Saturday 7 September 2024

Finding Strength in the Divine During Challenging Times!

Yesterday, I found myself once again embroiled in the storm of legal battles. The advocates and counsel of the builder with whom I’ve been entangled in court cases, tried their best to break my spirits. They placed the matter before a Bombay High Court judge who had consistently ruled in their favor. It was a strategic move, one meant to corner me—a one-man army standing against manipulation and oppression—by leveraging their influence. 

This judge, unfortunately, is infamous for his treatment of in-person parties like me, someone who stands without an advocate. A person who should represent justice, instead, felt like an emblem of oppression. A man considered to be a "God of Justice" to victims of injustice, seemed to be an embodiment of the very injustice I was fighting against.

But in that moment, I found myself rising above. Not because of my strength alone, but because of the unwavering faith that God walks with me in every step of this arduous journey. The stress was immense, the temptation to lash out overwhelming. I wanted to tell the judge to do as he wished, for I was prepared to take legal action against him and defy the precedents he was setting against the law of the land, especially The Hon'ble Supreme Court of India. But I chose restraint. I chose to fight with grace.

After the hearings, I felt the weight of everything—the long-standing legal battles, the manipulations, the betrayals, the oppressions, the uncertainties, the injustice, people trying to take advantage after the loss of my Father and Mentor who always were my rock. In moments like these, the temptation to crumble under the pressure is great. And yet, amidst the sadness, something deep within me whispered: "You don’t need to worry at all. God is walking beside you. You cannot lose. Stay strong. Everything will be alright!"

It was as though the universe was speaking to me directly, and it gave me just the strength I needed.

When I finally made it home, exhausted, I missed my usual morning routine of watching channeled messages from higher realms. But today, as I watched the message I had missed yesterday morning, I felt a deep sense of connection. The words spoken in the video mirrored the exact thoughts that had crossed my mind during my moment of grief. 

The voice that comforted me in my low point wasn’t just a figment of my imagination—it was Divine. This channeled message was confirmation that God, the Universe, and the higher realms are always guiding and protecting me, even when I feel alone.

This experience reaffirmed my faith that I am on the right path. The battles I face in the physical world are tough, but with God beside me, I am equipped with an inner strength that cannot be broken. I am never truly alone. The guidance of the Almighty and the Divine Providence across all realms fills me with immense gratitude and reminds me that I am exactly where I need to be, doing exactly what I need to do.

For those reading this, I share my story not as a tale of my own struggles but as a reminder to you as well: no matter what you are facing, trust that the Divine is with you. When the world feels heavy and unjust, remember that you are not walking this path alone. The guidance, strength, and love of God is ever-present, lifting you even in the darkest of times.

And so it also reminds me of these Two beautiful songs that convey the very same essence of what I have lived and experienced for myself during tough times - After all, with the grace of Almighty God and Guru, 

Tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do! - Robert Schuller.


With boundless gratitude to Almighty God, my Gurus, and the Divine Providence across all multiverses,

Your humble seeker, 


Meraki Pegasus

Dr Racchana D Fadia

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