Thursday 19 September 2024

"Psychic Amnesia" - Revealing Depths Of Divine Synchronicities & Importance of Ancestors Through Serendipitous Enlightenment

Today I share the Leela / expression of The Divine, about how the threads of synchronicity, ancestral love, and divine messages weaved together to inspire me writing my experience and through that highlight to other  beautiful souls of who they truly are - an expression of their Ancestors & The "I Am" Consciousness!

As I share my today's expereince of continuing realisation about the Depth of yesterday's synchronistic messages received from my Father , my Ancestors and Ganu Bappa, I hope it touches and inspires many souls to connect with their Higher Selves - The Divine Spark within them, and to honor their Ancestors whose love flows through our very being.

Yesterday, something profound stirred within me—a realization that moved my heart, connecting me deeply with my Ancestors and the Divine (Ganu Bappa) through intervention of my Higher Self, Divine Beings and Spirit Guides. After having written my yesterday's experience  about receiving message from my Father, my Ancestors & Ganu Bappa, the very same evening I came across a YouTube short from an amazing Psychic Cheryl Lee Harnish wherein she is educating about "psychic amnesia." And I didn't quite understand as I was also driving car at same time, so replayed it continuously to understand what it meant, coz the word "psychic" has always fascinated me!

After replaying few times, I dismissed it, thinking it wasn’t relevant to me. Little did I know that I was about to uncover a forgotten memory that had everything to do with the message I received from my Father and Ancestors in the morning that very same day!

Just yesterday, I wrote about my experience of how, a couple of days ago, I had stumbled upon an old letter (I wrote to my Father) while cleaning my cupboards. Finding and reading it brought up feelings of sadness and guilt, emotions that weighed heavily on me. Yet, the Universe had other plans. Yesterday, I received a message—delivered through a beautiful song sung by a psychic Tarot reader, Erika. She specifically mentioned that the message from Parents (Father for me)  had to be sung as a song. As soon as I heard the song and the message delivered  by Erika, I was moved to tears. It was as though my father was speaking directly to me, with a message that soothed my wounds expressed in the letter to him, and Erika meant this: 

"No matter what you've done or not done, we love you just the way you are. We are so proud of you. You're so beautiful, and that's why we chose you as our daughter."

As those words played out, the tears flowed out of joy of Papa acknowledging the emotions expressed by me to him through the letter I wrote,  and cheering me for all my actions / karma done in his honor. My heart received healing through  this synchronicity expressing unconditional love of my Father for me! The synchronicity was undeniable—this message was sent to me on the first day of "Pitru Paksha", a sacred 15-day period in Hindu tradition dedicated to honoring our Ancestors. During these days, it is believed that our Ancestors descend from the Ancestral realms (Pitru-Lok) to connect with their progeny i.e., us on Mother Gaia (Bhu-Lok). The timing to have found a lost old letter written to Papa, and the message delivered by Psychic Erika as an exact response to the same old letter that too on the very first day of Pitru Paksh was divine and I wrote this experience in detail yesterday:

Spirits of Father & Ancestors Healing my Heart Through Tears of Joy ! 

And surprisingly, while surfing on today's messages,  a deeper realization dawned upon me. Why had this message, from my Father and Ancestors, come in the form of a song? Then it clicked—there was a deep connection between this message and a song that had been very close to my heart: "Remember Me" from the movie "Coco" 

I had been captivated by this song, after I watched it for the first time, especially the Lullaby version where the father sings this as a lullaby to his daughter (Mama Coco as a child). This song depicts one of my most favorite scenes where the little daughter is  listening to this song sung by her Father, with such deep affection and innocent love of a child reflecting in her eyes! This movie had touched me so deeply that I watched it over and over again, even during a flight from Lisbon to Mumbai in September 2018, when I also experienced some divine miracles of my own.  

This also reminds me what an amazing meaningful coincidence it is  that the movie "Coco" is all about the importance of honoring the Ancestors in Mexican culture, much like Pitru Paksha in Hindu culture and this revelation comes to me during the same Period of celebrating our Ancestors and their lineage passed down to us! In both traditions, as well as many other cultures across the world, it is believed that Ancestors return to the Bhu-Lok (earthly realm) for a short period, and we make offerings to them as a sign of respect and gratitude. 

The Spirits specifically asked Erika to deliver message from Father and Ancestors in the form of a beautiful Song, as  if  they  knew how much this song and scene from COCO meant to me (and similarly for many other souls of the collective)!!!

 I had forgotten this connection of my heart to the scene from "COCO" wherein  "Father is singing song to his beloved daughter" due to what I now recognize as "psychic amnesia." - Thanks to the lovely intuitive Psychic Cheryl Lee Harnish, I was educated about this new terminology in my ongoing journey! My mind, burdened by the post-traumatic stress after losing my father under mischievous circumstances  in 2020, had buried this memory - akin to short term and long term memory loss! But the love and guidance of my Spirit Guides and Ancestors brought it back to the surface through synchronicity and educating me about a new term "Psychic Amnesia". Abundant Gratitude and Love to Cheryl Lee Harnish for this education and to the Divine Beings who sent this message to me in perfect divine timing so as to be able to  connect the dots and grow in my understanding of deeper concepts and their relevance in spiritual journey! They are healing me in ways I could never imagine, while I keep myself open to receiving their guidance and messages with an open-mind!  It was a reminder that even when we feel disconnected, our Ancestors are always watching over us, guiding us with their eternal love.

And another thing is that this song also comes at a special time in my life, while I am planning for final rites and rituals of my Father during this PitruPaksha in 2024, which I had kept postponed since passing away of my Father in September 2020 - as if this song conveys  to me about how my Father is telling me that no matter how far the distance between us is now or thereafter,  he will always be around me guiding and protecting me, and that he will always hold me close to his Heart and love me as his beloved little child, forever! 

This experience reaffirmed the importance of honoring our Ancestors. They are an integral part of our existence, not just biologically but mentally, spiritually and emotionally as well. They pass down wisdom, lessons, and even traumas that shape who we are. This is so beautifully illustrated by a scientific experiment involving mice. In the study, Lab mice were exposed to a particular scent along with an electric shock, causing a fear response that was recorded through wires and electric impulse generated on paper. Astonishingly, when the offspring of these mice were exposed to just the same scent, without ever receiving any electric shock, they exhibited the same fear response elicited by their parent—even though they had never experienced the shock themselves. This demonstrates how trauma and memories can be passed down through generations, imprinted in our DNA. Our Ancestors' experiences live within us, and their stories shape our lives in ways we may not even realize.

This understanding is why every culture on Earth holds deep reverence for their Ancestors. Whether it's through rituals, offerings, prayers, or simple acts of remembrance, paying respect to those who came before us is a way to honor the lineage that has made us who we are today. Our Ancestors are not just a part of our past—they are alive within us, in our DNA, our thoughts, our emotions, and our spiritual journey.

Family has always been one of my highest values along with Freedom, Love & Truth, my love for family extending beyond blood relations to include even those who aren't my blood relations but have indeed touched my life with their kindness, love and wisdom. This deep connection to my Ancestors shapes who I am and guides my decisions which reflects even in my writings! A couple months back, I had received a concerned whatsapp message in Hindi from  a family friend Late Shri K.C. Mehta Uncle, who, having faced his own challenges, reminded me of the toll that legal battles can take on one's health and well-being and nudging me, in a good way, to change directions in life from legal matters to personal life. In response, I shared a reflection that captures my core belief about how much Ancestors and their Blessings mean for me, I had replied in Hindi to mean that "What meaning does Life hold if we do not honor our own Creators? And what meaning will Death have, if our Ancestors cannot feel proud of the legacy they've left behind in Us?

A tΓͺte-Γ -tΓͺte with a wellwisher! (17 February 2024)

This sentiment in this spontaneous reply to Uncle is an expression of living my Truth through one of my Highest Values of Family - one that respects and values our Ancestral heritage, in the honor of their love and sacrifices for us and the wisdom that is ingrained in our very being!

And recollecting all moments like these ones that I have experienced gives me goosebumps of joy and bliss in the knowing that reminds us of the profound bond we share with our Ancestors, Spirit Guides, Soul Tribe in the collective and the Divine. They are always with us, offering guidance, support, and love—whether through a song, a memory, or a synchronicity.

As we move through life, it’s easy to forget this undeniable and most important bond and connection we share with our Ancestors as we tend to become caught up in the distractions and challenges of the present, not to forget the rat-race, peer pressure, comparisons of achievements through status and materialism in ultramodern lifestyle while existing in a competitive materialistic world laden with negative journalism and fast-selling higher TRP rated contents published on most media platforms! But The eternal truth is that the legacy of our Ancestors lives on in us, and by connecting with them, we reconnect with the deepest parts of who we are.

 This is so beautifully highlighted by Lord  Buddha in this episode of my most favourite TV Serials and now published on YouTube. I fondly remember, how I would eagerly wait for arrival of every Sunday mornings to watch this on Zee TV when it was relayed for the first time! Every story of Lord Buddha has been close to my heart and I would be moved to tears many times while watching this serial!  And so I recollected the scene from this TV serial about Lord Buddha mentioning about how Ancestors live through us for generations, which is specifically seen between Time Stamps 22:11 To 25:05 in this video. And make no mistakes, A Tathagata, A Buddha speaks Only Truth & Nothing But The Truth

As we honor our Ancestors, we honor ourselves and our future generations to walk on the path of virtues and love. So today, I encourage all beautiful souls, to take a moment to reconnect with your Higher Self and your Ancestors. Offer gratitude for the love, wisdom, and strength they have passed down to you. Recognize the beauty and power of your lineage, and know that your Ancestors are proud of you, just as my Father and Ancestors reminded me. 

With Prayers of Liberation, Dedicating This Revelation With Abundant Gratitude To : 

To All My Maternal & Paternal Ancestors of This Lifetime as well as Others,

To All Maternal & Paternal Ancestors of All My Spiritual Teachers & Divine Beings of Love & Light, elevating Consciousness in This Lifetime as well as Others,

To All Maternal & Paternal Ancestors of All Partners and Family Members of this Lifetime as well as Others,

To Maternal & Paternal Ancestors of All Those BEINGS In Any Form Who Have Been Kind To Me and My Loved Ones In Any Ways and Forms, in This Lifetime as well as Others,

TO Every Soul, Every Being, Every Thing in Existence including all Atoms, Molecules, Minutest Particle And the Void  That Connects All Of Universe, 

All Of Whom Are Collectively Assisting My Journey Of Growth Every Day In Every Possible Way!



Forever A Humble Seeker, Forever Evolving, Serving the Divine with Heartfelt Devotion.

Loving  Light,  

Meraki Pegasus  

- Dr  Racchana D Fadia

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