Monday 7 August 2023

Learning to See & Feel , beyond the Veil of Life - The Afterlife World!


Abundant Gratitude Ms Suzanne Giesemann for being an iconic beacon of light showing the way  to  the world - 

How to Connect with parted loved ones ❤ 

Its healing to know that the  business between us and our departed loved ones is not yet unfinished and we are still very much together 

What if I cannot see my Father,  My Granny   my Dadda, with my physical eyes!

The heart feels the blessing hands and senses the love and care of loved ones who have departed!


After seeing Heart Gifts video, am blown away with the amazing evidentiary messages of the soul of Wolf and all the synchronicities. I totally believe in these, as I have myself experienced so many meaningful coincidences in my life as I progressed in the expansion of my consciousness through different meditations.

Love your work and Team,

God Bless you , your Team your loved ones abundantly with more energy and  more ways to continue the great work that helps awaken those who have forgotten the truth about existence and are living a robotic life with only one angled view about life as being just a mere biological offshoot from physical bodies of humans.

-Dr Racchana D Fadia

- Meraki Pegasus

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