplate that how this concept applies even on Mother Earth itself, just like the average lifespan of a human adult is almost 80 years at present, which is 80 x 12 x 4 =  3840 weeks , as against the average lifespan of a butterfly or a housefly which is hardly 2 to 4 weeks only! meaning we as humans can witness  somewhere between 960 to 1920 generations of a single butterfly/housefly in our single lifetime -  interesting , isn't it? 

No wonder , this explains how come so many successive generations of a human being prays to the same Celestial Deity, supposedly having  such a lengthy life span, when compared to humans :) 

And now, while writing this, I am also realising WHY I have been sooooooo fascinated by the Chinese Drama "Eternal Love"... Maybe because it kinda stirred up this knowing of different realms that was dormant within me since a long time apart from my inborn belief in the concept of "A Divine counterpart"!

For me, one of the most fascinating story told by Ra is of the Martian Elder namely Hanuman who is a highly virtuous shapeshifter from ancient Maldek and my mind just wandered into thinking if there was any relation of this Hanuman to our Lord Hanuman [or may be not!]. Even the characters of Ramayana such as Sugreev, Baali, Jaambvan, Angad, Nal, Nil, Jatayu, Sampaati and others resemble so quite like the characters of the ancient civilizations mentioned in this video! 

Further Ra said that they are a Sixth-Density social memory complex that formed on Venus about 2.6 billion years ago and that they are “humble messengers of the Law of One” , that they previously tried to spread this message in Egypt with mixed results. And again, mention of Egypt made my eyebrows rise and corners of my lips widen with a sweet joy & feeling of familiarity! Hahaha.. On another note, Ra mentioned Egypt in these chanelled sessions while The Sun God in ancient Egypt was also called "Ra" ! Beautiful co-incidence, isnt it! 

I became quiet after watching this video, being immersed into the curiosity to know the truth, trying to analyze and assimilate the matter! Personally I have an intense desire to find out more about all this and it's kinda drawing me towards it more and more...this is surely one of my favorite topics of study, going forward! 

In fact I have had certain vivid dream of which I couldn't make sense but after listening to these stories, about characters of the ancient civilizations many million years back, it kinda helped me connect some dots and make some sense of a weird dream I have had in past and  of  an unbelievable experience I have had while being awake, at a time when I was doing Vipassana meditation regularly every morning, many years back!

All in all, I feel that this serendipitous incident is indeed a timely sweet nudge  from the Universe to help and guide me to enable broadening the horizons of my consciousness and telling me to think of the entire Universe or rather all other Multiverses as a  collective consciousness of "ONE" - arising out of the same Supreme All-pervading & Super-Intelligent Consciousness!

Thus Universe course corrected my thoughts when I expressed just one level of the Truth !

As is rightly said by my spiritual Teacher Grand Master Choa Kok Sui that "TRUTH  IS  DYNAMIC"  as  Truth  has many levels... like the cross section of any body or object will be shaped differently at different levels, when viewed from the top, but the whole Body is the actual Truth, and that cross section is just a part of the entire Body - the entire Truth - as beautifully explained by my another beloved and revered Teacher - Master Stephen Co. 

The more one begins on the journey, to seek the Truth with an open-mind, the more levels of Truth one starts unearthing, knowing that the earlier known truth was just a part of the larger Truth! 

Just like this beautiful video showing the comparison of everything in Universe and the Cosmic space -                                              

Like The Mountain  in the shape of this Beautiful "Sleeping (Lady) Beauty" located 33 miles Northwest of Anchorage, Alaska 

Worth pondering, how all these unbelievable wonders exist today in our world but are absolutely beyond our comprehension and knowledge about their enigma of existence!



And thus my journey of evolving keeps continuing with beautiful pleasant communications To & From the Loving Caring Beloved Universe!

Thankyou so much Universe! Love you Universe!

Forever a Humble Seeker of Almighty God & Divine Providence!

-Meraki Pegasus


Dr Racchana D Fadia

Tuesday, 20 August 2024

Answers Through Telepathic Communications From My Beautiful Soul Family!

Presently in my day-to-day life, I was having some brain fog regarding a certain situation and sought clarity from the Universe to intervene and help me regarding this situation!

To my pleasant surprise, I get this YouTube suggestion of a video that turns out to not only confirm the Angel numbers I have been seeing quite often , but in the later part, this divine soul of You-tuber going by the name "Line of light" re-enforces a tool that was taught to me by my Vipassana Acharya Shri Savla Guruji after I lost my Mentor in 2017 , And  I had somehow just forgotten this over a period of time due to multiple factors...This video helped me recollect that invaluable tool to tackle the situation I have been facing and for which  I sought help and divine guidance from the Universe, recently!


I was so moved by this timely message to me that I wrote this lengthy heart-filled comment for her :

"Hey you did such a great noble thing of giving a hug to someone at the most low! That must have saved her of some drastic step, if at all she stayed in that darkness...the positive energy cultivated by you through regular meditations , flowed from you into her low-frequency vibrating soul (at that moment) and helped to raise her spirits! You were a truly God sent Angel for her! And This is such a beautiful message and divinely synchronized messages!
Yes me too seeing lots of 144 almost every day! We all are connected , regardless of our conscious brain being able to register the fact that "WE ARE ONE", as taught by my Spiritual Teacher Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, and yes I have also heard from the clairvoyants that they see the film of something like a woven mesh , that connects all sentient beings on Earth ! It's all confirmation! I believe you! We are all together in this whether we meet in person or not, we are all together in quantum field and assisting each other by raising the vibrations of the collective!
Your message has truly come to me when I needed to hear this and understand few equations between me and my loved ones too! Although my Vipassana Teacher had taught me to use telepathy way back somewhere around 2017, for connecting with souls through telepathy during meditation, I had kinda almost forgotten his teachings!...But thanks to you I recollected this tool, ...Abundant gratitude for being my guiding light here! A Huge Warm Hug, Loving Light - Meraki Pegasus!

I totally agree with her concluding statement - Yes we all are abundantly loved  and  supported  and  Miracles  keep  showering  in  our  lives  to  cheer  us  up,  to  help  us,  to  guide  us  and  to  protect  us  while  we  walk  this  journey  of  Duality!
It is as if my Soul had always known this Truth about Oneness, that was somewhere deep down buried within me and I could only identify it with some clarity and immediately during my first 10 days Vipassana Course attended at Igatpuri in Nashik somewhere in April - May 2009!

With similar frequency thoughts and beliefs I had written these lines for a "434 Poem" prompt from YourQuote , that re-enforces the age old scriptures of Maha-Upanishads in Indian culture : "VASUDHAIVA KUTUMBAKKAM" 

meaning " The World Is One Family"


I am thrilled and ecstatic that Universe has my back...Life has become so lively, it feels so beautiful to be a part of a huge loving Soul family and now its a subconscious part of me to believe that we all are connected in the quantum field ! 
Yes, we are guiding and supporting each other through our vibrations and pure intentions for each other! 

How clear can this get???? - A synchronistic video delivering me the exact message of solution that I need the most, at the present moment for something very important!!! Its one of the greatest confirmation of this invisible love and support from "Divine Oneness", for those who seek and for those who choose to explore with an open-mind with firm Faith, rather than conform to self-limiting beliefs with insinuated doubts from self and those around self!

Yes we all are a huge "Global Family" vibrating on similar frequencies, going through our individual journeys but towards the same goal - towards "Truth" and "Light" - that also reinforces my firm faith and belief that we are a part of a huge global family - as written in my formative years of my soul-searching while the Dark Night of the Soul was in its nascent stages! 

Forging ahead together, In Faith, In Love and In Light, with My beautiful Soul Family,

As per the Divine Guidance from Higher Self and Higher Realms!

Once again would love to re-iterate the message in one of my earlier blogs :

Feeling elated with divine messages from the Universe & Gaia through my Soul Tribe— souls who share similar experiences for a reason —

"Journeying and forging ahead

from darkness towards dawn, 

all beautiful souls of a tribe,

sing the very same song!"

Whispers from the Universe & Gaia : Divine Messages on Life's Journey

And here's another timely synchronistic message I miraculously came across regarding the situation I sought guidance from Universe! This one is made by my favorite Empath Erika, whose channel I have not yet subscribed (Sorry Erika, but I do send you my loving energyof gratitude) just so as to prevent the bias of receiving suggestions from subscribed channel! She records a message and it turns out there's also a confirmation- a butterfly that popped out in my Tarot reading today - Yes this message was a software update and backup for my Consciousness about the issue I sought help and guidance for.                 

Ever so grateful and humbled by these experiences wherein Universe keeps sending support after support until the issue gets resolved in the best interest of all involved :)

Forever a Humble Seeker of The Almighty God & The Divine Providence

Meraki Pegasus


Dr Racchana D Fadia

Sunday, 11 August 2024

Ask & Ye Shall be Given, Seek & Ye Shall Find!

Here's an unbelievable experience , about how specific Universe can get while replying to your queries and making you feel heard, if you are a seeker

A few days back, I wrote this in one of my Blogs titled as Life is A Learning and Mine is Divinely Guided :

"I don't know how the algorithm of YouTube videos autosuggestions work, but to ensure that I receive only the channeled messages meant truly to reach me without being biased or prejudiced, I don't subscribe to most channels I only watch those random videos in lesiure time, that pop up for me as YouTube auto-suggestions! "

And today I get this channelled message from the Universe about Algorithms of social media on Earth, that made my eyes bright and wide with boundless joy!

The wisdom of these words :

Ask...& Ye shall be Given

Seek...& Ye shall Find

Comes alive in our lives, once we allow ourself the permission to "believe" in the power of the Universe... like Suzanne Geissmann, despite being trained as a naval commander throughout her career at a highly coveted post in US military, allowed her left brain thinking to take a break while she was learning to connect with the Universe in her earliest years of Soul searching and spirit connecting, with a sincere desire to connect with the Spirit of her step-daughter! 

What a beautiful coincidence of receiving the same message from "Awakened Way" messages published by Ms Suzanne Geissman and her Spirit Team to inspire the new generation of seekers of Truth about existence! 


Ms Suzanne Geissman could connect with the spirits only because she was open to the idea of reinforcing herself everyday of a statement of belief in higher power! If she chose to not believe and take everything as a coincidence she may not have met the beautiful souls of her step-daughter and the spirit of "Wolf" as shown in her "Heart Gifts Presentation" video.

And so there are truly so many of us now on Mother Gaia, who have this inner compass of knowing and believing....Its just requires us to allow ourselves the permission to let this Supreme power / Universe, whatever name you identify with this power as, a chance to bloom our lives, to cleanse all traumas from our lives and lead us towards the unconditional love and light of Almighty God!

And the best way to communicate with Universe is the most important languages of "Faith" & "Patience" - "Shraddha" & "Saburi" as preached by my first Spiritual Guru after my Parents - Shri Sai Baba

Thankyou Universe for making my day! Thankyou for inspiring me to inspire your beautiful creation on Mother Gaia,

Love you till Infinity,

Your Loving Light


Humble Servant of the Almighty God & His Company

Meraki Pegasus

-Dr Racchana D Fadia

Lord Panduranga - My Sakha & The Charioteer of my life!

This Song soooooo much resonated with my soul... deeply moving...kept on listening till I could understand every word and then wrote it and translated it in English :)

My soul's innermost desire beautifully portrayed in this devotional song for Lord Panduranga - My Guide, Philosopher and Friend (Sakha) - akin to playing the role of charioteer of Arjuna

English Translation of one my Fav Devotional Song !

Maangto mi Paanduranga, Fakt ek Daan....
(O Lord Panduranga!
I ask from thee
Of Only One Gift (Donation))

Maangto mi Paanduranga, Fakt ek Daan....
(O Lord Panduranga!
I ask from thee
Of Only One Gift (Donation))

Mide jyaane mukti aiyse... dyaave maz Gynaan.....
(That which helps to get Liberated.... (Kindly) Give me such (Supreme) Knowledge)

Mide jyaane mukti aiyse... dyaave maz Gynaan.....
(That which helps to get Liberated.... (Kindly) Give me such (Supreme) Knowledge)

Mide jyaane mukti aiyse... dyaave maz Gynaan.....
(That which helps to get Liberated.... (Kindly) Give me such (Supreme) Knowledge)

Baalpani hote maazhe
mann he ajaann....
(During Childhood, My mind was ignorant)

Baalpani hote maazhe
mann he ajaann....
(During Childhood, My mind was ignorant)

Tarunpani saunsaraat
Gele sarv dhyaan... gele sarv dhyaan...
(During Youth, All my attention was spent (away) in the worldly matters)

Vriddhapan yeta aadi ...jaagti Mahaan...
(<now> Before the Old age catches up, The mind has awakened)

Vriddhapan yeta aadi ...jaagti Mahaan...
(<now> Before the Old age catches up, The mind has awakened)

Mide jyaane mukti aiyse....Dyaave maz Gynaan...
(<Hence> That which helps to get Liberated.... (Kindly) Give me such (Supreme) Knowledge)

Mide jyaane mukti aiyse....Dyaave maz Gynaan...
(That which helps to get Liberated.... (Kindly) Give me such (Supreme) Knowledge)

Pateetaana paavan karite, daya Tujhe ghor...
(Sinners get purified,
By Your kind magnanimous mercy)

Pateetaana paavan karite, daya Tujhe ghor
(Sinners get purified,
By Your kind magnanimous mercy)

Bheek maangto mi charni... apraadhikhor....
(<hence> Begging at your (Gracious) Feet
(Myself) A sinner
(Myself) A sinner)

Kshama kari...
(Kindly Forgive me)

Kshama Kari...
(Kindly Forgive me)

Kshama Kari..
(Kindly Forgive me)

Baa Vithaalaa
(O Beloved Vitthala)

Ange naahi Traan..
(There is no protection(reliability) to my body)

Kshama Kari..
(Kindly Forgive me)

Baa Vithaalaa,
(O Beloved Vitthala)

Ange naahi Traan...
(There is no protection(reliability) to my body)

Mide jyaane mukti, aiyse dyaave maz Gynaan...
(That which helps to get Liberated.... (Kindly) Give me such (Supreme) Knowledge)

Mide jyaane mukti, aiyse dyaave maz Gynaan...
(That which helps to get Liberated.... (Kindly) Give me such (Supreme) Knowledge)

Mide jyaane mukti, aiyse dyaave maz Gynaan...
(That which helps to get Liberated.... (Kindly) Give me such (Supreme) Knowledge)

Tarle te sant Tujhyaa...Naame anant...
(The (Great) Saints crossed the oceans (of Samsara)
By Just (Chanting) Your Infinite Name)

Tarle te sant Tujhyaa...Naame anant...
(The Great Saints crossed the oceans (of Samsara)
By Just (Chanting) Your Infinite Name)

Datta mhaney ye ta sagdi Jeevanaacha ant...
(Lord Dutta says, This is the (Only) Final destination <of Life>)

Jeevanaacha ant...
(<only> Final destination <of Life>)

Tuzhe roop raahu netri, soditas mi praan...
( I <yearn> to have your <Divine> Face in my eyes,
While am leaving my Prana<lifeforce>)

Tuzhe roop raahu neti, sodita mi praan...
( I <yearn> to have your <Divine> Face in my eyes,
While am leaving my Prana<lifeforce>)

Mide jyaane mukti aiyse dyaave maz Gynaan...
(That which helps to get Liberated.... (Kindly) Give me such (Supreme) Knowledge)

Mide jyaane mukti aiyse dyaave maz Gynaan...
(That which helps to get Liberated.... (Kindly) Give me such (Supreme) Knowledge)

Mide jyaane mukti aiyse dyaave maz Gynaan...
(That which helps to get Liberated.... (Kindly) Give me such (Supreme) Knowledge)


Loving Light
Forever A Humble Servant of the Almighty God & Divine Providence
-Meraki Pegasus
- Dr Racchana D Fadia