Saturday 12 August 2023

Divine Oneness - Connecting hearts and connecting the dots !

During my meditation today I was suddenly reminded of  this Divine miracle that occured while I was already  in Dermatology. At that time, I remember that apart from being a Sai Bhakta, I was very much into Vipassana. 

During my schooling years as a kid, we used to have a house maid  and her name was Sita Bai. She was a very loving caring person of high integrity.  Her husband Mr AtmaRam, used to work in my Grand-Father's factory and after passing away of my Grand Father he used to work for my Father in the same factory as it was right across the road where he and his family used to live. Mom fondly remembers Sitabai even today for her impeccable loyalty by always telling us about this event that occurred while we were kids - Once Mom forgot  her keys on the cupboard and it invariably had quite a bit of cash and bling. Mom had left home in a hurry for some place, leaving the entire home to Sita Bai while she was working alone. Sita bai saw the bunch of keys hanging on the cupboard and without any second thought she locked the cupboard properly  with the same key and kept the bunch of keys safely at some place and informed Mom about it on that evening. Mom was petrified about this as my Father had assigned  some huge amount of cash to Mom to be used for some business work around the same time and Mom was worried if anything went missing she will be held responsible by everyone including in-laws. However when Mom saw everything in place after opening the cupboard, she was so relieved and grateful to  Sita Bai for her righteousness and loyalty. Mom still remembers her even today and this is precisely the effect of a genuinely caring heart and clean character person over another person - remembrance of that person for a lifetine irrespective of the status quo!

Mom always wanted to have Sita Bai as our housemaid, however as we shifted to another place that was quite distant for Sitabai to travel, she couldnt manage to continue working for our house chores. Time passed by and from school I graduated to college and from college I went for medical school and from medical school I went into postgraduation in Dermatology!. All these years we hadn't seen Sitabai at all or even heard from her except her random sweet memories. In these years I  had  also begun my journey of the spiritual  quest that started  with my Prayers to my first Spiritual Guru at Shirdi - Shri Sai Baba! I  would converse directly with Baba heart - to -heart; telling HIM all my thoughts of that time, asking questions to show me the way, praying for blessings et al... and then  I had reached the point where I was  also delving deeper  into Vipassana Meditation as taught by Shri Satya Narayan Goenka Guruji around the time when following event occured!

One of the days, I suddenly got this strong feeling  that, "I must connect with Sita Bai, I must connect with Sita Bai... she needs help!" and I just asked Mom if she knew anything about the where-abouts or contact details of Sitabai. My Mom gave the answer in negative , however Mom was equally and genuinely interested to find out about Sitabai and how she was doing and if she needed any help. So me and Mom, we decided to visit the place where Sitabai used to live. It was a slum area in Malad East, right across the area where my father used to have his factory. Luckily Sitabai was still staying there and we could locate their house by asking the people living in that area. When we reached her house she was so overjoyed to see us and could'nt believe her eyes that we had  visited her. She was very pleasantly surprised and asked what we were doing there to which Mom replied, "My daughter felt strongly to see you and hence we  came to meet you and also check how you are doing!"  Sitabai was smiling ear to ear and we could feel her genuine happiness to see us in front of her, more so after learning that I (who was born in front of her eyes) had become a doctor!

I scarcely remember as of now, that it was a thatched hut and there was a verandah outside the two rooms of her house - an outer room and an innner kitchen. While we were standing outside in verandah, she asked if she could get some cold drink / tea for us. We agreed to have tea and then she invited us inside her house to make us comfortable. While we sat down in the outer room I noticed that there was a young boy who was lying on a wooden cot (chaarpaai) and he was very very sick. His head was shaved and he was holding his head and making continuous low frequency groaning noises and his facial expressions revealed he was in extreme pain and he was actually literally crying of that intolerable pain. When Sitabai came out with tea we asked her about the boy. She told us that he was his younger son Krishna. She said he was experiencing immense headache and pain in the eyes with lot of vomittings continuously since past many days and they even visited the KEM Hospital (Municipal Government Hospital) for the treatment as they couldn't afford private hospital treatment. All tests were performed and  Krishna was advised to get admitted for a surgery after diagnosing his condition to be a Brain tumor along with fluid collection. However since the waiting list at KEM Hospital was too long they weren't  able to get the admission that was utmost necessary to get Krishna operated immediately.

I immediately asked her to show me the medical papers and reports of Krishna and next day showed it to my Mentor and known contacts and medical colleagues. After everyone's opinion, it was advised to get the surgery done at KEM Hospital only but the issue was a long waiting list over there. By God and Guru's grace and the contacts of my Mentor Dir. Prof. Dr. K.C. Mohanty Sir, we could immediately get Sitabai's son Krishna admitted at KEM Hospital for the surgery. Further after the surgery was over, there was some issue with intravenous line insertion. It was again a divine miracle that I was kind of nudged to visit KEM Hospital  on my own through some inner voice/ feeling exactly around that time,  to see how Krishna was doing after the surgery at the hospital.  Due to intravenous line disruption and inability to find another vein in Krishna's body, the medical resident wasn't able to administer the extremely necessary medicines and antibiotics to Krishna after  surgery, as it was really difficult to locate the vein in his body. Luckily, being skillful at the intravenous line insertion, I volunteered to do it and the medical resident could then administer the medicines as per the prescription of surgeon. 

After all this was over,  Krishna was discharged and he was relieved of his pain and he recovered well. Sitabai visited our home with both her sons - Raju (elder) and Krishna  with box of sweets to Thank us for helping them in a very challenging situation to relieve their Krishna from the immense unbearable pain that had disturbed their family life. And the most amazing part of this whole occurence was revealed to all of us at this time when Sitabai came with her two sons to our house to express gratitude. Sita Bai saw the photograph of Sai Baba at our home and it so came out during our conversations, that after all the efforts of getting Krishna admitted to KEM Hospital failed , his elder brother Raju prayed to Shri Sai Baba to help them for his younger brother Krishna and send some help at the earliest and right after that me and Mom had visited them. And they didnt even know I was a medical doctor until we visited them. 

I was like Oh My God! No wonder I had such a strong feeling that "I must connect with Sita Bai... I must connect with Sita Bai...she needs help" So I now realised that it was a Telepathic message relayed to me by Sai Baba -and I also connected the other dots - that the main person who was crucial in getting  Krishna's name pushed upwards in the long waiting list of surgeries at KEM Hospital to get him  operated on an immediate basis through his influential contacts - was none other than my Mentor Dir. prof Dr K.C. Mohanty Sir - and He was also an ardent devotee of Shri Sai Baba! Our joy knew no bounds when we realised HIS LEELA in connecting the hearts of devotees and later also connecting the dots... all this after Raju prayed with a sincere heart!

This not only reveals the power of  Faith in the Prayers but also the mysterious ways in which the Universe works to connect all of us - who are but miniscule specks of energy  - in the vast ocean of all-knowing supreme consciousness  and also connect the dots that reinforce our Faith in the Divine intelligence propelling us step - by - step on our journey from doing to being with the ultimate goal of becoming aware about the "I AM" consciousness!

I am so very grateful for all these experiences of Divine miracles in my life that have helped me reach here and to always stay grounded, leading me with Faith and Patience! 

I walk by Faith - more than sight!


Aum Amen Aameen Tathaastu


Meraki Pegasus

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