Saturday 21 September 2024

Divine Confirmations About Love Of Ancestors Through The Movie "COCO" & "Psychic Amnesia"

In my previous post, I shared how family holds important place in my life including family other than blood relations, especially through the eternal bond with all the Ancestors. This connection unfolded in a profound way just a few days ago when I discovered a letter I had written to my Father after he passed away in September 2020, it was hidden away in a cupboard. That moment brought out all emotions that were heavy on heart! I wished in my heart that somehow, someday, the response would find its way to me. And it did, in the form of a song sung by psychic Erika, and listening to this song, I burst out with tears of joy, as it acknowledged and comforted all my feelings of burden expressed in the letter! However, I didn't quite focus that day as to why Erika said, she was instructed by Spirits to deliver the message in the form of a "Song" only!

The chain of events as they unfolded in chronology, was written down immediately after , links:

Finding the Old Letter written to my Pappa after his passing away

Receiving Pappa's reply to my letter as a "song"

Ganu Bappa's Blessings and acknowledgement of my love for Him

And again another serendipitous YouTube video delivered to me on that very same  evening on "Psychic Amnesia" by Lovely Psychic Cheryl Lee Harnish sparked an epiphany. After my soul slept that night with the idea about "psychic amnesia" the consciousness did its work and I woke up next day morning with a lightbulb moment, a sudden understanding of the "why" behind receiving my Father's message through a song became clear. The song sung by Psychic Erika held a deeper meaning, much like the lullaby "Remember Me" in the movie "Coco" that is deeply cherished by me. I had always been moved by that scene,  since I saw the movie for first time wherein, as a small baby, Mama Coco listens to her Father sing the song "Remember Me" with innocent love and affection of a child! In 2018, I had connected with this song deeply due to the unexpected loss of my Mentor Dir. Prof. Dr K.C. Mohanty on 1st June 2017, as He is also a foster Father to me! Through this movie, it shows how Love transcends the boundaries of life and death. Thus, the very next day I was reminded how this scene from the movie "Coco" always captivated me, and it felt like no coincidence that my father's message also came to me as a song. It was his way of saying, "I remember you, I love you, and I am with you."

This experience of Tubelight realisations about reasons for receiving Pappa's reply to my letter in the form of a "Song" specifically  was penned down, link:

Tubelight switched on through serendipitous video on "Psychic Amnesia"

This realization hit me even deeper as it was not only comforting but also eerily symbolic, given that the very day I received my Father's message in the form of a song , it was the first day of Pitru Paksha—a sacred time in India for honoring and offering gratitude to our ancestors. The synchronicity of it all left me in awe. Coco—a movie that celebrates the core message about the connection between the living and the departed, importance of remembering and honoring our ancestors by paying gratitude to them through Ancetsral offerings in Mexican culture, beautifully  parallels  and  mirrors  the  Pitru  Paksha  in  Indian  culture!

As if I am getting realisations over time, I also recall that in the movie "Coco", the unwavering love of a Father transcends even the boundaries of life and death. Despite the deep betrayal by his friend and business partner, who once promised him a future of success, this Father's heart beats only for his family. Driven by the desire to offer his family a better life, he goes against the wisdom of his wife, unknowingly walking into a fate both treacherous and tragic. Even after his untimely death, his soul is consumed with the longing to see his beloved daughter once more. It is through the melody of his song "Remember Me" that his love for his daughter and family remains alive and this song is the thread that connects them across the divide of life and death testifying the bond they shared—a connection so strong it defies the grave.

This story strikes a deep chord within me, as it mirrors my own journey. Like the Father in "Coco", my own Father was led astray by those he trusted, betrayed by men of low morals and selfish intentions. Despite my Mother's warnings, he placed faith in the promises of a builder, convinced by fake assurances that the builder will honor the second deal  of 2011, just like builder honored the first deal of 2006 previously! Yet, when time revealed the builder’s true intentions of fraud, it was too late—the threats against our family became real, conveyed through a deceitful mediator Umesh Damji Dedhia posing as a family friend and wellwisher. And so, I too, lost my father to the cruelty and greed of these men, and the pain of that betrayal remains. But just as in "Coco", my Father's message sung as a song by Psychic Erika, is a testament that love never dies, and though separated by death, his spirit remains a source of peace, guiding me with a love that transcends time and betrayal - a  love that is eternal, unbreakable even by death itself.

The journey that I embarked upon after unfortunate sudden passing away of my Father, brought me to an even deeper understanding of myself. Through personal growth programmes, reflecting on the "why" of my decisions that caused my career and personal life to take a back seat while I seek justice for my Father through legal battles single-handedly, it  dawned upon me that "Family" is one of my highest values—something deeply embedded in my DNA  and at the core of my being! Just like Family is shown important for the protagonist played by Ranbir Kapoor in the movie "Animal". When  I realized that I am living my truth, all the concerns expressed by well-wishers regarding the worthlessness of pursuing legal battles against a powerful mafia builder in a metro like Mumbai, to seek justice for my Father, which were nagging my subconscious and creating doubts - died down entirely as  I felt solace in knowing that taking a temporary sabbatical from everything important to me, so as to live my Truth is not a loss, but a necessary step in helping my own soul and my Father’s soul find peace, knowing that I am fulfilling a higher purpose!

Yesterday morning on 20th September 2024, as we performed the Asthi Visarjan of my Father’s ashes and the Shradh for my Ancestors at Baan Ganga in Mumbai, I was blessed with confirmations from the Universe that my path is aligned and that I am doing the right thing! 

As soon as the sankalp (resolution) for Puja was taken, immediately there was a light drizzle of rains—a sign, our priest said, of the Divine blessings and Ancestors accepting our offerings, as rain symbolizes downpour of water collected from all the holy waters of sacred pilgrimages and thus an auspicious sign of blessings. At that moment of joy, I was also concerned and prayed that the lamp we lit for  Ancestral Puja remain steady despite the rain, and to my relief, the drizzle faded in sometime, allowing the flame to continue burning brightly till the very end of Puja. 

In Indian tradition a Crow holds much more importance -  as "Kaagbhushundi" in Ramayan - who is blessed by Lord Rama to be able to time travel and witness Ramayana innumerable times, Crow is referred to be a messenger of visiting guests, or sometimes signals warnings in specific way of cawing for becoming alert and much more. A Crow is also considered as a sign of our Ancestors accepting the offerings during Pitrupaksh! 

So while the Puja ceremony was going on, a Crow blessed my mother by gifting her a feather and marking her with its presence, further affirming that our gratitude and offerings were received well. 

Further, right immediately after Homa-Havan (offerings through final Fire-lab) when we sprinkled water and raw rice on ancestral offerings -  signaling the end of the ritual, at that very moment the sacred sound of the Shankh Naad (blowing of the holy conch) echoed through the air, from a nearby temple for the first time since morning - as if the Universe itself acknowledged our heartfelt offerings to our Ancestors. It was a deeply moving experience, filled with divine confirmations that my Father and Ancestors are always with us in spirits!

As if all of this weren’t enough, on my way back, my car got stuck in the narrow lanes of Baan Ganga tank, as a truck blocked our path while unloading things. And while waiting for the truck driver to remove his truck  from my path,  the Universe drew my attention closely upon the  top of it's windshield. 


On closer look, I could see the word “COCO” written on top of the windshield of the Truck  and I  was so overwhelmed with joy, as in that very moment  I saw that all the pieces of this beautiful puzzle had fallen into place — the serendipitous incidents in the last few days healing my heart through the comfort of my Father’s message received in the form of a song sung by  the lovely Psychic Erika and the synchronicities of receiving these messages on First day of PitruPaksh in India (period of Ancestral Offerings) unfolding my deeper bond and connections to my Ancestors through striking similarities of  Movie Coco which also  celebrates  the  importance  of Ancestors  and  paying  gratitude  to  them!


In a way, this also made me realise that everything happens for a reason, even the obstacles and delays in our path, have a purpose - like this Truck was obstructing the path of my car but if this Truck wouldn't have been in my path, I wouldn't have halted on the drive back home, to  look upon it's windshield closely and could have missed to notice the important message/sign that the Universe  wanted  to  show  me!

Further, when we were driving back, an Autorickshaw ahead of my car had the name of my Father - "Deepak" written on  it's backside and when I showed it to Mom, she suddenly mentioned, "I was just thinking since quite sometime, that why hasn't your Father's name showed up till now, like it usually does to make his presence felt! And here it is! Your Father fiulfilling our wish!" Moreover I also noticed the number 143 on the numberplate of a vehicle which is the language of Universe to say I Love You! In this case, this message is from my Father, as his name had just crossed our sight and I saw 143 immediately after!

I can recollect a similar experience of synchronicity  through a YouTube Video of  an amazing Evidentiary Medium Ms Suzanne Geisemann , who shared about her experience of doing a personal reading  of a Mother - Daughter duo in India with exactly similar situation of Father passing away during Covid and Daughter feeling the guilt of being unable to do anything to save her father despite being a medical doctor. This had helped me heal my guilt to a great extent! Link:

In these moments, it highlights the importance of connecting with the divine spark within us and our eternal connection to our Ancestors. This recent beautiful chain of events and synchronicities I experienced first hand, is a reminder that when we open our hearts and listen, we can receive messages from the beyond, that guide us through our darkest times. It is a confirmation that when we honor those who came before us, we are not only paying tribute to them but also drawing strength and love from them. Our Ancestors live within us, and their love flows through our veins, guiding us through life’s challenges  toward peace, purpose, and also help to witness beauty in our connection with the divine spark within us, that connects us all in Divine Oneness.

And thus I experienced the powerful confirmations of all the emotions and experiences I have been experiencing, including the serendipitous song in "Coco" - It is the Universe's way of confirming that while we live our truth, we are never alone, that the departed souls of Ancestors, our Spirit Guides are always watching over us, guiding us with love, and that every step of this journey is divinely orchestrated.

May we always honor our Ancestors, as they honor and cherish us - their children! and may we find comfort in knowing that love—across generations—never dies.

May this journey I am living and breathing, inspire you too, to listen to the whispers of your soul and the echoes of your Ancestors. Their love is woven into the very fabric of who we are, guiding us to our Highest Selves!



Forever A Humble Seeker, Forever Evolving, Serving the Divine with Heartfelt Devotion.

Loving  Light,  

Meraki Pegasus  

- Dr  Racchana D Fadia

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